podobné slovo | definícia |
planning (mass) | planning
- plánovací, plánovanie |
city planning (encz) | city planning, n: |
direct planning mechanism (encz) | direct planning mechanism,mechanismus direktivního
plánování [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
family planning (encz) | family planning,plánované rodičovství Pavel Cvrčekfamily planning,regulace početí Zdeněk Brož |
financial planning and operations division (encz) | Financial Planning and Operations Division, |
landscape planning (encz) | landscape planning,plánování krajiny [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
least-cost planning (encz) | least-cost planning,plánování podle nejnižších nákladů [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač |
natural family planning (encz) | natural family planning, n: |
office of budget and planning/technical assistance secretariat (encz) | Office of Budget and Planning/Technical Assistance Secretariat, |
ovulation method of family planning (encz) | ovulation method of family planning, n: |
planning (encz) | planning,plánování n: Pavel Machek; Gizaplanning,plánující Zdeněk Brož |
planning board (encz) | planning board, n: |
planning commission (encz) | planning commission, n: |
planning-programming-budgeting system (encz) | planning-programming-budgeting system, |
regional planning (encz) | regional planning,územní plánování [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
replanning (encz) | replanning, |
town planning (encz) | town planning, n: |
urban planning (encz) | urban planning, n: |
contingency tactical air combat system automated planning system (czen) | Contingency Tactical Air Combat System Automated Planning
System,CTAPS[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad |
defense planning guidance (czen) | Defense Planning Guidance,DPG[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
překlad |
modernization planning process (czen) | Modernization Planning Process,MPP[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad |
tactical deception planning aid (czen) | Tactical Deception Planning Aid,TDPA[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad |
technology master planning (czen) | Technology Master Planning,TMP[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
překlad |
technology planning integrated product team (czen) | Technology Planning Integrated Product Team,TPIPT[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk
Brož a automatický překlad |
test instrument planning and programming (czen) | Test Instrument Planning and Programming,TIPP[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad |
test planning (czen) | Test Planning, Analysis and Evaluation System,TestPAES[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad |
basal body temperature method of family planning (wn) | basal body temperature method of family planning
n 1: natural family planning in which the fertile period of the
woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in
basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
[syn: basal body temperature method of family planning,
basal body temperature method] |
city planning (wn) | city planning
n 1: determining and drawing up plans for the future physical
arrangement and condition of a community [syn: {city
planning}, town planning, urban planning] |
family planning (wn) | family planning
n 1: limiting the number of children born [syn: birth control,
birth prevention, family planning] |
natural family planning (wn) | natural family planning
n 1: any of several methods of family planning that do not
involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs;
coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's
menstrual cycle |
ovulation method of family planning (wn) | ovulation method of family planning
n 1: natural family planning in which the fertile period is
inferred from changes in the character and quantity of
cervical mucus; ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus
that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery [syn:
ovulation method of family planning, ovulation method] |
planning (wn) | planning
n 1: an act of formulating a program for a definite course of
action; "the planning was more fun than the trip itself"
2: the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some
project or enterprise
3: the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in
the event of something happening; "his planning for
retirement was hindered by several uncertainties" [syn:
planning, preparation, provision] |
planning board (wn) | planning board
n 1: a board appointed to advise the chief administrator [syn:
advisory board, planning board] |
planning commission (wn) | planning commission
n 1: a commission delegated to propose plans for future
activities and developments |
town planning (wn) | town planning
n 1: determining and drawing up plans for the future physical
arrangement and condition of a community [syn: {city
planning}, town planning, urban planning] |
urban planning (wn) | urban planning
n 1: the branch of architecture dealing with the design and
organization of urban space and activities
2: determining and drawing up plans for the future physical
arrangement and condition of a community [syn: {city
planning}, town planning, urban planning] |
disaster planning (foldoc) | disaster recovery
disaster planning
(DR) Planning and implementation of procedures and
facilities for use when essential systems are not available
for a period long enough to have a significant impact on the
business, e.g. when the head office is blown up.
Disasters include natural: fire, flood, lightning, hurricane;
hardware: power failure, component failure, head crash;
software failure: bugs, resources; vandalism: arson,
bombing, cracking, theft; data corruption or loss: human
error, media failure; communications: computer network
equipment, network storm, telephones; security: passwords
compromised, computer virus; legal: change in legislation;
personnel: unavailability of essential staff, industrial
Companies need to plan for disaster: before: risk analysis,
preventive measures, training; during: how should staff and
systems respond; after: recovery measures, post mortem
Hardware can usually be replaced and is usually insured.
Software and data needs to be backed up off site. Alternative
communication systems should be arranged in case of network
failure or inaccessible premises, e.g. emergency telephone
number, home working, alternative data center.
enterprise resource planning (foldoc) | Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Any software system designed
to support and automate the business processes of medium and
large businesses. This may include manufacturing,
distribution, personnel, project management, payroll, and
ERP systems are accounting-oriented information systems for
identifying and planning the enterprise-wide resources
needed to take, make, distribute, and account for customer
orders. ERP systems were originally extensions of MRP II
systems, but have since widened their scope. An ERP system
also differs from the typical MRP II system in technical
requirements such as relational database, use of {object
oriented programming} language, {computer aided software
engineering} tools in development, client/server
architecture, and open system portability.
JBOPS are the major producers of ERP software.
{"ERP Systems - Using IT to gain a competitive advantage",
Shankarnarayanan S.
internet engineering and planning group (foldoc) | Internet Engineering and Planning Group
(IEPG) (http://iepg.org/).
manufacturer resource planning (foldoc) | Manufacturer Resource Planning
(MRP II) A system based on MRP which allows
manufacturers to optimise materials, procurement,
manufacturing processes, etc., and provide financial and
planning reports.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, manufacturers integrated
MRP and other manufacturing and business functions. This
renaissance is commonly known as Manufacturing Resource
Planning (MRP II). According to the American Production and
Inventory Control Society, Inc. (APICS), MRP II is a method
for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing
company. Ideally, it addresses operational planning in units,
financial planning in dollars, and has a simulation capability
to answer "what if" questions. It includes business planning,
sales and operations planning, production scheduling, material
requirements planning (MRP), capacity requirements planning,
and the execution support systems for capacity and material.
Output from these systems is integrated with financial reports
such as the business plan, purchase commitment report,
shipping budget, and inventory projections in dollars.
Manufacturing resource planning is a direct outgrowth and
extension of closed-loop MRP.
See also Enterprise Resource Planning, SAP R/2, R/3, and
material requirements planning (foldoc) | Material Requirements Planning
(MRP) A system for effectively managing material
requirements in a manufacturing process.
Information systems have long been an important part of the
manufacturing environment. In the 1960s, manufacturers
developed Material Requirements Planning (MRP). According to
the American Production and Inventory Control Society,
Inc. (APICS), MRP is a set of techniques that uses bill of
material data, inventory data, and the master production
schedule to calculate requirements for materials. It makes
recommendations to reorder materials. Furthermore, because it
is time-phased, it makes recommendations to reschedule open
orders when due dates and need dates are not in phase.
Time-phased MRP begins with the items listed on the Master
Production Schedule and determines the quantity of all
components and materials required to fabricate those items and
the date that the components and material are required.
Time-phased MRP is accomplished by exploding the bill of
material, adjusting for inventory quantities on hand or on
order and offsetting the net requirements by the appropriate
lead times.
See also Manufacturer Resource Planning.
project planning (foldoc) | project management
project planning
The process of planning, organising, staffing,
directing and controlling the production of a system.
Software tools are available to help with this, e.g. PERT
chart editors.