hark,naslouchat v: Zdeněk Brož
hark,pobídka loveckého psa n: Jiří Dadák
Hark \Hark\ (h[aum]rk), v. i. [OE. herken. See Hearken.]
To listen; to hearken. [Now rare, except in the imperative
form used as an interjection, Hark! listen.] --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]

Hark away! Hark back! Hark forward! (Sporting), cries
used to incite and guide hounds in hunting.

To hark back, to go back for a fresh start, as when one has
wandered from his direct course, or made a digression.
[1913 Webster]

He must have overshot the mark, and must hark back.
[1913 Webster]

He harked back to the subject. --W. E.
[1913 Webster]
v 1: listen; used mostly in the imperative [syn: hark,
harken, hearken]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Charkov
- Kharkiv
- Kharkiv
- cook, cookbook, cookery book
card shark
card shark,
carpet shark
carpet shark, n:
cat shark
cat shark, n:
cow shark
cow shark, n:
cub shark
cub shark, n:
dusky shark
dusky shark, n:
fox shark
fox shark, n:
great blue shark
great blue shark, n:
great white shark
great white shark, n:
hammerhead shark
hammerhead shark, n:
hark,naslouchat v: Zdeněk Brožhark,pobídka loveckého psa n: Jiří Dadák
hark back
hark back,vrátit se Zdeněk Brož
harken,naslouchat v: Zdeněk Brož
Kharkov,Charkov [zem.] n:
lemon shark
lemon shark, n:
loan shark
loan shark,
loansharking,lichva n: Michal Ambrož
mackerel shark
mackerel shark, n:
mako shark
mako shark, n:
man-eating shark
man-eating shark, n:
oceanic whitetip shark
oceanic whitetip shark, n:
reef whitetip shark
reef whitetip shark, n:
requiem shark
requiem shark, n:
sand shark
sand shark, n:
sandbar shark
sandbar shark, n:
shark,lichvář Zdeněk Brožshark,žraločí Zdeněk Brožshark,žralok n:
shark (loan shark)
shark (loan shark),lichvář [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
shark oil
shark oil, n:
shark repellent
shark repellent, n:
shark-liver oil
shark-liver oil, n:
sharks,žraloci n: pl. web
sharkskin,žraločí kůže Zdeněk Brož
sharksucker, n:
six-gilled shark
six-gilled shark, n:
smoothhound shark
smoothhound shark, n:
soupfin shark
soupfin shark, n:
thresher shark
thresher shark, n:
tiger shark
tiger shark, n:
whale shark
whale shark, n:
white shark
white shark, n:
white-tipped shark
white-tipped shark, n:
whitetip shark
whitetip shark, n:
Charkov,Kharkov[zem.] n:
oharky,cindern: Zdeněk Brožoharky,embersn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
Angel shark
Angel \An"gel\, n. [AS. [ae]ngel, engel, influenced by OF.
angele, angle, F. ange. Both the AS. and the OF. words are
from L. angelus, Gr. 'a`ggelos messenger, a messenger of God,
an angel.]
1. A messenger. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

The dear good angel of the Spring,
The nightingale. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and
intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's
[1913 Webster]

O, welcome, pure-eyed Faith, white-handed Hope,
Thou hovering angel, girt with golden wings.
[1913 Webster]

3. One of a class of "fallen angels;" an evil spirit; as, the
devil and his angels.
[1913 Webster]

4. A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic
churches. [Archaic]
[1913 Webster]

Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write.
--Rev. ii. 1.
[1913 Webster]

5. Attendant spirit; genius; demon. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic
goodness or loveliness; a darling.
[1913 Webster]

When pain and anguish wring the brow,
A ministering angel thou. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Numis.) An ancient gold coin of England, bearing the
figure of the archangel Michael. It varied in value from
6s. 8d. to 10s. --Amer. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Angel is sometimes used adjectively; as, angel grace;
angel whiteness.
[1913 Webster]

Angel bed, a bed without posts.

Angel fish. (Zool.)
(a) A species of shark (Squatina angelus) from six to
eight feet long, found on the coasts of Europe and
North America. It takes its name from its pectoral
fins, which are very large and extend horizontally
like wings when spread.
(b) One of several species of compressed, bright colored
fishes warm seas, belonging to the family

Angel gold, standard gold. [Obs.] --Fuller.

Angel shark. See Angel fish.

Angel shot (Mil.), a kind of chain shot.

Angel water, a perfumed liquid made at first chiefly from
angelica; afterwards containing rose, myrtle, and
orange-flower waters, with ambergris, etc. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Basking shark
Shark \Shark\ (sh[aum]rk), n. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
through OF. fr. carcharus a kind of dogfish, Gr. karchari`as,
so called from its sharp teeth, fr. ka`rcharos having sharp
or jagged teeth; or perhaps named from its rapacity (cf.
Shark, v. t. & i.); cf. Corn. scarceas.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes
of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark,
grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty
feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in
length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are
exceedingly voracious. The man-eating sharks mostly
belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and
related genera. They have several rows of large sharp
teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark
(Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti)
of tropical seas, and the great blue shark
(Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all
tropical and temperate seas. The former sometimes
becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious
and dangerous species known. The rare man-eating shark
of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is
thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of
Carcharodon carcharias. The dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the
coast of the United States of moderate size and not
dangerous. It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The original 1913 Webster also mentioned a "smaller
blue shark (C. caudatus)", but this species could not
be found mentioned on the Web (August 2002). The
following is a list of Atlantic Ocean sharks:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Common and Scientific Names of Atlantic Sharks
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
from "Our Living Oceans 1995" (published by the
National Printing Office):
NMFS. 1999. Our Living Oceans. Report on the status of
U.S. living marine resources, 1999. U.S. Dep. Commer.,
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version,
(the following list is found at at
(1) Pelagic Sharks
Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Sevengill shark (Heptrachias perlo)
Sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)
Bigeye sixgill shark (Hexanchus vitulus)
Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
(2)Large Coastal Sharks
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis)
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
Bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Night shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
(3) Small Coastal Sharks
Finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon erraenovae)
Caribbean sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon porosus)
Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril)

2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark.
[Obs.] --South.
[1913 Webster]

Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark,
Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking,
Liver, etc. See also Dogfish, Houndfish,
Notidanian, and Tope.

Gray shark, the sand shark.

Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.

Port Jackson shark. See Cestraciont.

Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.

Shark ray. Same as Angel fish
(a), under Angel.

Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious
shark. See Thrasher.

Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of
the Indian Ocean. It becomes sixty feet or more in length,
but has very small teeth.
[1913 Webster]Liver \Liv"er\, n. [AS. lifer; akin to D. liver, G. leber, OHG.
lebara, Icel. lifr, Sw. lefver, and perh. to Gr. ? fat, E.
live, v.] (Anat.)
A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral
cavity of all vertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Most of the venous blood from the alimentary canal
passes through it on its way back to the heart; and it
secretes the bile, produces glycogen, and in other ways
changes the blood which passes through it. In man it is
situated immediately beneath the diaphragm and mainly
on the right side. See Bile, Digestive, and
Glycogen. The liver of invertebrate animals is
usually made up of c[ae]cal tubes, and differs
materially, in form and function, from that of
[1913 Webster]

Floating liver. See Wandering liver, under Wandering.

Liver of antimony, Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See

Liver brown, Liver color, the color of liver, a dark,
reddish brown.

Liver shark (Zool.), a very large shark ({Cetorhinus
maximus}), inhabiting the northern coasts both of Europe
and North America. It sometimes becomes forty feet in
length, being one of the largest sharks known; but it has
small simple teeth, and is not dangerous. It is captured
for the sake of its liver, which often yields several
barrels of oil. It has gill rakers, resembling whalebone,
by means of which it separates small animals from the sea
water. Called also basking shark, bone shark,
hoemother, homer, and sailfish; it is sometimes
referred to as whale shark, but that name is more
commonly used for the Rhincodon typus, which grows even

Liver spots, yellowish brown patches on the skin, or spots
of chloasma.
[1913 Webster]Basking shark \Bask"ing shark`\ (Zool.)
One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus),
so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the {liver
shark}, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of
Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty
feet. It is a harmless species.
[1913 Webster]
basking shark
Shark \Shark\ (sh[aum]rk), n. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
through OF. fr. carcharus a kind of dogfish, Gr. karchari`as,
so called from its sharp teeth, fr. ka`rcharos having sharp
or jagged teeth; or perhaps named from its rapacity (cf.
Shark, v. t. & i.); cf. Corn. scarceas.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes
of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark,
grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty
feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in
length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are
exceedingly voracious. The man-eating sharks mostly
belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and
related genera. They have several rows of large sharp
teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark
(Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti)
of tropical seas, and the great blue shark
(Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all
tropical and temperate seas. The former sometimes
becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious
and dangerous species known. The rare man-eating shark
of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is
thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of
Carcharodon carcharias. The dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the
coast of the United States of moderate size and not
dangerous. It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The original 1913 Webster also mentioned a "smaller
blue shark (C. caudatus)", but this species could not
be found mentioned on the Web (August 2002). The
following is a list of Atlantic Ocean sharks:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Common and Scientific Names of Atlantic Sharks
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
from "Our Living Oceans 1995" (published by the
National Printing Office):
NMFS. 1999. Our Living Oceans. Report on the status of
U.S. living marine resources, 1999. U.S. Dep. Commer.,
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version,
(the following list is found at at
(1) Pelagic Sharks
Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Sevengill shark (Heptrachias perlo)
Sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)
Bigeye sixgill shark (Hexanchus vitulus)
Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
(2)Large Coastal Sharks
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis)
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
Bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Night shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
(3) Small Coastal Sharks
Finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon erraenovae)
Caribbean sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon porosus)
Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril)

2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark.
[Obs.] --South.
[1913 Webster]

Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark,
Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking,
Liver, etc. See also Dogfish, Houndfish,
Notidanian, and Tope.

Gray shark, the sand shark.

Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.

Port Jackson shark. See Cestraciont.

Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.

Shark ray. Same as Angel fish
(a), under Angel.

Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious
shark. See Thrasher.

Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of
the Indian Ocean. It becomes sixty feet or more in length,
but has very small teeth.
[1913 Webster]Liver \Liv"er\, n. [AS. lifer; akin to D. liver, G. leber, OHG.
lebara, Icel. lifr, Sw. lefver, and perh. to Gr. ? fat, E.
live, v.] (Anat.)
A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral
cavity of all vertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Most of the venous blood from the alimentary canal
passes through it on its way back to the heart; and it
secretes the bile, produces glycogen, and in other ways
changes the blood which passes through it. In man it is
situated immediately beneath the diaphragm and mainly
on the right side. See Bile, Digestive, and
Glycogen. The liver of invertebrate animals is
usually made up of c[ae]cal tubes, and differs
materially, in form and function, from that of
[1913 Webster]

Floating liver. See Wandering liver, under Wandering.

Liver of antimony, Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See

Liver brown, Liver color, the color of liver, a dark,
reddish brown.

Liver shark (Zool.), a very large shark ({Cetorhinus
maximus}), inhabiting the northern coasts both of Europe
and North America. It sometimes becomes forty feet in
length, being one of the largest sharks known; but it has
small simple teeth, and is not dangerous. It is captured
for the sake of its liver, which often yields several
barrels of oil. It has gill rakers, resembling whalebone,
by means of which it separates small animals from the sea
water. Called also basking shark, bone shark,
hoemother, homer, and sailfish; it is sometimes
referred to as whale shark, but that name is more
commonly used for the Rhincodon typus, which grows even

Liver spots, yellowish brown patches on the skin, or spots
of chloasma.
[1913 Webster]Basking shark \Bask"ing shark`\ (Zool.)
One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus),
so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the {liver
shark}, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of
Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty
feet. It is a harmless species.
[1913 Webster]
Basking shark
Shark \Shark\ (sh[aum]rk), n. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
through OF. fr. carcharus a kind of dogfish, Gr. karchari`as,
so called from its sharp teeth, fr. ka`rcharos having sharp
or jagged teeth; or perhaps named from its rapacity (cf.
Shark, v. t. & i.); cf. Corn. scarceas.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes
of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark,
grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty
feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in
length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are
exceedingly voracious. The man-eating sharks mostly
belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and
related genera. They have several rows of large sharp
teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark
(Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti)
of tropical seas, and the great blue shark
(Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all
tropical and temperate seas. The former sometimes
becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious
and dangerous species known. The rare man-eating shark
of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is
thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of
Carcharodon carcharias. The dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the
coast of the United States of moderate size and not
dangerous. It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The original 1913 Webster also mentioned a "smaller
blue shark (C. caudatus)", but this species could not
be found mentioned on the Web (August 2002). The
following is a list of Atlantic Ocean sharks:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Common and Scientific Names of Atlantic Sharks
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
from "Our Living Oceans 1995" (published by the
National Printing Office):
NMFS. 1999. Our Living Oceans. Report on the status of
U.S. living marine resources, 1999. U.S. Dep. Commer.,
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version,
(the following list is found at at
(1) Pelagic Sharks
Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Sevengill shark (Heptrachias perlo)
Sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)
Bigeye sixgill shark (Hexanchus vitulus)
Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
(2)Large Coastal Sharks
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis)
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
Bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Night shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
(3) Small Coastal Sharks
Finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon erraenovae)
Caribbean sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon porosus)
Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril)

2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark.
[Obs.] --South.
[1913 Webster]

Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark,
Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking,
Liver, etc. See also Dogfish, Houndfish,
Notidanian, and Tope.

Gray shark, the sand shark.

Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.

Port Jackson shark. See Cestraciont.

Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.

Shark ray. Same as Angel fish
(a), under Angel.

Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious
shark. See Thrasher.

Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of
the Indian Ocean. It becomes sixty feet or more in length,
but has very small teeth.
[1913 Webster]Liver \Liv"er\, n. [AS. lifer; akin to D. liver, G. leber, OHG.
lebara, Icel. lifr, Sw. lefver, and perh. to Gr. ? fat, E.
live, v.] (Anat.)
A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral
cavity of all vertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Most of the venous blood from the alimentary canal
passes through it on its way back to the heart; and it
secretes the bile, produces glycogen, and in other ways
changes the blood which passes through it. In man it is
situated immediately beneath the diaphragm and mainly
on the right side. See Bile, Digestive, and
Glycogen. The liver of invertebrate animals is
usually made up of c[ae]cal tubes, and differs
materially, in form and function, from that of
[1913 Webster]

Floating liver. See Wandering liver, under Wandering.

Liver of antimony, Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See

Liver brown, Liver color, the color of liver, a dark,
reddish brown.

Liver shark (Zool.), a very large shark ({Cetorhinus
maximus}), inhabiting the northern coasts both of Europe
and North America. It sometimes becomes forty feet in
length, being one of the largest sharks known; but it has
small simple teeth, and is not dangerous. It is captured
for the sake of its liver, which often yields several
barrels of oil. It has gill rakers, resembling whalebone,
by means of which it separates small animals from the sea
water. Called also basking shark, bone shark,
hoemother, homer, and sailfish; it is sometimes
referred to as whale shark, but that name is more
commonly used for the Rhincodon typus, which grows even

Liver spots, yellowish brown patches on the skin, or spots
of chloasma.
[1913 Webster]Basking shark \Bask"ing shark`\ (Zool.)
One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus),
so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the {liver
shark}, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of
Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty
feet. It is a harmless species.
[1913 Webster]
bone shark
Liver \Liv"er\, n. [AS. lifer; akin to D. liver, G. leber, OHG.
lebara, Icel. lifr, Sw. lefver, and perh. to Gr. ? fat, E.
live, v.] (Anat.)
A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral
cavity of all vertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Most of the venous blood from the alimentary canal
passes through it on its way back to the heart; and it
secretes the bile, produces glycogen, and in other ways
changes the blood which passes through it. In man it is
situated immediately beneath the diaphragm and mainly
on the right side. See Bile, Digestive, and
Glycogen. The liver of invertebrate animals is
usually made up of c[ae]cal tubes, and differs
materially, in form and function, from that of
[1913 Webster]

Floating liver. See Wandering liver, under Wandering.

Liver of antimony, Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See

Liver brown, Liver color, the color of liver, a dark,
reddish brown.

Liver shark (Zool.), a very large shark ({Cetorhinus
maximus}), inhabiting the northern coasts both of Europe
and North America. It sometimes becomes forty feet in
length, being one of the largest sharks known; but it has
small simple teeth, and is not dangerous. It is captured
for the sake of its liver, which often yields several
barrels of oil. It has gill rakers, resembling whalebone,
by means of which it separates small animals from the sea
water. Called also basking shark, bone shark,
hoemother, homer, and sailfish; it is sometimes
referred to as whale shark, but that name is more
commonly used for the Rhincodon typus, which grows even

Liver spots, yellowish brown patches on the skin, or spots
of chloasma.
[1913 Webster]Basking shark \Bask"ing shark`\ (Zool.)
One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus),
so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the {liver
shark}, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of
Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty
feet. It is a harmless species.
[1913 Webster]Bone \Bone\ (b[=o]n; 110), n. [OE. bon, ban, AS. b[=a]n; akin to
Icel. bein, Sw. ben, Dan. & D. been, G. bein bone, leg; cf.
Icel. beinn straight.]
1. (Anat.) The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of
vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcium
carbonate, calcium phosphate, and gelatine; as, blood and
[1913 Webster]

Note: Even in the hardest parts of bone there are many minute
cavities containing living matter and connected by
minute canals, some of which connect with larger canals
through which blood vessels ramify.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton; as, a
rib or a thigh bone; a bone of the arm or leg; also, any
fragment of bony substance. (pl.) The frame or skeleton of
the body.
[1913 Webster]

3. Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers
and struck together to make a kind of music.
[1913 Webster]

5. pl. Dice.
[1913 Webster]

6. Whalebone; hence, a piece of whalebone or of steel for a
[1913 Webster]

7. Fig.: The framework of anything.
[1913 Webster]

A bone of contention, a subject of contention or dispute.

A bone to pick, something to investigate, or to busy one's
self about; a dispute to be settled (with some one).

Bone ash, the residue from calcined bones; -- used for
making cupels, and for cleaning jewelry.

Bone black (Chem.), the black, carbonaceous substance into
which bones are converted by calcination in close vessels;
-- called also animal charcoal. It is used as a
decolorizing material in filtering sirups, extracts, etc.,
and as a black pigment. See Ivory black, under Black.

Bone cave, a cave in which are found bones of extinct or
recent animals, mingled sometimes with the works and bones
of man. --Am. Cyc.

Bone dust, ground or pulverized bones, used as a

Bone earth (Chem.), the earthy residuum after the
calcination of bone, consisting chiefly of phosphate of

Bone lace, a lace made of linen thread, so called because
woven with bobbins of bone.

Bone oil, an oil obtained by heating bones (as in the
manufacture of bone black), and remarkable for containing
the nitrogenous bases, pyridine and quinoline, and their
derivatives; -- also called Dippel's oil.

Bone setter. Same as Bonesetter. See in the Vocabulary.

Bone shark (Zool.), the basking shark.

Bone spavin. See under Spavin.

Bone turquoise, fossil bone or tooth of a delicate blue
color, sometimes used as an imitation of true turquoise.

Bone whale (Zool.), a right whale.

To be upon the bones of, to attack. [Obs.]

To make no bones, to make no scruple; not to hesitate.

To pick a bone with, to quarrel with, as dogs quarrel over
a bone; to settle a disagreement. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Bone shark
Liver \Liv"er\, n. [AS. lifer; akin to D. liver, G. leber, OHG.
lebara, Icel. lifr, Sw. lefver, and perh. to Gr. ? fat, E.
live, v.] (Anat.)
A very large glandular and vascular organ in the visceral
cavity of all vertebrates.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Most of the venous blood from the alimentary canal
passes through it on its way back to the heart; and it
secretes the bile, produces glycogen, and in other ways
changes the blood which passes through it. In man it is
situated immediately beneath the diaphragm and mainly
on the right side. See Bile, Digestive, and
Glycogen. The liver of invertebrate animals is
usually made up of c[ae]cal tubes, and differs
materially, in form and function, from that of
[1913 Webster]

Floating liver. See Wandering liver, under Wandering.

Liver of antimony, Liver of sulphur. (Old Chem.) See

Liver brown, Liver color, the color of liver, a dark,
reddish brown.

Liver shark (Zool.), a very large shark ({Cetorhinus
maximus}), inhabiting the northern coasts both of Europe
and North America. It sometimes becomes forty feet in
length, being one of the largest sharks known; but it has
small simple teeth, and is not dangerous. It is captured
for the sake of its liver, which often yields several
barrels of oil. It has gill rakers, resembling whalebone,
by means of which it separates small animals from the sea
water. Called also basking shark, bone shark,
hoemother, homer, and sailfish; it is sometimes
referred to as whale shark, but that name is more
commonly used for the Rhincodon typus, which grows even

Liver spots, yellowish brown patches on the skin, or spots
of chloasma.
[1913 Webster]Basking shark \Bask"ing shark`\ (Zool.)
One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus),
so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the {liver
shark}, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of
Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty
feet. It is a harmless species.
[1913 Webster]Bone \Bone\ (b[=o]n; 110), n. [OE. bon, ban, AS. b[=a]n; akin to
Icel. bein, Sw. ben, Dan. & D. been, G. bein bone, leg; cf.
Icel. beinn straight.]
1. (Anat.) The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of
vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcium
carbonate, calcium phosphate, and gelatine; as, blood and
[1913 Webster]

Note: Even in the hardest parts of bone there are many minute
cavities containing living matter and connected by
minute canals, some of which connect with larger canals
through which blood vessels ramify.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton; as, a
rib or a thigh bone; a bone of the arm or leg; also, any
fragment of bony substance. (pl.) The frame or skeleton of
the body.
[1913 Webster]

3. Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers
and struck together to make a kind of music.
[1913 Webster]

5. pl. Dice.
[1913 Webster]

6. Whalebone; hence, a piece of whalebone or of steel for a
[1913 Webster]

7. Fig.: The framework of anything.
[1913 Webster]

A bone of contention, a subject of contention or dispute.

A bone to pick, something to investigate, or to busy one's
self about; a dispute to be settled (with some one).

Bone ash, the residue from calcined bones; -- used for
making cupels, and for cleaning jewelry.

Bone black (Chem.), the black, carbonaceous substance into
which bones are converted by calcination in close vessels;
-- called also animal charcoal. It is used as a
decolorizing material in filtering sirups, extracts, etc.,
and as a black pigment. See Ivory black, under Black.

Bone cave, a cave in which are found bones of extinct or
recent animals, mingled sometimes with the works and bones
of man. --Am. Cyc.

Bone dust, ground or pulverized bones, used as a

Bone earth (Chem.), the earthy residuum after the
calcination of bone, consisting chiefly of phosphate of

Bone lace, a lace made of linen thread, so called because
woven with bobbins of bone.

Bone oil, an oil obtained by heating bones (as in the
manufacture of bone black), and remarkable for containing
the nitrogenous bases, pyridine and quinoline, and their
derivatives; -- also called Dippel's oil.

Bone setter. Same as Bonesetter. See in the Vocabulary.

Bone shark (Zool.), the basking shark.

Bone spavin. See under Spavin.

Bone turquoise, fossil bone or tooth of a delicate blue
color, sometimes used as an imitation of true turquoise.

Bone whale (Zool.), a right whale.

To be upon the bones of, to attack. [Obs.]

To make no bones, to make no scruple; not to hesitate.

To pick a bone with, to quarrel with, as dogs quarrel over
a bone; to settle a disagreement. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
bonnet shark
Shovelhead \Shov"el*head`\, n. (Zool.)
A shark (Sphryna tiburio) allied to the hammerhead, and
native of the warmer parts of the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans; -- called also bonnet shark.
[1913 Webster]
Chark \Chark\, n. [Abbrev. fr. charcoal.]
Charcoal; a cinder. [Obs.] --DeFoe.
[1913 Webster]Chark \Chark\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Charked.]
To burn to a coal; to char. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Chark \Chark\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Charked.]
To burn to a coal; to char. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
cow sharks
Notidanian \No`ti*da"ni*an\, n. [Gr. ? back + ? comely.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of sharks of the family
Notidanidae, or Hexanchidae. Called also cow sharks.
See Shark.
[1913 Webster]
Dog shark
Dog \Dog\ (d[add]g or d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog
mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.]
1. (Zool.) A quadruped of the genus Canis, esp. the
domestic dog (Canis familiaris).

Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the
inferior animals for intelligence, docility, and
attachment to man. There are numerous carefully bred
varieties, as the akita, beagle, bloodhound,
bulldog, coachdog, collie, Danish dog,
foxhound, greyhound, mastiff, pointer,
poodle, St. Bernard, setter, spaniel, spitz,
terrier, German shepherd, pit bull, Chihuahua,
etc. There are also many mixed breeds, and partially
domesticated varieties, as well as wild dogs, like the
dingo and dhole. (See these names in the Vocabulary.)
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A mean, worthless fellow; a wretch.
[1913 Webster]

What is thy servant, which is but a dog, that he
should do this great thing? -- 2 Kings
viii. 13 (Rev.
Ver. )
[1913 Webster]

3. A fellow; -- used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly
dog; a lazy dog. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

4. (Astron.) One of the two constellations, Canis Major and
Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog and the Lesser Dog. Canis
Major contains the Dog Star (Sirius).
[1913 Webster]

5. An iron for holding wood in a fireplace; a firedog; an
[1913 Webster]

6. (Mech.)
(a) A grappling iron, with a claw or claws, for fastening
into wood or other heavy articles, for the purpose of
raising or moving them.
(b) An iron with fangs fastening a log in a saw pit, or on
the carriage of a sawmill.
(c) A piece in machinery acting as a catch or clutch;
especially, the carrier of a lathe, also, an
adjustable stop to change motion, as in a machine
[1913 Webster]

7. an ugly or crude person, especially an ugly woman. [slang]

8. a hot dog. [slang]

Note: Dog is used adjectively or in composition, commonly in
the sense of relating to, or characteristic of, a dog.
It is also used to denote a male; as, dog fox or g-fox,
a male fox; dog otter or dog-otter, dog wolf, etc.; --
also to denote a thing of cheap or mean quality; as,
dog Latin.
[1913 Webster]

A dead dog, a thing of no use or value. --1 Sam. xxiv. 14.

A dog in the manger, an ugly-natured person who prevents
others from enjoying what would be an advantage to them
but is none to him.

Dog ape (Zool.), a male ape.

Dog cabbage, or Dog's cabbage (Bot.), a succulent herb,
native to the Mediterranean region ({Thelygonum

Dog cheap, very cheap. See under Cheap.

Dog ear (Arch.), an acroterium. [Colloq.]

Dog flea (Zool.), a species of flea (Pulex canis) which
infests dogs and cats, and is often troublesome to man. In
America it is the common flea. See Flea, and

Dog grass (Bot.), a grass (Triticum caninum) of the same
genus as wheat.

Dog Latin, barbarous Latin; as, the dog Latin of pharmacy.

Dog lichen (Bot.), a kind of lichen (Peltigera canina)
growing on earth, rocks, and tree trunks, -- a lobed
expansion, dingy green above and whitish with fuscous
veins beneath.

Dog louse (Zool.), a louse that infests the dog, esp.
H[ae]matopinus piliferus; another species is
Trichodectes latus.

Dog power, a machine operated by the weight of a dog
traveling in a drum, or on an endless track, as for

Dog salmon (Zool.), a salmon of northwest America and
northern Asia; -- the gorbuscha; -- called also holia,
and hone.

Dog shark. (Zool.) See Dogfish.

Dog's meat, meat fit only for dogs; refuse; offal.

Dog Star. See in the Vocabulary.

Dog wheat (Bot.), Dog grass.

Dog whelk (Zool.), any species of univalve shells of the
family Nassid[ae], esp. the Nassa reticulata of

To give to the dogs, or To throw to the dogs, to throw
away as useless. "Throw physic to the dogs; I'll none of
it." --Shak.

To go to the dogs, to go to ruin; to be ruined.
[1913 Webster]
dogfish shark
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]
Fox shark
Fox \Fox\ (f[o^]ks), n.; pl. Foxes. [AS. fox; akin to D. vos,
G. fuchs, OHG. fuhs, foha, Goth. fa['u]h[=o], Icel. f[=o]a
fox, fox fraud; of unknown origin, cf. Skr. puccha tail. Cf.
1. (Zool.) A carnivorous animal of the genus Vulpes, family
Canid[ae], of many species. The European fox ({V.
vulgaris} or V. vulpes), the American red fox ({V.
fulvus}), the American gray fox (V. Virginianus), and
the arctic, white, or blue, fox (V. lagopus) are
well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The black or silver-gray fox is a variety of the
American red fox, producing a fur of great value; the
cross-gray and woods-gray foxes are other varieties of
the same species, of less value. The common foxes of
Europe and America are very similar; both are
celebrated for their craftiness. They feed on wild
birds, poultry, and various small animals.
[1913 Webster]

Subtle as the fox for prey. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The European dragonet.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) The fox shark or thrasher shark; -- called also
sea fox. See Thrasher shark, under Shark.
[1913 Webster]

4. A sly, cunning fellow. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

We call a crafty and cruel man a fox. --Beattie.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) Rope yarn twisted together, and rubbed with tar;
-- used for seizings or mats.
[1913 Webster]

6. A sword; -- so called from the stamp of a fox on the
blade, or perhaps of a wolf taken for a fox. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Thou diest on point of fox. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

7. pl. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians which, with the Sacs,
formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin;
-- called also Outagamies.
[1913 Webster]

Fox and geese.
(a) A boy's game, in which one boy tries to catch others
as they run one goal to another.
(b) A game with sixteen checkers, or some substitute for
them, one of which is called the fox, and the rest the
geese; the fox, whose first position is in the middle
of the board, endeavors to break through the line of
the geese, and the geese to pen up the fox.

Fox bat (Zool.), a large fruit bat of the genus Pteropus,
of many species, inhabiting Asia, Africa, and the East
Indies, esp. P. medius of India. Some of the species are
more than four feet across the outspread wings. See {Fruit

Fox bolt, a bolt having a split end to receive a fox wedge.

Fox brush (Zool.), the tail of a fox.

Fox evil, a disease in which the hair falls off; alopecy.

Fox grape (Bot.), the name of two species of American
grapes. The northern fox grape (Vitis Labrusca) is the
origin of the varieties called Isabella, Concord,
Hartford, etc., and the southern fox grape ({Vitis
vulpina}) has produced the Scuppernong, and probably the

Fox hunter.
(a) One who pursues foxes with hounds.
(b) A horse ridden in a fox chase.

Fox shark (Zool.), the thrasher shark. See {Thrasher
shark}, under Thrasher.

Fox sleep, pretended sleep.

Fox sparrow (Zool.), a large American sparrow ({Passerella
iliaca}); -- so called on account of its reddish color.

Fox squirrel (Zool.), a large North American squirrel
(Sciurus niger, or S. cinereus). In the Southern
States the black variety prevails; farther north the
fulvous and gray variety, called the cat squirrel, is
more common.

Fox terrier (Zool.), one of a peculiar breed of terriers,
used in hunting to drive foxes from their holes, and for
other purposes. There are rough- and smooth-haired

Fox trot, a pace like that which is adopted for a few
steps, by a horse, when passing from a walk into a trot,
or a trot into a walk.

Fox wedge (Mach. & Carpentry), a wedge for expanding the
split end of a bolt, cotter, dowel, tenon, or other piece,
to fasten the end in a hole or mortise and prevent
withdrawal. The wedge abuts on the bottom of the hole and
the piece is driven down upon it. Fastening by fox wedges
is called foxtail wedging.

Fox wolf (Zool.), one of several South American wild dogs,
belonging to the genus Canis. They have long, bushy
tails like a fox.
[1913 Webster]Thrasher \Thrash"er\, Thresher \Thresh"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, thrashes grain; a thrashing
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) A large and voracious shark (Alopias vulpes),
remarkable for the great length of the upper lobe of its
tail, with which it beats, or thrashes, its prey. It is
found both upon the American and the European coasts.
Called also fox shark, sea ape, sea fox, slasher,
swingle-tail, and thrasher shark.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A name given to the brown thrush and other allied
species. See Brown thrush.
[1913 Webster]

Sage thrasher. (Zool.) See under Sage.

Thrasher whale (Zool.), the common killer of the Atlantic.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
fox shark
Fox \Fox\ (f[o^]ks), n.; pl. Foxes. [AS. fox; akin to D. vos,
G. fuchs, OHG. fuhs, foha, Goth. fa['u]h[=o], Icel. f[=o]a
fox, fox fraud; of unknown origin, cf. Skr. puccha tail. Cf.
1. (Zool.) A carnivorous animal of the genus Vulpes, family
Canid[ae], of many species. The European fox ({V.
vulgaris} or V. vulpes), the American red fox ({V.
fulvus}), the American gray fox (V. Virginianus), and
the arctic, white, or blue, fox (V. lagopus) are
well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The black or silver-gray fox is a variety of the
American red fox, producing a fur of great value; the
cross-gray and woods-gray foxes are other varieties of
the same species, of less value. The common foxes of
Europe and America are very similar; both are
celebrated for their craftiness. They feed on wild
birds, poultry, and various small animals.
[1913 Webster]

Subtle as the fox for prey. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The European dragonet.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) The fox shark or thrasher shark; -- called also
sea fox. See Thrasher shark, under Shark.
[1913 Webster]

4. A sly, cunning fellow. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

We call a crafty and cruel man a fox. --Beattie.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) Rope yarn twisted together, and rubbed with tar;
-- used for seizings or mats.
[1913 Webster]

6. A sword; -- so called from the stamp of a fox on the
blade, or perhaps of a wolf taken for a fox. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Thou diest on point of fox. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

7. pl. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians which, with the Sacs,
formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin;
-- called also Outagamies.
[1913 Webster]

Fox and geese.
(a) A boy's game, in which one boy tries to catch others
as they run one goal to another.
(b) A game with sixteen checkers, or some substitute for
them, one of which is called the fox, and the rest the
geese; the fox, whose first position is in the middle
of the board, endeavors to break through the line of
the geese, and the geese to pen up the fox.

Fox bat (Zool.), a large fruit bat of the genus Pteropus,
of many species, inhabiting Asia, Africa, and the East
Indies, esp. P. medius of India. Some of the species are
more than four feet across the outspread wings. See {Fruit

Fox bolt, a bolt having a split end to receive a fox wedge.

Fox brush (Zool.), the tail of a fox.

Fox evil, a disease in which the hair falls off; alopecy.

Fox grape (Bot.), the name of two species of American
grapes. The northern fox grape (Vitis Labrusca) is the
origin of the varieties called Isabella, Concord,
Hartford, etc., and the southern fox grape ({Vitis
vulpina}) has produced the Scuppernong, and probably the

Fox hunter.
(a) One who pursues foxes with hounds.
(b) A horse ridden in a fox chase.

Fox shark (Zool.), the thrasher shark. See {Thrasher
shark}, under Thrasher.

Fox sleep, pretended sleep.

Fox sparrow (Zool.), a large American sparrow ({Passerella
iliaca}); -- so called on account of its reddish color.

Fox squirrel (Zool.), a large North American squirrel
(Sciurus niger, or S. cinereus). In the Southern
States the black variety prevails; farther north the
fulvous and gray variety, called the cat squirrel, is
more common.

Fox terrier (Zool.), one of a peculiar breed of terriers,
used in hunting to drive foxes from their holes, and for
other purposes. There are rough- and smooth-haired

Fox trot, a pace like that which is adopted for a few
steps, by a horse, when passing from a walk into a trot,
or a trot into a walk.

Fox wedge (Mach. & Carpentry), a wedge for expanding the
split end of a bolt, cotter, dowel, tenon, or other piece,
to fasten the end in a hole or mortise and prevent
withdrawal. The wedge abuts on the bottom of the hole and
the piece is driven down upon it. Fastening by fox wedges
is called foxtail wedging.

Fox wolf (Zool.), one of several South American wild dogs,
belonging to the genus Canis. They have long, bushy
tails like a fox.
[1913 Webster]Thrasher \Thrash"er\, Thresher \Thresh"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, thrashes grain; a thrashing
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) A large and voracious shark (Alopias vulpes),
remarkable for the great length of the upper lobe of its
tail, with which it beats, or thrashes, its prey. It is
found both upon the American and the European coasts.
Called also fox shark, sea ape, sea fox, slasher,
swingle-tail, and thrasher shark.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A name given to the brown thrush and other allied
species. See Brown thrush.
[1913 Webster]

Sage thrasher. (Zool.) See under Sage.

Thrasher whale (Zool.), the common killer of the Atlantic.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
futharc \fu"tharc\, futhorc \fu"thorc\, futhork \fu"thork\n.
1. [From the sounds of the first five letters.] The Runic
alphabet; -- so called from the first six letters f, u,
[thorn] (th), o (or a), r, c (=k). See rune. [Also
spelled futhark]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Note: The spelling futharc represents most accurately the
original values of these six Runic letters.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Note: The name is derived from the sounds of the first five
letters of the runic alphabet, f, u, th, o, r, and c.
The vowel sound of the fourth letter corresponded more
closely to a in the earlier versions used in
Scandinavian countries, and the earlier alphabet is
therefore referred to as the futharc or futhark. The
fifth rune had a sound like that of k, and in the
Danish futhark the fifth character is that
transliterated as k. Thus the runic alphabet is also
called the futhork or futhark. The third rune had a
sound and form resembling that of the Anglo-Saxon
thorn, which represented the th sound at the beginning
of the word thorn. The origins of the runic alphabet
are obscure, but the earliest forms may have been
invented around the second century A.D. in eastern
Europe. The forms of some of the letters show a
relation to the Latin or Greek alphabets, and the
futhorc was presumably in part an adaptation of those
alphabets to the sound of the Germanic tongues. An
inscription of the futhark itself, an ordered list of
the runes, was found on an object dated as early as the
fifth century A.D. The Scandinavian futharc had 16
runes, but the futhorc used in Anglo-Saxon England had
31. The futhark was mostly used for writing on wood,
for which reason the runes were comprised of only
vertical and diagonal strokes. The degree of widespread
use of the futharc is not known but it was probably
used mostly for short messages or inscriptions on
objects. Fewer than 10,000 runic inscriptions, both on
wood and stone, have been found. The number and forms
of some of the runes varied over time and locality.
--R. I. Page, "Runes".

The letters are called Runes and the alphabet
bears the name Futhorc from the first six
letters. --I. Taylor.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
gray shark
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]Shark \Shark\ (sh[aum]rk), n. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
through OF. fr. carcharus a kind of dogfish, Gr. karchari`as,
so called from its sharp teeth, fr. ka`rcharos having sharp
or jagged teeth; or perhaps named from its rapacity (cf.
Shark, v. t. & i.); cf. Corn. scarceas.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes
of the order Plagiostomi, found in all seas.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some sharks, as the basking shark and the whale shark,
grow to an enormous size, the former becoming forty
feet or more, and the latter sixty feet or more, in
length. Most of them are harmless to man, but some are
exceedingly voracious. The man-eating sharks mostly
belong to the genera Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, and
related genera. They have several rows of large sharp
teeth with serrated edges, as the great white shark
(Carcharodon carcharias or Carcharodon Rondeleti)
of tropical seas, and the great blue shark
(Carcharhinus glaucus syn. Prionace glauca) of all
tropical and temperate seas. The former sometimes
becomes thirty-six feet long, and is the most voracious
and dangerous species known. The rare man-eating shark
of the United States coast (Carcharodon Atwoodi) is
thought by some to be a variety, or the young, of
Carcharodon carcharias. The dusky shark
(Carcharhinus obscurus) is a common species on the
coast of the United States of moderate size and not
dangerous. It feeds on shellfish and bottom fishes.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The original 1913 Webster also mentioned a "smaller
blue shark (C. caudatus)", but this species could not
be found mentioned on the Web (August 2002). The
following is a list of Atlantic Ocean sharks:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Common and Scientific Names of Atlantic Sharks
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
from "Our Living Oceans 1995" (published by the
National Printing Office):
NMFS. 1999. Our Living Oceans. Report on the status of
U.S. living marine resources, 1999. U.S. Dep. Commer.,
NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-41, on-line version,
(the following list is found at at
(1) Pelagic Sharks
Thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
Bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus)
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
Sevengill shark (Heptrachias perlo)
Sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)
Bigeye sixgill shark (Hexanchus vitulus)
Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
Longfin mako (Isurus paucus)
Porbeagle (Lamna nasus)
Blue shark (Prionace glauca)
(2)Large Coastal Sharks
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)
Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis)
Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
Bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus)
Galapagos shark (Carcharhinus galapagensis)
Night shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris)
Ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox)
Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
(3) Small Coastal Sharks
Finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus)
Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon erraenovae)
Caribbean sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon porosus)
Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Atlantic angel shark (Squatina dumeril)

2. A rapacious, artful person; a sharper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. Trickery; fraud; petty rapine; as, to live upon the shark.
[Obs.] --South.
[1913 Webster]

Basking shark, Liver shark, Nurse shark, Oil shark,
Sand shark, Tiger shark, etc. See under Basking,
Liver, etc. See also Dogfish, Houndfish,
Notidanian, and Tope.

Gray shark, the sand shark.

Hammer-headed shark. See Hammerhead.

Port Jackson shark. See Cestraciont.

Shark barrow, the eggcase of a shark; a sea purse.

Shark ray. Same as Angel fish
(a), under Angel.

Thrasher shark or Thresher shark, a large, voracious
shark. See Thrasher.

Whale shark, a huge harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) of
the Indian Ocean. It becomes sixty feet or more in length,
but has very small teeth.
[1913 Webster]

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