cords,kabely n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
cords \cords\ n. [contraction of corduroys.]
trousers made of corduroy cloth; corduroys.

Syn: corduroys.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth [syn: cords,
podobné slovodefinícia
accords,akordy n: pl. Radka D.
business records
business records,obchodní záznamy web
track records
track records,absolvovaná zaměstnání Mgr. Dita Gálovátrack records,podnikatelská historie Mgr. Dita Gálová
vocal cords
vocal cords,hlasivky n: Zdeněk Brož
Vocal cords
Vocal \Vo"cal\ (v[=o]"kal), a. [L. vocalis, fr. vox, vocis,
voice: cf. F. vocal. See Voice, and cf. Vowel.]
1. Of or pertaining to the voice or speech; having voice;
endowed with utterance; full of voice, or voices.
[1913 Webster]

To hill or valley, fountain, or fresh shade,
Made vocal by my song. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. Uttered or modulated by the voice; oral; as, vocal melody;
vocal prayer. "Vocal worship." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of or pertaining to a vowel or voice sound; also, spoken
with tone, intonation, and resonance; sonant; sonorous; --
said of certain articulate sounds.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Phon.)
(a) Consisting of, or characterized by, voice, or tone
produced in the larynx, which may be modified, either
by resonance, as in the case of the vowels, or by
obstructive action, as in certain consonants, such as
v, l, etc., or by both, as in the nasals m, n, ng;
sonant; intonated; voiced. See Voice, and Vowel,
also Guide to Pronunciation, [sect][sect] 199-202.
(b) Of or pertaining to a vowel; having the character of a
vowel; vowel.
[1913 Webster]

Vocal cords or Vocal chords. n. pl. (Anat.) The two pairs
of mucous membranes that project into the larynx, and
which produce the sounds of speech by vibrating under the
influence of air exhaled from the lungs. See Larynx, and
the Note under Voice, n., 1.

Vocal fremitus [L. fremitus a dull roaring or murmuring]
(Med.), the perceptible vibration of the chest wall,
produced by the transmission of the sonorous vibrations
during the act of using the voice.

Vocal music, music made by the voice, in distinction from
instrumental music; hence, music or tunes set to words,
to be performed by the human voice.

Vocal tube (Anat.), the part of the air passages above the
inferior ligaments of the larynx, including the passages
through the nose and mouth.
[1913 Webster]
national archives and records administration
National Archives and Records Administration
n 1: the independent agency that oversees management of federal
government records including presidential libraries and
historic collections [syn: {National Archives and Records
Administration}, NARA]
blocked records
blocked records

Several records written as a contiguous block on
magnetic tape so that they may be accessed in a single I/O
operation. Blocking increases the amount of data that may be
stored on a tape because there are fewer inter-block gaps.
It requires that the tape drive or processor have a
sufficiently large buffer to store the whole block.


An ordered set of fields,
usually stored contiguously. The term is used with similar
meaning in several different contexts. In a file, a "record"
probably has some fixed length, in contrast to a "line" which
may have any length and is terminated by some End Of Line
sequence). A database record is also called a "row". In a
spreadsheet it is always called a "row". Some programming
languages use the term to mean a type composed of fields of
several other types (C calls this a "struct").

In all these cases, a record represents an entity with certain
field values.

Fields may be of a fixed width (bits or characters) or
they may be separated by a delimiter character, often
comma (CSV) or HT (TSV).

In a database the list of values of a given field from all
records is called a column.


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