- poručík
lieutenant,poručík n: Zdeněk Brož
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a commissioned military officer
2: an officer in a police force [syn: lieutenant, {police
3: an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent
[syn: deputy, lieutenant]
4: an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States
Navy or the United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant
commander and above lieutenant junior grade
LIEUTENANT. This word has now a narrower meaning than it formerly had; its
true meaning is a deputy, a substitute, from the French lieu, (place or
post) and tenant (holder). Among civil officers we have lieutenant
governors, who in certain cases perform the duties of governors; (vide, the
names of the several states,) lieutenants of police, &c. Among military men,
lieutenant general was formerly the title of a commanding general, but now
it signifies the degree above major general. Lieutenant colonel, is the
officer between the colonel and the major. Lieutenant simply signifies the
officer next below a captain. In the navy, a lieutenant is the second
officer next in command to the captain of a ship.

podobné slovodefinícia
first lieutenant
first lieutenant,nadporučík n: Zdeněk Brož
lieutenant colonel
lieutenant colonel,podplukovník n: Zdeněk Brož
lieutenant commander
lieutenant commander,komandér-poručík n: Rostislav Svoboda
lieutenant general
lieutenant general,generálporučík n: Zdeněk Brož
lieutenant governor
lieutenant governor,
lieutenant jg
lieutenant JG, n:
lieutenant junior grade
lieutenant junior grade,
police lieutenant
police lieutenant, n:
second lieutenant
second lieutenant,podporučík n: Zdeněk Brož
sublieutenant, n:
Captain lieutenant
Captain \Cap"tain\ (k[a^]p"t[i^]n), n. [OE. capitain, captain,
OF. capitain, F. capitaine (cf. Sp. capitan, It. capitano),
LL. capitaneus, capitanus, fr. L. caput the head. See under
Chief, and cf. Chieftain.]
1. A head, or chief officer; as:
(a) The military officer who commands a company, troop, or
battery, or who has the rank entitling him to do so
though he may be employed on other service.
(b) An officer in the United States navy, next above a
commander and below a commodore, and ranking with a
colonel in the army.
(c) By courtesy, an officer actually commanding a vessel,
although not having the rank of captain.
(d) The master or commanding officer of a merchant vessel.
(e) One in charge of a portion of a ship's company; as, a
captain of a top, captain of a gun, etc.
(f) The foreman of a body of workmen.
(g) A person having authority over others acting in
concert; as, the captain of a boat's crew; the captain
of a football team.
[1913 Webster]

A trainband captain eke was he. --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]

The Rhodian captain, relying on . . . the
lightness of his vessel, passed, in open day,
through all the guards. --Arbuthnot.
[1913 Webster]

2. A military leader; a warrior.
[1913 Webster]

Foremost captain of his time. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

Captain general.
(a) The commander in chief of an army or armies, or of the
(b) The Spanish governor of Cuba and its dependent

Captain lieutenant, a lieutenant with the rank and duties
of captain but with a lieutenant's pay, -- as in the first
company of an English regiment.
[1913 Webster]
Deputy lieutenant
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenant colonel
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenant commander
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenant general
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]Lieutenant general \Lieu*ten"ant gen"er*al\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant
j[e^]n"[~e]r*al) n.
An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a
major general.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the United States, before the civil war, this rank
had been conferred only on George Washington and (in
brevet) on Winfield Scott. In 1864 it was revived by
Congress and conferred on Ulysses S. Grant, and
subsequently, by promotion, on William T. Sherman and
Philip H. Sheridan, each of whom was advanced to the
rank of general of the army. When Sheridan was made
general (in 1888) the rank of lieutenant general was
suffered to lapse. See General.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenant governor
Lieutenant \Lieu*ten"ant\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant), n. [F., fr. lieu
place + tenant holding, p. pr. of tenir to hold, L. tenere.
See Lieu, and Tenant, and cf. Locum tenens.]
1. An officer who supplies the place of a superior in his
absence; a representative of, or substitute for, another
in the performance of any duty.
[1913 Webster]

The lawful magistrate, who is the vicegerent or
lieutenant of God. --Abp.
[1913 Webster]

(a) A commissioned officer in the army, next below a
(b) A commissioned officer in the British navy, in rank
next below a commander.
(c) A commissioned officer in the United States navy, in
rank next below a lieutenant commander.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Lieutenant is often used, either adjectively or in
hyphened compounds, to denote an officer, in rank next
below another, especially when the duties of the higher
officer may devolve upon the lower one; as, lieutenant
general, or lieutenant-general; lieutenant colonel, or
lieutenant-colonel; lieutenant governor, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Deputy lieutenant, the title of any one of the deputies or
assistants of the lord lieutenant of a county. [Eng.]

Lieutenant colonel, an army officer next in rank above
major, and below colonel.

Lieutenant commander, an officer in the United States navy,
in rank next below a commander and next above a

Lieutenant general. See in Vocabulary.

Lieutenant governor.
(a) An officer of a State, being next in rank to the
governor, and in case of the death or resignation of
the latter, himself acting as governor. [U. S.]
(b) A deputy governor acting as the chief civil officer of
one of several colonies under a governor general.
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenantry \Lieu*ten"ant*ry\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant*r[y^]), n.
See Lieutenancy. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Lieutenantship \Lieu*ten"ant*ship\ (l[-u]*t[e^]n"ant*sh[i^]p),
Same as Lieutenancy, 1.
[1913 Webster]
Lord lieutenant
Lord \Lord\, n. [OE. lord, laverd, loverd, AS. hl[=a]ford, for
hl[=a]fweard, i. e., bread keeper; hl[=a]f bread, loaf +
weardian to look after, to take care of, to ward. See Loaf,
and Ward to guard, and cf. Laird, Lady.]
1. One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a
governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor.
[1913 Webster]

But now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Man over men
He made not lord. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a
bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy;
the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an
earl; in a restricted sense, a baron, as opposed to
noblemen of higher rank. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for
honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate,
lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice,
etc. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

4. A husband. "My lord being old also." --Gen. xviii. 12.
[1913 Webster]

Thou worthy lord
Of that unworthy wife that greeteth thee. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Feudal Law) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male
owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord
of the manor.
[1913 Webster]

6. The Supreme Being; Jehovah.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When Lord, in the Old Testament, is printed in small
capitals, it is usually equivalent to Jehovah, and
might, with more propriety, be so rendered.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Christianity) The Savior; Jesus Christ.
[1913 Webster]

House of Lords, one of the constituent parts of the British
Parliament, consisting of the lords spiritual and

Lord high chancellor, Lord high constable, etc. See
Chancellor, Constable, etc.

Lord justice clerk, the second in rank of the two highest
judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord justice general, or Lord president, the highest in
rank of the judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord keeper, an ancient officer of the English crown, who
had the custody of the king's great seal, with authority
to affix it to public documents. The office is now merged
in that of the chancellor.

Lord lieutenant, a representative of British royalty: the
lord lieutenant of Ireland being the representative of
royalty there, and exercising supreme administrative
authority; the lord lieutenant of a county being a
deputy to manage its military concerns, and also to
nominate to the chancellor the justices of the peace for
that county.

Lord of misrule, the master of the revels at Christmas in a
nobleman's or other great house. --Eng. Cyc.

Lords spiritual, the archbishops and bishops who have seats
in the House of Lords.

Lords temporal, the peers of England; also, sixteen
representative peers of Scotland, and twenty-eight
representatives of the Irish peerage.

Our lord, Jesus Christ; the Savior.

The Lord's Day, Sunday; the Christian Sabbath, on which the
Lord Jesus rose from the dead.

The Lord's Prayer, (Christianity) the prayer which Jesus
taught his disciples, also called the Our Father.
--Matt. vi. 9-13.

The Lord's Supper.
(a) The paschal supper partaken of by Jesus the night
before his crucifixion.
(b) The sacrament of the eucharist; the holy communion.

The Lord's Table.
(a) The altar or table from which the sacrament is
(b) The sacrament itself.
[1913 Webster]
lord lieutenant of a county
Lord \Lord\, n. [OE. lord, laverd, loverd, AS. hl[=a]ford, for
hl[=a]fweard, i. e., bread keeper; hl[=a]f bread, loaf +
weardian to look after, to take care of, to ward. See Loaf,
and Ward to guard, and cf. Laird, Lady.]
1. One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a
governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor.
[1913 Webster]

But now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Man over men
He made not lord. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a
bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy;
the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an
earl; in a restricted sense, a baron, as opposed to
noblemen of higher rank. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for
honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate,
lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice,
etc. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

4. A husband. "My lord being old also." --Gen. xviii. 12.
[1913 Webster]

Thou worthy lord
Of that unworthy wife that greeteth thee. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Feudal Law) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male
owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord
of the manor.
[1913 Webster]

6. The Supreme Being; Jehovah.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When Lord, in the Old Testament, is printed in small
capitals, it is usually equivalent to Jehovah, and
might, with more propriety, be so rendered.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Christianity) The Savior; Jesus Christ.
[1913 Webster]

House of Lords, one of the constituent parts of the British
Parliament, consisting of the lords spiritual and

Lord high chancellor, Lord high constable, etc. See
Chancellor, Constable, etc.

Lord justice clerk, the second in rank of the two highest
judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord justice general, or Lord president, the highest in
rank of the judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord keeper, an ancient officer of the English crown, who
had the custody of the king's great seal, with authority
to affix it to public documents. The office is now merged
in that of the chancellor.

Lord lieutenant, a representative of British royalty: the
lord lieutenant of Ireland being the representative of
royalty there, and exercising supreme administrative
authority; the lord lieutenant of a county being a
deputy to manage its military concerns, and also to
nominate to the chancellor the justices of the peace for
that county.

Lord of misrule, the master of the revels at Christmas in a
nobleman's or other great house. --Eng. Cyc.

Lords spiritual, the archbishops and bishops who have seats
in the House of Lords.

Lords temporal, the peers of England; also, sixteen
representative peers of Scotland, and twenty-eight
representatives of the Irish peerage.

Our lord, Jesus Christ; the Savior.

The Lord's Day, Sunday; the Christian Sabbath, on which the
Lord Jesus rose from the dead.

The Lord's Prayer, (Christianity) the prayer which Jesus
taught his disciples, also called the Our Father.
--Matt. vi. 9-13.

The Lord's Supper.
(a) The paschal supper partaken of by Jesus the night
before his crucifixion.
(b) The sacrament of the eucharist; the holy communion.

The Lord's Table.
(a) The altar or table from which the sacrament is
(b) The sacrament itself.
[1913 Webster]
lord lieutenant of Ireland
Lord \Lord\, n. [OE. lord, laverd, loverd, AS. hl[=a]ford, for
hl[=a]fweard, i. e., bread keeper; hl[=a]f bread, loaf +
weardian to look after, to take care of, to ward. See Loaf,
and Ward to guard, and cf. Laird, Lady.]
1. One who has power and authority; a master; a ruler; a
governor; a prince; a proprietor, as of a manor.
[1913 Webster]

But now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Man over men
He made not lord. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. A titled nobleman., whether a peer of the realm or not; a
bishop, as a member of the House of Lords; by courtesy;
the son of a duke or marquis, or the eldest son of an
earl; in a restricted sense, a baron, as opposed to
noblemen of higher rank. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A title bestowed on the persons above named; and also, for
honor, on certain official persons; as, lord advocate,
lord chamberlain, lord chancellor, lord chief justice,
etc. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

4. A husband. "My lord being old also." --Gen. xviii. 12.
[1913 Webster]

Thou worthy lord
Of that unworthy wife that greeteth thee. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Feudal Law) One of whom a fee or estate is held; the male
owner of feudal land; as, the lord of the soil; the lord
of the manor.
[1913 Webster]

6. The Supreme Being; Jehovah.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When Lord, in the Old Testament, is printed in small
capitals, it is usually equivalent to Jehovah, and
might, with more propriety, be so rendered.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Christianity) The Savior; Jesus Christ.
[1913 Webster]

House of Lords, one of the constituent parts of the British
Parliament, consisting of the lords spiritual and

Lord high chancellor, Lord high constable, etc. See
Chancellor, Constable, etc.

Lord justice clerk, the second in rank of the two highest
judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord justice general, or Lord president, the highest in
rank of the judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland.

Lord keeper, an ancient officer of the English crown, who
had the custody of the king's great seal, with authority
to affix it to public documents. The office is now merged
in that of the chancellor.

Lord lieutenant, a representative of British royalty: the
lord lieutenant of Ireland being the representative of
royalty there, and exercising supreme administrative
authority; the lord lieutenant of a county being a
deputy to manage its military concerns, and also to
nominate to the chancellor the justices of the peace for
that county.

Lord of misrule, the master of the revels at Christmas in a
nobleman's or other great house. --Eng. Cyc.

Lords spiritual, the archbishops and bishops who have seats
in the House of Lords.

Lords temporal, the peers of England; also, sixteen
representative peers of Scotland, and twenty-eight
representatives of the Irish peerage.

Our lord, Jesus Christ; the Savior.

The Lord's Day, Sunday; the Christian Sabbath, on which the
Lord Jesus rose from the dead.

The Lord's Prayer, (Christianity) the prayer which Jesus
taught his disciples, also called the Our Father.
--Matt. vi. 9-13.

The Lord's Supper.
(a) The paschal supper partaken of by Jesus the night
before his crucifixion.
(b) The sacrament of the eucharist; the holy communion.

The Lord's Table.
(a) The altar or table from which the sacrament is
(b) The sacrament itself.
[1913 Webster]
Midshipman \Mid"ship`man\, n.; pl. Midshipmen.
[1913 Webster]
(a) Formerly, a kind of naval cadet, in a ship of war,
whose business was to carry orders, messages, reports,
etc., between the officers of the quarter-deck and
those of the forecastle, and render other services as
(b) In the English naval service, the second rank attained
by a combatant officer after a term of service as
naval cadet. Having served three and a half years in
this rank, and passed an examination, he is eligible
to promotion to the rank of lieutenant.
(c) In the United States navy, the lowest grade of
officers in line of promotion, being students or
graduates of the Naval Academy awaiting promotion to
the rank of ensign.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) An American marine fish of the genus Porichthys,
allied to the toadfish; also called singingfish.
[1913 Webster]

Cadet midshipman, formerly a title distinguishing a cadet
line officer from a cadet engineer at the U. S. Naval
Academy. See under Cadet.

Cadet midshipman, formerly, a naval cadet who had served
his time, passed his examinations, and was awaiting
promotion; -- now called, in the United States,
midshipman; in England, sublieutenant.
[1913 Webster]Sublieutenant \Sub`lieu*ten"ant\, n. [Pref. sub + lieutenant:
cf. F. sous-lieutenant.]
An inferior or second lieutenant; in the British service, a
commissioned officer of the lowest rank.
[1913 Webster]
Midshipman \Mid"ship`man\, n.; pl. Midshipmen.
[1913 Webster]
(a) Formerly, a kind of naval cadet, in a ship of war,
whose business was to carry orders, messages, reports,
etc., between the officers of the quarter-deck and
those of the forecastle, and render other services as
(b) In the English naval service, the second rank attained
by a combatant officer after a term of service as
naval cadet. Having served three and a half years in
this rank, and passed an examination, he is eligible
to promotion to the rank of lieutenant.
(c) In the United States navy, the lowest grade of
officers in line of promotion, being students or
graduates of the Naval Academy awaiting promotion to
the rank of ensign.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) An American marine fish of the genus Porichthys,
allied to the toadfish; also called singingfish.
[1913 Webster]

Cadet midshipman, formerly a title distinguishing a cadet
line officer from a cadet engineer at the U. S. Naval
Academy. See under Cadet.

Cadet midshipman, formerly, a naval cadet who had served
his time, passed his examinations, and was awaiting
promotion; -- now called, in the United States,
midshipman; in England, sublieutenant.
[1913 Webster]Sublieutenant \Sub`lieu*ten"ant\, n. [Pref. sub + lieutenant:
cf. F. sous-lieutenant.]
An inferior or second lieutenant; in the British service, a
commissioned officer of the lowest rank.
[1913 Webster]
1st lieutenant
1st lieutenant
n 1: a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marines
ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain [syn:
first lieutenant, 1st lieutenant]
2nd lieutenant
2nd lieutenant
n 1: a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine
Corps holding the lowest rank [syn: second lieutenant,
2nd lieutenant]
first lieutenant
first lieutenant
n 1: a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marines
ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain [syn:
first lieutenant, 1st lieutenant]
lieutenant colonel
lieutenant colonel
n 1: a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air
Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below
colonel [syn: lieutenant colonel, light colonel]
lieutenant commander
lieutenant commander
n 1: a commissioned officer in the Navy ranking above a
lieutenant and below a commander
lieutenant general
lieutenant general
n 1: a general officer ranking above a major general and below a
full general
lieutenant governor
lieutenant governor
n 1: an elected official serving as deputy to the governor of a
state of the United States
lieutenant jg
lieutenant JG
n 1: an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States
Navy or United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant and
above ensign [syn: lieutenant junior grade, {lieutenant
lieutenant junior grade
lieutenant junior grade
n 1: an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States
Navy or United States Coast Guard; below lieutenant and
above ensign [syn: lieutenant junior grade, {lieutenant
police lieutenant
police lieutenant
n 1: an officer in a police force [syn: lieutenant, {police
second lieutenant
second lieutenant
n 1: a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine
Corps holding the lowest rank [syn: second lieutenant,
2nd lieutenant]
n 1: an officer ranking next below a lieutenant
LIEUTENANT. This word has now a narrower meaning than it formerly had; its
true meaning is a deputy, a substitute, from the French lieu, (place or
post) and tenant (holder). Among civil officers we have lieutenant
governors, who in certain cases perform the duties of governors; (vide, the
names of the several states,) lieutenants of police, &c. Among military men,
lieutenant general was formerly the title of a commanding general, but now
it signifies the degree above major general. Lieutenant colonel, is the
officer between the colonel and the major. Lieutenant simply signifies the
officer next below a captain. In the navy, a lieutenant is the second
officer next in command to the captain of a ship.

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