knowledge representation
knowledge representation

The subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with
designing and using systems for storing knowledge - facts
and rules about some subject.

A body of formally represented knowledge is based on a
conceptualisation - an abstract view of the world that we
wish to represent. In order to manipulate this knowledge we
must specify how the abstract conceptualisation is represented
as a concrete data structure. An ontology is an explicit
specification of a conceptualisation.

podobné slovodefinícia
knowledge representation
knowledge representation

The subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with
designing and using systems for storing knowledge - facts
and rules about some subject.

A body of formally represented knowledge is based on a
conceptualisation - an abstract view of the world that we
wish to represent. In order to manipulate this knowledge we
must specify how the abstract conceptualisation is represented
as a concrete data structure. An ontology is an explicit
specification of a conceptualisation.


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