bytes,byty n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
- kilobajty
kilobytes,kilobyty n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
megabytes,megabyty pl. Zdeněk Brož
genus presbytes
genus Presbytes
n 1: langurs [syn: Presbytes, genus Presbytes, {mammal
n 1: langurs [syn: Presbytes, genus Presbytes, {mammal
presbytes entellus
Presbytes entellus
n 1: langur of southern Asia; regarded as sacred in India [syn:
entellus, hanuman, Presbytes entellus, {Semnopithecus

/bi:t" sek"shu-*l/ An adjective used to describe
hardware, denotes willingness to compute or pass data in
either big-endian or little-endian format (depending,
presumably, on a mode bit somewhere). See also {NUXI

[Jargon File]

green bytes
green bytes
green words

(Or "green words") Meta-information embedded in a
file, such as the length of the file or its name; as opposed
to keeping such information in a separate description file or

By extension, the non-data bits in any self-describing format.
"A GIF file contains, among other things, green bytes
describing the packing method for the image".

At a meeting of the SHARE Systems Division, November 22, 1964,
in Washington, DC, George Mealy of IBM described the new
block tape format for FORTRAN in which unformatted binary
records had a Control Word. George used green chalk to
describe it. No one liked the contents of the Green Word (not
information, wrong location, etc.) so Conrad Weisert and
Channing Jackson made badges saying "Stamp out Green Words".
This was the first computer badge.

Compare out-of-band, zigamorph, fence.

Button 251 (

[Jargon File]

loose bytes
loose bytes

Commonwealth hackish term for the padding bytes or shims
many compilers insert between members of a record or
structure to cope with alignment requirements imposed by the
machine architecture.
megabytes per second
megabytes per second

(MBps, MB/s) Millions of bytes per second. A unit of
data rate. 1 MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes per second (not

/bi:t`sek'shu·@l/, adj.

[rare] Said of hardware, denotes willingness to compute or pass data in
either big-endian or little-endian format (depending, presumably, on a
mode bit somewhere). See also NUXI problem.
green bytes
green bytes

(also green words)

1. Meta-information embedded in a file, such as the length of the file or
its name; as opposed to keeping such information in a separate description
file or record. The term comes from an IBM user's group meeting (ca. 1962)
at which these two approaches were being debated and the diagram of the
file on the blackboard had the green bytes drawn in green.

2. By extension, the non-data bits in any self-describing format. “A GIF
file contains, among other things, green bytes describing the packing
method for the image.” Compare out-of-band, zigamorph, fence (sense
loose bytes
loose bytes

Commonwealth hackish term for the padding bytes or shims many compilers
insert between members of a record or structure to cope with alignment
requirements imposed by the machine architecture.

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