petrol,benzín n:
petrol,benzínový adj:
Petrol \Pe*trol"\ (p[-e]*tr[=o]l), n.
1. Petroleum. [Archaic and R.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (p[e^]"tr[add]l"), Same as gasoline; -- British usage.
n 1: a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and
heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used
mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines [syn:
gasoline, gasolene, gas, petrol]
podobné slovodefinícia
petrol station
petrol station
- benzínová pumpa, čerpacia stanica
liquefied petroleum gas
liquefied petroleum gas, n:
organization of petroleum exporting countries /opec/
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries /OPEC/,Organizace zemí
vyvážejících ropu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
organization of the petroleum exporting countries
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,
petrol bomb
petrol bomb, n:
petrol pump
petrol pump,benzinová pumpa
petrol station
petrol station,benzinová pumpa petrol station,čerpací stanice
petrolatum,vazelína z ropy n: [chem.] Zdeněk Brož
petrolatum gauze
petrolatum gauze, n:
petroleum,minerální olej n: Petr Prášekpetroleum,nafta n: Nijelpetroleum,petrolej n: Zdeněk Brožpetroleum,ropa n: Nijel
petroleum future
petroleum future, n:
petroleum geologist
petroleum geologist, n:
petroleum geology
petroleum geology, n:
petroleum jelly
petroleum jelly,vazelína Zdeněk Brož
petroleum refinery
petroleum refinery,ropná rafinérie Clock
petrological,petrologický adj: [chem.] Jaroslav Šedivý
petrologist,petrolog n: Zdeněk Brož
petrology,petrologie n: Zdeněk Brož
petrolej,kerosenen: [tech.] Petr Prášekpetrolej,kerosinen: [tech.] Petr Prášekpetrolej,paraffinn: petrolej,petroleumn: Zdeněk Brož
petrolog,petrologistn: Zdeněk Brož
petrologický,petrologicaladj: [chem.] Jaroslav Šedivý
petrologie,petrologyn: Zdeněk Brož
crude petroleum
Naphtha \Naph"tha\ (n[a^]f"th[.a] or n[a^]p"th[.a]), n. [L.
naphtha, Gr. na`fqa, fr.Ar. nafth, nifth.]
1. (Chem.) The complex mixture of volatile, liquid,
inflammable hydrocarbons, occurring naturally, and usually
called crude petroleum, mineral oil, or rock oil.
Specifically: That portion of the distillate obtained in
the refinement of petroleum which is intermediate between
the lighter gasoline and the heavier benzine, and has a
specific gravity of about 0.7, -- used as a solvent for
varnishes, as a carburetant, illuminant, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) One of several volatile inflammable liquids
obtained by the distillation of certain carbonaceous
materials and resembling the naphtha from petroleum; as,
Boghead naphtha, from Boghead coal (obtained at Boghead,
Scotland); crude naphtha, or light oil, from coal tar;
wood naphtha, from wood, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This term was applied by the earlier chemical writers
to a number of volatile, strong smelling, inflammable
liquids, chiefly belonging to the ethers, as the
sulphate, nitrate, or acetate of ethyl. --Watts.
[1913 Webster]

Naphtha vitrioli [NL., naphtha of vitriol] (Old Chem.),
common ethyl ether; -- formerly called sulphuric ether.
See Ether.
[1913 Webster]
Petrol \Pe*trol"\ (p[-e]*tr[=o]l), n.
1. Petroleum. [Archaic and R.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (p[e^]"tr[add]l"), Same as gasoline; -- British usage.
petrol engine
Gasoline engine \Gas"o*line en"gine\, or Gasolene engine
\Gas"o*lene en"gine\ . (Mach.)
A kind of internal-combustion engine; -- in British countries
called usually petrol engine.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Petrolatum \Pet`ro*la"tum\, n. (Chem. & Pharm.)
A semisolid unctuous substance, neutral, and without taste or
odor, derived from petroleum by distilling off the lighter
portions and purifying the residue. It is a yellowish,
fatlike mass, transparent in thin layers, and somewhat
fluorescent. It is used as a bland protective dressing, and
as a substitute for fatty materials in ointments. --U. S.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Petrolatum is the official name for the purified
product. Cosmoline and vaseline are commercial
names for substances essentially the same, but
differing slightly in appearance and consistency or
[1913 Webster]
Petroleum \Pe*tro"le*um\ (p[-e]*tr[=o]"l[-e]*[u^]m), n. [NL.,
fr. L. petra a rock + oleum oil: cf. F. p['e]trole. Cf.
Petrify, and Oil.]
Rock oil, mineral oil, or natural oil, a dark brown or
greenish inflammable liquid, which, at certain points, exists
in the upper strata of the earth, from whence it is pumped,
or forced by pressure of the gas attending it. It consists of
a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, largely of the
methane series, but may vary much in appearance, composition,
and properties. It is refined by distillation, and the
products include kerosene, benzine, gasoline, paraffin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Petroleum spirit, a volatile liquid obtained in the
distillation of crude petroleum at a temperature of
170[deg] Fahr., or below. The term is rather loosely
applied to a considerable range of products, including
benzine and ligroin. The terms petroleum ether, and
naphtha, are sometimes applied to the still more volatile
products, including rhigolene, gasoline, cymogene, etc.
[1913 Webster] Petroleur
petroleum benzine
Benzine \Ben"zine\, n. [From Benzoin.] (Chem.)
1. A liquid consisting mainly of the lighter and more
volatile hydrocarbons of petroleum or kerosene oil, used
as a solvent and for cleansing soiled fabrics; -- called
also petroleum spirit, petroleum benzine. Varieties or
similar products are gasoline, naphtha, rhigolene,
ligroin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. Same as Benzene. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The hydrocarbons of benzine proper are essentially of
the marsh gas (paraffin) series, while benzene proper
is the typical hydrocarbon of the aromatic series.
[1913 Webster]
Petroleum spirit
Petroleum \Pe*tro"le*um\ (p[-e]*tr[=o]"l[-e]*[u^]m), n. [NL.,
fr. L. petra a rock + oleum oil: cf. F. p['e]trole. Cf.
Petrify, and Oil.]
Rock oil, mineral oil, or natural oil, a dark brown or
greenish inflammable liquid, which, at certain points, exists
in the upper strata of the earth, from whence it is pumped,
or forced by pressure of the gas attending it. It consists of
a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, largely of the
methane series, but may vary much in appearance, composition,
and properties. It is refined by distillation, and the
products include kerosene, benzine, gasoline, paraffin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Petroleum spirit, a volatile liquid obtained in the
distillation of crude petroleum at a temperature of
170[deg] Fahr., or below. The term is rather loosely
applied to a considerable range of products, including
benzine and ligroin. The terms petroleum ether, and
naphtha, are sometimes applied to the still more volatile
products, including rhigolene, gasoline, cymogene, etc.
[1913 Webster] PetroleurBenzine \Ben"zine\, n. [From Benzoin.] (Chem.)
1. A liquid consisting mainly of the lighter and more
volatile hydrocarbons of petroleum or kerosene oil, used
as a solvent and for cleansing soiled fabrics; -- called
also petroleum spirit, petroleum benzine. Varieties or
similar products are gasoline, naphtha, rhigolene,
ligroin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. Same as Benzene. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The hydrocarbons of benzine proper are essentially of
the marsh gas (paraffin) series, while benzene proper
is the typical hydrocarbon of the aromatic series.
[1913 Webster]
petroleum spirit
Petroleum \Pe*tro"le*um\ (p[-e]*tr[=o]"l[-e]*[u^]m), n. [NL.,
fr. L. petra a rock + oleum oil: cf. F. p['e]trole. Cf.
Petrify, and Oil.]
Rock oil, mineral oil, or natural oil, a dark brown or
greenish inflammable liquid, which, at certain points, exists
in the upper strata of the earth, from whence it is pumped,
or forced by pressure of the gas attending it. It consists of
a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, largely of the
methane series, but may vary much in appearance, composition,
and properties. It is refined by distillation, and the
products include kerosene, benzine, gasoline, paraffin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Petroleum spirit, a volatile liquid obtained in the
distillation of crude petroleum at a temperature of
170[deg] Fahr., or below. The term is rather loosely
applied to a considerable range of products, including
benzine and ligroin. The terms petroleum ether, and
naphtha, are sometimes applied to the still more volatile
products, including rhigolene, gasoline, cymogene, etc.
[1913 Webster] PetroleurBenzine \Ben"zine\, n. [From Benzoin.] (Chem.)
1. A liquid consisting mainly of the lighter and more
volatile hydrocarbons of petroleum or kerosene oil, used
as a solvent and for cleansing soiled fabrics; -- called
also petroleum spirit, petroleum benzine. Varieties or
similar products are gasoline, naphtha, rhigolene,
ligroin, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. Same as Benzene. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The hydrocarbons of benzine proper are essentially of
the marsh gas (paraffin) series, while benzene proper
is the typical hydrocarbon of the aromatic series.
[1913 Webster]
P'etroleur \P['e]`tro`leur"\, n. m. P'etroleuse
\P['e]`tro`leuse"\, n. f.[F.]
One who makes use of petroleum for incendiary purposes.
[1913 Webster]
P'etroleur \P['e]`tro`leur"\, n. m. P'etroleuse
\P['e]`tro`leuse"\, n. f.[F.]
One who makes use of petroleum for incendiary purposes.
[1913 Webster]
Petroline \Pet"ro*line\, n. (Chem.)
A paraffin obtained from petroleum from Rangoon in India, and
practically identical with ordinary paraffin.
[1913 Webster] Petrologic
Petrologic \Pet`ro*log"ic\, Petrological \Pet`ro*log"ic*al\, a.
Of or pertaining to petrology.
[1913 Webster]
Petrologic \Pet`ro*log"ic\, Petrological \Pet`ro*log"ic*al\, a.
Of or pertaining to petrology.
[1913 Webster]
Petrologically \Pet`ro*log"ic*al*ly\, adv.
According to petrology.
[1913 Webster]
Petrologist \Pe*trol"o*gist\, n.
One who is versed in petrology.
[1913 Webster]
Petrology \Pe*trol"o*gy\, n. [Petro + -logy.]
1. The department of science which is concerned with the
mineralogical and chemical composition of rocks, and with
their classification: lithology.
[1913 Webster]

2. A treatise on petrology.
[1913 Webster]
leaded petrol
leaded petrol
n 1: gasoline treated with a lead compound to reduce motor
knocks; "combustion of leaded gasoline released lead into
the air where it could cause lead poisoning" [syn: {leaded
gasoline}, leaded petrol] [ant: unleaded gasoline,
unleaded petrol]
liquefied petroleum gas
liquefied petroleum gas
n 1: hydrocarbon gases, usually propane or butane, kept under
pressure [syn: liquefied petroleum gas, bottled gas]
organization of petroleum-exporting countries
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
n 1: an organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a
common policy for the production and sale of petroleum
[syn: Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries,
petrol bomb
petrol bomb
n 1: a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with
flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick [syn: {Molotov
cocktail}, petrol bomb, gasoline bomb]
petrol engine
petrol engine
n 1: an internal-combustion engine that burns gasoline; most
automobiles are driven by gasoline engines [syn: {gasoline
engine}, petrol engine]
petrol gage
petrol gage
n 1: gauge that indicates the amount of gasoline left in the
gasoline tank of a vehicle [syn: gasoline gauge,
gasoline gage, gas gauge, gas gage, petrol gauge,
petrol gage]
petrol gauge
petrol gauge
n 1: gauge that indicates the amount of gasoline left in the
gasoline tank of a vehicle [syn: gasoline gauge,
gasoline gage, gas gauge, gas gage, petrol gauge,
petrol gage]
petrol line
petrol line
n 1: a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline
engine; "the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the
gas line" [syn: fuel line, gas line, petrol line]
petrol pump
petrol pump
n 1: a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from
underground storage tanks [syn: gas pump, {gasoline
pump}, petrol pump, island dispenser]
petrol station
petrol station
n 1: a service station that sells gasoline [syn: {gasoline
station}, gas station, filling station, {petrol
petrol tank
petrol tank
n 1: a tank for holding gasoline to supply a vehicle [syn: {gas
tank}, gasoline tank, petrol tank]
n 1: a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from
petroleum; used in medicinal ointments and for lubrication
[syn: petrolatum, petroleum jelly, mineral jelly]
petrolatum gauze
petrolatum gauze
n 1: gauze saturated with petrolatum
n 1: a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons [syn:
petroleum, crude oil, crude, rock oil, {fossil
oil}, oil]
petroleum future
petroleum future
n 1: petroleum bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at
a specified future date [syn: oil future, {petroleum
petroleum geologist
petroleum geologist
n 1: a specialist in petroleum geology [syn: {petroleum
geologist}, oil geologist]
petroleum geology
petroleum geology
n 1: the branch of economic geology that deals with the
occurrence and exploitation of oil and gas fields
petroleum jelly
petroleum jelly
n 1: a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from
petroleum; used in medicinal ointments and for lubrication
[syn: petrolatum, petroleum jelly, mineral jelly]
petroleum refinery
petroleum refinery
n 1: a refinery for petroleum [syn: oil refinery, {petroleum
n 1: the branch of geology that studies rocks: their origin and
formation and mineral composition and classification [syn:
petrology, lithology]
unleaded petrol
unleaded petrol
n 1: gasoline that has not been treated with a lead compound
[syn: unleaded gasoline, unleaded petrol] [ant: {leaded
gasoline}, leaded petrol]

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