wandering,potulný adj: Zdeněk Brož
wandering,přemísťování n: Zdeněk Brož
wandering,toulající se adj: Zdeněk Brož
wandering,toulavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wander \Wan"der\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wandered; p. pr. & vb.
n. Wandering.] [OE. wandren, wandrien, AS. wandrian; akin
to G. wandern to wander; fr. AS. windan to turn. See Wind
to turn.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To ramble here and there without any certain course or
with no definite object in view; to range about; to
stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields.
[1913 Webster]

They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins.
--Heb. xi. 37.
[1913 Webster]

He wandereth abroad for bread. --Job xv. 23.
[1913 Webster]

2. To go away; to depart; to stray off; to deviate; to go
astray; as, a writer wanders from his subject.
[1913 Webster]

When God caused me to wander from my father's house.
--Gen. xx. 13.
[1913 Webster]

O, let me not wander from thy commandments. --Ps.
cxix. 10.
[1913 Webster]

3. To be delirious; not to be under the guidance of reason;
to rave; as, the mind wanders.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To roam; rove; range; stroll; gad; stray; straggly; err;
swerve; deviate; depart.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: migratory; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic
habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a
peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering
tribes" [syn: mobile, nomadic, peregrine, roving,
2: of a path e.g.; "meandering streams"; "rambling forest
paths"; "the river followed its wandering course"; "a winding
country road" [syn: meandering(a), rambling,
wandering(a), winding]
3: having no fixed course; "an erratic comet"; "his life
followed a wandering course"; "a planetary vagabond" [syn:
erratic, planetary, wandering]
n 1: travelling about without any clear destination; "she
followed him in his wanderings and looked after him" [syn:
wandering, roving, vagabondage]
podobné slovodefinícia
wandering albatross
wandering albatross,albatros stěhovavý [zoo.] MiCh
wandering nerve
wandering nerve, n:
The Wandering Jew
Jew \Jew\ (j[=u] or j[udd]; 277), n. [OF. Juis, pl., F. Juif, L.
Judaeus, Gr. 'Ioydai^os, fr. 'Ioydai`a the country of the
Jews, Judea, fr. Heb. Y[e^]h[=u]d[=a]h Judah, son of Jacob.
Cf. Judaic.]
1. Originally, one belonging to the tribe or kingdom of
Judah; after the return from the Babylonish captivity, any
member of the new state; a Hebrew; an Israelite.
[1913 Webster]

2. An adherent of Judaism.

Jew's frankincense, gum styrax, or benzoin.

Jew's mallow (Bot.), an annual herb (Corchorus olitorius)
cultivated in Syria and Egypt as a pot herb, and in India
for its fiber.

Jew's pitch, asphaltum; bitumen.

The Wandering Jew, an imaginary personage, who, for his
cruelty to Christ during his passion, is doomed to wander
on the earth till Christ's second coming.

Wandering Jew, any of several house plants of the genera
Zebrina and Tradescantia having white-striped leaves,
especially the creeping plants Zebrina pendula and
Tradescantia fluminensis.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Unwandering \Unwandering\
See wandering.
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]Wander \Wan"der\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wandered; p. pr. & vb.
n. Wandering.] [OE. wandren, wandrien, AS. wandrian; akin
to G. wandern to wander; fr. AS. windan to turn. See Wind
to turn.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To ramble here and there without any certain course or
with no definite object in view; to range about; to
stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields.
[1913 Webster]

They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins.
--Heb. xi. 37.
[1913 Webster]

He wandereth abroad for bread. --Job xv. 23.
[1913 Webster]

2. To go away; to depart; to stray off; to deviate; to go
astray; as, a writer wanders from his subject.
[1913 Webster]

When God caused me to wander from my father's house.
--Gen. xx. 13.
[1913 Webster]

O, let me not wander from thy commandments. --Ps.
cxix. 10.
[1913 Webster]

3. To be delirious; not to be under the guidance of reason;
to rave; as, the mind wanders.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To roam; rove; range; stroll; gad; stray; straggly; err;
swerve; deviate; depart.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering albatross
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering cell
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering Jew
Jew \Jew\ (j[=u] or j[udd]; 277), n. [OF. Juis, pl., F. Juif, L.
Judaeus, Gr. 'Ioydai^os, fr. 'Ioydai`a the country of the
Jews, Judea, fr. Heb. Y[e^]h[=u]d[=a]h Judah, son of Jacob.
Cf. Judaic.]
1. Originally, one belonging to the tribe or kingdom of
Judah; after the return from the Babylonish captivity, any
member of the new state; a Hebrew; an Israelite.
[1913 Webster]

2. An adherent of Judaism.

Jew's frankincense, gum styrax, or benzoin.

Jew's mallow (Bot.), an annual herb (Corchorus olitorius)
cultivated in Syria and Egypt as a pot herb, and in India
for its fiber.

Jew's pitch, asphaltum; bitumen.

The Wandering Jew, an imaginary personage, who, for his
cruelty to Christ during his passion, is doomed to wander
on the earth till Christ's second coming.

Wandering Jew, any of several house plants of the genera
Zebrina and Tradescantia having white-striped leaves,
especially the creeping plants Zebrina pendula and
Tradescantia fluminensis.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering kidney
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering liver
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering mouse
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wandering spider
Wandering \Wan"der*ing\,
a. & n. from Wander, v.
[1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zool.), the great white albatross. See
Illust. of Albatross.

Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses
the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white
corpuscles of the blood.

Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species
of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves,
and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the
joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets,
window boxes, etc.

Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one
kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain
directions; -- called also floating kidney, {movable

Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver,
similar to wandering kidney.

Wandering mouse (Zool.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse.
See Illust. of Mouse.

Wandering spider (Zool.), any one of a tribe of spiders
that wander about in search of their prey.
[1913 Webster]
Wanderingly \Wan"der*ing*ly\, adv.
In a wandering manner.
[1913 Webster]
wandering albatross
wandering albatross
n 1: very large albatross; white with wide black wings [syn:
wandering albatross, Diomedea exulans]
wandering jew
Wandering Jew
n 1: a legendary Jew condemned to roam the world for mocking
Jesus at the Crucifixion
wandering nerve
wandering nerve
n 1: a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and
lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the
abdominal viscera [syn: vagus, vagus nerve, {nervus
vagus}, pneumogastric, pneumogastric nerve, {tenth
cranial nerve}, wandering nerve]

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