- odtieň
hue,barva n: "odstín barvy"
hue,odstín n: např. barvy
hue,zbarvení (vody) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Hue \Hue\, n. [OE. hew, heow, color, shape, form, AS. hiw, heow;
akin to Sw. hy skin, complexion, Goth. hiwi form,
1. Color or shade of color; tint; dye. "Flowers of all hue."
[1913 Webster]

Hues of the rich unfolding morn. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Painting) A predominant shade in a composition of primary
colors; a primary color modified by combination with
[1913 Webster]
Hue \Hue\, n. [OE. hue, huer, to hoot, shout, prob. fr. OF. hu
an exclamation.]
A shouting or vociferation.
[1913 Webster]

Hue and cry (Law), a loud outcry with which felons were
anciently pursued, and which all who heard it were obliged
to take up, joining in the pursuit till the malefactor was
taken; in later usage, a written proclamation issued on
the escape of a felon from prison, requiring all persons
to aid in retaking him. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]
Tone \Tone\ (t[=o]n), n. [F. ton, L. tonus a sound, tone, fr.
Gr. to`nos a stretching, straining, raising of the voice,
pitch, accent, measure or meter, in pl., modes or keys
differing in pitch; akin to tei`nein to stretch or strain.
See Thin, and cf. Monotonous, Thunder, Ton fashion,
1. Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered
as of this or that character; as, a low, high, loud,
grave, acute, sweet, or harsh tone.
[1913 Webster]

[Harmony divine] smooths her charming tones.
[1913 Webster]

Tones that with seraph hymns might blend. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Rhet.) Accent, or inflection or modulation of the voice,
as adapted to express emotion or passion.
[1913 Webster]

Eager his tone, and ardent were his eyes. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. A whining style of speaking; a kind of mournful or
artificial strain of voice; an affected speaking with a
measured rhythm ahd a regular rise and fall of the voice;
as, children often read with a tone.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mus.)
(a) A sound considered as to pitch; as, the seven tones of
the octave; she has good high tones.
(b) The larger kind of interval between contiguous sounds
in the diatonic scale, the smaller being called a
semitone as, a whole tone too flat; raise it a tone.
(c) The peculiar quality of sound in any voice or
instrument; as, a rich tone, a reedy tone.
(d) A mode or tune or plain chant; as, the Gregorian
[1913 Webster]

Note: The use of the word tone, both for a sound and for the
interval between two sounds or tones, is confusing, but
is common -- almost universal.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Nearly every musical sound is composite, consisting of
several simultaneous tones having different rates of
vibration according to fixed laws, which depend upon
the nature of the vibrating body and the mode of
excitation. The components (of a composite sound) are
called partial tones; that one having the lowest rate
of vibration is the fundamental tone, and the other
partial tones are called harmonics, or overtones. The
vibration ratios of the partial tones composing any
sound are expressed by all, or by a part, of the
numbers in the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.; and the
quality of any sound (the tone color) is due in part to
the presence or absence of overtones as represented in
this series, and in part to the greater or less
intensity of those present as compared with the
fundamental tone and with one another. Resultant tones,
combination tones, summation tones, difference tones,
Tartini's tones (terms only in part synonymous) are
produced by the simultaneous sounding of two or more
primary (simple or composite) tones.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) That state of a body, or of any of its organs or
parts, in which the animal functions are healthy and
performed with due vigor.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In this sense, the word is metaphorically applied to
character or faculties, intellectual and moral; as, his
mind has lost its tone.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Physiol.) Tonicity; as, arterial tone.
[1913 Webster]

7. State of mind; temper; mood.
[1913 Webster]

The strange situation I am in and the melancholy
state of public affairs, . . . drag the mind down .
. . from a philosophical tone or temper, to the
drudgery of private and public business.
[1913 Webster]

Their tone was dissatisfied, almost menacing. --W.
C. Bryant.
[1913 Webster]

8. Tenor; character; spirit; drift; as, the tone of his
remarks was commendatory.
[1913 Webster]

9. General or prevailing character or style, as of morals,
manners, or sentiment, in reference to a scale of high and
low; as, a low tone of morals; a tone of elevated
sentiment; a courtly tone of manners.
[1913 Webster]

10. The general effect of a picture produced by the
combination of light and shade, together with color in
the case of a painting; -- commonly used in a favorable
sense; as, this picture has tone.
[1913 Webster]

11. (Physiol.) Quality, with respect to attendant feeling;
the more or less variable complex of emotion accompanying
and characterizing a sensation or a conceptual state; as,
feeling tone; color tone.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

12. Color quality proper; -- called also hue. Also, a
gradation of color, either a hue, or a tint or shade.

She was dressed in a soft cloth of a gray tone.
--Sir G.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

13. (Plant Physiol.) The condition of normal balance of a
healthy plant in its relations to light, heat, and
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Tone color. (Mus.) see the Note under def. 4, above.

Tone syllable, an accented syllable. --M. Stuart.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the quality of a color as determined by its dominant
wavelength [syn: hue, chromaticity]
v 1: take on color or become colored; "In highlights it hued to
a dull silver-grey"
2: suffuse with color [syn: imbue, hue]

(Or "tint") The coordinate in the HSB {colour
model} that determines the frequency of light or the position
in the spectrum or the relative amounts of red, green and
blue. Hue corresponds to the common definition of colour,
e.g. "red", "orange", "violet" etc. The other coordinates are
saturation and brightness.

podobné slovodefinícia
- odtieň
- farebný
Donahue,Donahue n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
hue,barva n: "odstín barvy" hue,odstín n: např. barvy hue,zbarvení (vody) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
hue and cry
hue and cry, n:
hued,barevný adj: Zdeněk Brož
hueless, adj:
Huey,Huey n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
vegetation hue
vegetation hue,vegetační zbarvení [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Donahue,Donahuen: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Huey,Hueyn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Chuet \Chu"et\, n. [From Chew, v. t.]
Minced meat. [Obs.] --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
Hue \Hue\, n. [OE. hew, heow, color, shape, form, AS. hiw, heow;
akin to Sw. hy skin, complexion, Goth. hiwi form,
1. Color or shade of color; tint; dye. "Flowers of all hue."
[1913 Webster]

Hues of the rich unfolding morn. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Painting) A predominant shade in a composition of primary
colors; a primary color modified by combination with
[1913 Webster]Hue \Hue\, n. [OE. hue, huer, to hoot, shout, prob. fr. OF. hu
an exclamation.]
A shouting or vociferation.
[1913 Webster]

Hue and cry (Law), a loud outcry with which felons were
anciently pursued, and which all who heard it were obliged
to take up, joining in the pursuit till the malefactor was
taken; in later usage, a written proclamation issued on
the escape of a felon from prison, requiring all persons
to aid in retaking him. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]Tone \Tone\ (t[=o]n), n. [F. ton, L. tonus a sound, tone, fr.
Gr. to`nos a stretching, straining, raising of the voice,
pitch, accent, measure or meter, in pl., modes or keys
differing in pitch; akin to tei`nein to stretch or strain.
See Thin, and cf. Monotonous, Thunder, Ton fashion,
1. Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered
as of this or that character; as, a low, high, loud,
grave, acute, sweet, or harsh tone.
[1913 Webster]

[Harmony divine] smooths her charming tones.
[1913 Webster]

Tones that with seraph hymns might blend. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Rhet.) Accent, or inflection or modulation of the voice,
as adapted to express emotion or passion.
[1913 Webster]

Eager his tone, and ardent were his eyes. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. A whining style of speaking; a kind of mournful or
artificial strain of voice; an affected speaking with a
measured rhythm ahd a regular rise and fall of the voice;
as, children often read with a tone.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mus.)
(a) A sound considered as to pitch; as, the seven tones of
the octave; she has good high tones.
(b) The larger kind of interval between contiguous sounds
in the diatonic scale, the smaller being called a
semitone as, a whole tone too flat; raise it a tone.
(c) The peculiar quality of sound in any voice or
instrument; as, a rich tone, a reedy tone.
(d) A mode or tune or plain chant; as, the Gregorian
[1913 Webster]

Note: The use of the word tone, both for a sound and for the
interval between two sounds or tones, is confusing, but
is common -- almost universal.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Nearly every musical sound is composite, consisting of
several simultaneous tones having different rates of
vibration according to fixed laws, which depend upon
the nature of the vibrating body and the mode of
excitation. The components (of a composite sound) are
called partial tones; that one having the lowest rate
of vibration is the fundamental tone, and the other
partial tones are called harmonics, or overtones. The
vibration ratios of the partial tones composing any
sound are expressed by all, or by a part, of the
numbers in the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.; and the
quality of any sound (the tone color) is due in part to
the presence or absence of overtones as represented in
this series, and in part to the greater or less
intensity of those present as compared with the
fundamental tone and with one another. Resultant tones,
combination tones, summation tones, difference tones,
Tartini's tones (terms only in part synonymous) are
produced by the simultaneous sounding of two or more
primary (simple or composite) tones.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) That state of a body, or of any of its organs or
parts, in which the animal functions are healthy and
performed with due vigor.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In this sense, the word is metaphorically applied to
character or faculties, intellectual and moral; as, his
mind has lost its tone.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Physiol.) Tonicity; as, arterial tone.
[1913 Webster]

7. State of mind; temper; mood.
[1913 Webster]

The strange situation I am in and the melancholy
state of public affairs, . . . drag the mind down .
. . from a philosophical tone or temper, to the
drudgery of private and public business.
[1913 Webster]

Their tone was dissatisfied, almost menacing. --W.
C. Bryant.
[1913 Webster]

8. Tenor; character; spirit; drift; as, the tone of his
remarks was commendatory.
[1913 Webster]

9. General or prevailing character or style, as of morals,
manners, or sentiment, in reference to a scale of high and
low; as, a low tone of morals; a tone of elevated
sentiment; a courtly tone of manners.
[1913 Webster]

10. The general effect of a picture produced by the
combination of light and shade, together with color in
the case of a painting; -- commonly used in a favorable
sense; as, this picture has tone.
[1913 Webster]

11. (Physiol.) Quality, with respect to attendant feeling;
the more or less variable complex of emotion accompanying
and characterizing a sensation or a conceptual state; as,
feeling tone; color tone.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

12. Color quality proper; -- called also hue. Also, a
gradation of color, either a hue, or a tint or shade.

She was dressed in a soft cloth of a gray tone.
--Sir G.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

13. (Plant Physiol.) The condition of normal balance of a
healthy plant in its relations to light, heat, and
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Tone color. (Mus.) see the Note under def. 4, above.

Tone syllable, an accented syllable. --M. Stuart.
[1913 Webster]
Hue and cry
Hue \Hue\, n. [OE. hue, huer, to hoot, shout, prob. fr. OF. hu
an exclamation.]
A shouting or vociferation.
[1913 Webster]

Hue and cry (Law), a loud outcry with which felons were
anciently pursued, and which all who heard it were obliged
to take up, joining in the pursuit till the malefactor was
taken; in later usage, a written proclamation issued on
the escape of a felon from prison, requiring all persons
to aid in retaking him. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]
Hued \Hued\, a.
Having color; -- usually in composition; as, bright-hued;
many-hued. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
colorful \colorful\ adj.
1. having striking color. Opposite of colorless.

Note: [Narrower terms: {changeable, chatoyant, iridescent,
shot}; deep, rich; flaming; fluorescent, glowing;
prismatic; psychedelic; {red, ruddy, flushed,

Syn: colourful.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. striking in variety and interest. Opposite of colorless
or dull. [Narrower terms: brave, fine, gay, glorious;
flamboyant, resplendent, unrestrained; {flashy, gaudy,
jazzy, showy, snazzy, sporty}; picturesque]
[WordNet 1.5]

3. having color or a certain color; not black, white or grey;
as, colored crepe paper. Opposite of colorless and

Note: [Narrower terms: tinted; touched, tinged; {amber,
brownish-yellow, yellow-brown}; amethyst; {auburn,
reddish-brown}; aureate, gilded, gilt, gold, golden;
azure, cerulean, sky-blue, bright blue; {bicolor,
bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, bichrome}; {blue,
bluish, light-blue, dark-blue}; {blushful,
blush-colored, rosy}; bottle-green; bronze, bronzy;
brown, brownish, dark-brown; buff; {canary,
canary-yellow}; caramel, caramel brown; carnation;
chartreuse; chestnut; dun; {earth-colored,
earthlike}; fuscous; {green, greenish, light-green,
dark-green}; jade, jade-green; khaki; {lavender,
lilac}; mauve; moss green, mosstone; {motley,
multicolor, culticolour, multicolored, multicoloured,
painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, pied,
varicolored, varicoloured}; mousy, mouse-colored;
ocher, ochre; olive-brown; olive-drab; olive;
orange, orangish; peacock-blue; pink, pinkish;
purple, violet, purplish; {red, blood-red, carmine,
cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red,
scarlet}; red, reddish; rose, roseate; rose-red;
rust, rusty, rust-colored; {snuff, snuff-brown,
snuff-color, snuff-colour, snuff-colored,
snuff-coloured, mummy-brown, chukker-brown}; {sorrel,
brownish-orange}; stone, stone-gray; {straw-color,
straw-colored, straw-coloured}; tan; tangerine;
tawny; ultramarine; umber; {vermilion,
vermillion, cinibar, Chinese-red}; yellow, yellowish;
yellow-green; avocado; bay; beige; {blae
bluish-black or gray-blue)}; coral; creamy; {cress
green, cresson, watercress}; hazel; {honey,
honey-colored}; hued(postnominal); magenta;
maroon; pea-green; russet; sage, sage-green;
sea-green] [Also See: chromatic, colored, dark,

Syn: colored, coloured, in color(predicate).
[WordNet 1.5]
Hueless \Hue"less\, a. [AS. hiwle['a]s. See Hue color.]
Destitute of color. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]
Huer \Hu"er\, n.
One who cries out or gives an alarm; specifically, a balker;
a conder. See Balker.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: Mexico's most famous tree; a giant specimen of Montezuma
cypress more than 2,000 years old with a girth of 165 feet
at Santa Maria del Tule; "some say the Tule tree is the
world's largest single biomass" [syn: Ahuehuete, {Tule
ford hermann hueffer
Ford Hermann Hueffer
n 1: English writer and editor (1873-1939) [syn: Ford, {Ford
Madox Ford}, Ford Hermann Hueffer]
n 1: the quality of a color as determined by its dominant
wavelength [syn: hue, chromaticity]
v 1: take on color or become colored; "In highlights it hued to
a dull silver-grey"
2: suffuse with color [syn: imbue, hue]
hue and cry
hue and cry
n 1: loud and persistent outcry from many people; "he ignored
the clamor of the crowd" [syn: clamor, clamoring,
clamour, clamouring, hue and cry]
adj 1: of something totally lacking in saturation and therefore
having no hue
n 1: a branch of the Tai languages
adj 1: having the color of ripe oranges [syn: orange-colored,
orange-coloured, orange-hued]
adj 1: having a pale color [syn: pale-colored, pale-hued]

(Or "tint") The coordinate in the HSB {colour
model} that determines the frequency of light or the position
in the spectrum or the relative amounts of red, green and
blue. Hue corresponds to the common definition of colour,
e.g. "red", "orange", "violet" etc. The other coordinates are
saturation and brightness.

hue, saturation, brightness
hue, saturation, brightness

(HSB) A colour model that describes colours in
terms of hue, saturation, and brightness.

In the tables below, a hue is a "pure" colour, i.e. one with
no black or white in it. A shade is a "dark" colour, i.e. one
produced by mixing a hue with black. A tint is a "light"
colour, i.e. one produced by mixing a hue with white. A tone
is a colour produced by mixing a hue with a shade of grey.

Microsoft Windows colour dialogs, PagePlus, and {Paint
Shop Pro} use HSB but call the third dimension "luminosity"
or "lightness". It ranges from 0% (black) to 100% (white). A
pure hue is 50% luminosity, 100% saturation.

Colour type S L
Black Any 0%
White Any 100%
Grey 0% 1-99%
Hue 100% 50%
Shade 100% 1-49%
Tint 100% 51-99%
Tone 1-99% 1-99%

Quattro Pro, CorelDraw, and PhotoShop use a variant
(Quattro Pro calls the third parameter "brightness") in which
a brightness of 100% can produce white, a pure hue, or
anything in between, depending on the saturation.

Colour type S B
Black Any 0%
White 0% 100%
Grey 0% 1-99%
Hue 100% 100%
Shade 100% 1-99%
Tint 1-99% 100%
Tone 1-99% 1-99%

[Same as HSV?]

hue, saturation, value
hue, saturation, value

(HSV) A colour model that describes colours in
terms of hue (or "tint"), saturation (or "shade") and
value (or "tone" or "luminance").

[Same as HSB?]

HUE AND CRY, Eng. law. A mode of pursuing felons, or such as have
dangerously wounded any person, or assaulted any one with intent to rob him,
by the constable, for the purpose of arresting the offender. 2 Hale, P. C.

HUEBRA, Spanish law. An acre of land or as much as can be ploughed in a day
by two oxen. Sp. Dict.; 2 White's Coll. 49.

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