Thule,Thule n: [zem.] [myt.] bájný severský ostrov PetrV
Thule,Thulen: [zem.] [myt.] bájný severský ostrov PetrV
Thule \Thu"le\ (th[=u]"l[-e]), prop. n. [L. Thule, Thyle, Gr.
Qoy`lh, Qy`lh.]
The name given by ancient geographers to the northernmost
part of the habitable world. According to some, this land was
Norway, according to others, Iceland, or more probably
Mainland, the largest of the Shetland islands; hence, the
Latin phrase ultima Thule, farthest Thule.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a town in northwestern Greenland; during World War II a
United States naval base was built there
2: the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to be
the northernmost land in the inhabited world [syn: Thule,
ultima Thule]
podobné slovodefinícia
Thule,Thule n: [zem.] [myt.] bájný severský ostrov PetrV
ultima thule
ultima Thule, n:
Thule,Thulen: [zem.] [myt.] bájný severský ostrov PetrV
Ethule \Eth"ule\[Ether + Gr. ? substance, base. Cf. Ethyl, and
see -yl.] (Chem.)
Ethyl. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Methyl \Meth"yl\, n. [See Methylene.] (Chem.)
A univalent hydrocarbon radical, CH3-, not existing alone
but regarded as an essential residue of methane, and
appearing as a component part of many derivatives; as, methyl
alcohol, methyl ether, methyl amine, etc. [Formerly written
also methule, methyle, etc.]
[1913 Webster]

Methyl alcohol (Chem.), a light, volatile, inflammable
liquid, CH3.OH, obtained by the distillation of wood,
and hence called wood alcohol or wood spirit;
tecnically referred to as methanol; -- called also
methol, carbinol, etc.

Methyl amine (Chem.), a colorless, inflammable, alkaline
gas, CH3.NH2, having an ammoniacal, fishy odor. It is
produced artificially, and also occurs naturally in
herring brine and other fishy products. It is regarded as
ammonia in which a third of its hydrogen is replaced by
methyl, and is a type of the class of substituted

Methyl ether (Chem.), a light, volatile ether CH3.O.CH3,
obtained by the etherification of methyl alcohol; --
called also methyl oxide or dimethyl ether.

Methyl green. (Chem.) See under Green, n.

Methyl orange. (Chem.) See Helianthin.

Methyl violet (Chem.), an artificial dye, consisting of
certain methyl halogen derivatives of rosaniline.
[1913 Webster]
Ultima Thule
Ultima \Ul"ti*ma\ ([u^]l"i[i^]*m[.a]), a. [L., fem. of ultimus
Most remote; furthest; final; last.
[1913 Webster]

Ultima ratio [L.], the last reason or argument; the last

Ultima Thule. [L.] See Thule.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a town in northwestern Greenland; during World War II a
United States naval base was built there
2: the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to be
the northernmost land in the inhabited world [syn: Thule,
ultima Thule]
ultima thule
ultima Thule
n 1: the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to
be the northernmost land in the inhabited world [syn:
Thule, ultima Thule]

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