degeneration,degenerace n: Zdeněk Brož
Degeneration \De*gen`er*a"tion\, n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having
become worse; decline; degradation; debasement;
degeneracy; deterioration.
[1913 Webster]

Our degeneration and apostasy. --Bates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physiol.) That condition of a tissue or an organ in which
its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a
substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure;
as, fatty degeneration of the liver.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of
any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or
organs; hereditary degradation of type.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thing degenerated. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Cockle, aracus, . . . and other degenerations. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Amyloid degeneration, Caseous degeneration, etc. See
under Amyloid, Caseous, etc.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the process of declining from a higher to a lower level of
effective power or vitality or essential quality [syn:
degeneration, devolution] [ant: development,
2: the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities
[syn: degeneracy, degeneration, decadence, decadency]
3: passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form
[syn: degeneration, retrogression]
podobné slovodefinícia
hepatolenticular degeneration
hepatolenticular degeneration, n:
macular degeneration
macular degeneration, n:
amyloid degeneration
amyloidosis \am`y*loi*do"sis\ ([a^]m`[i^]*loi*d[=o]"s[i^]s), n.
A disorder characterized by deposit of extracellular
amyloid[2] in organs or tissues in an amount that interferes
with normal function of the affected organ; it is often
secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or
multiple myeloma. Called also amyloid degeneration {waxy
degeneration} and lardaceous degeneration.
[WordNet 1.5 + AS]amyloid \am"y*loid\ ([a^]m"[i^]*loid), n.
1. A starchlike substance.
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any of a group of diverse starchlike glycoproteins
deposited in the organs under some pathological
conditions, such as amyloidosis; they are composed of
linear nonbranching fibrils when viewed under the electron
microscope. --Stedman 25
[1913 Webster + AS]

Amyloid degeneration (Med.), Same as amyloidosis; --
called also waxy degeneration or {lardaceous
[1913 Webster + AS]Degeneration \De*gen`er*a"tion\, n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having
become worse; decline; degradation; debasement;
degeneracy; deterioration.
[1913 Webster]

Our degeneration and apostasy. --Bates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physiol.) That condition of a tissue or an organ in which
its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a
substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure;
as, fatty degeneration of the liver.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of
any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or
organs; hereditary degradation of type.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thing degenerated. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Cockle, aracus, . . . and other degenerations. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Amyloid degeneration, Caseous degeneration, etc. See
under Amyloid, Caseous, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Amyloid degeneration
amyloidosis \am`y*loi*do"sis\ ([a^]m`[i^]*loi*d[=o]"s[i^]s), n.
A disorder characterized by deposit of extracellular
amyloid[2] in organs or tissues in an amount that interferes
with normal function of the affected organ; it is often
secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or
multiple myeloma. Called also amyloid degeneration {waxy
degeneration} and lardaceous degeneration.
[WordNet 1.5 + AS]amyloid \am"y*loid\ ([a^]m"[i^]*loid), n.
1. A starchlike substance.
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any of a group of diverse starchlike glycoproteins
deposited in the organs under some pathological
conditions, such as amyloidosis; they are composed of
linear nonbranching fibrils when viewed under the electron
microscope. --Stedman 25
[1913 Webster + AS]

Amyloid degeneration (Med.), Same as amyloidosis; --
called also waxy degeneration or {lardaceous
[1913 Webster + AS]Degeneration \De*gen`er*a"tion\, n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having
become worse; decline; degradation; debasement;
degeneracy; deterioration.
[1913 Webster]

Our degeneration and apostasy. --Bates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physiol.) That condition of a tissue or an organ in which
its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a
substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure;
as, fatty degeneration of the liver.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of
any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or
organs; hereditary degradation of type.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thing degenerated. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Cockle, aracus, . . . and other degenerations. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Amyloid degeneration, Caseous degeneration, etc. See
under Amyloid, Caseous, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Caseous degeneration
Degeneration \De*gen`er*a"tion\, n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having
become worse; decline; degradation; debasement;
degeneracy; deterioration.
[1913 Webster]

Our degeneration and apostasy. --Bates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physiol.) That condition of a tissue or an organ in which
its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a
substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure;
as, fatty degeneration of the liver.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of
any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or
organs; hereditary degradation of type.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thing degenerated. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Cockle, aracus, . . . and other degenerations. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Amyloid degeneration, Caseous degeneration, etc. See
under Amyloid, Caseous, etc.
[1913 Webster]Caseous \Ca"se*ous\, a. [L. caseus. Cf. Casein.]
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, cheese; having the
qualities of cheese; cheesy.
[1913 Webster]

Caseous degeneration, a morbid process, in scrofulous or
consumptive persons, in which the products of inflammation
are converted into a cheesy substance which is neither
absorbed nor organized.
[1913 Webster]
Degeneration \De*gen`er*a"tion\, n. [Cf. F.
1. The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having
become worse; decline; degradation; debasement;
degeneracy; deterioration.
[1913 Webster]

Our degeneration and apostasy. --Bates.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Physiol.) That condition of a tissue or an organ in which
its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a
substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure;
as, fatty degeneration of the liver.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of
any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or
organs; hereditary degradation of type.
[1913 Webster]

4. The thing degenerated. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Cockle, aracus, . . . and other degenerations. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Amyloid degeneration, Caseous degeneration, etc. See
under Amyloid, Caseous, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Degenerationist \De*gen`er*a"tion*ist\, n. (Biol.)
A believer in the theory of degeneration, or hereditary
degradation of type; as, the degenerationists hold that
savagery is the result of degeneration from a superior state.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty degeneration
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fibroid degeneration
fibroid \fi"broid\ (f[imac]"broid), a. [L. fibra a fiber +
-oid.] (Med.)
Resembling or forming fibrous tissue; made up of fibers; as,
fibroid tumors. -- n. A fibroid tumor; a fibroma.
[1913 Webster]

Fibroid degeneration, a form of degeneration in which
organs or tissues are converted into fibroid tissue.

Fibroid phthists, a form of pulmonary consumption
associated with the formation of fibrous tissue in the
lungs, and the gradual atrophy of the lungs, from the
pressure due to the contraction of this tissue.
[1913 Webster]
lardaceous degeneration
amyloidosis \am`y*loi*do"sis\ ([a^]m`[i^]*loi*d[=o]"s[i^]s), n.
A disorder characterized by deposit of extracellular
amyloid[2] in organs or tissues in an amount that interferes
with normal function of the affected organ; it is often
secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or
multiple myeloma. Called also amyloid degeneration {waxy
degeneration} and lardaceous degeneration.
[WordNet 1.5 + AS]amyloid \am"y*loid\ ([a^]m"[i^]*loid), n.
1. A starchlike substance.
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any of a group of diverse starchlike glycoproteins
deposited in the organs under some pathological
conditions, such as amyloidosis; they are composed of
linear nonbranching fibrils when viewed under the electron
microscope. --Stedman 25
[1913 Webster + AS]

Amyloid degeneration (Med.), Same as amyloidosis; --
called also waxy degeneration or {lardaceous
[1913 Webster + AS]
Mucoid degeneration
Mucoid \Mu"coid\, a. [Mucus + -oid.]
Resembling mucus. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster]

Mucoid degeneration, a form of degeneration in which the
tissues are transformed into a semisolid substance
resembling mucus. --Quain.
[1913 Webster]
Pigmentary degeneration
Pigmental \Pig*men"tal\, Pigmentary \Pig"men*ta*ry\, a.
Of or pertaining to pigments; furnished with pigments.
[1913 Webster]

Pigmentary degeneration (Med.), a morbid condition in which
an undue amount of pigment is deposited in the tissues.
[1913 Webster]
Wallerian degeneration
Wallerian degeneration \Wal*le"ri*an de*gen`er*a"tion\ (Med.)
A form of degeneration occurring in nerve fibers as a result
of their division; -- so called from Dr. Waller, who
published an account of it in 1850.
[1913 Webster]
Waxy degeneration
Waxy \Wax"y\, a.
Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid;
adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible. "Waxy
to persuasion." --Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

Waxy degeneration (Med.), amyloid degeneration. See under

Waxy kidney, Waxy liver, etc. (Med.), a kidney or liver
affected by waxy degeneration.
[1913 Webster]amyloidosis \am`y*loi*do"sis\ ([a^]m`[i^]*loi*d[=o]"s[i^]s), n.
A disorder characterized by deposit of extracellular
amyloid[2] in organs or tissues in an amount that interferes
with normal function of the affected organ; it is often
secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or
multiple myeloma. Called also amyloid degeneration {waxy
degeneration} and lardaceous degeneration.
[WordNet 1.5 + AS]amyloid \am"y*loid\ ([a^]m"[i^]*loid), n.
1. A starchlike substance.
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any of a group of diverse starchlike glycoproteins
deposited in the organs under some pathological
conditions, such as amyloidosis; they are composed of
linear nonbranching fibrils when viewed under the electron
microscope. --Stedman 25
[1913 Webster + AS]

Amyloid degeneration (Med.), Same as amyloidosis; --
called also waxy degeneration or {lardaceous
[1913 Webster + AS]
waxy degeneration
Waxy \Wax"y\, a.
Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid;
adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible. "Waxy
to persuasion." --Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

Waxy degeneration (Med.), amyloid degeneration. See under

Waxy kidney, Waxy liver, etc. (Med.), a kidney or liver
affected by waxy degeneration.
[1913 Webster]amyloidosis \am`y*loi*do"sis\ ([a^]m`[i^]*loi*d[=o]"s[i^]s), n.
A disorder characterized by deposit of extracellular
amyloid[2] in organs or tissues in an amount that interferes
with normal function of the affected organ; it is often
secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or
multiple myeloma. Called also amyloid degeneration {waxy
degeneration} and lardaceous degeneration.
[WordNet 1.5 + AS]amyloid \am"y*loid\ ([a^]m"[i^]*loid), n.
1. A starchlike substance.
[1913 Webster + AS]

2. (Med.) Any of a group of diverse starchlike glycoproteins
deposited in the organs under some pathological
conditions, such as amyloidosis; they are composed of
linear nonbranching fibrils when viewed under the electron
microscope. --Stedman 25
[1913 Webster + AS]

Amyloid degeneration (Med.), Same as amyloidosis; --
called also waxy degeneration or {lardaceous
[1913 Webster + AS]
age-related macular degeneration
age-related macular degeneration
n 1: macular degeneration that is age-related [syn: {age-related
macular degeneration}, AMD]
hepatolenticular degeneration
hepatolenticular degeneration
n 1: a rare inherited disorder of copper metabolism; copper
accumulates in the liver and then in the red blood cells
and brain [syn: hepatolenticular degeneration, {Wilson's
macular degeneration
macular degeneration
n 1: eye disease caused by degeneration of the cells of the
macula lutea and results in blurred vision; can cause

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