liner,igelitový sáček do odpadkového koše n: Pino
liner,letadlo n: na pravidelné lince Pino
liner,loď n: zaoceánská, na pravidelné lince Pino
liner,parník n: Zdeněk Brož
liner,vložka n: válce spalovacího motoru Suky
liner,vystýlka n: Pino
Liner \Lin"er\ (l[imac]n"[~e]r), n.
1. One who lines, as, a liner of shoes or clothing.
[1913 Webster]

2. An airplane or ship belonging to a transportation company;
also, a line-of-battle ship; a ship of the line.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mach.) A thin piece placed between two parts to hold or
adjust them, fill a space, etc.; a shim.
[1913 Webster]

4. A lining[2]. Specifically: (Steam Engine) A lining
within the cylinder, in which the piston works and between
which and the outer shell of the cylinder a space is left
to form a steam jacket.
[1913 Webster]

5. A slab on which small pieces of marble, tile, etc., are
fastened for grinding.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Baseball) A ball which, when struck, flies through the
air in a nearly straight line not far from the ground;
also called line drive; as, he hit a sharp liner to
[1913 Webster]

7. A protective envelope for a phonograph record or other

8. A lining; as, a removable coat liner.

9. Same as eyeliner.
n 1: (baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter;
"the batter hit a liner to the shortstop" [syn: liner,
line drive]
2: a protective covering that protects an inside surface [syn:
lining, liner]
3: a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a
garment [syn: liner, lining]
4: a large commercial ship (especially one that carries
passengers on a regular schedule) [syn: liner, {ocean
podobné slovodefinícia
airliner,dopravní letadlo
Berliner,Berliner n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
cargo liner
cargo liner, n:
cholinergic, adj:
cruise liner
cruise liner, n:
express luxury liner
express luxury liner, n:
eyeliner,maskara n: Zdeněk Brožeyeliner,tužka na malování očí Zdeněk Brož
freight liner
freight liner, n:
hard-liner,zastánce tvrdé linie Zdeněk Brož
hardliner,extrémista Jaroslav Šedivýhardliner,stoupenec tvrdé linie Jaroslav Šedivýhardliner,zastánce tvrdé linie Zdeněk Brož
hardliners,extrémisté Zdeněk Brož
headliner,titulkový přístroj Zdeněk Brož
jetliner,tryskové dopravní letadlo Zdeněk Brož
liner notes
liner notes,
liner train
liner train, n:
luxury liner
luxury liner, n:
milliner,kloboučnice n: Zdeněk Brož
millinery,kloboučnictví n: Zdeněk Brož
ocean liner
ocean liner, n:
one-liner,jednořádkový např. program Nijel
party liner
party liner, n:
recliner,nastavitelné křeslo Zdeněk Brož
streamliner,aerodynamický vlak Zdeněk Brož
Berliner,Berlinern: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Aliner \A*lin"er\, n.
One who adjusts things to a line or lines or brings them into
line. --Evelyn.
[1913 Webster]
commercial airliner
Aerobus \A"["e]r*o*bus`\, n. [A["e]ro- + bus.]
An a["e]roplane or airship designed to carry passengers. Now
called a passenger plane or commercial airliner.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Decliner \De*clin"er\, n.
He who declines or rejects.
[1913 Webster]

A studious decliner of honors. --Evelyn.
[1913 Webster]
Discipliner \Dis"ci*plin*er\, n.
One who disciplines.
[1913 Webster]
eyeliner \eye"lin`er\ ([imac]"l[imac]`n[~e]r), n.
a cosmetic powder of a dark tint, applied to the eyelid close
to the base of the eyelashes to accentuate the eyes. Compare
eye shadow.
Flabellinerved \Fla*bel"li*nerved`\, a. [L. flabellum a fan + E.
nerve.] (Bot.)
Having many nerves diverging radiately from the base; -- said
of a leaf.
[1913 Webster]
Incliner \In*clin"er\, n.
One who, or that which, inclines; specifically, an inclined
[1913 Webster]
Liner \Lin"er\ (l[imac]n"[~e]r), n.
1. One who lines, as, a liner of shoes or clothing.
[1913 Webster]

2. An airplane or ship belonging to a transportation company;
also, a line-of-battle ship; a ship of the line.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mach.) A thin piece placed between two parts to hold or
adjust them, fill a space, etc.; a shim.
[1913 Webster]

4. A lining[2]. Specifically: (Steam Engine) A lining
within the cylinder, in which the piston works and between
which and the outer shell of the cylinder a space is left
to form a steam jacket.
[1913 Webster]

5. A slab on which small pieces of marble, tile, etc., are
fastened for grinding.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Baseball) A ball which, when struck, flies through the
air in a nearly straight line not far from the ground;
also called line drive; as, he hit a sharp liner to
[1913 Webster]

7. A protective envelope for a phonograph record or other

8. A lining; as, a removable coat liner.

9. Same as eyeliner.
Man milliner
Milliner \Mil"li*ner\, n. [From Milaner an inhabitant of Milan,
in Italy; hence, a man from Milan who imported women's
[1913 Webster]
1. Formerly, a man who imported and dealt in small articles
of a miscellaneous kind, especially such as please the
fancy of women. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

No milliner can so fit his customers with gloves.
[1913 Webster]

2. A person who designs, makes, trims, or deals in hats,
bonnets, headdresses, etc., for women.
[1913 Webster]

Man milliner, a man who makes or deals in millinery, that
occupation having been at one time predominantly performed
by women; hence, contemptuously, a man who is busied with
trifling occupations or embellishments.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Milliner \Mil"li*ner\, n. [From Milaner an inhabitant of Milan,
in Italy; hence, a man from Milan who imported women's
[1913 Webster]
1. Formerly, a man who imported and dealt in small articles
of a miscellaneous kind, especially such as please the
fancy of women. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

No milliner can so fit his customers with gloves.
[1913 Webster]

2. A person who designs, makes, trims, or deals in hats,
bonnets, headdresses, etc., for women.
[1913 Webster]

Man milliner, a man who makes or deals in millinery, that
occupation having been at one time predominantly performed
by women; hence, contemptuously, a man who is busied with
trifling occupations or embellishments.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Millinery \Mil"li*ner*y\, n.
1. The articles made or sold by milliners, as headdresses,
hats or bonnets, laces, ribbons, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. The business of work of a milliner.
[1913 Webster]
Penny-a-liner \Pen"ny-a-lin"er\, n.
One who furnishes matter to public journals at so much a
line; a poor writer for hire; a hack writer. --Thackeray.
[1913 Webster]
Recliner \Re*clin"er\ (r[-e]*kl[imac]n"[~e]r), n.
1. One who, or that which, reclines.
[1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: An armchair with a back that can be adjusted
to lean backward, and a footrest that can be moved up to
support the legs, or folded under the chair when the
person is sitting up; the back and footrest are often
geared so that they move together, allowing the chair to
be conveniently adjusted either for sitting up or for
lying back; also called a reclining chair.
Section liner
Section \Sec"tion\, n. [L. sectio, fr. secare, sectum, to cut;
akin to E. saw a cutting instrument: cf. F. section. See
Saw, and cf. Scion, Dissect, Insect, Secant,
1. The act of cutting, or separation by cutting; as, the
section of bodies.
[1913 Webster]

2. A part separated from something; a division; a portion; a
slice. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) A distinct part or portion of a book or writing; a
subdivision of a chapter; the division of a law or
other writing; a paragraph; an article; hence, the
character [sect], often used to denote such a
[1913 Webster]

It is hardly possible to give a distinct view of
his several arguments in distinct sections.
[1913 Webster]
(b) A distinct part of a country or people, community,
class, or the like; a part of a territory separated by
geographical lines, or of a people considered as
[1913 Webster]

The extreme section of one class consists of
bigoted dotards, the extreme section of the
other consists of shallow and reckless empirics.
[1913 Webster]
(c) One of the portions, of one square mile each, into
which the public lands of the United States are
divided; one thirty-sixth part of a township. These
sections are subdivided into quarter sections for sale
under the homestead and preemption laws.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) The figure made up of all the points common to a
superficies and a solid which meet, or to two superficies
which meet, or to two lines which meet. In the first case
the section is a superficies, in the second a line, and in
the third a point.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Nat. Hist.) A division of a genus; a group of species
separated by some distinction from others of the same
genus; -- often indicated by the sign [sect].
[1913 Webster]

5. (Mus.) A part of a musical period, composed of one or more
phrases. See Phrase.
[1913 Webster]

6. The description or representation of anything as it would
appear if cut through by any intersecting plane; depiction
of what is beyond a plane passing through, or supposed to
pass through, an object, as a building, a machine, a
succession of strata; profile.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In mechanical drawing, as in these Illustrations of a
cannon, a longitudinal section (a) usually represents
the object as cut through its center lengthwise and
vertically; a cross or transverse section (b), as cut
crosswise and vertically; and a horizontal section (c),
as cut through its center horizontally. Oblique
sections are made at various angles. In architecture, a
vertical section is a drawing showing the interior, the
thickness of the walls, etc., as if made on a vertical
plane passed through a building.
[1913 Webster]

Angular sections (Math.), a branch of analysis which treats
of the relations of sines, tangents, etc., of arcs to the
sines, tangents, etc., of their multiples or of their
parts. [R.]

Conic sections. (Geom.) See under Conic.

Section liner (Drawing), an instrument to aid in drawing a
series of equidistant parallel lines, -- used in
representing sections.

Thin section, a section or slice, as of mineral, animal, or
vegetable substance, thin enough to be transparent, and
used for study under the microscope.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Part; portion; division.

Usage: Section, Part. The English more commonly apply the
word section to a part or portion of a body of men;
as, a section of the clergy, a small section of the
Whigs, etc. In the United States this use is less
common, but another use, unknown or but little known
in England, is very frequent, as in the phrases "the
eastern section of our country," etc., the same sense
being also given to the adjective sectional; as,
sectional feelings, interests, etc.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a commercial airplane that carries passengers
adj 1: inhibiting or blocking the action of acetylcholine at a
receptor site; "anticholinergic drugs" [ant:
n 1: a substance that opposes or blocks the action of
acetylcholine [syn: anticholinergic, {anticholinergic
anticholinergic drug
anticholinergic drug
n 1: a substance that opposes or blocks the action of
acetylcholine [syn: anticholinergic, {anticholinergic
ayapana triplinervis
Ayapana triplinervis
n 1: low spreading tropical American shrub with long slender
leaves used to make a mildly stimulating drink resembling
tea; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium [syn: ayapana,
Ayapana triplinervis, Eupatorium aya-pana]
n 1: an inhabitant of Berlin
bin liner
bin liner
n 1: a plastic bag used to line a trash or garbage bin
cabin liner
cabin liner
n 1: a liner with cabins for passengers
cargo liner
cargo liner
n 1: a liner that carries cargo
adj 1: releasing or activated by acetylcholine or a related
compound [ant: anticholinergic]
cruise liner
cruise liner
n 1: a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises
[syn: cruise ship, cruise liner]
n 1: a resident of Dublin
express luxury liner
express luxury liner
n 1: a liner equipped for sumptuous living [syn: luxury liner,
express luxury liner]
n 1: makeup applied to emphasize the shape of the eyes
freight liner
freight liner
n 1: a long-distance express freight train between industrial
centers and seaports with facilities for rapid loading and
unloading of goods [syn: freight liner, liner train]
n 1: a conservative who is uncompromising
n 1: a performer who receives prominent billing [syn:
headliner, star]
n 1: a large jet plane that carries passengers
liner train
liner train
n 1: a long-distance express freight train between industrial
centers and seaports with facilities for rapid loading and
unloading of goods [syn: freight liner, liner train]
luxury liner
luxury liner
n 1: a liner equipped for sumptuous living [syn: luxury liner,
express luxury liner]
n 1: someone who makes and sells hats [syn: hatmaker,
hatter, milliner, modiste]
n 1: shop selling women's hats [syn: millinery, hat shop]
2: hats for women; the wares sold by a milliner [syn:
millinery, woman's hat]
ocean liner
ocean liner
n 1: a large commercial ship (especially one that carries
passengers on a regular schedule) [syn: liner, {ocean
n 1: a one-line joke
party liner
party liner
n 1: a member of a political party who follows strictly the
party line [syn: party man, party liner]
n 1: an armchair whose back can be lowered and foot can be
raised to allow the sitter to recline in it [syn:
recliner, reclining chair, lounger]
n 1: a streamlined train
west berliner
West Berliner
n 1: an inhabitant of West Berlin
one-liner wars
one-liner wars

A game popular among hackers who code
in the language APL (see write-only language and {line
noise}). The objective is to see who can code the most
interesting and/or useful routine in one line of operators
chosen from APL's exceedingly hairy primitive set. A
similar amusement was practiced among TECO hackers and is
now popular among Perl aficionados.

Ken Iverson, the inventor of APL, has been credited with a
one-liner that, given a number N, produces a list of the prime
numbers from 1 to N inclusive. It looks like this:

(2 = 0 +.= T o.| T) / T
one-liner wars
one-liner wars

A game popular among hackers who code in the language APL (see {write-only
language} and line noise). The objective is to see who can code the most
interesting and/or useful routine in one line of operators chosen from
APL's exceedingly hairy primitive set. A similar amusement was practiced
among TECO hackers and is now popular among Perl aficionados.

Ken Iverson, the inventor of APL, has been credited with a one-liner that,
given a number N, produces a list of the prime numbers from 1 to N
inclusive. It looks like this:


Here's a Perl program that prints primes:

perl -wle '(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ++ $_'

In the Perl world this game is sometimes called Perl Golf because the
player with the fewest (key)strokes wins.

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