embla pro

An IMAP-compliant electronic mail
client from WinSoft Products Ltd. EMBLA Pro allows you to
use an IMAP mail server in a true client/server network
manner, once you've connected to the IMAP server, you can
organise messages into folders on the server and you can view
messages and any attached files at the server before deciding
whether or not to download them to your local system. IMAP
allows the user to select individual message attachments to be
viewed and/or downloaded. You can delete files and messages
from the server, move or copy them to the local computer or
leave them for future retrieval. EMBLA Pro also supports the
standard POP3 protocol. Both POP3 and IMAP2 run over

The IMAP Unix daemons can support specific environments,
for example, Sun MailTool attachments. All flavours of Unix
are catered for with a suite of binary mail daemons, eg:
SunSoft Solaris, HP, IBM and SCO.

EMBLA conforms to the SMTP, E-SMTP, MIME and IMAP Internet
standards - RFC1590 (RFC1521), RFC1522, RFC1426, RFC1425,
RFC1176, RFC0822, RFC0821 and the draft update of RFC1176.


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online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4