- bend, bend
bent,bend/bent/bent v: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
bent,ohnutý adj: Zdeněk Brož
bent,sklon n: web
bent,sklonil v: Zdeněk Brož
bent,zahnutý adj: Zdeněk Brož
bent,zakřivený adj: Zdeněk Brož
bent,zaměření n: web
Bend \Bend\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bended or Bent; p. pr. &
vb. n. Bending.] [AS. bendan to bend, fr. bend a band,
bond, fr. bindan to bind. See Bind, v. t., and cf. 3d & 4th
1. To strain or move out of a straight line; to crook by
straining; to make crooked; to curve; to make ready for
use by drawing into a curve; as, to bend a bow; to bend
the knee.
[1913 Webster]

2. To turn toward some certain point; to direct; to incline.
"Bend thine ear to supplication." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Towards Coventry bend we our course. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Bending her eyes . . . upon her parent. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. To apply closely or with interest; to direct.
[1913 Webster]

To bend his mind to any public business. --Temple.
[1913 Webster]

But when to mischief mortals bend their will.
[1913 Webster]

4. To cause to yield; to render submissive; to subdue.
"Except she bend her humor." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) To fasten, as one rope to another, or as a sail to
its yard or stay; or as a cable to the ring of an anchor.
[1913 Webster]

To bend the brow, to knit the brow, as in deep thought or
in anger; to scowl; to frown. --Camden.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To lean; stoop; deflect; bow; yield.
[1913 Webster]
Bent \Bent\,
imp. & p. p. of Bend.
[1913 Webster]
Bent \Bent\, a. & p. p.
1. Changed by pressure so as to be no longer straight;
crooked; as, a bent pin; a bent lever.
[1913 Webster]

2. Strongly inclined toward something, so as to be resolved,
determined, set, etc.; -- said of the mind, character,
disposition, desires, etc., and used with on; as, to be
bent on going to college; he is bent on mischief.
[1913 Webster]
Bent \Bent\, n. [See Bend, n. & v.]
1. The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a
straight line; flexure; curvity; as, the bent of a bow.
[Obs.] --Wilkins.
[1913 Webster]

2. A declivity or slope, as of a hill. [R.] --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. A leaning or bias; proclivity; tendency of mind;
inclination; disposition; purpose; aim. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

With a native bent did good pursue. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

4. Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.
[1913 Webster]

Bents and turns of the matter. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Carp.) A transverse frame of a framed structure.
[1913 Webster]

6. Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus. [Archaic]
[1913 Webster]

The full bent and stress of the soul. --Norris.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Predilection; turn.

Usage: Bent, Bias, Inclination, Prepossession. These
words agree in describing a permanent influence upon
the mind which tends to decide its actions. Bent
denotes a fixed tendency of the mind in a given
direction. It is the widest of these terms, and
applies to the will, the intellect, and the
affections, taken conjointly; as, the whole bent of
his character was toward evil practices. Bias is
literally a weight fixed on one side of a ball used in
bowling, and causing it to swerve from a straight
course. Used figuratively, bias applies particularly
to the judgment, and denotes something which acts with
a permanent force on the character through that
faculty; as, the bias of early education, early
habits, etc. Inclination is an excited state of desire
or appetency; as, a strong inclination to the study of
the law. Prepossession is a mingled state of feeling
and opinion in respect to some person or subject,
which has laid hold of and occupied the mind previous
to inquiry. The word is commonly used in a good sense,
an unfavorable impression of this kind being
denominated a prejudice. "Strong minds will be
strongly bent, and usually labor under a strong bias;
but there is no mind so weak and powerless as not to
have its inclinations, and none so guarded as to be
without its prepossessions." --Crabb.
[1913 Webster]
Bent \Bent\, n. [AS. beonet; akin to OHG. pinuz, G. binse, rush,
bent grass; of unknown origin.]
1. A reedlike grass; a stalk of stiff, coarse grass.
[1913 Webster]

His spear a bent, both stiff and strong. --Drayton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A grass of the genus Agrostis, esp. {Agrostis
vulgaris}, or redtop. The name is also used of many other
grasses, esp. in America.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any neglected field or broken ground; a common; a moor.
[Obs.] --Wright.
[1913 Webster]

Bowmen bickered upon the bent. --Chevy Chase.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: fixed in your purpose; "bent on going to the theater";
"dead set against intervening"; "out to win every event"
[syn: bent, bent on(p), dead set(p), out to(p)]
2: used of the back and knees; stooped; "on bended knee"; "with
bent (or bended) back" [syn: bended, bent]
3: of metal e.g.; "bent nails"; "a car with a crumpled front
end"; "dented fenders" [syn: bent, crumpled, dented]
n 1: a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular
way; "the set of his mind was obvious" [syn: bent, set]
2: grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting
greens [syn: bent, bent grass, bent-grass]
3: an area of grassland unbounded by fences or hedges
4: a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it"; "he
had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he couldn't
get the hang of it" [syn: bent, knack, hang]
podobné slovodefinícia
- obligácie, dlhopis
debenture bond
debenture bond
- obligácie
- farár, ležiaci, obyvateľ
- ležiaci
absorbent,absorbent n:
adsorbent,adsorbent n: Zdeněk Brožadsorbent,adsorpční látka Josef Kosek
bent out of shape
bent out of shape,velmi rozhněvaný [id.] Rostislav Svoboda
benthal,bentál [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Bentham,Bentham n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
benthos,bentos [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Bentley,Bentley n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Benton,Benton n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, mužské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
bentwood,ohýbané dřevo Zdeněk Brož
creeping bent
creeping bent, n:
creeping bentgrass
creeping bentgrass, n:
debenture,dluhopis Pavel Machek; Giza
debenture bond
debenture bond, n:
debenture debt
debenture debt,
debentures,dluhopisy Zdeněk Brož
decumbent,poléhavý adj: Zdeněk Broždecumbent,přiléhající srst Zdeněk Brož
dog bent
dog bent, n:
enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay
enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay, n:
hell bent for election
hell bent for election,
hell-bent,odhodlaný adj: Zdeněk Brožhell-bent,tvrdohlavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
hellbent,odhodlaný adj: Zdeněk Brožhellbent,umíněný adj: Zdeněk Brož
incumbent,držitel moci incumbent,držitel obročí incumbent,farář incumbent,ležící incumbent,nájemník incumbent,obročník incumbent,obyvatel incumbent,povinný incumbent,spočívající incumbent,úřadující incumbent,vikář
incumbent on
incumbent on, adj:
incumbents,držitelé úřadu Zdeněk Brož
lambent,jiskřivý adj: Zdeněk Brožlambent,plápolavý adj: Zdeněk Brožlambent,třpytný adj: Zdeněk Brož
nonadsorbent, adj:
phytobenthos,fytobentos [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
procumbent,poléhavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
recumbent,ležící adj: Zdeněk Brož
sorbent,sorbent [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
sorbent material
sorbent material, n:
superincumbent, adj:
unbent,pookřál v: Zdeněk Brož
velvet bent
velvet bent, n:
velvet bent grass
velvet bent grass, n:
zoobenthos,zoobentos [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
adsorbent,adsorbentn: Zdeněk Brož
bend/bent/bent,bendv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladbend/bent/bent,bentv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Bentham,Benthamn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Bentley,Bentleyn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Benton,Bentonn: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, mužské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
bentos,benthos[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
bentál,benthal[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
brebentil,jabbererv: Zdeněk Brož
brebentit,jabberv: Zdeněk Brožbrebentit,pratev: Martin M.
brebentění,gibberingn: Zdeněk Brož
fytobentos,phytobenthos[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
sorbent,sorbent[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
zoobentos,zoobenthos[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
a naked debenture
Debenture \De*ben"ture\ (?; 135), n. [L. debentur they are due,
fr. debere to owe; cf. F. debentur. So called because these
receipts began with the words Debentur mihi.]
1. A writing acknowledging a debt; a writing or certificate
signed by a public officer, as evidence of a debt due to
some person; the sum thus due.
[1913 Webster]

2. A customhouse certificate entitling an exporter of
imported goods to a drawback of duties paid on their
importation. --Burrill.
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is applied in England to deeds of mortgage given by
railway companies for borrowed money; also to municipal
and other bonds and securities for money loaned.
[1913 Webster]

3. Any of various instruments issued, esp. by corporations,
as evidences of debt. Such instruments (often called

debenture bonds) are generally, through not necessarily,
under seal, and are usually secured by a mortgage or other
charge upon property; they may be registered or
unregistered. A debenture secured by a mortgage on
specific property is called a

mortgage debenture; one secured by a floating charge (which
see), a

floating debenture; one not secured by any charge

a naked debenture. In general the term debenture in British
usage designates any security issued by companies other
than their shares, including, therefore, what are in the
United States commonly called bonds. When used in the
United States debenture generally designates an instrument
secured by a floating charge junior to other charges
secured by fixed mortgages, or, specif., one of a series
of securities secured by a group of securities held in
trust for the benefit of the debenture holders.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
absorbent \ab*sorb"ent\ ([a^]b*s[^o]rb"ent), a. [L. absorbens,
p. pr. of absorbere.]
Absorbing; swallowing; absorptive.
[1913 Webster]

Absorbent ground (Paint.), a ground prepared for a picture,
chiefly with distemper, or water colors, by which the oil
is absorbed, and a brilliancy is imparted to the colors.
[1913 Webster]Absorbent \Ab*sorb"ent\, n.
1. Anything which absorbs. AS
[1913 Webster]

The ocean, itself a bad absorbent of heat. --Darwin.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid
fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.;
also a substance e. g., iodine which acts on the absorbent
vessels so as to reduce enlarged and indurated parts. AS
[1913 Webster]

3. pl. (Physiol.) The vessels by which the processes of
absorption are carried on, as the lymphatics in animals,
the extremities of the roots in plants. AS
[1913 Webster]
absorbent \ab*sorb"ent\ ([a^]b*s[^o]rb"ent), a. [L. absorbens,
p. pr. of absorbere.]
Absorbing; swallowing; absorptive.
[1913 Webster]

Absorbent ground (Paint.), a ground prepared for a picture,
chiefly with distemper, or water colors, by which the oil
is absorbed, and a brilliancy is imparted to the colors.
[1913 Webster]Absorbent \Ab*sorb"ent\, n.
1. Anything which absorbs. AS
[1913 Webster]

The ocean, itself a bad absorbent of heat. --Darwin.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid
fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.;
also a substance e. g., iodine which acts on the absorbent
vessels so as to reduce enlarged and indurated parts. AS
[1913 Webster]

3. pl. (Physiol.) The vessels by which the processes of
absorption are carried on, as the lymphatics in animals,
the extremities of the roots in plants. AS
[1913 Webster]
Absorbent ground
absorbent \ab*sorb"ent\ ([a^]b*s[^o]rb"ent), a. [L. absorbens,
p. pr. of absorbere.]
Absorbing; swallowing; absorptive.
[1913 Webster]

Absorbent ground (Paint.), a ground prepared for a picture,
chiefly with distemper, or water colors, by which the oil
is absorbed, and a brilliancy is imparted to the colors.
[1913 Webster]
Accumbent \Ac*cum"bent\ (-bent), a.
1. Leaning or reclining, as the ancients did at their meals.
[1913 Webster]

The Roman . . . accumbent posture in eating.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Lying against anything, as one part of a leaf
against another leaf. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

Accumbent cotyledons have their edges placed against
the caulicle. --Eaton.
[1913 Webster]Accumbent \Ac*cum"bent\, n.
One who reclines at table.
[1913 Webster]

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