ichor,ichor n: Zdeněk Brož
ichor,krev bohů Zdeněk Brož
ichor,ichorn: Zdeněk Brož
Ichor \I"chor\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. 'ichw`r: cf. F. ichor.]
1. (Class. Myth.) An ethereal fluid that supplied the place
of blood in the veins of the gods.
[1913 Webster]

2. A thin, acrid, watery discharge from an ulcer, wound, etc.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (Greek mythology) the rarified fluid said to flow in the
veins of the Gods
2: a fluid product of inflammation [syn: pus, purulence,
suppuration, ichor, sanies, festering]
ICHOR, n. A fluid that serves the gods and goddesses in place of

Fair Venus, speared by Diomed,
Restrained the raging chief and said:
"Behold, rash mortal, whom you've bled --
Your soul's stained white with ichorshed!"
Mary Doke
podobné slovodefinícia
clavichord,clavichord n: Zdeněk Brož
harpsichordist,cembalista n: Zdeněk Brož
ichorous, adj:
mantichora, n:
terpsichorean,taneční adj: Zdeněk Brož
clavichord,clavichordn: Zdeněk Brož
Atrichornis \Atrichornis\ n.
1. 1 the type genus of the Atrichornithidae.

Syn: genus Atrichornis.
[WordNet 1.5]
Atrichornithidae \Atrichornithidae\ n.
a antural family comprising the scrubbirds.

Syn: family Atrichornithidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cichoraceous \Cich`o*ra"ceous\, a. [See Chicory.]
Belonging to, or resembling, a suborder of composite plants
of which the chicory (Cichorium) is the type.
[1913 Webster]
Cichorium Endivia
Endive \En"dive\, n. [F. endive (cf. Pr., Sp. Pg., & It.
endivia), fr. a deriv. of L. intibus, intybus, endive.]
A composite herb (Cichorium Endivia). Its finely divided
and much curled leaves, when blanched, are used for salad.
[1913 Webster]

Wild endive (Bot.), chicory or succory.
[1913 Webster]escarole \escarole\ n. [Fr., from OFr. scariole. fr. LL.
escariola, L. escarius of food, fit to eat, esca food, fr.
edere to eat.]
a variety of endive (Cichorium endivia) often used in
salads, having leaves with irregular frilled edges.

Syn: endive, curly endive.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cichorium endivia
Endive \En"dive\, n. [F. endive (cf. Pr., Sp. Pg., & It.
endivia), fr. a deriv. of L. intibus, intybus, endive.]
A composite herb (Cichorium Endivia). Its finely divided
and much curled leaves, when blanched, are used for salad.
[1913 Webster]

Wild endive (Bot.), chicory or succory.
[1913 Webster]escarole \escarole\ n. [Fr., from OFr. scariole. fr. LL.
escariola, L. escarius of food, fit to eat, esca food, fr.
edere to eat.]
a variety of endive (Cichorium endivia) often used in
salads, having leaves with irregular frilled edges.

Syn: endive, curly endive.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cichorium Intybus
Chicory \Chic"o*ry\, n. [F. chicor['e]e, earlier also
cichor['e]e, L. cichorium, fr. Gr. ?, ?, Cf. Succory.]
1. (Bot.) A branching perennial plant (Cichorium Intybus)
with bright blue flowers, growing wild in Europe, Asia,
and America; also cultivated for its roots and as a salad
plant; succory; wild endive. See Endive.
[1913 Webster]

2. The root, which is roasted for mixing with coffee.
[1913 Webster]
Clarichord \Clar"i*chord\, n. [F. clatocorde, fr.L. clarus clear
+ chorda string. See Chord.]
A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet;
-- called also manichord and clavichord.
[1913 Webster]
Clarichord \Clar"i*chord\, n. [F. clatocorde, fr.L. clarus clear
+ chorda string. See Chord.]
A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet;
-- called also manichord and clavichord.
[1913 Webster]Clavichord \Clav"i*chord\, n. [F. clavicorde, fr. L. clavis key
+ chorda string.] (Mus.)
A keyed stringed instrument, now superseded by the
pianoforte. See Clarichord.
[1913 Webster]
Clarichord \Clar"i*chord\, n. [F. clatocorde, fr.L. clarus clear
+ chorda string. See Chord.]
A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet;
-- called also manichord and clavichord.
[1913 Webster]Clavichord \Clav"i*chord\, n. [F. clavicorde, fr. L. clavis key
+ chorda string.] (Mus.)
A keyed stringed instrument, now superseded by the
pianoforte. See Clarichord.
[1913 Webster]
Epichordal \Ep`i*chor"dal\, a. [Pref. epi- + chordal.] (Anat.)
Upon or above the notochord; -- applied esp. to a vertebral
column which develops upon the dorsal side of the notochord,
as distinguished from a perichordal column, which develops
around it.
[1913 Webster]
Epichorial \Ep`i*cho"ri*al\, a. [Gr. ?; ? over + ? country.]
In or of the country. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Epichorial superstitions from every district of Europe.
--De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]
Harpsichord \Harp"si*chord\ (-k[^o]rd), n. [OF. harpechorde, in
which the harpe is of German origin. See Harp, and
Chord.] (Mus.)
A harp-shaped instrument of music set horizontally on legs,
like the grand piano, with strings of wire, played by the
fingers, by means of keys provided with quills, instead of
hammers, for striking the strings. It is now superseded by
the piano.
[1913 Webster]
harpsichordist \harpsichordist\ n.
someone who plays the harpsichord.
[WordNet 1.5]
Ichor \I"chor\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. 'ichw`r: cf. F. ichor.]
1. (Class. Myth.) An ethereal fluid that supplied the place
of blood in the veins of the gods.
[1913 Webster]

2. A thin, acrid, watery discharge from an ulcer, wound, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Ichorhaemia \I`chor*h[ae]"mi*a\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. 'ichw`r ichor
+ ? blood.] (Med.)
Infection of the blood with ichorous or putrid substances.
[1913 Webster]
Ichorous \I"chor*ous\ ([imac]"k[o^]r*[u^]s), a. [Cf. F.
Of or like ichor; thin; watery; serous; sanious.
[1913 Webster]
Manichord \Man"i*chord\, Manichordon \Man`i*chor"don\, [L.
monochordon, Gr. ?; -- so called because it orig. had only
one string. See Monochord.] (Mus.)
The clavichord or clarichord; -- called also dumb spinet.
[1913 Webster]Clarichord \Clar"i*chord\, n. [F. clatocorde, fr.L. clarus clear
+ chorda string. See Chord.]
A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet;
-- called also manichord and clavichord.
[1913 Webster]
Manichord \Man"i*chord\, Manichordon \Man`i*chor"don\, [L.
monochordon, Gr. ?; -- so called because it orig. had only
one string. See Monochord.] (Mus.)
The clavichord or clarichord; -- called also dumb spinet.
[1913 Webster]Clarichord \Clar"i*chord\, n. [F. clatocorde, fr.L. clarus clear
+ chorda string. See Chord.]
A musical instrument, formerly in use, in form of a spinet;
-- called also manichord and clavichord.
[1913 Webster]
Manichord \Man"i*chord\, Manichordon \Man`i*chor"don\, [L.
monochordon, Gr. ?; -- so called because it orig. had only
one string. See Monochord.] (Mus.)
The clavichord or clarichord; -- called also dumb spinet.
[1913 Webster]
mantichora \mantichora\, manticora \manticora\, manticore
A mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and
the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion.

Syn: manticore, mantichora, mantiger.
[WordNet 1.5]
Perichordal \Per`i*chor"dal\, a.
Around the notochord; as, a perichordal column. See
[1913 Webster] Periclase
Rhinoceros tichorhinus
Woolly \Wool"ly\, a.
1. Consisting of wool; as, a woolly covering; a woolly
[1913 Webster]

2. Resembling wool; of the nature of wool. "My fleece of
woolly hair." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Clothed with wool. "Woolly breeders." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Clothed with a fine, curly pubescence resembling
[1913 Webster]

Woolly bear (Zool.), the hairy larva of several species of
bombycid moths. The most common species in the United
States are the salt-marsh caterpillar (see under Salt),
the black and red woolly bear, or larva of the Isabella
moth (see Illust., under Isabella Moth), and the yellow
woolly bear, or larva of the American ermine moth
(Spilosoma Virginica).

Woolly butt (Bot.), an Australian tree ({Eucalyptus
longifolia}), so named because of its fibrous bark.

Woolly louse (Zool.), a plant louse (Schizoneura lanigera
syn Erisoma lanigera) which is often very injurious to
the apple tree. It is covered with a dense coat of white
filaments somewhat resembling fine wool or cotton. In
exists in two forms, one of which infests the roots, the
other the branches. See Illust. under Blight.

Woolly macaco (Zool.), the mongoose lemur.

Woolly maki (Zool.), a long-tailed lemur (Indris laniger)
native of Madagascar, having fur somewhat like wool; --
called also avahi, and woolly lemur.

Woolly monkey (Zool.), any South American monkey of the
genus Lagothrix, as the caparro.

Woolly rhinoceros (Paleon.), an extinct rhinoceros
(Rhinoceros tichorhinus) which inhabited the arctic
regions, and was covered with a dense coat of woolly hair.
It has been found frozen in the ice of Siberia, with the
flesh and hair well preserved.
[1913 Webster]
Semichorus \Sem"i*cho`rus\, n. (Mus.)
A half chorus; a passage to be sung by a selected portion of
the voices, as the female voices only, in contrast with the
full choir.
[1913 Webster]
Terpsichore \Terp*sich"o*re\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; ? enjoyment
(fr. ? to gladden) + ? dance, dancing.] (Gr. Myth.)
The Muse who presided over the choral song and the dance,
especially the latter.
[1913 Webster]
Terpsichorean \Terp`sich*o*re"an\, a.
Of or pertaining to Terpsichore; of or pertaining to dancing.
[1913 Webster]
Tichorrhine \Tich"or*rhine\, n. [Gr. ? a wall + ?, ?, the nose.]
A fossil rhinoceros with a vertical bony medial septum
supporting the nose; the hairy rhinoceros.
[1913 Webster]
Trichord \Tri"chord\, n. [Gr. ? three stringed; ? (see Tri-) +
? chord, or string.] (Mus.)
An instrument, as a lyre or harp, having three strings.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: type genus of the Atrichornithidae [syn: Atrichornis,
genus Atrichornis]
n 1: scrubbirds [syn: Atrichornithidae, {family
n 1: chicory [syn: Cichorium, genus Cichorium]
cichorium endivia
Cichorium endivia
n 1: widely cultivated herb with leaves valued as salad green;
either curly serrated leaves or broad flat ones that are
usually blanched [syn: endive, witloof, {Cichorium
cichorium intybus
Cichorium intybus
n 1: perennial Old World herb having rayed flower heads with
blue florets cultivated for its root and its heads of crisp
edible leaves used in salads [syn: chicory, succory,
chicory plant, Cichorium intybus]
n 1: an early stringed instrument like a piano but with more
delicate sound
family atrichornithidae
family Atrichornithidae
n 1: scrubbirds [syn: Atrichornithidae, {family
genus atrichornis
genus Atrichornis
n 1: type genus of the Atrichornithidae [syn: Atrichornis,
genus Atrichornis]
genus cichorium
genus Cichorium
n 1: chicory [syn: Cichorium, genus Cichorium]
n 1: a clavier with strings that are plucked by plectra mounted
on pivots [syn: harpsichord, cembalo]
n 1: someone who plays the harpsichord
adj 1: of or resembling or characterized by ichor or sanies; "an
ichorous discharge"; "the sanious discharge from an
ulcer" [syn: ichorous, sanious]
n 1: a mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and
the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion [syn:
manticore, mantichora, manticora, mantiger]
n 1: (Greek mythology) the Muse of the dance and of choral song
2: taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time
to music [syn: dancing, dance, terpsichore,
adj 1: of or relating to dancing; "her terpsichorean activities"
n 1: a performer who dances professionally [syn: dancer,
professional dancer, terpsichorean]

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