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kamikaze packet (foldoc) | Christmas tree packet
kamikaze packet
(Or kamikaze packet) A packet with every single
option set for whatever protocol is in use. The term
doubtless derives from a fanciful image of each little option
bit being represented by a different-coloured light bulb, all
turned on.
RFC 1025, "TCP and IP Bake Off" says:
10 points for correctly being able to process a "Kamikaze"
packet (AKA nastygram, Christmas tree packet, lamp test
segment, et al.). That is, correctly handle a segment with
the maximum combination of features at once (e.g. a SYN URG
PUSH FIN segment with options and data).
Compare: Chernobyl packet.
[Jargon File]
kamikaze packet (jargon) | kamikaze packet
The ‘official’ jargon for what is more commonly called a {Christmas tree
packet}. RFC-1025, TCP and IP Bake Off says:
10 points for correctly being able to process a “Kamikaze” packet (AKA
nastygram, christmas tree packet, lamp test segment, et al.). That is,
correctly handle a segment with the maximum combination of features at
once (e.g., a SYN URG PUSH FIN segment with options and data).
See also Chernobyl packet.
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