genital,genitálie n: Zdeněk Brož
genital,genitální adj: Zdeněk Brož
Genital \Gen"i*tal\, a. [L. genitalis, fr. genere, gignere, to
beget: cf. F. g['e]nital. See Gender.]
Pertaining to generation, or to the generative organs; as,
genital herpes.
[1913 Webster]

Genital cord (Anat.), a cord developed in the fetus by the
union of portions of the Wolffian and M["u]llerian ducts
and giving rise to parts of the urogenital passages in
both sexes.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital
herpes"; "venereal disease" [syn: genital, venereal]
podobné slovodefinícia
congenital,rozený adj: Zdeněk Brožcongenital,vrozený adj: Zdeněk Brož
congenital abnormality
congenital abnormality, n:
congenital afibrinogenemia
congenital afibrinogenemia, n:
congenital anomaly
congenital anomaly, n:
congenital defect
congenital defect, n:
congenital disease
congenital disease, n:
congenital disorder
congenital disorder, n:
congenital heart defect
congenital heart defect, n:
congenital megacolon
congenital megacolon, n:
congenital pancytopenia
congenital pancytopenia, n:
congenitally,vrozeně adv: Zdeněk Brož
female genital cutting
female genital cutting,ženská obřízka n: [med.] web
female genital mutilation
female genital mutilation,ženská obřízka n: [med.] web
female genital organ
female genital organ, n:
female genitalia
female genitalia, n:
female genitals
female genitals, n:
genital,genitálie n: Zdeněk Brožgenital,genitální adj: Zdeněk Brož
genital herpes
genital herpes, n:
genital organ
genital organ, n:
genital personality
genital personality, n:
genital phase
genital phase, n:
genital stage
genital stage, n:
genital system
genital system, n:
genital wart
genital wart, n:
genitalia,genitálie n: Zdeněk Brož
genitals,genitálie n: Zdeněk Brožgenitals,přirození n: Zdeněk Brož
herpes genitalis
herpes genitalis, n:
male genital organ
male genital organ, n:
male genitalia
male genitalia, n:
male genitals
male genitals, n:
systema urogenitale
systema urogenitale, n:
urinogenital,urinogenitální Zdeněk Brož
urogenital apparatus
urogenital apparatus, n:
urogenital cleft
urogenital cleft, n:
urogenital medicine
urogenital medicine, n:
urogenital system
urogenital system, n:
Congenital \Con*gen"i*tal\ (k[o^]n*j[e^]n"[i^]*tal), a. [From
Existing at, or dating from, birth; pertaining to one from
birth; born with one; connate; constitutional; natural; as, a
congenital deformity; a congenital liar. See Connate and

Syn: connate; native; inborn; inherited; hereditary. [1913
Webster +PJC]Native \Na"tive\ (n[=a]"t[i^]v), a. [F. natif, L. nativus, fr.
nasci, p. p. natus. See Nation, and cf. Na["i]ve, Neif
a serf.]
1. Arising by birth; having an origin; born. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Anaximander's opinion is, that the gods are native,
rising and vanishing again in long periods of times.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the
place or the circumstances in which one is born; --
opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color,
[1913 Webster]

3. Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native
inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where
used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native
oysters, or strawberries. In the latter sense, synonymous
with domestic.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

4. Original; constituting the original substance of anything;
as, native dust. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

5. Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one;
inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius,
cheerfulness, wit, simplicity, rights, intelligence, etc.
Having the same meaning as congenital, but typically
used for positive qualities, whereas congenital may be
used for negative qualities. See also congenital
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Courage is native to you. --Jowett
[1913 Webster]

6. Naturally related; cognate; connected (with). [R.]
[1913 Webster]

the head is not more native to the heart, . . .
Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Min.)
(a) Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as,
native silver, copper, gold.
(b) Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium
[1913 Webster]

Native American party. See under American, a.

Native bear (Zool.), the koala.

Native bread (Bot.), a large underground fungus, of
Australia (Mylitta australis), somewhat resembling a
truffle, but much larger.

Native devil. (Zool.) Same as Tasmanian devil, under

Native hen (Zool.), an Australian rail ({Tribonyx

Native pheasant. (Zool.) See Leipoa.

Native rabbit (Zool.), an Australian marsupial ({Perameles
lagotis}) resembling a rabbit in size and form.

Native sloth (Zool.), the koala.

Native thrush (Zool.), an Australian singing bird
(Pachycephala olivacea); -- called also thickhead.

Native turkey (Zool.), the Australian bustard ({Choriotis
australis}); -- called also bebilya.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Natural; natal; original; congenital.

Usage: Native, Natural, Natal. natural refers to the
nature of a thing, or that which springs therefrom;
native, to one's birth or origin; as, a native
country, language, etc.; natal, to the circumstances
of one's birth; as, a natal day, or star. Native
talent is that which is inborn; natural talent is that
which springs from the structure of the mind. Native
eloquence is the result of strong innate emotion;
natural eloquence is opposed to that which is studied
or artificial.
[1913 Webster]
Congenital \Con*gen"i*tal\ (k[o^]n*j[e^]n"[i^]*tal), a. [From
Existing at, or dating from, birth; pertaining to one from
birth; born with one; connate; constitutional; natural; as, a
congenital deformity; a congenital liar. See Connate and

Syn: connate; native; inborn; inherited; hereditary. [1913
Webster +PJC]Native \Na"tive\ (n[=a]"t[i^]v), a. [F. natif, L. nativus, fr.
nasci, p. p. natus. See Nation, and cf. Na["i]ve, Neif
a serf.]
1. Arising by birth; having an origin; born. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Anaximander's opinion is, that the gods are native,
rising and vanishing again in long periods of times.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the
place or the circumstances in which one is born; --
opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color,
[1913 Webster]

3. Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native
inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where
used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native
oysters, or strawberries. In the latter sense, synonymous
with domestic.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

4. Original; constituting the original substance of anything;
as, native dust. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

5. Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one;
inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius,
cheerfulness, wit, simplicity, rights, intelligence, etc.
Having the same meaning as congenital, but typically
used for positive qualities, whereas congenital may be
used for negative qualities. See also congenital
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Courage is native to you. --Jowett
[1913 Webster]

6. Naturally related; cognate; connected (with). [R.]
[1913 Webster]

the head is not more native to the heart, . . .
Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Min.)
(a) Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as,
native silver, copper, gold.
(b) Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium
[1913 Webster]

Native American party. See under American, a.

Native bear (Zool.), the koala.

Native bread (Bot.), a large underground fungus, of
Australia (Mylitta australis), somewhat resembling a
truffle, but much larger.

Native devil. (Zool.) Same as Tasmanian devil, under

Native hen (Zool.), an Australian rail ({Tribonyx

Native pheasant. (Zool.) See Leipoa.

Native rabbit (Zool.), an Australian marsupial ({Perameles
lagotis}) resembling a rabbit in size and form.

Native sloth (Zool.), the koala.

Native thrush (Zool.), an Australian singing bird
(Pachycephala olivacea); -- called also thickhead.

Native turkey (Zool.), the Australian bustard ({Choriotis
australis}); -- called also bebilya.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Natural; natal; original; congenital.

Usage: Native, Natural, Natal. natural refers to the
nature of a thing, or that which springs therefrom;
native, to one's birth or origin; as, a native
country, language, etc.; natal, to the circumstances
of one's birth; as, a natal day, or star. Native
talent is that which is inborn; natural talent is that
which springs from the structure of the mind. Native
eloquence is the result of strong innate emotion;
natural eloquence is opposed to that which is studied
or artificial.
[1913 Webster]
congenital inborn innate
noninheritable \noninheritable\ adj.
not capable of transmission by heredity. Opposite of
inheritable. [Narrower terms: acquired, nurtural;
congenital, inborn, innate]

Syn: nonheritable, nonhereditary, nontransmissible.
[WordNet 1.5]
congenital inborn innate
nonhereditary \nonhereditary\ adj.
Not inheritable through genetic transmission. Opposite of
inheritable, and heritable. [Narrower terms: {acquired,
nurtural}; {congenital, inborn, innate ]

Syn: nontransmissible, nonheritable, noninheritable.
[WordNet 1.5] nonhierarchic
Congenitally \Con*gen"i*tal*ly\, adv.
In a congenital manner.
[1913 Webster]
external genitalia
genitalia \genitalia\ n.
The sex organs, especially the external sex organs, called
the external genitalia; the genitals.

Syn: genital, genitals, private parts, privates, crotch.
[WordNet 1.5]
Genital cord
Genital \Gen"i*tal\, a. [L. genitalis, fr. genere, gignere, to
beget: cf. F. g['e]nital. See Gender.]
Pertaining to generation, or to the generative organs; as,
genital herpes.
[1913 Webster]

Genital cord (Anat.), a cord developed in the fetus by the
union of portions of the Wolffian and M["u]llerian ducts
and giving rise to parts of the urogenital passages in
both sexes.
[1913 Webster]
genitalia \genitalia\ n.
The sex organs, especially the external sex organs, called
the external genitalia; the genitals.

Syn: genital, genitals, private parts, privates, crotch.
[WordNet 1.5]
Genitals \Gen"i*tals\, n. pl. [From Genital, a.: cf. L.
The organs of generation; the sexual organs; the private
[1913 Webster]
Urinogenital \U`ri*no*gen"i*tal\, a. (Anat.)
Pertaining to the urinary and genital organs; genitourinary;
urogenital; as, the urinogenital canal.
[1913 Webster]
Urogenital \U`ro*gen"i*tal\, a. [1st uro- + genital.] (Anat.)
Same as Urinogenital.
[1913 Webster]
apparatus urogenitalis
apparatus urogenitalis
n 1: the system that includes all organs involved in
reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
[syn: urogenital system, urogenital apparatus, {urinary
system}, urinary apparatus, genitourinary system,
genitourinary apparatus, systema urogenitale,
apparatus urogenitalis]
adj 1: present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired
during fetal development [syn: congenital, inborn,
congenital abnormality
congenital abnormality
n 1: a defect that is present at birth [syn: birth defect,
congenital anomaly, congenital defect, {congenital
disorder}, congenital abnormality]
congenital afibrinogenemia
congenital afibrinogenemia
n 1: a rare congenital disorder of blood coagulation in which no
fibrinogen is found in the blood plasma
congenital anomaly
congenital anomaly
n 1: a defect that is present at birth [syn: birth defect,
congenital anomaly, congenital defect, {congenital
disorder}, congenital abnormality]
congenital defect
congenital defect
n 1: a defect that is present at birth [syn: birth defect,
congenital anomaly, congenital defect, {congenital
disorder}, congenital abnormality]
congenital disease
congenital disease
n 1: a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically [syn:
genetic disease, genetic disorder, {genetic
abnormality}, genetic defect, congenital disease,
inherited disease, inherited disorder, {hereditary
disease}, hereditary condition]
congenital disorder
congenital disorder
n 1: a defect that is present at birth [syn: birth defect,
congenital anomaly, congenital defect, {congenital
disorder}, congenital abnormality]
congenital heart defect
congenital heart defect
n 1: a birth defect involving the heart
congenital megacolon
congenital megacolon
n 1: congenital condition in which the colon does not have the
normal network of nerves; there is little urge to defecate
so the feces accumulate and cause megacolon [syn:
Hirschsprung's disease, congenital megacolon]
congenital pancytopenia
congenital pancytopenia
n 1: a rare congenital anemia characterized by pancytopenia and
hypoplasia of the bone marrow [syn: Fanconi's anemia,
Fanconi's anaemia, congenital pancytopenia]
female genital organ
female genital organ
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
female genitalia
female genitalia
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
female genitals
female genitals
n 1: external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar
slang for female genitals" [syn: female genitalia,
female genitals, female genital organ, fanny]
adj 1: of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital
herpes"; "venereal disease" [syn: genital, venereal]
genital herpes
genital herpes
n 1: an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by
recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and
mucous membranes of the genital area [syn: {genital
herpes}, herpes genitalis]
genital organ
genital organ
n 1: external sex organ [syn: genitalia, genital organ,
genitals, private parts, privates, crotch]
genital personality
genital personality
n 1: (psychoanalysis) the mature personality which is not
dominated by infantile pleasure drives
genital phase
genital phase
n 1: (psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a
person's development occurring during adolescence; interest
focuses on sexual activity [syn: genital stage, {genital
genital stage
genital stage
n 1: (psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a
person's development occurring during adolescence; interest
focuses on sexual activity [syn: genital stage, {genital
genital system
genital system
n 1: organs and tissues involved in the production and
maturation of gametes and in their union and subsequent
development as offspring [syn: reproductive system,
genital system]
genital torture
genital torture
n 1: blunt or penetrating trauma or rape (vaginal or anal)
genital wart
genital wart
n 1: a small benign wart on or around the genitals and anus
[syn: genital wart, venereal wart, {condyloma
acuminatum}, verruca acuminata]
n 1: external sex organ [syn: genitalia, genital organ,
genitals, private parts, privates, crotch]
n 1: external sex organ [syn: genitalia, genital organ,
genitals, private parts, privates, crotch]
herpes genitalis
herpes genitalis
n 1: an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by
recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and
mucous membranes of the genital area [syn: {genital
herpes}, herpes genitalis]
male genital organ
male genital organ
n 1: external male sex organs [syn: male genitalia, {male
genitals}, male genital organ, family jewels]

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