plexus,plexus n: [med.] Zdeněk Brož
plexus,svazek cév nebo nervů n: [med.] Zdeněk Brož
plexus,plexusn: [med.] Zdeněk Brož
Plexus \Plex"us\, n.; pl. L. Plexus, E. Plexuses. [L., a
twining, braid, fr. plectere, plexum, to twine, braid.]
1. (Anat.) A network of vessels, nerves, or fibers.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The system of equations required for the complete
expression of the relations which exist between a set of
quantities. --Brande & C.
[1913 Webster]

3. A network; an intricate or interwoven combination of
elements or parts in a coherent structure.

In the perception of a tree the reference to an
object is circumscribed and directed by a plexus of
visual and other presentations. --G. F. Stout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting
nerves or intersecting lymph vessels [syn: plexus,

A modular web server written in Perl by Tony
Sanders . Comes with interfaces to allow
many other information services to be served via the Web.

Version 3.0m 1994-07-22 (

podobné slovodefinícia
cardiac plexus
cardiac plexus, n:
carotid plexus
carotid plexus, n:
cervical plexus
cervical plexus, n:
choroid plexus
choroid plexus, n:
coccygeal plexus
coccygeal plexus, n:
coeliac plexus
coeliac plexus, n:
hypogastric plexus
hypogastric plexus, n:
lumbar plexus
lumbar plexus, n:
lumbosacral plexus
lumbosacral plexus, n:
mesenteric plexus
mesenteric plexus, n:
myenteric plexus
myenteric plexus, n:
nerve plexus
nerve plexus, n:
periarterial plexus
periarterial plexus, n:
plexus,plexus n: [med.] Zdeněk Brožplexus,svazek cév nebo nervů n: [med.] Zdeněk Brož
plexus autonomici
plexus autonomici, n:
plexus brachialis
plexus brachialis, n:
plexus cardiacus
plexus cardiacus, n:
plexus caroticus
plexus caroticus, n:
plexus celiacus
plexus celiacus, n:
plexus cervicalis
plexus cervicalis, n:
plexus choroideus
plexus choroideus, n:
plexus coccygeus
plexus coccygeus, n:
plexus dentalis
plexus dentalis, n:
plexus hypogastricus
plexus hypogastricus, n:
plexus lumbalis
plexus lumbalis, n:
plexus mesentericus
plexus mesentericus, n:
plexus myentericus
plexus myentericus, n:
plexus periarterialis
plexus periarterialis, n:
plexus pulmonalis
plexus pulmonalis, n:
plexus sacralis
plexus sacralis, n:
pterygoid plexus
pterygoid plexus, n:
sacral plexus
sacral plexus, n:
solar plexus
solar plexus,
plexus,plexusn: [med.] Zdeněk Brož
Choroid plexus
Choroid \Cho"roid\, a. [gr. ?; ? chorion + e'i^dos form.]
resembling the chorion; as, the choroid plexuses of the
ventricles of the brain, and the choroid coat of the eyeball.
-- n. The choroid coat of the eye. See Eye.
[1913 Webster]

Choroid plexus (Anat.), one of the delicate fringelike
processes, consisting almost entirely of blood vessels,
which project into the ventricles of the brain.
[1913 Webster]
Complexus \Com*plex"us\, n. [L., an embracing.]
A complex; an aggregate of parts; a complication.
[1913 Webster]
Plexus \Plex"us\, n.; pl. L. Plexus, E. Plexuses. [L., a
twining, braid, fr. plectere, plexum, to twine, braid.]
1. (Anat.) A network of vessels, nerves, or fibers.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The system of equations required for the complete
expression of the relations which exist between a set of
quantities. --Brande & C.
[1913 Webster]

3. A network; an intricate or interwoven combination of
elements or parts in a coherent structure.

In the perception of a tree the reference to an
object is circumscribed and directed by a plexus of
visual and other presentations. --G. F. Stout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Solar plexus
Solar \So"lar\, a. [L. solaris, fr. sol the sun; akin to As.
s[=o]l, Icel. s[=o]l, Goth. sauil, Lith. saule, W. haul,.
sul, Skr. svar, perhaps to E. sun:F. solaire. Cf. Parasol.
1. Of or pertaining to the sun; proceeding from the sun; as,
the solar system; solar light; solar rays; solar
influence. See Solar system, below.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Astrol.) Born under the predominant influence of the sun.
[1913 Webster]

And proud beside, as solar people are. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. Measured by the progress or revolution of the sun in the
ecliptic; as, the solar year.
[1913 Webster]

4. Produced by the action of the sun, or peculiarly affected
by its influence.
[1913 Webster]

They denominate some herbs solar, and some lunar.
[1913 Webster]

Solar cycle. See under Cycle.

Solar day. See Day, 2.

Solar engine, an engine in which the energy of solar heat
is used to produce motion, as in evaporating water for a
steam engine, or expanding air for an air engine.

Solar flowers (Bot.), flowers which open and shut daily at
certain hours.

Solar lamp, an argand lamp.

Solar microscope, a microscope consisting essentially,
first, of a mirror for reflecting a beam of sunlight
through the tube, which sometimes is fixed in a window
shutter; secondly, of a condenser, or large lens, for
converging the beam upon the object; and, thirdly, of a
small lens, or magnifier, for throwing an enlarged image
of the object at its focus upon a screen in a dark room or
in a darkened box.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

Solar month. See under Month.

Solar oil, a paraffin oil used an illuminant and lubricant.

Solar phosphori (Physics), certain substances, as the
diamond, siulphide of barium (Bolognese or Bologna
phosphorus), calcium sulphide, etc., which become
phosphorescent, and shine in the dark, after exposure to
sunlight or other intense light.

Solar plexus (Anat.), a nervous plexus situated in the
dorsal and anterior part of the abdomen, consisting of
several sympathetic ganglia with connecting and radiating
nerve fibers; -- so called in allusion to the radiating
nerve fibers.

Solar spots. See Sun spots, under Sun.

Solar system (Astron.), the sun, with the group of
celestial bodies which, held by its attraction, revolve
round it. The system comprises the major planets, with
their satellites; the minor planets, or asteroids, and the
comets; also, the meteorids, the matter that furnishes the
zodiacal light, and the rings of Saturn. The satellites
that revolve about the major planets are twenty-two in
number, of which the Earth has one (see Moon.), Mars
two, Jupiter five, Saturn nine, Uranus four, and Neptune
one. The asteroids, between Mars and Jupiter, thus far
discovered (1900), number about five hundred, the first
four of which were found near the beginning of the
century, and are called Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The principal elements of the major planets, and of the
comets seen at more than one perihelion passage, are
exhibited in the following tables:
[1913 Webster] I. -- Major Planets. Symbol.Name.Mean
distance -- that of the Earth being unity.Period in
days.Eccentricity.Inclination of orbit.Diameter in
miles ?????????????????????
[1913 Webster] II. -- Periodic Comets. Name.Greatest
distance from sun.Least distance from sun.Inclination
of orbit.Perihelion passage. [deg] [min] 54
Encke's3.314.100.34212 541885.2 ?????????????????????
[1913 Webster]

Solar telegraph, telegraph for signaling by flashes of
reflected sunlight.

Solar time. See Apparent time, under Time.
[1913 Webster]
abdominal nerve plexus
abdominal nerve plexus
n 1: a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind
the stomach [syn: solar plexus, coeliac plexus, {plexus
celiacus}, abdominal nerve plexus]
aortic plexus
aortic plexus
n 1: a plexus of lymph nodes in the lower portion of the
abdominal aorta
autonomic plexus
autonomic plexus
n 1: a plexus of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers
[syn: autonomic plexus, plexus autonomici]
brachial plexus
brachial plexus
n 1: a network of nerves formed by cervical and thoracic spinal
nerves and supplying the arm and parts of the shoulder
[syn: brachial plexus, plexus brachialis]
cardiac plexus
cardiac plexus
n 1: a plexus of nerves supplying the heart and nearby
structures [syn: cardiac plexus, plexus cardiacus]
carotid plexus
carotid plexus
n 1: a plexus of nerves surrounding the internal carotid artery
[syn: carotid plexus, plexus caroticus]
cervical plexus
cervical plexus
n 1: a nerve plexus lying beneath the sternocleidomastoid muscle
[syn: cervical plexus, plexus cervicalis]
choroid plexus
choroid plexus
n 1: a vascular plexus of the cerebral ventricles that regulate
intraventricular pressure [syn: choroid plexus, {plexus
coccygeal plexus
coccygeal plexus
n 1: a small plexus formed by the fifth sacral and coccygeal
nerves [syn: coccygeal plexus, plexus coccygeus]
coeliac plexus
coeliac plexus
n 1: a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind
the stomach [syn: solar plexus, coeliac plexus, {plexus
celiacus}, abdominal nerve plexus]
hypogastric plexus
hypogastric plexus
n 1: a plexus of nerves serving the pelvic viscera [syn:
hypogastric plexus, plexus hypogastricus]
lumbar plexus
lumbar plexus
n 1: a lymphatic plexus located along the lower portion of the
aorta and iliac vessels [syn: lumbar plexus, {plexus
2: a plexus of nerves formed by the ventral branches of the
first four lumbar nerves [syn: lumbar plexus, {plexus
lumbosacral plexus
lumbosacral plexus
n 1: a nerve plexus formed by the ventral divisions of the
coccygeal and sacral and lumbar nerves; supplies the lower
limbs and perineum and coccygeal area
mesenteric plexus
mesenteric plexus
n 1: a plexus of autonomic nerves [syn: mesenteric plexus,
plexus mesentericus]
myenteric plexus
myenteric plexus
n 1: a plexus of unmyelinated fibers and postganglionic
autonomic cell bodies in the muscular coat of the esophagus
and stomach and intestines [syn: myenteric plexus,
plexus myentericus]
nerve plexus
nerve plexus
n 1: a network of intersecting nerves
periarterial plexus
periarterial plexus
n 1: an autonomic plexus that accompanies an artery [syn:
periarterial plexus, plexus periarterialis]
n 1: a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting
nerves or intersecting lymph vessels [syn: plexus,
plexus autonomici
plexus autonomici
n 1: a plexus of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers
[syn: autonomic plexus, plexus autonomici]
plexus brachialis
plexus brachialis
n 1: a network of nerves formed by cervical and thoracic spinal
nerves and supplying the arm and parts of the shoulder
[syn: brachial plexus, plexus brachialis]
plexus cardiacus
plexus cardiacus
n 1: a plexus of nerves supplying the heart and nearby
structures [syn: cardiac plexus, plexus cardiacus]
plexus caroticus
plexus caroticus
n 1: a plexus of nerves surrounding the internal carotid artery
[syn: carotid plexus, plexus caroticus]
plexus celiacus
plexus celiacus
n 1: a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind
the stomach [syn: solar plexus, coeliac plexus, {plexus
celiacus}, abdominal nerve plexus]
plexus cervicalis
plexus cervicalis
n 1: a nerve plexus lying beneath the sternocleidomastoid muscle
[syn: cervical plexus, plexus cervicalis]
plexus choroideus
plexus choroideus
n 1: a vascular plexus of the cerebral ventricles that regulate
intraventricular pressure [syn: choroid plexus, {plexus
plexus coccygeus
plexus coccygeus
n 1: a small plexus formed by the fifth sacral and coccygeal
nerves [syn: coccygeal plexus, plexus coccygeus]
plexus dentalis
plexus dentalis
n 1: a plexus of nerves serving the teeth
plexus hypogastricus
plexus hypogastricus
n 1: a plexus of nerves serving the pelvic viscera [syn:
hypogastric plexus, plexus hypogastricus]
plexus lumbalis
plexus lumbalis
n 1: a lymphatic plexus located along the lower portion of the
aorta and iliac vessels [syn: lumbar plexus, {plexus
2: a plexus of nerves formed by the ventral branches of the
first four lumbar nerves [syn: lumbar plexus, {plexus
plexus mesentericus
plexus mesentericus
n 1: a plexus of autonomic nerves [syn: mesenteric plexus,
plexus mesentericus]
plexus myentericus
plexus myentericus
n 1: a plexus of unmyelinated fibers and postganglionic
autonomic cell bodies in the muscular coat of the esophagus
and stomach and intestines [syn: myenteric plexus,
plexus myentericus]
plexus periarterialis
plexus periarterialis
n 1: an autonomic plexus that accompanies an artery [syn:
periarterial plexus, plexus periarterialis]
plexus pulmonalis
plexus pulmonalis
n 1: one of two autonomic nerve plexuses in each lung [syn:
pulmonary plexis, plexus pulmonalis]
plexus sacralis
plexus sacralis
n 1: a nerve plexus formed by the 4th and 5th lumbar and 1st,
2nd, 3rd sacral nerves; supplies the pelvic region and
lower limbs [syn: sacral plexus, plexus sacralis]
pterygoid plexus
pterygoid plexus
n 1: a plexus of veins draining the region of the pterygoid
muscles and draining into the internal maxillary and
anterior facial veins
sacral plexus
sacral plexus
n 1: a nerve plexus formed by the 4th and 5th lumbar and 1st,
2nd, 3rd sacral nerves; supplies the pelvic region and
lower limbs [syn: sacral plexus, plexus sacralis]
solar plexus
solar plexus
n 1: a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind
the stomach [syn: solar plexus, coeliac plexus, {plexus
celiacus}, abdominal nerve plexus]

A modular web server written in Perl by Tony
Sanders . Comes with interfaces to allow
many other information services to be served via the Web.

Version 3.0m 1994-07-22 (


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