Myriapoda \Myr`i*ap"o*da\, n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? numberless +
-poda.] (Zool.)
A class, or subclass, of arthropods, related to the hexapod
insects, from which they differ in having the body made up of
numerous similar segments, nearly all of which bear true
jointed legs. They have one pair of antennae, three pairs of
mouth organs, and numerous tracheae, similar to those of true
insects. The larvae, when first hatched, often have but three
pairs of legs. See Centiped, Galleyworm, Milliped.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The existing Myriapoda are divided into three orders:
Chilopoda, Chilognatha or Diplopoda, and
Pauropoda (see these words in the Vocabulary). Large
fossil species (very different from any living forms)
are found in the Carboniferous formation.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: arthropods having the body composed of numerous double
somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes [syn:
Diplopoda, class Diplopoda, Myriapoda, {class
podobné slovodefinícia
class myriapoda
class Myriapoda, n:
superclass myriapoda
superclass Myriapoda, n:
class myriapoda
class Myriapoda
n 1: arthropods having the body composed of numerous double
somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes [syn:
Diplopoda, class Diplopoda, Myriapoda, {class
n 1: arthropods having the body composed of numerous double
somites each with two pairs of legs: millipedes [syn:
Diplopoda, class Diplopoda, Myriapoda, {class
superclass myriapoda
superclass Myriapoda
n 1: used in some classifications to encompass the millipedes
(Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda); formerly a large
taxon including also the Pauropoda and Symphyla; the term
Myriapoda now usually used synonymously with Diplopoda and
limited to the millipedes

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