egyptian,egyptský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Egyptian,Egypťan Hynek Hanke
Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, n.
1. A native, or one of the people, of Egypt; also, the
Egyptian language.
[1913 Webster]

2. A gypsy. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, a. [L. Aegyptius, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L.
Aegyptus) Egypt: cf. F. ['e]gyptien. Cf. Gypsy.]
Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian bean. (Bot.)
(a) The beanlike fruit of an aquatic plant ({Nelumbium
speciosum}), somewhat resembling the water lily.
(b) See under Bean, 1.

Egyptian cross. See Illust. (No. 6) of Cross.

Egyptian thorn (Bot.), a medium-sized tree (Acacia vera).
It is one of the chief sources of the best gum arabic.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Egypt or its
people or their language
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Egypt
2: the ancient and now extinct language of Egypt under the
Pharaohs; written records date back to 3000 BC
podobné slovodefinícia
egyptian,egyptský adj: Zdeněk BrožEgyptian,Egypťan Hynek Hanke
egyptian cat
Egyptian cat,
egyptian cobra
Egyptian cobra,
egyptian cotton
Egyptian cotton,
egyptian deity
Egyptian deity,
Egyptian bath sponge
Towel \Tow"el\, n. [OE. towaille, towail, F. touaille, LL.
toacula, of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. dwahila, swahilla, G.
zwehle, fr. OHG. dwahan to wash; akin to D. dwaal a towel,
AS. [thorn]we['a]n to wash, OS. thwahan, Icel. [thorn]v[=a],
Sw. tv[*a], Dan. toe, Goth. [thorn]wahan. Cf. Doily.]
A cloth used for wiping, especially one used for drying
anything wet, as the person after a bath.
[1913 Webster]

Towel gourd (Bot.), the fruit of the cucurbitaceous plant
Luffa Aegyptiaca; also, the plant itself. The fruit is
very fibrous, and, when separated from its rind and seeds,
is used as a sponge or towel. Called also {Egyptian bath
sponge}, and dishcloth.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian bean
Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, a. [L. Aegyptius, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L.
Aegyptus) Egypt: cf. F. ['e]gyptien. Cf. Gypsy.]
Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian bean. (Bot.)
(a) The beanlike fruit of an aquatic plant ({Nelumbium
speciosum}), somewhat resembling the water lily.
(b) See under Bean, 1.

Egyptian cross. See Illust. (No. 6) of Cross.

Egyptian thorn (Bot.), a medium-sized tree (Acacia vera).
It is one of the chief sources of the best gum arabic.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian chlorosis
ankylostomiasis \an`ky*los*to*mi"a*sis\, ancylostomiasis

n. [NL., fr. Ankylostoma, var. of Agchylostoma, generic name
of one genus of the parasitic nematodes.] (Med.)
A disease caused by the hookworm parasites of the genus
Ancylostoma (especially Ancylostoma duodenale), and
Necator americanus. Typically, infection in humans occurs
in the small intestine. In the small intestine they suck the
blood from the wall and, when present in large numbers,
produce a severe anaemia. Called also miner's anaemia,
tunnel disease, brickmaker's anaemia, {Egyptian
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + AS]
Egyptian clover
Berseem \Ber*seem"\, n. [Ar. bersh[imac]m clover.]
An Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) extensively
cultivated as a forage plant and soil-renewing crop in the
alkaline soils of the Nile valley, and now introduced into
the southwestern United States. It is more succulent than
other clovers or than alfalfa. Called also Egyptian clover.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] Berserk
Egyptian cross
Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, a. [L. Aegyptius, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L.
Aegyptus) Egypt: cf. F. ['e]gyptien. Cf. Gypsy.]
Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian bean. (Bot.)
(a) The beanlike fruit of an aquatic plant ({Nelumbium
speciosum}), somewhat resembling the water lily.
(b) See under Bean, 1.

Egyptian cross. See Illust. (No. 6) of Cross.

Egyptian thorn (Bot.), a medium-sized tree (Acacia vera).
It is one of the chief sources of the best gum arabic.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian millet
millet \mil"let\ (m[i^]l"l[e^]t), n. [F., dim. of mil, L.
milium; akin to Gr. meli`nh, AS. mil.] (Bot.)
The name of several cereal and forage grasses which bear an
abundance of small roundish grains. The common millets of
Germany and Southern Europe are Panicum miliaceum, and
Setaria Italica.


Arabian millet is Sorghum Halepense.

Egyptian millet or

East Indian millet is Penicillaria spicata.

Indian millet is Sorghum vulgare. (See under Indian.)

Italian millet is Setaria Italica, a coarse, rank-growing
annual grass, valuable for fodder when cut young, and
bearing nutritive seeds; -- called also Hungarian grass.

Texas millet is Panicum Texanum.

Wild millet, or

Millet grass, is Milium effusum, a tall grass growing in
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian pea
Pea \Pea\, n.; pl. Peas (p[=e]z) or Pease (p[=e]z). [OE.
pese, fr. AS. pisa, or OF. peis, F. pois; both fr. L. pisum;
cf. Gr. pi`sos, pi`son. The final s was misunderstood in
English as a plural ending. Cf. Pease.]
1. (Bot.) A plant, and its fruit, of the genus Pisum, of
many varieties, much cultivated for food. It has a
papilionaceous flower, and the pericarp is a legume,
popularly called a pod.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When a definite number, more than one, is spoken of,
the plural form peas is used; as, the pod contained
nine peas; but, in a collective sense, the form pease
is preferred; as, a bushel of pease; they had pease at
dinner. This distinction is not always preserved, the
form peas being used in both senses.
[1913 Webster]

2. A name given, especially in the Southern States, to the
seed of several leguminous plants (species of Dolichos,
Cicer, Abrus, etc.) esp. those having a scar (hilum)
of a different color from the rest of the seed.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name pea is given to many leguminous plants more or
less closely related to the common pea. See the
Phrases, below.
[1913 Webster]

Beach pea (Bot.), a seashore plant, Lathyrus maritimus.

Black-eyed pea, a West Indian name for {Dolichos
sph[ae]rospermus} and its seed.

Butterfly pea, the American plant Clitoria Mariana,
having showy blossoms.

Chick pea. See Chick-pea.

Egyptian pea. Same as Chick-pea.

Everlasting pea. See under Everlasting.

Glory pea. See under Glory, n.

Hoary pea, any plant of the genus Tephrosia; goat's rue.

Issue pea, Orris pea. (Med.) See under Issue, and

Milk pea. (Bot.) See under Milk.

Pea berry, a kind of a coffee bean or grain which grows
single, and is round or pea-shaped; often used
adjectively; as, pea-berry coffee.

Pea bug. (Zool.) Same as Pea weevil.

Pea coal, a size of coal smaller than nut coal.

Pea crab (Zool.), any small crab of the genus
Pinnotheres, living as a commensal in bivalves; esp.,
the European species (Pinnotheres pisum) which lives in
the common mussel and the cockle.

Pea dove (Zool.), the American ground dove.

Pea-flower tribe (Bot.), a suborder (Papilionace[ae]) of
leguminous plants having blossoms essentially like that of
the pea. --G. Bentham.

Pea maggot (Zool.), the larva of a European moth ({Tortrix
pisi}), which is very destructive to peas.

Pea ore (Min.), argillaceous oxide of iron, occurring in
round grains of a size of a pea; pisolitic ore.

Pea starch, the starch or flour of the common pea, which is
sometimes used in adulterating wheat flour, pepper, etc.

Pea tree (Bot.), the name of several leguminous shrubs of
the genus Caragana, natives of Siberia and China.

Pea vine. (Bot.)
(a) Any plant which bears peas.
(b) A kind of vetch or tare, common in the United States
(Lathyrus Americana, and other similar species).

Pea weevil (Zool.), a small weevil (Bruchus pisi) which
destroys peas by eating out the interior.

Pigeon pea. (Bot.) See Pigeon pea.

Sweet pea (Bot.), the annual plant Lathyrus odoratus;
also, its many-colored, sweet-scented blossoms.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian privet
Lawsonia \Law*so"ni*a\, n. (Bot.)
An Asiatic and North African shrub (Lawsonia inermis), with
smooth oval leaves, and fragrant white flowers. Henna is
prepared from the leaves and twigs. In England the shrub is
called Egyptian privet, and in the West Indies, {Jamaica
[1913 Webster]Privet \Priv"et\, n. [Cf. Scot. privie, Prov. E. prim-print,
primwort. Prob. for primet, and perh. named from being cut
and trimmed. See, Prim, a., and cf. Prime to prune,
Prim, n., Prie, n.] (Bot.)
An ornamental European shrub (Ligustrum vulgare), much used
in hedges; -- called also prim.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian privet. See Lawsonia.

Evergreen privet, a plant of the genus Rhamnus. See

Mock privet, any one of several evergreen shrubs of the
genus Phillyrea. They are from the Mediterranean region,
and have been much cultivated for hedges and for
fancifully clipped shrubberies.
[1913 Webster]
Egyptian reed
Reed \Reed\, n. [AS. hre['o]d; akin to D. riet, G. riet, ried,
OHG. kriot, riot.]
1. (Bot.) A name given to many tall and coarse grasses or
grasslike plants, and their slender, often jointed, stems,
such as the various kinds of bamboo, and especially the
common reed of Europe and North America ({Phragmites
[1913 Webster]

2. A musical instrument made of the hollow joint of some
plant; a rustic or pastoral pipe.
[1913 Webster]

Arcadian pipe, the pastoral reed
Of Hermes. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. An arrow, as made of a reed. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]

4. Straw prepared for thatching a roof. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

5. (Mus.)
(a) A small piece of cane or wood attached to the
mouthpiece of certain instruments, and set in
vibration by the breath. In the clarinet it is a
single fiat reed; in the oboe and bassoon it is
double, forming a compressed tube.
(b) One of the thin pieces of metal, the vibration of
which produce the tones of a melodeon, accordeon,
harmonium, or seraphine; also attached to certain sets
or registers of pipes in an organ.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Weaving) A frame having parallel flat stripe of metal or
reed, between which the warp threads pass, set in the
swinging lathe or batten of a loom for beating up the
weft; a sley. See Batten.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Mining) A tube containing the train of powder for
igniting the charge in blasting.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Arch.) Same as Reeding.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian reed (Bot.), the papyrus.

Free reed (Mus.), a reed whose edges do not overlap the
wind passage, -- used in the harmonium, concertina, etc.
It is distinguished from the beating or striking reed of
the organ and clarinet.

Meadow reed grass (Bot.), the Glyceria aquatica, a tall
grass found in wet places.

Reed babbler. See Reedbird.

Reed bunting (Zool.) A European sparrow ({Emberiza
sch[oe]niclus}) which frequents marshy places; -- called
also reed sparrow, ring bunting.
(b) Reedling.

Reed canary grass (Bot.), a tall wild grass ({Phalaris

Reed grass. (Bot.)
(a) The common reed. See Reed, 1.
(b) A plant of the genus Sparganium; bur reed. See under

Reed organ (Mus.), an organ in which the wind acts on a set
of free reeds, as the harmonium, melodeon, concertina,

Reed pipe (Mus.), a pipe of an organ furnished with a reed.

Reed sparrow. (Zool.) See Reed bunting, above.

Reed stop (Mus.), a set of pipes in an organ furnished with

Reed warbler. (Zool.)
(a) A small European warbler (Acrocephalus streperus);
-- called also reed wren.
(b) Any one of several species of Indian and Australian
warblers of the genera Acrocephalus, Calamoherpe,
and Arundinax. They are excellent singers.

Sea-sand reed (Bot.), a kind of coarse grass ({Ammophila
arundinacea}). See Beach grass, under Beach.

Wood reed grass (Bot.), a tall, elegant grass ({Cinna
arundinacea}), common in moist woods.
[1913 Webster] Reedbird
Egyptian thorn
Egyptian \E*gyp"tian\, a. [L. Aegyptius, Gr. ?, fr. ? (L.
Aegyptus) Egypt: cf. F. ['e]gyptien. Cf. Gypsy.]
Pertaining to Egypt, in Africa.
[1913 Webster]

Egyptian bean. (Bot.)
(a) The beanlike fruit of an aquatic plant ({Nelumbium
speciosum}), somewhat resembling the water lily.
(b) See under Bean, 1.

Egyptian cross. See Illust. (No. 6) of Cross.

Egyptian thorn (Bot.), a medium-sized tree (Acacia vera).
It is one of the chief sources of the best gum arabic.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Egypt or its
people or their language
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Egypt
2: the ancient and now extinct language of Egypt under the
Pharaohs; written records date back to 3000 BC
egyptian bean
Egyptian bean
n 1: perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having
trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pea-like
flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as
an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian
subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos [syn:
hyacinth bean, bonavist, Indian bean, {Egyptian
bean}, Lablab purpureus, Dolichos lablab]
egyptian capital
Egyptian capital
n 1: the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a
major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly
the home of the Pharaohs [syn: Cairo, Al Qahira, {El
Qahira}, Egyptian capital, capital of Egypt]
egyptian cat
Egyptian cat
n 1: a domestic cat of Egypt
egyptian cobra
Egyptian cobra
n 1: cobra used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over
life and death [syn: asp, Egyptian cobra, Naja haje]
egyptian corn
Egyptian corn
n 1: sorghums of dry regions of Asia and North Africa [syn:
durra, doura, dourah, Egyptian corn, {Indian
millet}, Guinea corn]
egyptian cotton
Egyptian cotton
n 1: fine somewhat brownish long-staple cotton grown in Egypt;
believed to be derived from sea island cotton or by
hybridization with Peruvian cotton
egyptian deity
Egyptian deity
n 1: a deity worshipped by the ancient Egyptians
egyptian empire
Egyptian Empire
n 1: an ancient empire to the west of Israel; centered on the
Nile River and ruled by a Pharaoh; figured in many events
described in the Old Testament [syn: Egyptian Empire,
egyptian grass
Egyptian grass
n 1: a creeping grass with spikes like fingers [syn: {Egyptian
grass}, crowfoot grass, Dactyloctenium aegypticum]
egyptian henbane
Egyptian henbane
n 1: poisonous herb whose leaves are a source of hyoscyamine
[syn: Egyptian henbane, Hyoscyamus muticus]
egyptian islamic jihad
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
n 1: an Islamic extremist group active since the late 1970s;
seeks to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it
with an Islamic state; works in small underground cells;
"the original Jihad was responsible for the assassination
of Anwar Sadat in 1981" [syn: al-Jihad, {Egyptian Islamic
Jihad}, Islamic Jihad, Vanguards of Conquest]
egyptian lupine
Egyptian lupine
n 1: white-flowered Eurasian herb widely cultivated for forage
and erosion control [syn: white lupine, field lupine,
wolf bean, Egyptian lupine, Lupinus albus]
egyptian monetary unit
Egyptian monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in Egypt
egyptian onion
Egyptian onion
n 1: type of perennial onion grown chiefly as a curiosity or for
early salad onions; having bulbils that replace the flowers
[syn: tree onion, Egyptian onion, top onion, {Allium
cepa viviparum}]
egyptian paper reed
Egyptian paper reed
n 1: tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served
many purposes in historic times [syn: papyrus, {Egyptian
paper reed}, Egyptian paper rush, paper rush, {paper
plant}, Cyperus papyrus]
egyptian paper rush
Egyptian paper rush
n 1: tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served
many purposes in historic times [syn: papyrus, {Egyptian
paper reed}, Egyptian paper rush, paper rush, {paper
plant}, Cyperus papyrus]
egyptian pea
Egyptian pea
n 1: Asiatic herb cultivated for its short pods with one or two
edible seeds [syn: chickpea, chickpea plant, {Egyptian
pea}, Cicer arietinum]
egyptian pound
Egyptian pound
n 1: the basic unit of money in Egypt; equal to 100 piasters
[syn: Egyptian pound, pound]
egyptian vulture
Egyptian vulture
n 1: small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia
[syn: Egyptian vulture, Pharaoh's chicken, {Neophron
egyptian water lily
Egyptian water lily
n 1: white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern
Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians [syn: lotus, {white
lotus}, Egyptian water lily, white lily, {Nymphaea
egyptian brackets
Egyptian brackets

A humourous term for K&R indent style,
referring to the "one hand up in front, one down behind" pose
which popular culture inexplicably associates with Egypt.

[{Dodgy Coder



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