- správny, výkonný, exekutíva, zodpovedný pracovník
executive,člen statutárního orgánu n: [práv.] web
executive,exekutiva n: Zdeněk Brož
executive,exekutivní adj: Zdeněk Brož
executive,správní adj: Zdeněk Brož
executive,vedoucí pracovník Zdeněk Brož
executive,výkonná moc Zdeněk Brož
executive,výkonný adj: Zdeněk Brož
executive,zodpovědný pracovník Zdeněk Brož
Executive \Ex*ec"u*tive\, n.
1. An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who
administers the government, whether king, president, or
governor; the governing person or body.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who has administrative authority over an
organization or division of an organization; a manager,
supervisor or administrator at a high level within an
organization; as, all executives of the company were given
stock options
Executive \Ex*ec"u*tive\, a. [Cf.F. ex['e]cutif.]
1. Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect;
as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or
pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of
affairs; as, executive power or authority; executive
duties, officer, department, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In government, executive is distinguished from
legislative and judicial; legislative being
applied to the organ or organs of government which make
the laws; judicial, to that which interprets and
applies the laws; executive, to that which carries them
into effect or secures their due performance.
[1913 Webster]

2. of or pertaining to an executive[2] or to the group of
executives within an organization; as, executive
compensation increased more rapidly than wages in the
1980's; the executive suite.
adj 1: having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc.;
"the executive branch"
n 1: a person responsible for the administration of a business
[syn: executive, executive director]
2: persons who administer the law
3: someone who manages a government agency or department [syn:
administrator, executive]

The command interpreter or shell for an
operating system. The term is used especially around
mainframes and probably derived from UNIVAC's archaic
EXEC 2 and current (in 2000) EXEC 8 operating systems.

EXECUTIVE, n. An officer of the Government, whose duty it is to
enforce the wishes of the legislative power until such time as the
judicial department shall be pleased to pronounce them invalid and of
no effect. Following is an extract from an old book entitled, _The
Lunarian Astonished_ -- Pfeiffer & Co., Boston, 1803:

LUNARIAN: Then when your Congress has passed a law it goes
directly to the Supreme Court in order that it may at once be
known whether it is constitutional?
TERRESTRIAN: O no; it does not require the approval of the
Supreme Court until having perhaps been enforced for many
years somebody objects to its operation against himself -- I
mean his client. The President, if he approves it, begins to
execute it at once.
LUNARIAN: Ah, the executive power is a part of the legislative.
Do your policemen also have to approve the local ordinances
that they enforce?
TERRESTRIAN: Not yet -- at least not in their character of
constables. Generally speaking, though, all laws require the
approval of those whom they are intended to restrain.
LUNARIAN: I see. The death warrant is not valid until signed by
the murderer.
TERRESTRIAN: My friend, you put it too strongly; we are not so
LUNARIAN: But this system of maintaining an expensive judicial
machinery to pass upon the validity of laws only after they
have long been executed, and then only when brought before the
court by some private person -- does it not cause great
LUNARIAN: Why then should not your laws, previously to being
executed, be validated, not by the signature of your
President, but by that of the Chief Justice of the Supreme
TERRESTRIAN: There is no precedent for any such course.
LUNARIAN: Precedent. What is that?
TERRESTRIAN: It has been defined by five hundred lawyers in three
volumes each. So how can any one know?
EXECUTIVE, government. That power in the government which causes the laws to
be executed and obeyed: it is usually. confided to the hands of the chief
magistrate; the president of the United States is invested with this
authority under the national government; and the governor of each state has
the executive power in his hands.
2. The officer in whom is vested the executive power is also called the
3. The Constitution of the United States directs that "the executive
power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America." Art.
2, s. 1. Vide Story, Const. B. 3, c. 36.

podobné slovodefinícia
- správny, výkonný, exekutíva, zodpovedný pracovník
chairman of the executive board
Chairman of the Executive Board,
chief executive
Chief Executive,
chief executive officer
Chief Executive Officer,ředitel společnosti Jiří ŠmoldasChief Executive Officer,výkonný ředitel IvČa
committee on executive board administrative matters
Committee on Executive Board Administrative Matters,
corporate executive
corporate executive, n:
elected executive director
elected Executive Director,
elective executive director
elective Executive Director,
executive,člen statutárního orgánu n: [práv.] webexecutive,exekutiva n: Zdeněk Brožexecutive,exekutivní adj: Zdeněk Brožexecutive,správní adj: Zdeněk Brožexecutive,vedoucí pracovník Zdeněk Brožexecutive,výkonná moc Zdeněk Brožexecutive,výkonný adj: Zdeněk Brožexecutive,zodpovědný pracovník Zdeněk Brož
executive agency
executive agency, n:
executive board
Executive Board,
executive branch
executive branch,výkonná moc n: [práv.] Ivan Masár
executive chairman
executive chairman,výkonný předseda n: Dita Vladyková
executive clemency
executive clemency, n:
executive council
executive council, n:
executive department
executive department, n:
executive director
executive director,výkonný ředitel n: Pino
executive head
executive head,jednatel n: s.r.o. Suky
executive officer
executive officer, n:
executive program
executive program, n:
executive routine
executive routine, n:
executive secretary
executive secretary, n:
executive session
executive session,neveřejná schůze Zdeněk Brož
executive vice president
executive vice president, n:
executives,exekutivy n: pl. Zdeněk Brožexecutives,řídící pracovníci Zdeněk Brož
joint committee on the remuneration of executive directors and their alternates
Joint Committee on the Remuneration of Executive Directors and their
nuclear industry radioactive waste executive
Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive,NIREX Nuclear Industry
Radioactive Waste Executive [eko.] RNDr. Pavel PiskačNuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive,Nuclear Industry
Radioactive Waste Executive NIREX [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
office of executive directors
Office of Executive Directors,
report of the executive board
report of the Executive Board,
top executive
top executive, n:
air force acquisition executive
Air Force Acquisition Executive,AFAE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
nirex nuclear industry radioactive waste executive
NIREX Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive,Nuclear Industry
Radioactive Waste Executive[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
nuclear industry radioactive waste executive nirex
Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive NIREX,Nuclear Industry
Radioactive Waste Executive[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
technology executive officer
Technology Executive Officer,TEO[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Executive council
Council \Coun"cil\ (koun"s[i^]l), n. [F. concile, fr. L.
concilium; con- + calare to call, akin to Gr. ??? to call,
and E. hale, v., haul. Cf. Conciliate. This word is often
confounded with counsel, with which it has no connection.]
[1913 Webster]
1. An assembly of men summoned or convened for consultation,
deliberation, or advice; as, a council of physicians for
consultation in a critical case.
[1913 Webster]

2. A body of man elected or appointed to constitute an
advisory or a legislative assembly; as, a governor's
council; a city council.
[1913 Webster]

An old lord of the council rated me the other day.
[1913 Webster]

3. Act of deliberating; deliberation; consultation.
[1913 Webster]

Satan . . . void of rest,
His potentates to council called by night. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

O great in action and in council wise. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

Aulic council. See under Aulic.

Cabinet council. See under Cabinet.

City council, the legislative branch of a city government,
usually consisting of a board of aldermen and common
council, but sometimes otherwise constituted.

Common council. See under Common.

Council board, Council table, the table round which a
council holds consultation; also, the council itself in

Council chamber, the room or apartment in which a council

Council fire, the ceremonial fire kept burning while the
Indians hold their councils. [U.S.] --Bartlett.

Council of war, an assembly of officers of high rank,
called to consult with the commander in chief in regard to
measures or importance or nesessity.

Ecumenical council (Eccl.), an assembly of prelates or
divines convened from the whole body of the church to
regulate matters of doctrine or discipline.

Executive council, a body of men elected as advisers of the
chief magistrate, whether of a State or the nation. [U.S.]

Legislative council, the upper house of a legislature,
usually called the senate.

Privy council. See under Privy. [Eng.]

Syn: Assembly; meeting; congress; diet; parliament;
convention; convocation; synod.
[1913 Webster]
Executively \Ex*ec"u*tive*ly\, adv.
In the way of executing or performing.
[1913 Webster]
account executive
account executive
n 1: someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising
agency or brokerage or other service business [syn:
account executive, account representative, {registered
representative}, customer's broker, customer's man]
business executive
business executive
n 1: an executive in a business corporation [syn: {corporate
executive}, business executive]
chief executive
Chief Executive
n 1: the person who holds the office of head of state of the
United States government; "the President likes to jog every
morning" [syn: President of the United States, {United
States President}, President, Chief Executive]
2: the office of the United States head of state; "a President
is elected every four years" [syn: {President of the United
States}, President, Chief Executive]
chief executive officer
chief executive officer
n 1: the corporate executive responsible for the operations of
the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint
other managers (including a president) [syn: {chief
executive officer}, CEO, chief operating officer]
corporate executive
corporate executive
n 1: an executive in a business corporation [syn: {corporate
executive}, business executive]
adj 1: having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc.;
"the executive branch"
n 1: a person responsible for the administration of a business
[syn: executive, executive director]
2: persons who administer the law
3: someone who manages a government agency or department [syn:
administrator, executive]
executive agency
executive agency
n 1: an agency of the executive branch of government
executive branch
executive branch
n 1: the branch of the United States government that is
responsible for carrying out the laws [syn: {executive
branch}, Executive Office of the President]
executive clemency
executive clemency
n 1: the power (usually of a president or governor) to pardon or
commute the sentence of someone convicted in that
executive council
executive council
n 1: a council that shares the supreme executive power
executive department
executive department
n 1: a federal department in the executive branch of the
government of the United States
executive director
executive director
n 1: a person responsible for the administration of a business
[syn: executive, executive director]
executive office of the president
Executive Office of the President
n 1: the branch of the United States government that is
responsible for carrying out the laws [syn: {executive
branch}, Executive Office of the President]
executive officer
executive officer
n 1: the officer second in command
executive program
executive program
n 1: a program that controls the execution of other programs
[syn: supervisory program, supervisor, {executive
executive routine
executive routine
n 1: a routine that coordinates the operation of subroutines
[syn: supervisory routine, executive routine]
executive secretary
executive secretary
n 1: a secretary having administrative duties and
executive session
executive session
n 1: a session (usually of a legislative body) that is closed to
the public [syn: executive session, closed session]
executive vice president
executive vice president
n 1: a vice president holding executive power
top executive
top executive
n 1: a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
[syn: baron, big businessman, business leader,
king, magnate, mogul, power, top executive,
advanced interactive executive
Advanced Interactive eXecutive

(AIX) IBM's version of Unix, taken as
the basis for the OSF standard.

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.sys.unix.aix.

application executive
Application Executive

(AE) An embeddable language, written as a C
interpreter by Brian Bliss at UIUC. AE is compiled with an
application and thus exists in the same process and address
space. It includes a dbx symbol table scanner to access
compiled variables and routines, or you can enter them
manually by providing a type/name declaration and the address.
When the interpreter is invoked, source code fragments are
read from the input stream (or a string), parsed, and
evaluated immediately. The user can call compiled functions
in addition to a few built-in intrinsics, declare new data
types and data objects, etc. Different input streams can be
evaluated in parallel on Alliant computers.

AE has been ported to SunOS (cc or gcc), Alliant FX and
Cray YMP (soon).



The command interpreter or shell for an
operating system. The term is used especially around
mainframes and probably derived from UNIVAC's archaic
EXEC 2 and current (in 2000) EXEC 8 operating systems.

executive systems programming oriented language
Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language

An ALGOL superset with high level instructions
for low level actions, e.g. interrupting another processor on
a multiprocessor system. Its single pass compiler was very
fast: over 250 lines/s on a 10MHz processor.

ESPOL was used to write the MCP (Master Control Program) on
the Burroughs 6700. It was superseded by NEWP.

["The B6700 ESPOL Reference Manual", Burroughs, 1970].

hewlett packard multi processing executive
Hewlett Packard Multi Processing Executive

(HP-MPE) The standard operating system on
all HP3000 minicomputers, in the same way that HP9000
computers run HP-UX.

interactive and batch executive
Interactive and Batch EXecutive

(IBEX) The command language for Honeywell's
CP-6 operating system.

terminal productivity executive
Terminal Productivity eXecutive

(TPX) A multiple session manager used to
access mainframe applications. It was written by {Morgan
Stanley}, acquired by Duquesne Systems and is now owned by
Computer Associates. TPX allows you to work in multiple
mainframe applications concurrently; lock and unlock your TPX
screen; place your applications on hold; logon to TPX from a
different terminal without losing your place; customize your
TPX menu and send a screen image to another TPX user.

TPX runs on MVS and VM. On VM, like VTAM, it uses the
MVS-like facilities of GCS. It has a complete scripting
facility and lets you see other user's sessions. The
client-server version allows each managed session to open in
its own window. Richard Kuebbing has built a complete e-mail
system into it.

{Unicenter CA-TPX

EXECUTIVE, n. An officer of the Government, whose duty it is to
enforce the wishes of the legislative power until such time as the
judicial department shall be pleased to pronounce them invalid and of
no effect. Following is an extract from an old book entitled, _The
Lunarian Astonished_ -- Pfeiffer & Co., Boston, 1803:

LUNARIAN: Then when your Congress has passed a law it goes
directly to the Supreme Court in order that it may at once be
known whether it is constitutional?
TERRESTRIAN: O no; it does not require the approval of the
Supreme Court until having perhaps been enforced for many
years somebody objects to its operation against himself -- I
mean his client. The President, if he approves it, begins to
execute it at once.
LUNARIAN: Ah, the executive power is a part of the legislative.
Do your policemen also have to approve the local ordinances
that they enforce?
TERRESTRIAN: Not yet -- at least not in their character of
constables. Generally speaking, though, all laws require the
approval of those whom they are intended to restrain.
LUNARIAN: I see. The death warrant is not valid until signed by
the murderer.
TERRESTRIAN: My friend, you put it too strongly; we are not so
LUNARIAN: But this system of maintaining an expensive judicial
machinery to pass upon the validity of laws only after they
have long been executed, and then only when brought before the
court by some private person -- does it not cause great
LUNARIAN: Why then should not your laws, previously to being
executed, be validated, not by the signature of your
President, but by that of the Chief Justice of the Supreme
TERRESTRIAN: There is no precedent for any such course.
LUNARIAN: Precedent. What is that?
TERRESTRIAN: It has been defined by five hundred lawyers in three
volumes each. So how can any one know?
EXECUTIVE, government. That power in the government which causes the laws to
be executed and obeyed: it is usually. confided to the hands of the chief
magistrate; the president of the United States is invested with this
authority under the national government; and the governor of each state has
the executive power in his hands.
2. The officer in whom is vested the executive power is also called the
3. The Constitution of the United States directs that "the executive
power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America." Art.
2, s. 1. Vide Story, Const. B. 3, c. 36.

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