- mobilný, pohyblivý
mobile,hybný adj: Zdeněk Brož
mobile,mobilní adj: Zdeněk Brož
mobile,pohyblivý adj: Zdeněk Brož
mobile,pojízdný adj: Zdeněk Brož
Mobile \Mo"bile\, a. [L. mobilis, for movibilis, fr. movere to
move: cf. F. mobile. See Move.]
1. Capable of being moved; not fixed in place or condition;
movable. "Fixed or else mobile." --Skelton.
[1913 Webster]

2. Characterized by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or
flowing with great freedom; as, benzine and mercury are
mobile liquids; -- opposed to viscous, viscoidal, or oily.
[1913 Webster]

3. Easily moved in feeling, purpose, or direction; excitable;
changeable; fickle. --Testament of Love.
[1913 Webster]

The quick and mobile curiosity of her disposition.
[1913 Webster]

4. Changing in appearance and expression under the influence
of the mind; as, mobile features.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Physiol.) Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited;
capable of spontaneous movement.
[1913 Webster]

6. Capable of moving readily, or moving frequenty from place
to place; as, a mobile work force.

7. Having motor vehicles to permit movement from place to
place; as, a mobile library; a mobile hospital.
Mobile \Mo"bile\ (m[=o]"b[i^]l; L. m[o^]b"[i^]*l[=e]), n. [L.
mobile vulgus. See Mobile, a., and cf. 3d Mob.]
The mob; the populace. [Obs.] "The unthinking mobile."
[1913 Webster]
Mobile \Mo"bile\ (m[=o]"b[=e]l`), n.
a form of sculpture having several sheets or rods of a stiff
material attached to each other by thin wire or twine in a
balanced and artfully arranged tree configuration, with the
topmost member suspended in air from a support so that the
parts may move independently when set in motion by a current
of air.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: migratory; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic
habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a
peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering
tribes" [syn: mobile, nomadic, peregrine, roving,
2: moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to
place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most
mobile articulator" [ant: immobile]
3: having transportation available
4: capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to
another; "a highly mobile face"
5: affording change (especially in social status); "Britain is
not a truly fluid society"; "upwardly mobile" [syn: fluid,
n 1: a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay
[syn: Mobile, Mobile River]
2: a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay
3: sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts
can be set in motion by air currents [ant: stabile]
podobné slovodefinícia
- auto
- mobilný, pohyblivý
mobile crane
mobile crane
- autožeriav
automobile,auto n: Zdeněk Brožautomobile,automobil n: automobile,automobilový adj: Zdeněk Brožautomobile,motorové vozidlo Zdeněk Brož
automobile trunk
automobile trunk,kufr u auta n: Michal Ambrož
automobiles,auta n: Zdeněk Brožautomobiles,automobily n: pl.
electric automobile
electric automobile, n:
mobile,hybný adj: Zdeněk Brožmobile,mobilní adj: Zdeněk Brožmobile,pohyblivý adj: Zdeněk Brožmobile,pojízdný adj: Zdeněk Brož
mobile air pollution source
mobile air pollution source,mobilní zdroj znečišťování
ovzduší [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
mobile canteen
mobile canteen, n:
mobile crane
mobile crane,automobilový jeřáb [stav.] Oldřich Švecmobile crane,mobilní jeřáb [stav.] Oldřich Švec
mobile home
mobile home,obytný dům Zdeněk Brož
mobile line
mobile line,mobilní potrubí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
mobile phone
mobile phone,mobilní telefon n: Jiří Václavovič
mobile sources of air pollution
mobile sources of air pollution,mobilní zdroje znečištění
ovzduší [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
no fault automobile insurance
no fault automobile insurance, n:
primum mobile
primum mobile, n:
snowmobile,sněžný skůtr Zdeněk Brož
upwardly mobile
upwardly mobile,
automobile \automobile\ v. i.
1. to travel in an automobile.

Syn: motor.
[WordNet 1.5]Automobile \Au"to*mo*bile`\, n. [F.]
a self-propelled vehicle used for transporting passengers,
suitable for use on a street or roadway. Many diferent models
of automobiles have beenbuilt and sold commercially,
possessing varied features such as a retractable roof (in a
convertible), different braking systems, different
propulsion systems, and varied styling. Most models have four
wheels but some have been built with three wheels.
Automobiles are usually propelled by internal combustion
engines (using volatile inflammable liquids, as gasoline or
petrol, alcohol, naphtha, etc.), and sometimes by steam
engines, or electric motors. The power of the driving motor
varies from under 50 H. P. for earlier models to over 200 H.
P. larger models or high-performance sports or racing cars.
An automobile is commonly called a car or an auto, and
generally in British usage, motor cars.

Syn: car, auto, machine, motorcar.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]auto \au"to\, n. [Gr. ? self.]
An abbreviation of automobile.

Syn: car, automobile, machine, motorcar
[Webster 1913 Suppl. WordNet 1.5]
automobile \automobile\ v. i.
1. to travel in an automobile.

Syn: motor.
[WordNet 1.5]Automobile \Au"to*mo*bile`\, n. [F.]
a self-propelled vehicle used for transporting passengers,
suitable for use on a street or roadway. Many diferent models
of automobiles have beenbuilt and sold commercially,
possessing varied features such as a retractable roof (in a
convertible), different braking systems, different
propulsion systems, and varied styling. Most models have four
wheels but some have been built with three wheels.
Automobiles are usually propelled by internal combustion
engines (using volatile inflammable liquids, as gasoline or
petrol, alcohol, naphtha, etc.), and sometimes by steam
engines, or electric motors. The power of the driving motor
varies from under 50 H. P. for earlier models to over 200 H.
P. larger models or high-performance sports or racing cars.
An automobile is commonly called a car or an auto, and
generally in British usage, motor cars.

Syn: car, auto, machine, motorcar.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]auto \au"to\, n. [Gr. ? self.]
An abbreviation of automobile.

Syn: car, automobile, machine, motorcar
[Webster 1913 Suppl. WordNet 1.5]
automobile \automobile\ v. i.
1. to travel in an automobile.

Syn: motor.
[WordNet 1.5]Automobile \Au"to*mo*bile`\, n. [F.]
a self-propelled vehicle used for transporting passengers,
suitable for use on a street or roadway. Many diferent models
of automobiles have beenbuilt and sold commercially,
possessing varied features such as a retractable roof (in a
convertible), different braking systems, different
propulsion systems, and varied styling. Most models have four
wheels but some have been built with three wheels.
Automobiles are usually propelled by internal combustion
engines (using volatile inflammable liquids, as gasoline or
petrol, alcohol, naphtha, etc.), and sometimes by steam
engines, or electric motors. The power of the driving motor
varies from under 50 H. P. for earlier models to over 200 H.
P. larger models or high-performance sports or racing cars.
An automobile is commonly called a car or an auto, and
generally in British usage, motor cars.

Syn: car, auto, machine, motorcar.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]auto \au"to\, n. [Gr. ? self.]
An abbreviation of automobile.

Syn: car, automobile, machine, motorcar
[Webster 1913 Suppl. WordNet 1.5]
bloodmobile \bloodmobile\ n.
a motor vehicle equipped to collect blood donations.
[WordNet 1.5]
Immobile \Im*mo"bile\, a. [L. immobilis: cf. F. immobile. See
Incapable of being moved; immovable; fixed; stable. --Prof.
[1913 Webster] immobilisation
immobile unmoving
nonmoving \nonmoving\ adj.
Not moving. Opposite of moving. [Narrower terms: {at rest,
inactive, motionless, static, still}; {becalmed ;
dead(prenominal), stagnant, standing(prenominal), still;
{frozen(predicate), rooted(predicate), stock-still ; {inert
; sitting ; {slack ; {stationary ; {immobile, unmoving]
Also See: immobile.
[WordNet 1.5]
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MASH \MASH\, MASH \M*A*S*H\, n. (Mil.)
An abbreviation for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital,
consisting of the equipment and personnel required to perform
emergency operations on injured soldiers, located in tents
near the front lines of combat; as, he worked in the 25th
mobile home
Trailer \Trail"er\, n.
1. a wheeled vehicle without a motor, designed to be drawn by
a motor vehicle in front of it; specifically:
(a) such a vehicle used on street railroads. Called also
trail car.
(b) the large wheeled wagon or van pulled by a tractor in
a tractor-trailer combination.
(c) a vehicle equipped as a mobile dwelling unit, pulled
by an automobile or other mtor vehicle, and used as a
dwelling when parked; -- also called a mobile home.
(d) A wheeled motorless open wagon designed to carry a
heavy object, such as a boat trailer.

2. (Movies) A short blank segment of movie film attached to
the end; -- used for convenient insertion of the film in a

3. (Movies) A short film consisting primarily of one or more
short portions of a film, used in promotions or
advertisements shortly before initial release of a film.

4. A part of an object which extends some distance beyond the
main body of the object; as, the trailer of a plant.
[1913 Webster]

trailer park. An area equipped to accommodate trailers[2],
often with outlets supplying electrical power and water.
Called also trailer camp, trailer court.
Primum mobile
Primum mobile \Pri"mum mob"i*le\ [L., first cause of motion.]
In the Ptolemaic system, the outermost of the revolving
concentric spheres constituting the universe, the motion of
which was supposed to carry with it all the inclosed spheres
with their planets in a daily revolution from east to west.
See Crystalline heavens, under Crystalline.
[1913 Webster]

The motions of the greatest persons in a government
ought to be, as the motions of the planets, under
primum mobile. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an
internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"
[syn: car, auto, automobile, machine, motorcar]
v 1: travel in an automobile
automobile battery
automobile battery
n 1: a lead-acid storage battery in a motor vehicle; usually a
12-volt battery of six cells; the heart of the car's
electrical system [syn: car battery, {automobile
automobile driver
automobile driver
n 1: someone who drives racing cars at high speeds [syn:
racer, race driver, automobile driver]
automobile engine
automobile engine
n 1: the engine that propels an automobile
automobile factory
automobile factory
n 1: a factory where automobiles are manufactured [syn:
automobile factory, auto factory, car factory]
automobile horn
automobile horn
n 1: a device on an automobile for making a warning noise [syn:
automobile horn, car horn, motor horn, horn,
automobile industry
automobile industry
n 1: the manufacturers of automobiles considered collectively
automobile insurance
automobile insurance
n 1: insurance against loss due to theft or traffic accidents
[syn: automobile insurance, car insurance]
automobile loan
automobile loan
n 1: a personal loan to purchase an automobile [syn: {automobile
loan}, auto loan, car loan]
automobile mechanic
automobile mechanic
n 1: someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining
automobiles [syn: automobile mechanic, auto-mechanic,
car-mechanic, mechanic, grease monkey]
automobile race
automobile race
n 1: a race between (usually high-performance) automobiles [syn:
automobile race, auto race, car race]
automobile tire
automobile tire
n 1: a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an
automobile wheel [syn: car tire, automobile tire, {auto
tire}, rubber tire]
automobile traffic
automobile traffic
n 1: cars coming and going [syn: automobile traffic, {car
automobile trunk
automobile trunk
n 1: compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or
shopping or tools; "he put his golf bag in the trunk" [syn:
luggage compartment, automobile trunk, trunk]
n 1: a motor vehicle equipped to collect blood donations
n 1: a van with shelves of books; serves as a mobile library or
electric automobile
electric automobile
n 1: a car that is powered by electricity [syn: electric,
electric automobile, electric car]
adj 1: not capable of movement or of being moved [ant: mobile]
2: securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being
hit by the car" [syn: fast, firm, immobile]
adj 1: migratory; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic
habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a
peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering
tribes" [syn: mobile, nomadic, peregrine, roving,
2: moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to
place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most
mobile articulator" [ant: immobile]
3: having transportation available
4: capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to
another; "a highly mobile face"
5: affording change (especially in social status); "Britain is
not a truly fluid society"; "upwardly mobile" [syn: fluid,
n 1: a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay
[syn: Mobile, Mobile River]
2: a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay
3: sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts
can be set in motion by air currents [ant: stabile]
mobile bay
Mobile Bay
n 1: a bay of the Gulf of Mexico; fed by the Mobile River
mobile canteen
mobile canteen
n 1: a restaurant outside; often for soldiers or policemen [syn:
canteen, mobile canteen]
mobile home
mobile home
n 1: a large house trailer that can be connected to utilities
and can be parked in one place and used as permanent
housing [syn: mobile home, manufactured home]
mobile phone
mobile phone
n 1: a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area
divided into small sections, each with its own short-range
transmitter/receiver [syn: cellular telephone, {cellular
phone}, cellphone, cell, mobile phone]
mobile river
Mobile River
n 1: a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay
[syn: Mobile, Mobile River]
no fault automobile insurance
no fault automobile insurance
n 1: a system of automobile insurance where a party who is
injured in an automobile accident recovers damages up to a
specific amount against his own insurance company
regardless of who was responsible for the accident; "the
amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is
reduced by no fault insurance" [syn: no fault insurance,
no fault automobile insurance]
primum mobile
primum mobile
n 1: an agent that is the cause of all things but does not
itself have a cause; "God is the first cause" [syn: {first
cause}, prime mover, primum mobile]
n 1: tracked vehicle for travel on snow having skis in front
v 1: ride a snowmobile
global system for mobile communications
Global System for Mobile Communications

(GSM) One of the major standards for
digital mobile communications. In 1982, the Groupe Speciale
Mobile was formed by the {Confederation of European Posts and
Telecommunications} (CEPT) to design a pan-European mobile
technology. GSM was named after the "Groupe de travail
Spéciale pour les services Mobiles" group of CEPT that wrote
the first GSM specifications.

By 2011, GSM was in use in over 60 countries and serving over
six billion subscribers. The GSM standard uses the 900 MHz,
1800 MHz and 1900 MHz bands.

GPRS allows packet switched data communications over GSM,
and is widely used for web and electronic mail access from
mobile devices.

GSM History (

mobile subscriber integrated services directory number
Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Directory Number

A number string used to uniquely identify a
mobile telephone subscriber in GSM, CDMA and UMTS mobile
networks. The number is formatted according to the E.164
numbering plan, consisting of a country code (CC), national
destination code (NDC) and subscriber number (SN).

See also: IMSI, IMEI, {The GSM Specifications

mobile triton
Mobile Triton

(Official name 82430MX) A version of Intel's Triton
I processor chip set intended for mobile computers.

Mobile Triton consists of one 82437MX and two 82438MX.

[Special features?]


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