fascia,fascie n: Zdeněk Brož
fascia,páska n: Zdeněk Brož
Fascia \Fas"ci*a\, n.; pl. Fasci[ae]. [L., a band: cf. It.
fascia. See Fasces, and cf. Fess.]
1. A band, sash, or fillet; especially, in surgery, a bandage
or roller.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) A flat member of an order or building, like a flat
band or broad fillet; especially, one of the three bands
which make up the architrave, in the Ionic order. See
Illust. of Column.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat,
immediately beneath the skin; the stronger layer of
connective tissue covering and investing all muscles; an
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) A broad well-defined band of color.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or
binding together muscles and organs etc [syn: fascia,
2: instrument panel on an automobile or airplane containing
dials and controls [syn: dashboard, fascia]
podobné slovodefinícia
fascia,fascie n: Zdeněk Brožfascia,páska n: Zdeněk Brož
Apis fasciata
Honeybee \Hon"ey*bee`\, n. (Zool.)
Any bee of the genus Apis, which lives in communities and
collects honey, esp. the common domesticated hive bee ({Apis
mellifica}), the Italian bee (Apis ligustica), and the
Arabiab bee (Apis fasciata). The two latter are by many
entomologists considered only varieties of the common hive
bee. Each swarm of bees consists of a large number of workers
(barren females), with, ordinarily, one queen or fertile
female, but in the swarming season several young queens, and
a number of males or drones, are produced.
[1913 Webster]Bee \Bee\ (b[=e]), n. [AS. be['o]; akin to D. bij and bije,
Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh.
Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.]
1. (Zool.) An insect of the order Hymenoptera, and family
Apid[ae] (the honeybees), or family Andrenid[ae] (the
solitary bees.) See Honeybee.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are many genera and species. The common honeybee
(Apis mellifica) lives in swarms, each of which has
its own queen, its males or drones, and its very
numerous workers, which are barren females. Besides the
Apis mellifica there are other species and varieties
of honeybees, as the Apis ligustica of Spain and
Italy; the Apis Indica of India; the Apis fasciata
of Egypt. The bumblebee is a species of Bombus. The
tropical honeybees belong mostly to Melipoma and
[1913 Webster]

2. A neighborly gathering of people who engage in united
labor for the benefit of an individual or family; as, a
quilting bee; a husking bee; a raising bee. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

The cellar . . . was dug by a bee in a single day.
--S. G.
[1913 Webster]

3. pl. [Prob. fr. AS. be['a]h ring, fr. b?gan to bend. See
1st Bow.] (Naut.) Pieces of hard wood bolted to the
sides of the bowsprit, to reeve the fore-topmast stays
through; -- called also bee blocks.
[1913 Webster]

Bee beetle (Zool.), a beetle (Trichodes apiarius)
parasitic in beehives.

Bee bird (Zool.), a bird that eats the honeybee, as the
European flycatcher, and the American kingbird.

Bee flower (Bot.), an orchidaceous plant of the genus
Ophrys (Ophrys apifera), whose flowers have some
resemblance to bees, flies, and other insects.

Bee fly (Zool.), a two winged fly of the family
Bombyliid[ae]. Some species, in the larval state, are
parasitic upon bees.

Bee garden, a garden or inclosure to set beehives in; an
apiary. --Mortimer.

Bee glue, a soft, unctuous matter, with which bees cement
the combs to the hives, and close up the cells; -- called
also propolis.

Bee hawk (Zool.), the honey buzzard.

Bee killer (Zool.), a large two-winged fly of the family
Asilid[ae] (esp. Trupanea apivora) which feeds upon
the honeybee. See Robber fly.

Bee louse (Zool.), a minute, wingless, dipterous insect
(Braula c[ae]ca) parasitic on hive bees.

Bee martin (Zool.), the kingbird (Tyrannus Carolinensis)
which occasionally feeds on bees.

Bee moth (Zool.), a moth (Galleria cereana) whose
larv[ae] feed on honeycomb, occasioning great damage in

Bee wolf (Zool.), the larva of the bee beetle. See Illust.
of Bee beetle.

To have a bee in the head or To have a bee in the bonnet.
(a) To be choleric. [Obs.]
(b) To be restless or uneasy. --B. Jonson.
(c) To be full of fancies; to be a little crazy. "She's
whiles crack-brained, and has a bee in her head."
--Sir W. Scott.
[1913 Webster] beebalm
Chamaea fasciata
ground \ground\ (ground), n. [OE. ground, grund, AS. grund; akin
to D. grond, OS., G., Sw., & Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom,
Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust,
gravel, and if so perh. akin to E. grind.]
1. The surface of the earth; the outer crust of the globe, or
some indefinite portion of it.
[1913 Webster]

There was not a man to till the ground. --Gen. ii.
[1913 Webster]

The fire ran along upon the ground. --Ex. ix. 23.
Hence: A floor or pavement supposed to rest upon the
[1913 Webster]

2. Any definite portion of the earth's surface; region;
territory; country. Hence: A territory appropriated to, or
resorted to, for a particular purpose; the field or place
of action; as, a hunting or fishing ground; a play ground.
[1913 Webster]

From . . . old Euphrates, to the brook that parts
Egypt from Syrian ground. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Land; estate; possession; field; esp. (pl.), the gardens,
lawns, fields, etc., belonging to a homestead; as, the
grounds of the estate are well kept.
[1913 Webster]

Thy next design is on thy neighbor's grounds.
--Dryden. 4.
[1913 Webster]

4. The basis on which anything rests; foundation. Hence: The
foundation of knowledge, belief, or conviction; a premise,
reason, or datum; ultimate or first principle; cause of
existence or occurrence; originating force or agency; as,
the ground of my hope.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Paint. & Decorative Art)
(a) That surface upon which the figures of a composition
are set, and which relieves them by its plainness,
being either of one tint or of tints but slightly
contrasted with one another; as, crimson Bowers on a
white ground. See Background, Foreground, and
(b) In sculpture, a flat surface upon which figures are
raised in relief.
(c) In point lace, the net of small meshes upon which the
embroidered pattern is applied; as, Brussels ground.
See Brussels lace, under Brussels.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Etching) A gummy composition spread over the surface of a
metal to be etched, to prevent the acid from eating except
where an opening is made by the needle.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Arch.) One of the pieces of wood, flush with the
plastering, to which moldings, etc., are attached; --
usually in the plural.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Grounds are usually put up first and the plastering
floated flush with them.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Mus.)
(a) A composition in which the bass, consisting of a few
bars of independent notes, is continually repeated to
a varying melody.
(b) The tune on which descants are raised; the plain song.
--Moore (Encyc.).
[1913 Webster]

On that ground I'll build a holy descant.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Elec.) A conducting connection with the earth, whereby
the earth is made part of an electrical circuit.
[1913 Webster]

10. pl. Sediment at the bottom of liquors or liquids; dregs;
lees; feces; as, coffee grounds.
[1913 Webster]

11. The pit of a theater. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

Ground angling, angling with a weighted line without a

Ground annual (Scots Law), an estate created in land by a
vassal who instead of selling his land outright reserves
an annual ground rent, which becomes a perpetual charge
upon the land.

Ground ash. (Bot.) See Groutweed.

Ground bailiff (Mining), a superintendent of mines.

Ground bait, bits of bread, boiled barley or worms, etc.,
thrown into the water to collect the fish, --Wallon.

Ground bass or Ground base (Mus.), fundamental base; a
fundamental base continually repeated to a varied melody.

Ground beetle (Zool.), one of numerous species of
carnivorous beetles of the family Carabid[ae], living
mostly in burrows or under stones, etc.

Ground chamber, a room on the ground floor.

Ground cherry. (Bot.)
(a) A genus (Physalis) of herbaceous plants having an
inflated calyx for a seed pod: esp., the strawberry
tomato (Physalis Alkekengi). See Alkekengl.
(b) A European shrub (Prunus Cham[ae]cerasus), with
small, very acid fruit.

Ground cuckoo. (Zool.) See Chaparral cock.

Ground cypress. (Bot.) See Lavender cotton.

Ground dove (Zool.), one of several small American pigeons
of the genus Columbigallina, esp. C. passerina of the
Southern United States, Mexico, etc. They live chiefly on
the ground.

Ground fish (Zool.), any fish which constantly lives on the
botton of the sea, as the sole, turbot, halibut.

Ground floor, the floor of a house most nearly on a level
with the ground; -- called also in America, but not in
England, the first floor.

Ground form (Gram.), the stem or basis of a word, to which
the other parts are added in declension or conjugation. It
is sometimes, but not always, the same as the root.

Ground furze (Bot.), a low slightly thorny, leguminous
shrub (Ononis arvensis) of Europe and Central Asia,; --
called also rest-harrow.

Ground game, hares, rabbits, etc., as distinguished from
winged game.

Ground hele (Bot.), a perennial herb ({Veronica
officinalis}) with small blue flowers, common in Europe
and America, formerly thought to have curative properties.

Ground of the heavens (Astron.), the surface of any part of
the celestial sphere upon which the stars may be regarded
as projected.

Ground hemlock (Bot.), the yew (Taxus baccata var.
Canadensisi) of eastern North America, distinguished from
that of Europe by its low, straggling stems.

Ground hog. (Zool.)
(a) The woodchuck or American marmot (Arctomys monax).
See Woodchuck.
(b) The aardvark.

Ground hold (Naut.), ground tackle. [Obs.] --Spenser.

Ground ice, ice formed at the bottom of a body of water
before it forms on the surface.

Ground ivy. (Bot.) A trailing plant; alehoof. See Gill.

Ground joist, a joist for a basement or ground floor; a.

Ground lark (Zool.), the European pipit. See Pipit.

Ground laurel (Bot.). See Trailing arbutus, under

Ground line (Descriptive Geom.), the line of intersection
of the horizontal and vertical planes of projection.

Ground liverwort (Bot.), a flowerless plant with a broad
flat forking thallus and the fruit raised on peduncled and
radiated receptacles (Marchantia polymorpha).

Ground mail, in Scotland, the fee paid for interment in a

Ground mass (Geol.), the fine-grained or glassy base of a
rock, in which distinct crystals of its constituents are

Ground parrakeet (Zool.), one of several Australian
parrakeets, of the genera Callipsittacus and
Geopsittacus, which live mainly upon the ground.

Ground pearl (Zool.), an insect of the family Coccid[ae]
(Margarodes formicarum), found in ants' nests in the
Bahamas, and having a shelly covering. They are strung
like beads, and made into necklaces by the natives.

Ground pig (Zool.), a large, burrowing, African rodent
(Aulacodus Swinderianus) about two feet long, allied to
the porcupines but with harsh, bristly hair, and no
spines; -- called also ground rat.

Ground pigeon (Zool.), one of numerous species of pigeons
which live largely upon the ground, as the tooth-billed
pigeon (Didunculus strigirostris), of the Samoan
Islands, and the crowned pigeon, or goura. See Goura,
and Ground dove (above).

Ground pine. (Bot.)
(a) A blue-flowered herb of the genus Ajuga ({A.
Cham[ae]pitys}), formerly included in the genus
Teucrium or germander, and named from its resinous
smell. --Sir J. Hill.
(b) A long, creeping, evergreen plant of the genus
Lycopodium (L. clavatum); -- called also {club
(c) A tree-shaped evergreen plant about eight inches in
height, of the same genus (L. dendroideum) found in
moist, dark woods in the northern part of the United
States. --Gray.

Ground plan (Arch.), a plan of the ground floor of any
building, or of any floor, as distinguished from an
elevation or perpendicular section.

Ground plane, the horizontal plane of projection in
perspective drawing.

Ground plate.
(a) (Arch.) One of the chief pieces of framing of a
building; a timber laid horizontally on or near the
ground to support the uprights; a ground sill or
(b) (Railroads) A bed plate for sleepers or ties; a
(c) (Teleg.) A metallic plate buried in the earth to
conduct the electric current thereto. Connection to
the pipes of a gas or water main is usual in cities.

Ground plot, the ground upon which any structure is
erected; hence, any basis or foundation; also, a ground

Ground plum (Bot.), a leguminous plant ({Astragalus
caryocarpus}) occurring from the Saskatchewan to Texas,
and having a succulent plum-shaped pod.

Ground rat. (Zool.) See Ground pig (above).

Ground rent, rent paid for the privilege of building on
another man's land.

Ground robin. (Zool.) See Chewink.

Ground room, a room on the ground floor; a lower room.

Ground sea, the West Indian name for a swell of the ocean,
which occurs in calm weather and without obvious cause,
breaking on the shore in heavy roaring billows; -- called
also rollers, and in Jamaica, the North sea.

Ground sill. See Ground plate (a) (above).

Ground snake (Zool.), a small burrowing American snake
(Celuta am[oe]na). It is salmon colored, and has a blunt

Ground squirrel. (Zool.)
(a) One of numerous species of burrowing rodents of the
genera Tamias and Spermophilus, having cheek
pouches. The former genus includes the Eastern
striped squirrel or chipmunk and some allied Western
species; the latter includes the prairie squirrel or
striped gopher, the gray gopher, and many allied
Western species. See Chipmunk, and Gopher.
(b) Any species of the African genus Xerus, allied to

Ground story. Same as Ground floor (above).

Ground substance (Anat.), the intercellular substance, or
matrix, of tissues.

Ground swell.
(a) (Bot.) The plant groundsel. [Obs.] --Holland.
(b) A broad, deep swell or undulation of the ocean,
caused by a long continued gale, and felt even at a
remote distance after the gale has ceased.

Ground table. (Arch.) See Earth table, under Earth.

Ground tackle (Naut.), the tackle necessary to secure a
vessel at anchor. --Totten.

Ground thrush (Zool.), one of numerous species of
bright-colored Oriental birds of the family Pittid[ae].
See Pitta.

Ground tier.
(a) The lowest tier of water casks in a vessel's hold.
(b) The lowest line of articles of any kind stowed in a
vessel's hold.
(c) The lowest range of boxes in a theater.

Ground timbers (Shipbuilding) the timbers which lie on the
keel and are bolted to the keelson; floor timbers.

Ground tit. (Zool.) See Ground wren (below).

Ground wheel, that wheel of a harvester, mowing machine,
etc., which, rolling on the ground, drives the mechanism.

Ground wren (Zool.), a small California bird ({Cham[ae]a
fasciata}) allied to the wrens and titmice. It inhabits
the arid plains. Called also ground tit, and wren tit.

To bite the ground, To break ground. See under Bite,

To come to the ground, To fall to the ground, to come to
nothing; to fail; to miscarry.

To gain ground.
(a) To advance; to proceed forward in conflict; as, an
army in battle gains ground.
(b) To obtain an advantage; to have some success; as, the
army gains ground on the enemy.
(c) To gain credit; to become more prosperous or

To get ground, or To gather ground, to gain ground. [R.]
"Evening mist . . . gathers ground fast." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

There is no way for duty to prevail, and get ground
of them, but by bidding higher. --South.

To give ground, to recede; to yield advantage.
[1913 Webster]

These nine . . . began to give me ground. --Shak.

To lose ground, to retire; to retreat; to withdraw from the
position taken; hence, to lose advantage; to lose credit
or reputation; to decline.

To stand one's ground, to stand firm; to resist attack or
encroachment. --Atterbury.

To take the ground to touch bottom or become stranded; --
said of a ship.
[1913 Webster]
Crossarchus fasciatus
Mongoose \Mon"goose\, Mongoos \Mon"goos\, n.; pl. Mongooses
1. (Zool.) A species of ichneumon (Herpestes griseus),
native of India. Applied also to other allied species, as
the African banded mongoose (Crossarchus fasciatus).
[Written also mungoose, mungoos, mungous.]
[1913 Webster]

2. [Tamil manegos.] A Madagascan lemur (Lemur mongos).
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Eumeces fasciatus
Skink \Skink\, n. [L. scincus, Gr. ????.] [Written also
scink.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of regularly scaled harmless
lizards of the family Scincidae, common in the warmer parts
of all the continents.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The officinal skink (Scincus officinalis) inhabits
the sandy plains of South Africa. It was believed by
the ancients to be a specific for various diseases. A
common slender species (Seps tridactylus) of Southern
Europe was formerly believed to produce fatal diseases
in cattle by mere contact. The American skinks include
numerous species of the genus Eumeces, as the
blue-tailed skink (Eumeces fasciatus) of the Eastern
United States. The ground skink, or ground lizard
(Oligosoma laterale) inhabits the Southern United
[1913 Webster]
Fascia \Fas"ci*a\, n.; pl. Fasci[ae]. [L., a band: cf. It.
fascia. See Fasces, and cf. Fess.]
1. A band, sash, or fillet; especially, in surgery, a bandage
or roller.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) A flat member of an order or building, like a flat
band or broad fillet; especially, one of the three bands
which make up the architrave, in the Ionic order. See
Illust. of Column.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat,
immediately beneath the skin; the stronger layer of
connective tissue covering and investing all muscles; an
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) A broad well-defined band of color.
[1913 Webster]
Fascial \Fas"ci*al\, a.
1. Pertaining to the fasces.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) Relating to a fascia. Fasciate
Fasciate \Fas"ci*ate\, Fasciated \Fas"ci*a`ted\, a. [L.
fasciatus, p. p. of fasciare to envelop with bands, fr.
fascia band. See Fasces.]
1. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) Banded or compacted together.
(b) Flattened and laterally widened, as are often the
stems of the garden cockscomb.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Broadly banded with color.
[1913 Webster]
Fasciate \Fas"ci*ate\, Fasciated \Fas"ci*a`ted\, a. [L.
fasciatus, p. p. of fasciare to envelop with bands, fr.
fascia band. See Fasces.]
1. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) Banded or compacted together.
(b) Flattened and laterally widened, as are often the
stems of the garden cockscomb.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Broadly banded with color.
[1913 Webster]
Fasciation \Fas`ci*a"tion\, n.
The act or manner of binding up; bandage; also, the condition
of being fasciated.
[1913 Webster]
Hadropterus nigrofasciatus
Crabeater \Crab"eat`er\ (kr[a^]b"[=e]t`[~e]r), n. (Zool.)
(a) The cobia.
(b) An etheostomoid fish of the southern United States
(Hadropterus nigrofasciatus).
(c) A small European heron (Ardea minuta, and other allied
[1913 Webster]
Histriophoca fasciata
Ribbon \Rib"bon\, n. [OE. riban, OF. riban, F. ruban, probably
of German origin; cf. D. ringband collar, necklace, E. ring
circle, and band.] [Written also riband, ribband.]
1. A fillet or narrow woven fabric, commonly of silk, used
for trimming some part of a woman's attire, for badges,
and other decorative purposes.
[1913 Webster]

2. A narrow strip or shred; as, a steel or magnesium ribbon;
sails torn to ribbons.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Shipbuilding) Same as Rib-band.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Driving reins. [Cant] --London Athenaeum.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Her.) A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth
as wide.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Spinning) A silver.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The blue ribbon, and The red ribbon, are phrases often
used to designate the British orders of the Garter and
of the Bath, respectively, the badges of which are
suspended by ribbons of these colors. See {Blue
ribbon}, under Blue.
[1913 Webster]

Ribbon fish. (Zool.)
(a) Any elongated, compressed, ribbon-shaped marine fish
of the family Trachypteridae, especially the species
of the genus Trachypterus, and the oarfish
(Regelecus Banksii) of the North Atlantic, which is
sometimes over twenty feet long.
(b) The hairtail, or bladefish.
(c) A small compressed marine fish of the genus Cepola,
having a long, slender, tapering tail. The European
species (Cepola rubescens) is light red throughout.
Called also band fish.

Ribbon grass (Bot.), a variety of reed canary grass having
the leaves stripped with green and white; -- called also
Lady's garters. See Reed grass, under Reed.

Ribbon seal (Zool.), a North Pacific seal ({Histriophoca
fasciata}). The adult male is dark brown, conspicuously
banded and striped with yellowish white.

Ribbon snake (Zool.), a common North American snake
(Eutainia saurita). It is conspicuously striped with
bright yellow and dark brown.

Ribbon Society, a society in Ireland, founded in the early
part of the 19th century in antagonism to the Orangemen.
It afterwards became an organization of tennant farmers
banded together to prevent eviction by landlords. It took
its name from the green ribbon worn by members as a badge.

Ribborn worm. (Zool.)
(a) A tapeworm.
(b) A nemertean.
[1913 Webster]
Melospiza fasciata
Song \Song\ (s[o^]ng; 115), n. [AS. song, sang, fr. singan to
sing; akin to D. zang, G. sang, Icel. s["o]ngr, Goth. saggws.
See Sing.]
1. That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of
the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect,
etc. "That most ethereal of all sounds, the song of
crickets." --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

2. A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.
[1913 Webster]

3. More generally, any poetical strain; a poem.
[1913 Webster]

The bard that first adorned our native tongue
Tuned to his British lyre this ancient song.
[1913 Webster]

4. Poetical composition; poetry; verse.
[1913 Webster]

This subject for heroic song. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

5. An object of derision; a laughingstock.
[1913 Webster]

And now am I their song, yea, I am their byword.
--Job xxx. 9.
[1913 Webster]

6. A trifle; an insignificant sum of money; as, he bought it
for a song. "The soldier's pay is a song." --Silliman.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Old song, a trifle; nothing of value. "I do not intend to
be thus put off with an old song." --Dr. H. More.

Song bird (Zool.), any singing bird; one of the Oscines.

Song sparrow (Zool.), a very common North American sparrow
(Melospiza fasciata, or Melospiza melodia) noted for
the sweetness of its song in early spring. Its breast is
covered with dusky brown streaks which form a blotch in
the center.

Song thrush (Zool.), a common European thrush ({Turdus
musicus}), noted for its melodius song; -- called also
mavis, throstle, and thrasher.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Sonnet; ballad; canticle; carol; canzonet; ditty; hymn;
descant; lay; strain; poesy; verse.
[1913 Webster]
Paradoxirus fasciatus
Musang \Mu*sang"\, n. (Zool.)
A small animal of Java (Paradoxirus fasciatus), allied to
the civets. It swallows, but does not digest, large
quantities of ripe coffee berries, thus serving to
disseminate the coffee plant; hence it is called also {coffee
[1913 Webster]
Pterocles fasciatus
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]
Seriola fasciata
Bonito \Bo*ni"to\ (b[-o]*n[=e]"t[-o]), n.; pl. Bonitoes
(-t[-o]z). [Sp. & Pg. bonito, fr. Ar. bain[imac]t and
bain[imac]th.] [Often incorrectly written bonita.] (Zool.)
1. A large tropical fish (Orcynus pelamys) allied to the
tunny. It is about three feet long, blue above, with four
brown stripes on the sides. It is sometimes found on the
American coast.
[1913 Webster]

2. any of a variety of scombroid fishes of the genera Sarda
or Euthynnus, with a size intermediate between those of
the smaller mackerels and the tunas. It is applied
especially to the skipjack tuna (Euthynnus pelamis,
syn. Katsuwonus pelamis, formerly Sarda Mediterranea,
also called skipjack) of the Atlantic, an important and
abundant food fish on the coast of the United States, and
(Sarda Chilensis) of the Pacific, and other related
species. These are large and active fishes, of a blue
color above and silver below, with black oblique stripes.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

3. The medregal (Seriola fasciata), an edible fish of the
southern part of the United States and the West Indies.
[1913 Webster]

4. The cobia or crab eater (Elacate canada), an edible fish
of the Middle and Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]
Trifasciated \Tri*fas"ci*a`ted\, a. [Pref. tri- + fasciated.]
Having, or surrounded by, three fasciae, or bands.
[1913 Webster]
bungarus fasciatus
Bungarus fasciatus
n 1: sluggish krait banded with black and yellow [syn: {banded
krait}, banded adder, Bungarus fasciatus]
chamaea fasciata
Chamaea fasciata
n 1: small brown bird of California resembling a wren [syn:
wren-tit, Chamaea fasciata]
columba fasciata
Columba fasciata
n 1: wild pigeon of western North America; often mistaken for
the now extinct passenger pigeon [syn: {band-tailed
pigeon}, band-tail pigeon, bandtail, {Columba
culex quinquefasciatus
Culex quinquefasciatus
n 1: widespread tropical mosquito that transmits filarial worms
[syn: Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex fatigans]
n 1: a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or
binding together muscles and organs etc [syn: fascia,
2: instrument panel on an automobile or airplane containing
dials and controls [syn: dashboard, fascia]
myrmecobius fasciatus
Myrmecobius fasciatus
n 1: small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong
claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct [syn:
numbat, banded anteater, anteater, {Myrmecobius
sansevieria trifasciata
Sansevieria trifasciata
n 1: stemless plant having narrow rigid leaves often cultivated
as a houseplant [syn: mother-in-law's tongue, {snake
plant}, Sansevieria trifasciata]
thalassoma bifasciatum
Thalassoma bifasciatum
n 1: small Atlantic wrasse the male of which has a brilliant
blue head [syn: bluehead, Thalassoma bifasciatum]

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