- hang/hung/hung, zavesiť, visieť, obesiť
- hung, hung
- hung, hung
hang,hang/hung/hung v: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
hang,oběsit v: Zdeněk Brož
hang,pověsit v: Nijel
hang,váznout v: Zdeněk Brož
hang,věšet v: Zdeněk Brož
hang,zavěsit v: Nijel
Hang \Hang\, v. i.
1. To be suspended or fastened to some elevated point without
support from below; to dangle; to float; to rest; to
remain; to stay.
[1913 Webster]

2. To be fastened in such a manner as to allow of free motion
on the point or points of suspension.
[1913 Webster]

3. To die or be put to death by suspension from the neck.
[R.] "Sir Balaam hangs." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

4. To hold for support; to depend; to cling; -- usually with
on or upon; as, this question hangs on a single point.
"Two infants hanging on her neck." --Peacham.
[1913 Webster]

5. To be, or be like, a suspended weight.
[1913 Webster]

Life hangs upon me, and becomes a burden. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

6. To hover; to impend; to appear threateningly; -- usually
with over; as, evils hang over the country.
[1913 Webster]

7. To lean or incline; to incline downward.
[1913 Webster]

To decide which way hung the victory. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

His neck obliquely o'er his shoulder hung. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

8. To slope down; as, hanging grounds.
[1913 Webster]

9. To be undetermined or uncertain; to be in suspense; to
linger; to be delayed.
[1913 Webster]

A noble stroke he lifted high,
Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell
On the proud crest of Satan. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Cricket, Tennis, etc.) Of a ball: To rebound
unexpectedly or unusually slowly, due to backward spin on
the ball or imperfections of ground.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

11. (Baseball) to fail to curve, break, or drop as intended;
-- said of pitches, such as curve balls or sliders.

12. (Computers) to cease to operate normally and remain
suspended in some state without performing useful work;
-- said of computer programs, computers, or individual
processes within a program; as, when using Windows 3.1,
my system would hang and need rebooting several times a

Note: this situation could be caused by bugs within an
operating system or within a program, or
incompatibility between programs or between programs
and the hardware.

To hang around, to loiter idly about.

To hang back, to hesitate; to falter; to be reluctant. "If
any one among you hangs back." --Jowett (Thucyd.).

To hang by the eyelids.
(a) To hang by a very slight hold or tenure.
(b) To be in an unfinished condition; to be left

To hang in doubt, to be in suspense.

To hang on (with the emphasis on the preposition), to keep
hold; to hold fast; to stick; to be persistent, as a

To hang on the lips To hang on the words, etc., to be
charmed by eloquence.

To hang out.
(a) To be hung out so as to be displayed; to project.
(b) To be unyielding; as, the juryman hangs out against
an agreement; to hold out. [Colloq.]
(c) to loiter or lounge around a particular place; as,
teenageers tend to hang out at the mall these days.

To hang over.
(a) To project at the top.
(b) To impend over.

To hang to, to cling.

To hang together.
(a) To remain united; to stand by one another. "We are
all of a piece; we hang together." --Dryden.
(b) To be self-consistent; as, the story does not hang
together. [Colloq.]

To hang upon.
(a) To regard with passionate affection.
(b) (Mil.) To hover around; as, to hang upon the flanks
of a retreating enemy.
[1913 Webster]
Hang \Hang\, n.
1. The manner in which one part or thing hangs upon, or is
connected with, another; as, the hang of a scythe.
[1913 Webster]

2. Connection; arrangement; plan; as, the hang of a
discourse. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A sharp or steep declivity or slope. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

To get the hang of, to learn the method or arrangement of;
hence, to become accustomed to. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Hang \Hang\ (h[a^]ng), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hanged (h[a^]ngd)
or Hung (h[u^]ng); p. pr. & vb. n. Hanging.

Usage: The use of hanged is preferable to that of hung, when
reference is had to death or execution by suspension,
and it is also more common.] [OE. hangen, hongien, v.
t. & i., AS. hangian, v. i., fr. h[=o]n, v. t. (imp.
heng, p. p. hongen); akin to OS. hang[=o]n, v. i., D.
hangen, v. t. & i., G. hangen, v. i, h[aum]ngen, v.
t., Icel. hanga, v. i., Goth. h[=a]han, v. t. (imp.
ha['i]hah), h[=a]han, v. i. (imp. hahaida), and perh.
to L. cunctari to delay. [root]37. ]
1. To suspend; to fasten to some elevated point without
support from below; -- often used with up or out; as, to
hang a coat on a hook; to hang up a sign; to hang out a
[1913 Webster]

2. To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon
the point or points of suspension; -- said of a pendulum,
a swing, a door, gate, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. To fit properly, as at a proper angle (a part of an
implement that is swung in using), as a scythe to its
snath, or an ax to its helve. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

4. To put to death by suspending by the neck; -- a form of
capital punishment; as, to hang a murderer.
[1913 Webster]

5. To cover, decorate, or furnish by hanging pictures,
trophies, drapery, and the like, or by covering with paper
hangings; -- said of a wall, a room, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Hung be the heavens with black. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

And hung thy holy roofs with savage spoils.
[1913 Webster]

6. To paste, as paper hangings, on the walls of a room.
[1913 Webster]

7. To hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or
position instead of erect; to droop; as, he hung his head
in shame.
[1913 Webster]

Cowslips wan that hang the pensive head. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

8. To prevent from reaching a decision, esp. by refusing to
join in a verdict that must be unanimous; as, one
obstinate juror can hang a jury.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

To hang down, to let fall below the proper position; to
bend down; to decline; as, to hang down the head, or,
elliptically, to hang the head.

To hang fire (Mil.), to be slow in communicating fire
through the vent to the charge; as, the gun hangs fire;
hence, to hesitate, to hold back as if in suspense.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it";
"he had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he
couldn't get the hang of it" [syn: bent, knack, hang]
2: the way a garment hangs; "he adjusted the hang of his coat"
3: a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar
or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by
the arms
v 1: be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"
2: cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the
wall" [syn: hang, hang up]
3: kill by hanging; "The murderer was hanged on Friday" [syn:
hang, string up]
4: let drop or droop; "Hang one's head in shame"
5: fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her
long black hair flowed down her back" [syn: hang, fall,
6: be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on
my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"
7: give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the
recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They
attended to everything he said" [syn: attend, hang,
advert, pay heed, give ear]
8: be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"
9: hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's
hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron" [syn:
cling, hang]
10: be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"
11: prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
12: decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang
13: be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door
doesn't hang right!"
14: place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement
in one direction; "hang a door"
15: suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the
venison for a few days"

1. To wait for an event that will never occur. "The system is
hanging because it can't read from the crashed drive". See
wedged, hung.

2. To wait for some event to occur; to hang around until
something happens. "The program displays a menu and then
hangs until you type a character." Compare block.

3. To attach a peripheral device, especially in the
construction "hang off": "We're going to hang another tape
drive off the file server." Implies a device attached with
cables, rather than something that is strictly inside the
machine's chassis.

1. [very common] To wait for an event that will never occur. “The system is
hanging because it can't read from the crashed drive”. See wedged, {hung

2. To wait for some event to occur; to hang around until something happens.
“The program displays a menu and then hangs until you type a character.”
Compare block.

3. To attach a peripheral device, esp. in the construction ‘hang off’: “
We're going to hang another tape drive off the file server.” Implies a
device attached with cables, rather than something that is strictly inside
the machine's chassis.
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get the hang of
get the hang of
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hang on
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- zavesiť
hang together
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a cliff-hanger
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be hanging
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bhang,hašiš Zdeněk Brož
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care a hang
care a hang, v:
cation exchanger
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Chang,Chang n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno, mužské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Changchun,město - Čína n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
change,drobné change,měnit change,proměna change,proměnit change,proměňovat change,přeměna Zdeněk Brožchange,přesedat change,přesednout change,přestoupit change,přestup n: Zdeněk Brožchange,přestupovat change,rozměnit change,střídat v: Zdeněk Brožchange,výměna n: Zdeněk Brožchange,vyměnit v: lunochange,vystřídání n: Zdeněk Brožchange,záměna Zdeněk Brožchange,změna change,změnit Zdeněk Brož
change by reversal
change by reversal, v:
change coins
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change course
change course, v:
change for the better
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change form
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change hands
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change horses in mid stream
change horses in mid stream,
change in balance of adjustments
change in balance of adjustments, reserves,změna stavu opravných
položek, rezerv [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár
change in balance of current liquid assets not included in cash or equivalents
change in balance of current liquid assets not included in cash or
equivalents,změna stavu krátkodobého finančního majetku nespadajícího do
peněžních prostř. a ekvivalentů [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash
flow statement Ivan Masár
change in balance of inventory
change in balance of inventory,změna stavu zásob [ekon.] přehled o
peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan Masár
change in balance of long-term or short-term payables
change in balance of long-term or short-term payables,dopady změn
dlouhodobých, resp. krátkodobých závazků [ekon.] přehled o peněžních
tocích/cash flow statement Ivan Masár
change in balance of receivables from running activities
change in balance of receivables from running activities, temporary
assets accounts,změna stavu pohledávek z provozní činnosti, přechodných
účtů aktiv [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
change in balance of short-term payables from running activities
change in balance of short-term payables from running activities,
temporary liability accounts,změna stavu krátkodobých závazků z provozní
činnosti, přechodných účtů pasiv [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash
flow statement Ivan Masár
change in financial reserves and adjustments
change in financial reserves and adjustments,změna stavu rezerv a
opravných položek ve finanční oblasti [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár
change in holdings
change in holdings,
change in inventory of own products
change in inventory of own products,změna stavu zásob vlastní
činnosti [ekon.] výkaz zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár
change in non-cash items of working capital
change in non-cash items of working capital,změny stavu nepeněžních
složek pracovního kapitálu [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár
change in operating reserves and adjustments and complex deferred costs
change in operating reserves and adjustments and complex deferred
costs,změna stavu rezerv a opravných položek v provozní oblasti a
komplexních nákladů příštích období [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár
change integrity
change integrity, v:
change intensity
change intensity, v:
change magnitude
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change money
change money,drobné
change of address
change of address,změna adresy Pavel Cvrček

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