- železný, železo, žehlička, žehliť
iron,crack n: [slang.] forma kokainu xkomczax
iron,žehlička n:
iron,žehlit v:
iron,železný adj:
Iron \I"ron\ ([imac]"[u^]rn), n. [OE. iren, AS. [imac]ren,
[imac]sen, [imac]sern; akin to D. ijzer, OS. [imac]sarn, OHG.
[imac]sarn, [imac]san, G. eisen, Icel. [imac]sarn, j[=a]rn,
Sw. & Dan. jern, and perh. to E. ice; cf. Ir. iarann, W.
haiarn, Armor. houarn.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Chem.) The most common and most useful metallic element,
being of almost universal occurrence, usually in the form
of an oxide (as hematite, magnetite, etc.), or a hydrous
oxide (as limonite, turgite, etc.). It is reduced on an
enormous scale in three principal forms; viz., {cast
iron}, steel, and wrought iron. Iron usually appears
dark brown, from oxidation or impurity, but when pure, or
on a fresh surface, is a gray or white metal. It is easily
oxidized (rusted) by moisture, and is attacked by many
corrosive agents. Symbol Fe (Latin Ferrum). Atomic number
26, atomic weight 55.847. Specific gravity, pure iron,
7.86; cast iron, 7.1. In magnetic properties, it is
superior to all other substances.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The value of iron is largely due to the facility with
which it can be worked. Thus, when heated it is
malleable and ductile, and can be easily welded and
forged at a high temperature. As cast iron, it is
easily fusible; as steel, is very tough, and (when
tempered) very hard and elastic. Chemically, iron is
grouped with cobalt and nickel. Steel is a variety of
iron containing more carbon than wrought iron, but less
that cast iron. It is made either from wrought iron, by
roasting in a packing of carbon (cementation) or from
cast iron, by burning off the impurities in a Bessemer
converter (then called Bessemer steel), or directly
from the iron ore (as in the Siemens rotatory and
generating furnace).
[1913 Webster]

2. An instrument or utensil made of iron; -- chiefly in
composition; as, a flatiron, a smoothing iron, etc.
[1913 Webster]

My young soldier, put up your iron. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. pl. Fetters; chains; handcuffs; manacles.
[1913 Webster]

Four of the sufferers were left to rot in irons.
[1913 Webster]

4. Strength; power; firmness; inflexibility; as, to rule with
a rod of iron.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Golf) An iron-headed club with a deep face, chiefly used
in making approaches, lifting a ball over hazards, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Bar iron. See Wrought iron (below).

Bog iron, bog ore; limonite. See Bog ore, under Bog.

Cast iron (Metal.), an impure variety of iron, containing
from three to six percent of carbon, part of which is
united with a part of the iron, as a carbide, and the rest
is uncombined, as graphite. It there is little free
carbon, the product is white iron; if much of the carbon
has separated as graphite, it is called gray iron. See
also Cast iron, in the Vocabulary.

Fire irons. See under Fire, n.

Gray irons. See under Fire, n.

Gray iron. See Cast iron (above).

It irons (Naut.), said of a sailing vessel, when, in
tacking, she comes up head to the wind and will not fill
away on either tack.

Magnetic iron. See Magnetite.

Malleable iron (Metal.), iron sufficiently pure or soft to
be capable of extension under the hammer; also, specif., a
kind of iron produced by removing a portion of the carbon
or other impurities from cast iron, rendering it less
brittle, and to some extent malleable.

Meteoric iron (Chem.), iron forming a large, and often the
chief, ingredient of meteorites. It invariably contains a
small amount of nickel and cobalt. Cf. Meteorite.

Pig iron, the form in which cast iron is made at the blast
furnace, being run into molds, called pigs.

Reduced iron. See under Reduced.

Specular iron. See Hematite.

Too many irons in the fire, too many objects or tasks
requiring the attention at once.

White iron. See Cast iron (above).

Wrought iron (Metal.), the purest form of iron commonly
known in the arts, containing only about half of one per
cent of carbon. It is made either directly from the ore,
as in the Catalan forge or bloomery, or by purifying
(puddling) cast iron in a reverberatory furnace or
refinery. It is tough, malleable, and ductile. When formed
into bars, it is called bar iron.
[1913 Webster]
Iron \I"ron\ ([imac]"[u^]rn), a. [AS. [imac]ren, [imac]sen. See
Iron, n.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar,
[1913 Webster]

2. Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness.
[1913 Webster]

3. Like iron in hardness, strength, impenetrability, power of
endurance, insensibility, etc.; as:
(a) Rude; hard; harsh; severe.
[1913 Webster]

Iron years of wars and dangers. --Rowe.
[1913 Webster]

Jove crushed the nations with an iron rod.
(b) Firm; robust; enduring; as, an iron constitution.
(c) Inflexible; unrelenting; as, an iron will.
(d) Not to be broken; holding or binding fast; tenacious.
"Him death's iron sleep oppressed." --Philips.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Iron is often used in composition, denoting made of
iron, relating to iron, of or with iron; producing
iron, etc.; resembling iron, literally or figuratively,
in some of its properties or characteristics; as,
iron-shod, iron-sheathed, iron-fisted, iron-framed,
iron-handed, iron-hearted, iron foundry or
[1913 Webster]

Iron age.
(a) (Myth.) The age following the golden, silver, and
bronze ages, and characterized by a general
degeneration of talent and virtue, and of literary
excellence. In Roman literature the Iron Age is
commonly regarded as beginning after the taking of
Rome by the Goths, A. D. 410.
(b) (Arch[ae]ol.) That stage in the development of any
people characterized by the use of iron implements in
the place of the more cumbrous stone and bronze.

Iron cement, a cement for joints, composed of cast-iron
borings or filings, sal ammoniac, etc.

Iron clay (Min.), a yellowish clay containing a large
proportion of an ore of iron.

Iron cross, a German, and before that Prussian, order of
military merit; also, the decoration of the order.

Iron crown, a golden crown set with jewels, belonging
originally to the Lombard kings, and indicating the
dominion of Italy. It was so called from containing a
circle said to have been forged from one of the nails in
the cross of Christ.

Iron flint (Min.), an opaque, flintlike, ferruginous
variety of quartz.

Iron founder, a maker of iron castings.

Iron foundry, the place where iron castings are made.

Iron furnace, a furnace for reducing iron from the ore, or
for melting iron for castings, etc.; a forge; a
reverberatory; a bloomery.

Iron glance (Min.), hematite.

Iron hat, a headpiece of iron or steel, shaped like a hat
with a broad brim, and used as armor during the Middle

Iron horse, a locomotive engine. [Colloq.]

Iron liquor, a solution of an iron salt, used as a mordant
by dyers.

Iron man (Cotton Manuf.), a name for the self-acting
spinning mule.

Iron mold or Iron mould, a yellow spot on cloth stained
by rusty iron.

Iron ore (Min.), any native compound of iron from which the
metal may be profitably extracted. The principal ores are
magnetite, hematite, siderite, limonite, G["o]thite,
turgite, and the bog and clay iron ores.

Iron pyrites (Min.), common pyrites, or pyrite. See

Iron sand, an iron ore in grains, usually the magnetic iron
ore, formerly used to sand paper after writing.

Iron scale, the thin film which forms on the surface of
wrought iron in the process of forging. It consists
essentially of the magnetic oxide of iron, Fe3O4.

Iron works, a furnace where iron is smelted, or a forge,
rolling mill, or foundry, where it is made into heavy
work, such as shafting, rails, cannon, merchant bar, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Iron \I"ron\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ironed; p. pr. & vb. n.
[1913 Webster]
1. To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially, to
smooth, as cloth, with a heated flatiron; -- sometimes
used with out.
[1913 Webster]

2. To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff. "Ironed like
a malefactor." --Sir W. Scott.
[1913 Webster]

3. To furnish or arm with iron; as, to iron a wagon.

iron out differences resolve differences; settle a dispute.
[PJC] Ironbark
Irony \I"ron*y\, a. [From Iron.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Made or consisting of iron; partaking of iron; iron; as,
irony chains; irony particles; -- In this sense iron is
the more common term. [R.] --Woodward.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. Resembling iron in taste, hardness, or other physical
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: extremely robust; "an iron constitution" [syn: {cast-
iron}, iron]
n 1: a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white
in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and
tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen
by the blood [syn: iron, Fe, atomic number 26]
2: a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head
3: implement used to brand live stock [syn: iron, {branding
4: home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated
and used to smooth cloth [syn: iron, smoothing iron]
v 1: press and smooth with a heated iron; "press your shirts";
"she stood there ironing" [syn: iron, iron out,

Hardware, especially older and larger hardware of mainframe
class with big metal cabinets housing relatively low-density
electronics (but the term is also used of modern
supercomputers). Often in the phrase big iron. Oppose

See also dinosaur.

[Jargon File]


Hardware, especially older and larger hardware of mainframe class with
big metal cabinets housing relatively low-density electronics (but the term
is also used of modern supercomputers). Often in the phrase big iron.
Oppose silicon. See also dinosaur.
Symbol: Fe
Atomic number: 26
Atomic weight: 55.847
Silvery malleable and ductile metallic transition element. Has nine
isotopes and is the fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust.
Required by living organisms as a trace element (used in hemoglobin in
humans.) Quite reactive, oxidizes in moist air, displaces hydrogen from
dilute acids and combines with nonmetallic elements.
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promítnutí [eko.] Promítnutí ekologických vlivů do různých vstupů a
výstupů sytému sledovaného produktu. Zúžení pojmu alokace na ekologické
efekty (na rozdíl např. od alokace nákladů, pracovních sil apod.). RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
environmental aspect
environmental aspect,environmentální aspekt [eko.] Prvek činností,
výroby nebo služeb organizace, který může ovliňovat životní prostředí.
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činností organizace, výrobků nebo služeb, který může ovlivňovat životní
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environmentální) zátěž Jakákoliv trvalá nebo přechodná změna v životním
prostředí, jejímž výsledkem je ztráta přírodních zdrojů nebo zhoršení
kvality ovzduší, vody nebo půdy. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
environmental characterization
environmental characterization,charakterizace ekologických
vlivů [eko.] Analýza, kvantifikace toho, jak hodnocené parametry
přispívají k různým vlivům na prostředí. Jednotlivé ekologické vlivy by
měly být, kde je to možné, slučovány. RNDr. Pavel Piskač
environmental claim
environmental claim,environmentální tvrzení [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
environmental claim verification
environmental claim verification,ověření environmentálního
tvrzení [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
environmental claims
environmental claims,ekologická prohlášení (reklama) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
environmental commons
environmental commons,Společné environmentální statky [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
environmental component
environmental component,složka prostředí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
environmental condition
environmental condition, n:

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