- symetrický
symmetric,symetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
Symmetric \Sym*met"ric\, a.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: having similarity in size, shape, and relative position
of corresponding parts [syn: symmetrical, symmetric]
[ant: asymmetric, asymmetrical]

1. A relation R is symmetric if, for all x and

x R y => y R x

If it is also antisymmetric (x R y & y R x => x == y) then
x R y => x == y, i.e. no two different elements are related.

2. In linear algebra, a member of the tensor product of a
vector space with itself one or more times, is symmetric if
it is a fixed point of all of the linear isomorphisms of
the tensor product generated by permutations of the ordering
of the copies of the vector space as factors. It is said to
be antisymmetric precisely if the action of any of these
linear maps, on the given tensor, is equivalent to
multiplication by the sign of the permutation in question.

podobné slovodefinícia
- asymetrický
- asymetrický
- symetrický
asymmetric,asymetrický adj:
asymmetrical,asymetrický adj: Zdeněk Brožasymmetrical,nesymetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
asymmetrically,asymetricky adv:
centrosymmetric, adj:
radially symmetrical
radially symmetrical, adj:
symmetric,symetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
symmetrical,souměrný adj: Zdeněk Brožsymmetrical,symetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
symmetrically,symetricky adv: Zdeněk Brož
symmetricalness, n:
unsymmetric,nesouměrný adj: Zdeněk Brožunsymmetric,nesymetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
unsymmetrical,nesouměrný adj: Zdeněk Brožunsymmetrical,nesymetrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
unsymmetrically, adv:
real-time symmetric multiprocessor
Real-Time Symmetric Multiprocessor,RTSMP[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Asymmetric \As`ym*met"ric\, Asymmetrical \As`ym*met"ri*cal\, a.
[See Asymmetrous.]
1. Incommensurable. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. Not symmetrical; wanting proportion; esp., not bilaterally
symmetrical. --Huxley.
[1913 Webster]
Asymmetric \As`ym*met"ric\, Asymmetrical \As`ym*met"ri*cal\, a.
[See Asymmetrous.]
1. Incommensurable. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. Not symmetrical; wanting proportion; esp., not bilaterally
symmetrical. --Huxley.
[1913 Webster]
Dissymmetrical \Dis`sym*met"ric*al\, a.
Not having symmetry; asymmetrical; unsymmetrical.
[1913 Webster]
Monosymmetric \Mon`o*sym*met"ric\, Monosymmetrical
\Mon`o*sym*met"ric*al\, a. [Mono- + symmetric, -ical.]
Same as Monoclinic.
[1913 Webster]
Monosymmetric \Mon`o*sym*met"ric\, Monosymmetrical
\Mon`o*sym*met"ric*al\, a. [Mono- + symmetric, -ical.]
Same as Monoclinic.
[1913 Webster]
Pseudo-symmetric \Pseu`do-sym*met"ric\, a. (Crystallog.)
Exhibiting pseudo-symmetry.
[1913 Webster]
Skew symmetrical determinant
Skew \Skew\, a.
Turned or twisted to one side; situated obliquely; skewed; --
chiefly used in technical phrases.
[1913 Webster]

Skew arch, an oblique arch. See under Oblique.

Skew back. (Civil Engin.)
(a) The course of masonry, the stone, or the iron plate,
having an inclined face, which forms the abutment for the
voussoirs of a segmental arch.
(b) A plate, cap, or shoe, having an inclined face to receive
the nut of a diagonal brace, rod, or the end of an
inclined strut, in a truss or frame.

Skew bridge. See under Bridge, n.

Skew curve (Geom.), a curve of double curvature, or a
twisted curve. See Plane curve, under Curve.

Skew gearing, or Skew bevel gearing (Mach.), toothed
gearing, generally resembling bevel gearing, for
connecting two shafts that are neither parallel nor
intersecting, and in which the teeth slant across the
faces of the gears.

Skew surface (Geom.), a ruled surface such that in general
two successive generating straight lines do not intersect;
a warped surface; as, the helicoid is a skew surface.

Skew symmetrical determinant (Alg.), a determinant in which
the elements in each column of the matrix are equal to the
elements of the corresponding row of the matrix with the
signs changed, as in (1), below.
[1913 Webster] (1) 0 2 -3-2 0 53 -5 0 (2) 4 -1 71 8 -2-7 2
[1913 Webster]

Note: This requires that the numbers in the diagonal from the
upper left to lower right corner be zeros. A like
determinant in which the numbers in the diagonal are
not zeros is a skew determinant, as in (2), above.
[1913 Webster]
Symmetrical \Sym*met"ric*al\, a. [Cf. F. sym['e]trique. See
1. Involving or exhibiting symmetry; proportional in parts;
having its parts in due proportion as to dimensions; as, a
symmetrical body or building.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Having the organs or parts of one side
corresponding with those of the other; having the parts in
two or more series of organs the same in number;
exhibiting a symmetry. See Symmetry, 2.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.)
(a) Having an equal number of parts in the successive
circles of floral organs; -- said of flowers.
(b) Having a likeness in the form and size of floral
organs of the same kind; regular.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Math.) Having a common measure; commensurable.
(b) Having corresponding parts or relations.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A curve or a plane figure is symmetrical with respect
to a given line, and a line, surface, or solid with
respect to a plane, when for each point on one side of
the line or plane there is a corresponding point on the
other side, so situated that the line joining the two
corresponding points is perpendicular to the line or
plane and is bisected by it. Two solids are symmetrical
when they are so situated with respect to an
intervening plane that the several points of their
surfaces thus correspond to each other in position and
distance. In analysis, an expression is symmetrical
with respect to several letters when any two of them
may change places without affecting the expression; as,
the expression a^2b + ab^2 + a^2c + ac^2 +
b^2c + bc^2, is symmetrical with respect to the
letters a, b, c.
[1913 Webster] -- Sym*met"ric*al*ly, adv. --
Sym*met"ric*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Symmetrical \Sym*met"ric*al\, a. [Cf. F. sym['e]trique. See
1. Involving or exhibiting symmetry; proportional in parts;
having its parts in due proportion as to dimensions; as, a
symmetrical body or building.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Having the organs or parts of one side
corresponding with those of the other; having the parts in
two or more series of organs the same in number;
exhibiting a symmetry. See Symmetry, 2.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.)
(a) Having an equal number of parts in the successive
circles of floral organs; -- said of flowers.
(b) Having a likeness in the form and size of floral
organs of the same kind; regular.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Math.) Having a common measure; commensurable.
(b) Having corresponding parts or relations.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A curve or a plane figure is symmetrical with respect
to a given line, and a line, surface, or solid with
respect to a plane, when for each point on one side of
the line or plane there is a corresponding point on the
other side, so situated that the line joining the two
corresponding points is perpendicular to the line or
plane and is bisected by it. Two solids are symmetrical
when they are so situated with respect to an
intervening plane that the several points of their
surfaces thus correspond to each other in position and
distance. In analysis, an expression is symmetrical
with respect to several letters when any two of them
may change places without affecting the expression; as,
the expression a^2b + ab^2 + a^2c + ac^2 +
b^2c + bc^2, is symmetrical with respect to the
letters a, b, c.
[1913 Webster] -- Sym*met"ric*al*ly, adv. --
Sym*met"ric*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Symmetrical \Sym*met"ric*al\, a. [Cf. F. sym['e]trique. See
1. Involving or exhibiting symmetry; proportional in parts;
having its parts in due proportion as to dimensions; as, a
symmetrical body or building.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Having the organs or parts of one side
corresponding with those of the other; having the parts in
two or more series of organs the same in number;
exhibiting a symmetry. See Symmetry, 2.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.)
(a) Having an equal number of parts in the successive
circles of floral organs; -- said of flowers.
(b) Having a likeness in the form and size of floral
organs of the same kind; regular.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Math.) Having a common measure; commensurable.
(b) Having corresponding parts or relations.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A curve or a plane figure is symmetrical with respect
to a given line, and a line, surface, or solid with
respect to a plane, when for each point on one side of
the line or plane there is a corresponding point on the
other side, so situated that the line joining the two
corresponding points is perpendicular to the line or
plane and is bisected by it. Two solids are symmetrical
when they are so situated with respect to an
intervening plane that the several points of their
surfaces thus correspond to each other in position and
distance. In analysis, an expression is symmetrical
with respect to several letters when any two of them
may change places without affecting the expression; as,
the expression a^2b + ab^2 + a^2c + ac^2 +
b^2c + bc^2, is symmetrical with respect to the
letters a, b, c.
[1913 Webster] -- Sym*met"ric*al*ly, adv. --
Sym*met"ric*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Symmetrician \Sym`me*tri"cian\, n.
Same as Symmetrian. [R.] --Holinshed.
[1913 Webster]
Unsymmetrical \Un`sym*met"ric*al\, a.
1. Wanting in symmetry, or due proportion pf parts.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the
parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size
and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ
in number. See Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Chem.) Being without symmetry of chemical structure or
relation; as, an unsymmetrical carbon atom.
[1913 Webster]

Unsymmetrical carbon atom (Chem.), one which is united at
once to four different atoms or radicals. This condition
usually occasions physical isomerism, with the attendant
action on polarized light.
[1913 Webster]
Unsymmetrical carbon atom
Unsymmetrical \Un`sym*met"ric*al\, a.
1. Wanting in symmetry, or due proportion pf parts.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the
parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size
and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ
in number. See Symmetry.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Chem.) Being without symmetry of chemical structure or
relation; as, an unsymmetrical carbon atom.
[1913 Webster]

Unsymmetrical carbon atom (Chem.), one which is united at
once to four different atoms or radicals. This condition
usually occasions physical isomerism, with the attendant
action on polarized light.
[1913 Webster]
Unsymmetrically \Un`sym*met"ric*al*ly\, adv.
Not symmetrically.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or
placement of parts or components [syn: asymmetrical,
asymmetric] [ant: symmetric, symmetrical]
adj 1: characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or
placement of parts or components [syn: asymmetrical,
asymmetric] [ant: symmetric, symmetrical]
2: irregular in shape or outline; "asymmetrical features"; "a
dress with a crooked hemline" [syn: asymmetrical,
adv 1: in an asymmetrical manner; "they were asymmetrically
arranged" [syn: asymmetrically, unsymmetrically]
[ant: symmetrically]
bilaterally symmetric
bilaterally symmetric
adj 1: having identical parts on each side of an axis [syn:
bilateral, isobilateral, bilaterally symmetrical,
bilaterally symmetric]
bilaterally symmetrical
bilaterally symmetrical
adj 1: capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one
longitudinal plane passing through the axis [syn:
zygomorphic, bilaterally symmetrical, zygomorphous]
[ant: actinomorphic, actinomorphous]
2: having identical parts on each side of an axis [syn:
bilateral, isobilateral, bilaterally symmetrical,
bilaterally symmetric]
adj 1: having a symmetrical arrangement of radiating parts about
a central point [syn: radially symmetrical,
radially symmetrical
radially symmetrical
adj 1: having a symmetrical arrangement of radiating parts about
a central point [syn: radially symmetrical,
adj 1: having similarity in size, shape, and relative position
of corresponding parts [syn: symmetrical, symmetric]
[ant: asymmetric, asymmetrical]
adj 1: having similarity in size, shape, and relative position
of corresponding parts [syn: symmetrical, symmetric]
[ant: asymmetric, asymmetrical]
2: exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents
of an entity or between different entities [syn:
harmonious, proportionate, symmetrical]
adv 1: in a symmetrical manner; "they were symmetrically
arranged" [ant: asymmetrically, unsymmetrically]
n 1: (mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact
reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or
plane [syn: symmetry, symmetricalness,
correspondence, balance] [ant: asymmetry,
dissymmetry, imbalance]
trachurus symmetricus
Trachurus symmetricus
n 1: a California food fish [syn: horse mackerel, {jack
mackerel}, Spanish mackerel, saurel, {Trachurus
adj 1: lacking symmetry [syn: unsymmetric, unsymmetrical]
adj 1: lacking symmetry [syn: unsymmetric, unsymmetrical]
2: having unsymmetrical parts or unequal dimensions or
measurements [syn: anisometric, unsymmetrical]
adv 1: in an asymmetrical manner; "they were asymmetrically
arranged" [syn: asymmetrically, unsymmetrically]
[ant: symmetrically]

A relation R is antisymmetric if,

for all x and y, x R y and y R x => x == y.

I.e. no two different elements are mutually related.

Partial orders and total orders are antisymmetric. If R
is also symmetric, i.e.

x R y => y R x


x R y => x == y

I.e. different elements are not related.

asymmetric digital subscriber line
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop

(ADSL, or Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Loop) A form of Digital Subscriber Line in which
the bandwidth available for downstream connection is
significantly larger then for upstream. Although designed
to minimise the effect of crosstalk between the upstream and
downstream channels this setup is well suited for {web
browsing} and client-server applications as well as for
some emerging applications such as video on demand.

The data-rate of ADSL strongly depends on the length and
quality of the line connecting the end-user to the telephone
company. Typically the upstream data flow is between 16 and
640 kilobits per second while the downstream data flow is
between 1.5 and 9 megabits per second. ADSL also provides a
voice channel.

ADSL can carry digital data, analog voice, and broadcast
MPEG2 video in a variety of implementations to meet customer

["Data Cooks, But Will Vendors Get Burned?", "Supercomm
Spotlight On ADSL" & "Lucent Sells Paradine", Wilson & Carol,
Inter@ctive Week Vol. 3 #13, p1 & 6, June 24 1996].

See also Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation, {Discrete

ADSL Forum (

asymmetric digital subscriber loop
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop

(ADSL, or Asymmetric Digital
Subscriber Loop) A form of Digital Subscriber Line in which
the bandwidth available for downstream connection is
significantly larger then for upstream. Although designed
to minimise the effect of crosstalk between the upstream and
downstream channels this setup is well suited for {web
browsing} and client-server applications as well as for
some emerging applications such as video on demand.

The data-rate of ADSL strongly depends on the length and
quality of the line connecting the end-user to the telephone
company. Typically the upstream data flow is between 16 and
640 kilobits per second while the downstream data flow is
between 1.5 and 9 megabits per second. ADSL also provides a
voice channel.

ADSL can carry digital data, analog voice, and broadcast
MPEG2 video in a variety of implementations to meet customer

["Data Cooks, But Will Vendors Get Burned?", "Supercomm
Spotlight On ADSL" & "Lucent Sells Paradine", Wilson & Carol,
Inter@ctive Week Vol. 3 #13, p1 & 6, June 24 1996].

See also Carrierless Amplitude/Phase Modulation, {Discrete

ADSL Forum (

asymmetrical modulation
asymmetrical modulation

A scheme to maximise use of a communications
line by giving a larger share of the bandwidth to the
modem at the end which is transmitting the most information.

Only one end of the connection has full bandwidth, the other
has only a fraction of the bandwidth. Normally, which end
gets the full bandwidth is chosen dynamically.

Asymmetrical modulation was made famous by the HST mode of
the early high-speed modems from US Robotics.


1. A relation R is symmetric if, for all x and

x R y => y R x

If it is also antisymmetric (x R y & y R x => x == y) then
x R y => x == y, i.e. no two different elements are related.

2. In linear algebra, a member of the tensor product of a
vector space with itself one or more times, is symmetric if
it is a fixed point of all of the linear isomorphisms of
the tensor product generated by permutations of the ordering
of the copies of the vector space as factors. It is said to
be antisymmetric precisely if the action of any of these
linear maps, on the given tensor, is equivalent to
multiplication by the sign of the permutation in question.

symmetric key cryptography
symmetric key cryptography

A cryptography system in which both parties
have the same encryption key, as in {secret key

Opposite: public-key cryptography.

symmetric lisp
Symmetric LISP

A parallel Lisp in which environments are first-class
objects. It is implemented in Common LISP.

["Parallelism, Persistence and Meta-Cleanliness in the
Symmetric Lisp Processor", D. Gelernter et al, SIGPLAN Notices
22(7):274-282 (July 1987)].

["A Programming Language Supporting First-Class Parallel
Environments", S. Jagannathan, MIT-LCS/TR 434, 1989].

E-mail: Suresh Jagannathan .

symmetric multiprocessing
symmetric multiprocessing
symmetric multiprocessor

(SMP) Two or more similar processors connected
via a high-bandwidth link and managed by one {operating
system}, where each processor has equal access to I/O devices.
This is in contrast to the "compute server" kind of
parallel processor where a front-end processor handles all
I/O to disks, terminals and local area network etc.

The processors are treated more or less equally, with
application programs able to run on any or perhaps all
processors in the system, interchangeably, at the operating
system's discretion. Simple MP usually involves assigning
each processor to a fixed task (such as managing the file
system), reserving the single main CPU for general tasks.

OS/2 currently supports so-called HMP (Hybrid
Multiprocessing), which provides some elements of symmetric
multiprocessing, using add-on IBM software called MP/2. OS/2
SMP was planned for release in late 1993.

symmetric multiprocessor
symmetric multiprocessing
symmetric multiprocessor

(SMP) Two or more similar processors connected
via a high-bandwidth link and managed by one {operating
system}, where each processor has equal access to I/O devices.
This is in contrast to the "compute server" kind of
parallel processor where a front-end processor handles all
I/O to disks, terminals and local area network etc.

The processors are treated more or less equally, with
application programs able to run on any or perhaps all
processors in the system, interchangeably, at the operating
system's discretion. Simple MP usually involves assigning
each processor to a fixed task (such as managing the file
system), reserving the single main CPU for general tasks.

OS/2 currently supports so-called HMP (Hybrid
Multiprocessing), which provides some elements of symmetric
multiprocessing, using add-on IBM software called MP/2. OS/2
SMP was planned for release in late 1993.


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