gasolene,benzín n: Zdeněk Brož
Gasolene \Gas`o*lene\, n.
See Gasoline.
[1913 Webster]
Gasoline \Gas"o*line\, Gasolene \Gas"o*lene\(? or ?; 104), n.
A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained
mostly from petroleum, as also by the distillation of
bituminous coal. It is used as a fuel for most automobiles
and for many other vehicles with internal combustion engines.
The gasoline of commerce is typically blended with additives
to improve its performance in internal combustion engines.
Gasoline was also used in the early 1900's in making air gas,
and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See

Syn: petrol[Brit]. [1913 Webster +PJC] Gasoline engine
n 1: a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and
heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used
mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines [syn:
gasoline, gasolene, gas, petrol]
podobné slovodefinícia
Gasolene \Gas`o*lene\, n.
See Gasoline.
[1913 Webster]Gasoline \Gas"o*line\, Gasolene \Gas"o*lene\(? or ?; 104), n.
A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained
mostly from petroleum, as also by the distillation of
bituminous coal. It is used as a fuel for most automobiles
and for many other vehicles with internal combustion engines.
The gasoline of commerce is typically blended with additives
to improve its performance in internal combustion engines.
Gasoline was also used in the early 1900's in making air gas,
and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See

Syn: petrol[Brit]. [1913 Webster +PJC] Gasoline engine
Gasolene engine
Gasoline engine \Gas"o*line en"gine\, or Gasolene engine
\Gas"o*lene en"gine\ . (Mach.)
A kind of internal-combustion engine; -- in British countries
called usually petrol engine.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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