auric,obsahující zlato Zdeněk Brož
auric,zlatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
Auric \Au"ric\, a. [L. aurum gold.]
1. Of or pertaining to gold.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, gold; -- said of
those compounds of gold in which this element has its
higher valence; as, auric oxide; auric chloride.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or containing or derived from gold
[syn: aurous, auric]
podobné slovodefinícia
- MU, MUS, Mauritius
auricle,boltec n: Zdeněk Brožauricle,ušní boltec Pavel Cvrček
auricula,prvosenka n: Zdeněk Brož
auricular,ušní adj: Zdeněk Brož
biauricular,biaurikulární Zdeněk Brož
lauric acid
lauric acid, n:
Maurice,Maurice n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno, mužské
křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Mauricio,Mauricio n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
order auriculariales
order Auriculariales, n:
vena auricularis
vena auricularis, n:
hl.m. - mauricius
hl.m. - Mauricius,Port Louis[jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Maurice,Mauricen: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno, mužské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Mauricio,Mauricion: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Mauricius,Mauritiusn: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Auric \Au"ric\, a. [L. aurum gold.]
1. Of or pertaining to gold.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, gold; -- said of
those compounds of gold in which this element has its
higher valence; as, auric oxide; auric chloride.
[1913 Webster]
Aurichalceous \Au`ri*chal"ce*ous\, a. [L. aurichalcum, for
orichalcum brass.] (Zool.)
[1913 Webster]
Aurichalcite \Au`ri*chal"cite\, n. [See Aurichalceous.] (Min.)
A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green
or blue crystalline aggregations. It yields a kind of brass
on reduction.
[1913 Webster]
Orichalch \Or"i*chalch\, n. [L. orichalcum, Gr. ?; 'o`ros,
mountain + chalko`s brass: cf. F. orichalque.]
A metallic substance, resembling gold in color, but inferior
in value; a mixed metal of the ancients, resembling brass; --
called also aurichalcum, orichalcum, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Auricle \Au"ri*cle\, n. [L. auricula, dim. of auris ear. See
1. (Anat.)
(a) The external ear, or that part of the ear which is
prominent from the head.
(b) The chamber, or one of the two chambers, of the heart,
by which the blood is received and transmitted to the
ventricle or ventricles; -- so called from its
resemblance to the auricle or external ear of some
quadrupeds. See Heart.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) An angular or ear-shaped lobe.
[1913 Webster]

3. An instrument applied to the ears to give aid in hearing;
a kind of ear trumpet. --Mansfield.
[1913 Webster]
Auricled \Au"ri*cled\, a.
Having ear-shaped appendages or lobes; auriculate; as,
auricled leaves.
[1913 Webster]
Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Auricula aurismidae
Midas's ear \Mi"das's ear"\ [See Midas.] (Zool.)
A pulmonate mollusk (Auricula aurismidae or {Ellobium
aurismidae}); -- so called from resemblance to a human ear.
[1913 Webster]
auricula Judae
Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Auricular \Au*ric"u*lar\ ([add]*r[i^]k"[-u]*l[~e]r), a. [LL.
auricularis: cf. F. auriculaire. See Auricle.]
1. Of or pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing;
as, auricular nerves.
[1913 Webster]

2. Told in the ear, i. e., told privately; as, auricular
confession to the priest.
[1913 Webster]

This next chapter is a penitent confession of the
king, and the strangest . . . that ever was
auricular. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Recognized by the ear; known by the sense of hearing; as,
auricular evidence. "Auricular assurance." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Received by the ear; known by report. "Auricular
traditions." --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Anat.) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
[1913 Webster]

Auricular finger, the little finger; so called because it
can be readily introduced into the ear passage.
[1913 Webster]
Auricular finger
Auricular \Au*ric"u*lar\ ([add]*r[i^]k"[-u]*l[~e]r), a. [LL.
auricularis: cf. F. auriculaire. See Auricle.]
1. Of or pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing;
as, auricular nerves.
[1913 Webster]

2. Told in the ear, i. e., told privately; as, auricular
confession to the priest.
[1913 Webster]

This next chapter is a penitent confession of the
king, and the strangest . . . that ever was
auricular. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Recognized by the ear; known by the sense of hearing; as,
auricular evidence. "Auricular assurance." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Received by the ear; known by report. "Auricular
traditions." --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Anat.) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
[1913 Webster]

Auricular finger, the little finger; so called because it
can be readily introduced into the ear passage.
[1913 Webster]
Auricularia \Au*ric`u*la"ri*a\, n. pl. [Neut. pl., fr. LL.
auricularis.] (Zool.)
A kind of holothurian larva, with soft, blunt appendages. See
Illustration in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]
Auricularia auricula-judae
Jew's-ear \Jew's"-ear`\, Jew's-ears \Jew's"-ears`\, n. (Bot.)
A widely distributed species of edible fungus ({Auricularia
auricula-judae}, formerly Hirneola Auricula-Jud[ae], or
Hirneola Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human
ear and growing on decaying wood.

Syn: ear fungus, .
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Auricularly \Au*ric"u*lar*ly\, adv.
In an auricular manner.
[1913 Webster]
Auriculars \Au*ric"u*lars\, n. pl. (Zool.)
A circle of feathers surrounding the opening of the ear of
[1913 Webster] Auriculate
Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Auriculate \Au*ric"u*late\, Auriculated \Au*ric"u*la`ted\, a.
[See Auricle.] (Biol.)
Having ears or appendages like ears; eared. Esp.:
(a) (Bot.) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped
like the ear; auricled.
(b) (Zool.) Having an angular projection on one or both
sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the foot of some
gastropods, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Auriculate leaf, one having small appended leaves or lobes
on each side of its petiole or base.
[1913 Webster]
Auriculate leaf
Auriculate \Au*ric"u*late\, Auriculated \Au*ric"u*la`ted\, a.
[See Auricle.] (Biol.)
Having ears or appendages like ears; eared. Esp.:
(a) (Bot.) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped
like the ear; auricled.
(b) (Zool.) Having an angular projection on one or both
sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the foot of some
gastropods, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Auriculate leaf, one having small appended leaves or lobes
on each side of its petiole or base.
[1913 Webster]
Auriculate \Au*ric"u*late\, Auriculated \Au*ric"u*la`ted\, a.
[See Auricle.] (Biol.)
Having ears or appendages like ears; eared. Esp.:
(a) (Bot.) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped
like the ear; auricled.
(b) (Zool.) Having an angular projection on one or both
sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the foot of some
gastropods, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Auriculate leaf, one having small appended leaves or lobes
on each side of its petiole or base.
[1913 Webster]
auriculoventricular \auriculoventricular\ adj. (Med.)
relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the

Syn: atrioventricular.
[WordNet 1.5]
Biauriculate \Bi`au*ric"u*late\, a. [Pref. bi- + auriculate.]
1. (Anat.) Having two auricles, as the heart of mammals,
birds, and reptiles.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot. & Zool.) Having two earlike projections at its base,
as a leaf.
[1913 Webster] Biaxal
Cassia auriculata
avaram \avaram\ n.
an evergreen Indian shrub (Senna auriculata or {Cassia
auriculata}) with vivid yellow flowers whose bark is used in
tanning; it is sometimes placed in the genus Cassia.

Syn: tanner's cassia
[WordNet 1.5]
Cassida aurichalcea
Tortoise \Tor"toise\, n. [OE. tortuce, fr. OF. tortis crooked,
fr. L. tortus twisted, crooked, contorted, p. p. of torquere,
tortum, to wind; cf. F. tortue tortoise, LL. tortuca,
tartuca, Pr. tortesa crookedness, tortis crooked. so called
in allusion to its crooked feet. See Torture.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of reptiles of the
order Testudinata.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term is applied especially to the land and
fresh-water species, while the marine species are
generally called turtles, but the terms tortoise and
turtle are used synonymously by many writers. See
Testudinata, Terrapin, and Turtle.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Rom. Antiq.) Same as Testudo, 2.
[1913 Webster]

Box tortoise, Land tortoise, etc. See under Box,
Land, etc.

Painted tortoise. (Zool.) See Painted turtle, under

Soft-shell tortoise. (Zool.) See Trionyx.

Spotted tortoise. (Zool.) A small American fresh-water
tortoise (Chelopus guttatus or Nanemys guttatus)
having a blackish carapace on which are scattered round
yellow spots.

Tortoise beetle (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
small tortoise-shaped beetles. Many of them have a
brilliant metallic luster. The larvae feed upon the leaves
of various plants, and protect themselves beneath a mass
of dried excrement held over the back by means of the
caudal spines. The golden tortoise beetle ({Cassida
aurichalcea}) is found on the morning-glory vine and
allied plants.

Tortoise plant. (Bot.) See Elephant's foot, under

Tortoise shell, the substance of the shell or horny plates
of several species of sea turtles, especially of the
hawkbill turtle. It is used in inlaying and in the
manufacture of various ornamental articles.

Tortoise-shell butterfly (Zool.), any one of several
species of handsomely colored butterflies of the genus
Aglais, as Aglais Milberti, and Aglais urticae, both
of which, in the larva state, feed upon nettles.

Tortoise-shell turtle (Zool.), the hawkbill turtle. See
[1913 Webster]
Hirneola Auricula
Jew's-ear \Jew's"-ear`\, Jew's-ears \Jew's"-ears`\, n. (Bot.)
A widely distributed species of edible fungus ({Auricularia
auricula-judae}, formerly Hirneola Auricula-Jud[ae], or
Hirneola Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human
ear and growing on decaying wood.

Syn: ear fungus, .
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Hirneola auricula
Jew's-ear \Jew's"-ear`\, Jew's-ears \Jew's"-ears`\, n. (Bot.)
A widely distributed species of edible fungus ({Auricularia
auricula-judae}, formerly Hirneola Auricula-Jud[ae], or
Hirneola Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human
ear and growing on decaying wood.

Syn: ear fungus, .
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Auricula \Au*ric"u*la\, n.; pl. L. Auricul[ae], E.
Auriculas. [L. auricula. See Auricle.]
1. (Bot.) (a) A species of Primula, or primrose, called
also, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
(b) A species of Hirneola (Hirneola auricula), a
membranaceous fungus, called also auricula Jud[ae],
or Jew's-ear. --P. Cyc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A genus of air-breathing mollusks mostly found near
the sea, where the water is brackish.
(b) One of the five arched processes of the shell around
the jaws of a sea urchin.
[1913 Webster]
Hirneola Auricula-Judae
Jew's-ear \Jew's"-ear`\, Jew's-ears \Jew's"-ears`\, n. (Bot.)
A widely distributed species of edible fungus ({Auricularia
auricula-judae}, formerly Hirneola Auricula-Jud[ae], or
Hirneola Auricula), bearing some resemblance to the human
ear and growing on decaying wood.

Syn: ear fungus, .
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Interauricular \In`ter*au*ric"u*lar\, a. (Anat.)
Between the auricles; as, the interauricular partition of the
[1913 Webster]
Lauric \Lau"ric\, a.
1. Pertaining to, or derived from, the European bay or laurel
(Laurus nobilis).
[1913 Webster]

2. pertaining to or combined with lauric acid, the
12-carbon member of the fatty acid series; combined with
the acyl group of lauric acid.
Lauric acid
Lauric acid \Lauric acid\ (Chem.),
a white, crystalline substance, CH3.(CH2)10.COOH,
resembling palmitic acid, and obtained from the fruit of the
bay tree, and various other vegetable sources. The sodium
salt (sodium lauryl sulfate) is used as a detergent.

Syn: dodecanoic acid, laurostearic acid, dodecoic acid.
[1913 Webster + PJC]
Primula Auricula
French \French\ (fr[e^]nch), prop. a. [AS. frencisc, LL.
franciscus, from L. Francus a Frank: cf. OF. franceis,
franchois, fran[,c]ois, F. fran[,c]ais. See Frank, a., and
cf. Frankish.]
Of or pertaining to France or its inhabitants.
[1913 Webster]

French bean (Bot.), the common kidney bean ({Phaseolus

French berry (Bot.), the berry of a species of buckthorn
(Rhamnus catharticus), which affords a saffron, green or
purple pigment.

French casement (Arch.) See French window, under

French chalk (Min.), a variety of granular talc; -- used
for drawing lines on cloth, etc. See under Chalk.

French cowslip (Bot.) The Primula Auricula. See

French fake (Naut.), a mode of coiling a rope by running it
backward and forward in parallel bends, so that it may run

French honeysuckle (Bot.) a plant of the genus Hedysarum
(H. coronarium); -- called also garland honeysuckle.

French horn, a metallic wind instrument, consisting of a
long tube twisted into circular folds and gradually
expanding from the mouthpiece to the end at which the
sound issues; -- called in France cor de chasse.

French leave, an informal, hasty, or secret departure;
esp., the leaving a place without paying one's debts.

French pie [French (here used in sense of "foreign") + pie
a magpie (in allusion to its black and white color)]
(Zool.), the European great spotted woodpecker ({Dryobstes
major}); -- called also wood pie.

French polish.
(a) A preparation for the surface of woodwork, consisting of
gums dissolved in alcohol, either shellac alone, or
shellac with other gums added.
(b) The glossy surface produced by the application of the

French purple, a dyestuff obtained from lichens and used
for coloring woolen and silken fabrics, without the aid of
mordants. --Ure.

French red rouge.

French rice, amelcorn.

French roof (Arch.), a modified form of mansard roof having
a nearly flat deck for the upper slope.

French tub, a dyer's mixture of protochloride of tin and
logwood; -- called also plum tub. --Ure.

French window. See under Window.
[1913 Webster]Cowslip \Cow"slip`\ (-sl[i^]p`), n. [AS. c[=u]slyppe,
c[=u]sloppe, prob. orig., cow's droppings. Cf. Slop, n.]
1. A common flower in England (Primula veris) having yellow
blossoms and appearing in early spring. It is often
cultivated in the United States.
[1913 Webster]

2. In the United States, the marsh marigold ({Caltha
palustris}), appearing in wet places in early spring and
often used as a pot herb. It is nearer to a buttercup than
to a true cowslip. See Illust. of Marsh marigold.
[1913 Webster]

American cowslip (Bot.), a pretty flower of the West
(Dodecatheon Meadia), belonging to the same order
(Primulace[ae]) with the English cowslip.

French cowslip (Bot.), bear's-ear (Primula Auricula).
[1913 Webster]Bear's-ear \Bear's-ear`\ (b[^a]rz"[=e]r`), n. (Bot.)
A kind of primrose (Primula auricula), so called from the
shape of the leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Primula auricula
French \French\ (fr[e^]nch), prop. a. [AS. frencisc, LL.
franciscus, from L. Francus a Frank: cf. OF. franceis,
franchois, fran[,c]ois, F. fran[,c]ais. See Frank, a., and
cf. Frankish.]
Of or pertaining to France or its inhabitants.
[1913 Webster]

French bean (Bot.), the common kidney bean ({Phaseolus

French berry (Bot.), the berry of a species of buckthorn
(Rhamnus catharticus), which affords a saffron, green or
purple pigment.

French casement (Arch.) See French window, under

French chalk (Min.), a variety of granular talc; -- used
for drawing lines on cloth, etc. See under Chalk.

French cowslip (Bot.) The Primula Auricula. See

French fake (Naut.), a mode of coiling a rope by running it
backward and forward in parallel bends, so that it may run

French honeysuckle (Bot.) a plant of the genus Hedysarum
(H. coronarium); -- called also garland honeysuckle.

French horn, a metallic wind instrument, consisting of a
long tube twisted into circular folds and gradually
expanding from the mouthpiece to the end at which the
sound issues; -- called in France cor de chasse.

French leave, an informal, hasty, or secret departure;
esp., the leaving a place without paying one's debts.

French pie [French (here used in sense of "foreign") + pie
a magpie (in allusion to its black and white color)]
(Zool.), the European great spotted woodpecker ({Dryobstes
major}); -- called also wood pie.

French polish.
(a) A preparation for the surface of woodwork, consisting of
gums dissolved in alcohol, either shellac alone, or
shellac with other gums added.
(b) The glossy surface produced by the application of the

French purple, a dyestuff obtained from lichens and used
for coloring woolen and silken fabrics, without the aid of
mordants. --Ure.

French red rouge.

French rice, amelcorn.

French roof (Arch.), a modified form of mansard roof having
a nearly flat deck for the upper slope.

French tub, a dyer's mixture of protochloride of tin and
logwood; -- called also plum tub. --Ure.

French window. See under Window.
[1913 Webster]Cowslip \Cow"slip`\ (-sl[i^]p`), n. [AS. c[=u]slyppe,
c[=u]sloppe, prob. orig., cow's droppings. Cf. Slop, n.]
1. A common flower in England (Primula veris) having yellow
blossoms and appearing in early spring. It is often
cultivated in the United States.
[1913 Webster]

2. In the United States, the marsh marigold ({Caltha
palustris}), appearing in wet places in early spring and
often used as a pot herb. It is nearer to a buttercup than
to a true cowslip. See Illust. of Marsh marigold.
[1913 Webster]

American cowslip (Bot.), a pretty flower of the West
(Dodecatheon Meadia), belonging to the same order
(Primulace[ae]) with the English cowslip.

French cowslip (Bot.), bear's-ear (Primula Auricula).
[1913 Webster]Bear's-ear \Bear's-ear`\ (b[^a]rz"[=e]r`), n. (Bot.)
A kind of primrose (Primula auricula), so called from the
shape of the leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Ranunculus auricomus
Goldylocks \Gold"y*locks`\, n. (Bot.)
A plant of several species of the genus Chrysocoma; -- so
called from the tufts of yellow flowers which terminate the
stems; also, the Ranunculus auricomus, a kind of buttercup.
[1913 Webster]
Senna auriculata
avaram \avaram\ n.
an evergreen Indian shrub (Senna auriculata or {Cassia
auriculata}) with vivid yellow flowers whose bark is used in
tanning; it is sometimes placed in the genus Cassia.

Syn: tanner's cassia
[WordNet 1.5]
Sulphauric \Sulph*au"ric\, a. [Sulpho- + aurum.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid
of gold (aurum), known only in its salts.
[1913 Webster]
Supra-auricular \Su`pra-au*ric"u*lar\, a. (Zool.)
Situated above the ear coverts, or auriculars; -- said of
certain feathers of birds. -- n. A supra-auricular feather.
[1913 Webster]
Tauricornous \Tau`ri*cor"nous\, a. [L. tauricornis; taurus a
bull + cornu a horn.] (Zool.)
Having horns like those of a bull. --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
Temporo-auricular \Tem`po*ro-au*ric"u*lar\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to both the temple and the ear; as, the
temporo-auricular nerve.
[1913 Webster]
acacia auriculiformis
Acacia auriculiformis
n 1: Australian tree that yields tanning materials [syn: {black
wattle}, Acacia auriculiformis]
alexis charles henri maurice de tocqueville
Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville
n 1: French political writer noted for his analysis of American
institutions (1805-1859) [syn: Tocqueville, {Alexis de
Tocqueville}, {Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de
arteria auricularis
arteria auricularis
n 1: artery that supplies blood to the ear [syn: {auricular
artery}, arteria auricularis]
atrial auricle
atrial auricle
n 1: a small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior
part of each atrium of the heart [syn: auricle, {atrial
auricle}, auricula atrii]
n 1: a small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior
part of each atrium of the heart [syn: auricle, {atrial
auricle}, auricula atrii]
2: the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the
external ear [syn: auricle, pinna, ear]
n 1: yellow-flowered primrose native to Alps; commonly
cultivated [syn: auricula, bear's ear, {Primula
2: a pouch projecting from the top front of each atrium of the
heart [syn: auricula, auricular appendage, {auricular
auricula atrii
auricula atrii
n 1: a small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior
part of each atrium of the heart [syn: auricle, {atrial
auricle}, auricula atrii]
adj 1: of or relating to near the ear [syn: otic, auricular]
2: relating to or perceived by or shaped like the organ of
hearing; "my apprehension of words is auricular; I must hear
what I read"- George Santayana; "an auricular confession";
"an auricular appendage"
3: pertaining to an auricle of the heart; "auricular
auricular appendage
auricular appendage
n 1: a pouch projecting from the top front of each atrium of the
heart [syn: auricula, auricular appendage, {auricular
auricular appendix
auricular appendix
n 1: a pouch projecting from the top front of each atrium of the
heart [syn: auricula, auricular appendage, {auricular
auricular artery
auricular artery
n 1: artery that supplies blood to the ear [syn: {auricular
artery}, arteria auricularis]
auricular point
auricular point
n 1: the craniometric point at the center of the opening of the
external acoustic meatus [syn: auriculare, {auricular
auricular vein
auricular vein
n 1: one of two veins serving the ear region [syn: {auricular
vein}, vena auricularis]
n 1: the craniometric point at the center of the opening of the
external acoustic meatus [syn: auriculare, {auricular
n 1: type genus of the Auriculariaceae [syn: Auricularia,
genus Auricularia]
auricularia auricula
Auricularia auricula
n 1: widely distributed edible fungus shaped like a human ear
and growing on decaying wood [syn: Jew's-ear,
Jew's-ears, ear fungus, Auricularia auricula]
n 1: fungi having gelatinous sporophores [syn:
Auriculariaceae, family Auriculariaceae]
n 1: coextensive with the family Auriculariaceae; sometimes
included in the order Tremellales [syn: Auriculariales,
order Auriculariales]
adj 1: having auricles [syn: auriculate, auriculated]
adj 1: having auricles [syn: auriculate, auriculated]
adj 1: relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the
heart; "atrioventricular disease" [syn:
atrioventricular, auriculoventricular]
adj 1: relating to the two auditory openings; "the biauricular
diameter of the skull"

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