facia,firemní štít Zdeněk Brož
Facia \Fa"ci*a\, n. (Arch.)
See Fascia.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or
binding together muscles and organs etc [syn: fascia,
podobné slovodefinícia
cervicofacial actinomycosis
cervicofacial actinomycosis, n:
common facial vein
common facial vein, n:
facial,faciální Zdeněk Brožfacial,lícní Zdeněk Brožfacial,obličejový facial expressions web
facial artery
facial artery, n:
facial expression
facial expression,mimika
facial gesture
facial gesture, n:
facial hair
facial hair,fousy n: pl. jose
facial index
facial index, n:
facial muscle
facial muscle,obličejový sval n: parkmaj
facial muscles
facial muscles,obličejové svaly n: parkmaj
facial nerve
facial nerve, n:
facial profiling
facial profiling, n:
facial recognition
facial recognition, n:
facial tissue
facial tissue, n:
facial vein
facial vein, n:
facially, adv:
fieri facias
fieri facias, n:
interfacial, adj:
interfacial surface tension
interfacial surface tension, n:
interfacial tension
interfacial tension, n:
mandibulofacial,menibulofaciální Zdeněk Brož
maxillofacial, adj:
nervus facialis
nervus facialis, n:
posterior facial vein
posterior facial vein, n:
scire facias
scire facias, n:
unifacial, adj:
vena facialis
vena facialis, n:
vena facialis anterior
vena facialis anterior, n:
venire facias
venire facias, n:
Bifacial \Bi*fa"cial\, a. [Pref. bi- + facial.]
Having the opposite surfaces alike.
[1913 Webster]
Craniofacial \Cra`ni*o*fa"cial\ (-f?"shal), a.
Of or pertaining to the cranium and face; as, the
craniofacial angle.
[1913 Webster]
Facia \Fa"ci*a\, n. (Arch.)
See Fascia.
[1913 Webster]
Facial \Fa"cial\, a. [LL. facialis, fr. L. facies face : cf. F.
Of or pertaining to the face; as, the facial artery, vein, or
nerve. -- Fa"cial*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

Facial angle (Anat.), the angle, in a skull, included
between a straight line (ab, in the illustrations), from
the most prominent part of the forehead to the front efge
of the upper jaw bone, and another (cd) from this point to
the center of the external auditory opening. See {Gnathic
index}, under Gnathic.
[1913 Webster]
Facial angle
Angle \An"gle\ ([a^][ng]"g'l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle,
corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. 'agky`los bent, crooked,
angular, 'a`gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook,
G. angel, and F. anchor.]
1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a
corner; a nook.
[1913 Webster]

Into the utmost angle of the world. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

To search the tenderest angles of the heart.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geom.)
(a) The figure made by. two lines which meet.
(b) The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines
meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.
[1913 Webster]

3. A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
[1913 Webster]

Though but an angle reached him of the stone.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Astrol.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological
"houses." [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

5. [AS. angel.] A fishhook; tackle for catching fish,
consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a
[1913 Webster]

Give me mine angle: we 'll to the river there.
[1913 Webster]

A fisher next his trembling angle bears. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

Acute angle, one less than a right angle, or less than

Adjacent or Contiguous angles, such as have one leg
common to both angles.

Alternate angles. See Alternate.

Angle bar.
(a) (Carp.) An upright bar at the angle where two faces of
a polygonal or bay window meet. --Knight.
(b) (Mach.) Same as Angle iron.

Angle bead (Arch.), a bead worked on or fixed to the angle
of any architectural work, esp. for protecting an angle of
a wall.

Angle brace, Angle tie (Carp.), a brace across an
interior angle of a wooden frame, forming the hypothenuse
and securing the two side pieces together. --Knight.

Angle iron (Mach.), a rolled bar or plate of iron having
one or more angles, used for forming the corners, or
connecting or sustaining the sides of an iron structure to
which it is riveted.

Angle leaf (Arch.), a detail in the form of a leaf, more or
less conventionalized, used to decorate and sometimes to
strengthen an angle.

Angle meter, an instrument for measuring angles, esp. for
ascertaining the dip of strata.

Angle shaft (Arch.), an enriched angle bead, often having a
capital or base, or both.

Curvilineal angle, one formed by two curved lines.

External angles, angles formed by the sides of any
right-lined figure, when the sides are produced or

Facial angle. See under Facial.

Internal angles, those which are within any right-lined

Mixtilineal angle, one formed by a right line with a curved

Oblique angle, one acute or obtuse, in opposition to a
right angle.

Obtuse angle, one greater than a right angle, or more than

Optic angle. See under Optic.

Rectilineal or Right-lined angle, one formed by two right

Right angle, one formed by a right line falling on another
perpendicularly, or an angle of 90[deg] (measured by a
quarter circle).

Solid angle, the figure formed by the meeting of three or
more plane angles at one point.

Spherical angle, one made by the meeting of two arcs of
great circles, which mutually cut one another on the
surface of a globe or sphere.

Visual angle, the angle formed by two rays of light, or two
straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object
to the center of the eye.

For Angles of commutation, draught, incidence,
reflection, refraction, position, repose, fraction,
see Commutation, Draught, Incidence, Reflection,
Refraction, etc.
[1913 Webster]Facial \Fa"cial\, a. [LL. facialis, fr. L. facies face : cf. F.
Of or pertaining to the face; as, the facial artery, vein, or
nerve. -- Fa"cial*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

Facial angle (Anat.), the angle, in a skull, included
between a straight line (ab, in the illustrations), from
the most prominent part of the forehead to the front efge
of the upper jaw bone, and another (cd) from this point to
the center of the external auditory opening. See {Gnathic
index}, under Gnathic.
[1913 Webster]
facial power
makeup \make"up`\, make-up \make"-up`\(m[=a]k"[u^]p`), n.

1. The way in which the parts of anything are put together.
[1913 Webster]

The unthinking masses are necessarily teleological
in their mental make-up. --L. F. Ward.
[1913 Webster]

2. The constituent parts of anything; as, the makeup of the
new congress was predominantly conservative.

3. Cosmetics applied to the face, such as lipstick, {facial
power}, or eye shadow.

4. The aggregate of cosmetics and costume worn by an actor.

5. The effect or appearance of the wearing of makeup (in
senses 3 or 4); often, the way in which an actor is
dressed, painted, etc., in personating a character; as,
her makeup was very realistic.

6. An action that is taken to fulfill a requirement not
accomplished at the expected time, such as a make-up
examination; as, the student took his make-up on Saturday.

7. (Printing) The appearance of a page of a publication,
specifically the type style of the text and the spatial
arrangement of the text, illustrations, advertising
material etc., on the page.

8. (Printing) The art or process of arranging the portions of
a printed publication on the pages for esthetic reasons or
for optimal effect on the reader.
Facial \Fa"cial\, a. [LL. facialis, fr. L. facies face : cf. F.
Of or pertaining to the face; as, the facial artery, vein, or
nerve. -- Fa"cial*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster]

Facial angle (Anat.), the angle, in a skull, included
between a straight line (ab, in the illustrations), from
the most prominent part of the forehead to the front efge
of the upper jaw bone, and another (cd) from this point to
the center of the external auditory opening. See {Gnathic
index}, under Gnathic.
[1913 Webster]
Fieri facias
Fieri facias \Fi"e*ri fa"ci*as\ [L., cause it to be done.] (Law)
A judicial writ that lies for one who has recovered in debt
or damages, commanding the sheriff that he cause to be made
of the goods, chattels, or real estate of the defendant, the
sum claimed. --Blackstone. Cowell.
[1913 Webster]
Interfacial \In`ter*fa"cial\, a. (Geom.)
1. Included between two plane surfaces or faces; as, an
interfacial angle.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to an interface.
Levari facias
Levari facias \Le*va`ri fa"ci*as\ (l[-e]*v[=a]`r[-i]
f[=a]"sh[i^]*[a^]s) n. [Law L., cause to be levied.]
A writ of execution at common law.
[1913 Webster]
Scire facias
Scire facias \Sci`re fa"ci*as\ (s[imac]`r[-e]
f[=a]"sh[i^]*[a^]s). [L., do you cause to know.] (Law)
A judicial writ, founded upon some record, and requiring the
party proceeded against to show cause why the party bringing
it should not have advantage of such record, or (as in the
case of scire facias to repeal letters patent) why the record
should not be annulled or vacated. --Wharton. Bouvier.
[1913 Webster]
Temporofacial \Tem`po*ro*fa"cial\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to both the temple and the face.
[1913 Webster]
Trifacial \Tri*fa"cial\, a. [Pref. tri- + facial.] (Anat.)
See Trigeminal.
[1913 Webster]
Unifacial \U`ni*fa"cial\, a. [Uni- + facial.]
Having but one front surface; as, some foliaceous corals are
unifacial, the polyp mouths being confined to one surface.
[1913 Webster]
Venire facias
Venire facias \Ve*ni"re fa"ci*as\ [L., make, or cause, to come.]
(a) A judicial writ or precept directed to the sheriff,
requiring him to cause a certain number of qualified
persons to appear in court at a specified time, to serve
as jurors in said court.
(b) A writ in the nature of a summons to cause the party
indicted on a penal statute to appear. Called also
[1913 Webster]
anterior facial vein
anterior facial vein
n 1: a continuation of the angular vein; unites with the
retromandibular vein before emptying into the internal
jugular vein [syn: anterior facial vein, {vena facialis
arteria facialis
arteria facialis
n 1: an artery that originates in the external carotid and gives
off branches that supply the neck and face [syn: {facial
artery}, arteria facialis, external maxillary artery]
adj 1: having two faces or fronts; "the Roman Janus is bifacial"
[syn: biface, bifacial]
cervicofacial actinomycosis
cervicofacial actinomycosis
n 1: the commonest and least severe form of actinomycosis;
affects the face and neck regions [syn: {cervicofacial
actinomycosis}, lumpy jaw]
common facial vein
common facial vein
n 1: vein formed by union of facial vein and the retromandibular
vein and emptying into the jugular vein
adj 1: of or concerning the face; "a facial massage"; "facial
hair"; "facial expression"
2: of or pertaining to the outside surface of an object
n 1: cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles [syn: facial,
facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve]
2: care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage
and the application of cosmetic creams
facial artery
facial artery
n 1: an artery that originates in the external carotid and gives
off branches that supply the neck and face [syn: {facial
artery}, arteria facialis, external maxillary artery]
facial expression
facial expression
n 1: a gesture executed with the facial muscles [syn: {facial
expression}, facial gesture]
2: the feelings expressed on a person's face; "a sad
expression"; "a look of triumph"; "an angry face" [syn:
expression, look, aspect, facial expression, face]
facial gesture
facial gesture
n 1: a gesture executed with the facial muscles [syn: {facial
expression}, facial gesture]
facial hair
facial hair
n 1: hair on the face (especially on the face of a man)
facial index
facial index
n 1: the ratio (in percent) of the maximum width to the maximum
height of the face
facial muscle
facial muscle
n 1: any of the skeletal muscles of the face
facial nerve
facial nerve
n 1: cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles [syn: facial,
facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve]
facial profiling
facial profiling
n 1: identification of criminals and terrorist by means of
videotapes of their faces; "facial profiling is a new form
of airport security"
facial recognition
facial recognition
n 1: biometric identification by scanning a person's face and
matching it against a library of known faces; "they used
face recognition to spot known terrorists" [syn: {face
recognition}, facial recognition, {automatic face
facial tissue
facial tissue
n 1: tissue paper suitable for use on the face
facial vein
facial vein
n 1: any of several veins draining the face [syn: facial vein,
vena facialis]
adv 1: with respect to the face
fieri facias
fieri facias
n 1: a writ ordering a levy on the belongings of a debtor to
satisfy the debt
adj 1: relating to or situated at an interface; "an interfacial
layer"; "interfacial tension is the surface tension at
the interface between two liquids"
interfacial surface tension
interfacial surface tension
n 1: surface tension at the surface separating two non-miscible
liquids [syn: interfacial tension, {interfacial surface
interfacial tension
interfacial tension
n 1: surface tension at the surface separating two non-miscible
liquids [syn: interfacial tension, {interfacial surface
adj 1: of or relating to the lower jaw and face
adj 1: of or relating to the upper jaw and face (particularly
with reference to specialized surgery of the maxilla);
"maxillofacial surgery"
nervus facialis
nervus facialis
n 1: cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles [syn: facial,
facial nerve, nervus facialis, seventh cranial nerve]
posterior facial vein
posterior facial vein
n 1: posterior branch of the facial vein; formed by temporal
veins in front of the ear [syn: retromandibular vein,
vena retromandibularis, posterior facial vein]
scire facias
scire facias
n 1: a judicial writ based on some record and requiring the
party against whom it is brought to show cause why the
record should not be enforced or annulled
adj 1: having but one principal or specialized surface; "a
primitive unifacial flint tool"
vena facialis
vena facialis
n 1: any of several veins draining the face [syn: facial vein,
vena facialis]
vena facialis anterior
vena facialis anterior
n 1: a continuation of the angular vein; unites with the
retromandibular vein before emptying into the internal
jugular vein [syn: anterior facial vein, {vena facialis
venire facias
venire facias
n 1: a judicial writ ordering a sheriff to summon people for
jury duty
FACIO UT FACIAS. A species of contract in the civil law, which occurs when I
agree with a man to do his work for him if he will do mine for me. Or if two
persons agree to marry together, or to do any other positive acts on both
sides. Or it may be to forbear on one side in consideration of something
done on the other. 2 Bl. Com. 444.

FIERI FACIAS, practice. The name of a writ of execution. It is so called
because, when writs were in Latin, the words directed to the sheriff were,
quod fieri facias de bonis et catallis, &c., that you cause to be made of
the goods and chattels, &c. Co. Litt. 290 b.
2. The foundation of this writ is a judgment for debt or damages, and
the party who has recovered such a judgment is generally entitled to it,
unless he is delayed by the stay of execution which the law allows in
certain cases after the rendition of the judgment, or by proceedings in
3. This subject will be considered with regard to, 1. The form of the
writ. 2. Its effects. 3. The manner of executing it.
4.-1. The writ is issued in the name of the commonwealth or of the
government, as required by the constitution, and directed to the sheriff,
commanding him that of the goods and chattels, and (where lands are liable
for the payment of debts, as in Pennsylvania,) of the lands and tenements of
the defendant, therein named, in his bailiwick, he cause to be levied as
well a certain debt of ___ dollars, which the plaintiff, ___(naming him), in
the court of ___(naming it), recovered against him, as ___ dollars like
money which to the said plaintiff was adjudged for his damages, which he had
by the detention of that debt, and that he, (the sheriff,) have that money
before the judges of the said court, on a day certain, (being the return day
therein mentioned,) to render to the said plaintiff his debt and damages
aforesaid, whereof the said defendant is convict. It must be tested in the
name of the officer, as directed by the constitution or laws; as, "Witness
the honorable John B. Gibson, our chief justice, at Philadelphia, the tenth
day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
forty-eight. It must be signed by the prothonotary, or clerk of the court,
and sealed with its seal. The signature of the prothonotary, it has been
decided, in Pennsylvania, is not indispensable. The amount of the debt,
interest, and costs, must also be endorsed on the writ. This form varies as
it is issued on a judgment in debt, and one obtained for damages merely. The
execution being founded on the judgment, must, of course, follow and be
warranted by it. 2 Saund. 72 h. k; Bing. on Ex. 186. Hence, where there is
more than one one plaintiff or defendant, it must be in the name of all the
plaintiffs, against all the defendants. 6 T. R. 525. It is either for the
plaintiff or the defendant. When it is against an executor or administrator,
for a liability of the testator or intestate, it is conformable to the
judgment, and must be20only against the goods of the deceased, unless the
defendant has made himself personally liable by his false pleading, in
which case the judgment is de bonis testatoris si, et si non, de bonis
propriis, and the fieri facias must conform to it.
5.-2. At common law, the writ bound the goods of the defendant or
party against whom it was issued, from the test day; by which must be
understood that the writ bound the property against the party himself, and
all claiming by assignment from, or by, representatives under him; 4 East,
B. 538; so that a sale by the defendant, of his goods to a bona fide
purchaser, did no protect them from a fieri facias tested before, although
not issued or delivered to the sheriff till after the sale. Cro. Eliz. 174;
Cro. Jac. 451; 1 Sid. 271. To remedy this manifest injustice, the statute of
frauds, 29 Car. II. c. 3, s. 16, was passed. The principles of this statute
have been adopted in most of the states. Griff. Law Reg. Answers to No. 38,
under No. III. The statue enacts "that no writ of fieri facias, or other
writ of execution, shall bind the property of the goods of the party,
against whom such writ of execution is sued forth, but from the time that
such writ shall be delivered to the sheriff, under-sheriff, or coroners, to
be executed; and for the better manifestation of the said time, the
sheriffs, &c., their deputies or agents, shall, upon the receipt of any such
writ, (without fee for doing the sam,) endorse upon the back thereof, the
day of the month and year whereon he or they received the same." Vide 2
Binn. R. 174; 2 Serg. & Rawle, 157; 2 Yeates, 177; 8 Johns. R. 446; 12
Johns. R. 320; 1 Hopk. R. 368; 3 Penna. R. 247; 3 Rawle, 401 1 Whart R. 377.
6.-3. The execution of the writ is made by levying upon the goods and
chattels of the defendant, or party against whom it is issued; and, in
general, seizing a part of the goods in the name of the whole on the
premises, is a good seizure of the whole. Ld. Raym. 725; 2 Serg. & Rawle,
142; 4 Wash. C. C. R. 29; but see 1 Whart. Rep. 377. The sheriff cannot
break the outer door of a house for the purpose of executing a fieri facias;
5 do. 92; nor can a window be broken for this purpose. W. Jones, 429. See
articles Door; House. He may, however, enter the house, if it be open, and,
being once lawfully entered, he may break open an inner door or chest to
seize the goods of the defendant, even without any request to open them. 4
Taunt. 619; 3 B. & P. 223; Cowp. 1. Although the sheriff is authorized to
enter the house of the party to search for goods, he cannot enter that of a
stranger, for that purpose, without being guilty of a trespass, unless the
defendant's goods are actually in the house. Com. Dig. Execution, C 5: 1
Marsh. R. 565. The sheriff may break the outer door of a barn 1 Sid. 186; S.
C. 1 Keb. 689; or of a store disconnected with the dwelling-house, and
forming no part of the curtilage. 16 Johns. R. 287. The fi. fa. may be
executed at any time before, and on the return day, but not on Sunday, where
it is forbidden by statute. Wats. on Sheriffs, 173 5 Co. 92; Com. Dig.
Execution, c. 5. Vide 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 3383, et. seq; Wats. on Sher. ch. 10;
Bing. Ex. c. 1, s. 4; Gilb. on Exec. Index, h.t.; Grab. Pr. 321: Troub. &
Hal. Pr. Index, h.t.; Com. Dig. Execution, C 4; Process, F 5, 7; Caines'
Pr. Index, h.t.; Tidd's Pr. Index, h.t.; Sell. Pr. Index, h.t.

HABERE FACIAS POSSESSIONEM, Practice, remedies. The name of a writ of
execution in the action of ejectment.
2. The sheriff, is commanded by this writ that, without delay, he cause
the plaintiff to have possession of the land in dispute which is therein
described; a fi. fa. or ca. sa. for costs may be included in the writ. The
duty of the sheriff in the execution and return of that part of the writ, is
the same as on a common fi. fa. or ca. sa. The sheriff is to execute this
writ by delivering a full and, actual possession of the premises to the
plaintiff. For this purpose he may break an outer or inner door of the
house, and, should he be violently opposed, he may raise the posse
comitatus. Wats. on Sher. 60, 215; 5 Co. 91 b.; 1 Leon. 145; 3 Bouv. Inst.
n. 3375.
3. The name of this writ is abbreviated hab. fa. poss. Vide 10 Vin. Ab.
14; Tidd's Pr. 1081, 8th Engl. edit.; 2 Arch. Pr. 58; 3 Bl. Com. 412; Bing.
on Execut. 115, 252; Bac. Ab. h.t.

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