Gabriel,Gabriel n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Gabriel,Gabriel n: [jmén.] ženské křestní jméno Martin Ligač
Gabriel,Gabrieln: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Gabriel,Gabrieln: [jmén.] ženské křestní jméno Martin Ligač
n 1: (Bible) the archangel who was the messenger of God

A graphical DSP language for simulation and
real systems.

["A Design Tool for Hardware and Software for Multiprocessor
DSP Systems," E.A. Lee, E. Goei, J. Bier & S. Bhattacharya,
DSP Systems, Proc ISCAS-89, 1989].

[Jargon File]


/gay'bree-*l/ (After Richard Gabriel) An unnecessary (in the
opinion of the opponent) stalling tactic, e.g. tying one's
shoelaces or combing one's hair repeatedly, asking the time,
etc. Also used to refer to the perpetrator of such tactics.
Also, "pulling a Gabriel", "Gabriel mode".

[Jargon File]

GAteway and BRIdge to Europe's national Libraries
podobné slovodefinícia
Gabriela,Gabriela Zdeněk Brož
Gabrielle,Gabriela n: [jmén.] Martin LigačGabrielle,ženské křestní jméno n: [female] [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Gabriela,Gabriela Zdeněk BrožGabriela,Gabriellen: [jmén.] Martin Ligač
dante gabriel rossetti
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
n 1: English poet and painter who was a leader of the Pre-
Raphaelites (1828-1882) [syn: Rossetti, {Dante Gabriel
gabriel daniel fahrenheit
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit
n 1: German physicist who invented the mercury thermometer and
developed the scale of temperature that bears his name
(1686-1736) [syn: Fahrenheit, {Gabriel Daniel
gabriel lippmann
Gabriel Lippmann
n 1: French physicist who developed the first color photographic
process (1845-1921) [syn: Lippmann, Gabriel Lippmann]
gabriel tellez
Gabriel Tellez
n 1: Spanish dramatist who wrote the first dramatic treatment of
the legend of Don Juan (1571-1648) [syn: Tirso de Molina,
Gabriel Tellez]
gabriele fallopius
Gabriele Fallopius
n 1: Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes
(1523-1562) [syn: Fallopius, Gabriele Fallopius,
Fallopio, Gabriello Fallopio]
gabriello fallopio
Gabriello Fallopio
n 1: Italian anatomist who first described the Fallopian tubes
(1523-1562) [syn: Fallopius, Gabriele Fallopius,
Fallopio, Gabriello Fallopio]
honore-gabriel victor riqueti
Honore-Gabriel Victor Riqueti
n 1: French revolutionary who was prominent in the early days of
the French Revolution (1749-1791) [syn: Mirabeau, {Comte
de Mirabeau}, Honore-Gabriel Victor Riqueti]
sidonie-gabrielle claudine colette
Sidonie-Gabrielle Claudine Colette
n 1: French writer of novels about women (1873-1954) [syn:
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, {Sidonie-Gabrielle
Claudine Colette}]
sidonie-gabrielle colette
Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette
n 1: French writer of novels about women (1873-1954) [syn:
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, {Sidonie-Gabrielle
Claudine Colette}]
gabriel, richard
Richard Gabriel
Gabriel, Richard
Richard P. Gabriel

(Dick, RPG) Dr. Richard P. Gabriel. A noted SAIL
LISP hacker and volleyball fanatic.

Consulting Professor of Computer Science at {Stanford
University}. Richard Gabriel is a leader in the Lisp and
OOP community, with years of contributions to
standardisation. He founded the successful company, {Lucid
Technologies, Inc.}.

In 1996 he was Distinguished Computer Scientist at
ParcPlace-Digitalk, Inc. (later renamed ObjectShare, Inc.).

See also gabriel, Qlambda, QLISP, saga.

richard gabriel
Richard Gabriel
Gabriel, Richard
Richard P. Gabriel

(Dick, RPG) Dr. Richard P. Gabriel. A noted SAIL
LISP hacker and volleyball fanatic.

Consulting Professor of Computer Science at {Stanford
University}. Richard Gabriel is a leader in the Lisp and
OOP community, with years of contributions to
standardisation. He founded the successful company, {Lucid
Technologies, Inc.}.

In 1996 he was Distinguished Computer Scientist at
ParcPlace-Digitalk, Inc. (later renamed ObjectShare, Inc.).

See also gabriel, Qlambda, QLISP, saga.

richard p. gabriel
Richard Gabriel
Gabriel, Richard
Richard P. Gabriel

(Dick, RPG) Dr. Richard P. Gabriel. A noted SAIL
LISP hacker and volleyball fanatic.

Consulting Professor of Computer Science at {Stanford
University}. Richard Gabriel is a leader in the Lisp and
OOP community, with years of contributions to
standardisation. He founded the successful company, {Lucid
Technologies, Inc.}.

In 1996 he was Distinguished Computer Scientist at
ParcPlace-Digitalk, Inc. (later renamed ObjectShare, Inc.).

See also gabriel, Qlambda, QLISP, saga.


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