clavicle,klíční kost n: Zdeněk Brož
Clavicle \Clav"i*cle\, n. [F. clavicule, fr. L. clavicula a
little key, tendril, dim. of clavis key, akin to claudere to
shut. See Close, and cf. Clef.] (Anat.)
The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula,
or shoulder blade, and at the other to the sternum, or
breastbone. In man each clavicle is shaped like the letter ?,
and is situated just above the first rib on either side of
the neck. In birds the two clavicles are united ventrally,
forming the merrythought, or wishbone.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: bone linking the scapula and sternum [syn: clavicle,
podobné slovodefinícia
clavicles,klíční kosti n: pl. Jirka Daněk
Clavicle \Clav"i*cle\, n. [F. clavicule, fr. L. clavicula a
little key, tendril, dim. of clavis key, akin to claudere to
shut. See Close, and cf. Clef.] (Anat.)
The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula,
or shoulder blade, and at the other to the sternum, or
breastbone. In man each clavicle is shaped like the letter ?,
and is situated just above the first rib on either side of
the neck. In birds the two clavicles are united ventrally,
forming the merrythought, or wishbone.
[1913 Webster]
Interclavicle \In`ter*clav"i*cle\, n. (Anat.)
See Episternum.
[1913 Webster]
Postclavicle \Post*clav"i*cle\, n. [Pref. post- + clavicle.]
A bone in the pectoral girdle of many fishes projecting
backward from the clavicle. -- Post`*cla*vic"u*lar, a.
[1913 Webster]
Supraclavicle \Su`pra*clav"i*cle\, n. (Anat.)
A bone which usually connects the clavicle with the
post-temporal in the pectorial arch of fishes.
[1913 Webster]

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