mortar,hmoždíř Zdeněk Brož
mortar,malta Jan Hradil
mortar,minomet n: [voj.] mamm
mortar,moždíř n: [voj.] mamm
mortar,odpálit moždíř v: [voj.] mamm
mortar,omítnout v: mamm
mortar,ostřelovat z minometu v: [voj.] mamm
mortar,rozmělnit v moždíři v: mamm
mortar,třecí miska n: [chem.] mamm
Mortar \Mor"tar\, v. t.
To plaster or make fast with mortar.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [F. mortier. See Mortar a vessel.]
A chamber lamp or light. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster] mortarboard
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. mortier, F. mortier, L. mortarium
mortar, a large basin or trough in which mortar is made, a
mortar (in sense 1, above). See 1st Mortar.] (Arch.)
A building material made by mixing lime, cement, or plaster
of Paris, with sand, water, and sometimes other materials; --
used in masonry for joining stones, bricks, etc., also for
plastering, and in other ways.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed, a shallow box or receptacle in which mortar is
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that
fires shells at high elevations for a short range [syn:
mortar, howitzer, trench mortar]
2: used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall
3: a bowl-shaped vessel in which substances can be ground and
mixed with a pestle
v 1: plaster with mortar; "mortar the wall"
podobné slovodefinícia
brick-and-mortar store
brick-and-mortar store,kamenný obchod n: Ivan Masár
countermortar fire
countermortar fire, n:
mortar and pestle
mortar and pestle,třecí miska s tloučkem n: vybavení chem.
laboratoře -pv-
mortar fire
mortar fire, n:
mortarboard,slavnostní pokrývka hlavy na univerzitě Zdeněk Brož
mortared,omítnutý adj: Zdeněk Brožmortared,ostřelovaný minometem Zdeněk Brož
mortaring,omítání n: Zdeněk Brožmortaring,ostřelování minometem Zdeněk Brož
mortars,minomety n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
trench mortar
trench mortar, n:
Diamond mortar
Diamond \Di"a*mond\ (?; 277), n. [OE. diamaund, diamaunt, F.
diamant, corrupted, fr. L. adamas, the hardest iron, steel,
diamond, Gr. ?. Perh. the corruption is due to the influence
of Gr. ? transparent. See Adamant, Tame.]
1. A precious stone or gem excelling in brilliancy and
beautiful play of prismatic colors, and remarkable for
extreme hardness.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The diamond is native carbon in isometric crystals,
often octahedrons with rounded edges. It is usually
colorless, but some are yellow, green, blue, and even
black. It is the hardest substance known. The diamond
as found in nature (called a rough diamond) is cut, for
use in jewelry, into various forms with many reflecting
faces, or facets, by which its brilliancy is much
increased. See Brilliant, Rose. Diamonds are said
to be of the first water when very transparent, and of
the second or third water as the transparency
[1913 Webster]

2. A geometrical figure, consisting of four equal straight
lines, and having two of the interior angles acute and two
obtuse; a rhombus; a lozenge.
[1913 Webster]

3. One of a suit of playing cards, stamped with the figure of
a diamond.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Arch.) A pointed projection, like a four-sided pyramid,
used for ornament in lines or groups.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Baseball) The infield; the square space, 90 feet on a
side, having the bases at its angles.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Print.) The smallest kind of type in English printing,
except that called brilliant, which is seldom seen.
[1913 Webster]

Black diamond, coal; (Min.) See Carbonado.

Bristol diamond. See Bristol stone, under Bristol.

Diamond beetle (Zool.), a large South American weevil
(Entimus imperialis), remarkable for its splendid luster
and colors, due to minute brilliant scales.

Diamond bird (Zool.), a small Australian bird ({Pardalotus
punctatus}, family Ampelid[ae].). It is black, with
white spots.

Diamond drill (Engin.), a rod or tube the end of which is
set with black diamonds; -- used for perforating hard
substances, esp. for boring in rock.

Diamond finch (Zool.), a small Australian sparrow, often
kept in a cage. Its sides are black, with conspicuous
white spots, and the rump is bright carmine.

Diamond groove (Iron Working), a groove of V-section in a

Diamond mortar (Chem.), a small steel mortar used for
pulverizing hard substances.

Diamond-point tool, a cutting tool whose point is

Diamond snake (Zool.), a harmless snake of Australia
(Morelia spilotes); the carpet snake.

Glazier's diamond, a small diamond set in a glazier's tool,
for cutting glass.
[1913 Webster]
Gauged mortar
Gauged \Gauged\, p. a.
Tested or measured by, or conformed to, a gauge.
[1913 Webster]

Gauged brick, brick molded, rubbed, or cut to an exact size
and shape, for arches or ornamental work.

Gauged mortar. See Gauge stuff, under Gauge, n.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar \Mor"tar\, v. t.
To plaster or make fast with mortar.
[1913 Webster]Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [F. mortier. See Mortar a vessel.]
A chamber lamp or light. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster] mortarboardMortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. mortier, F. mortier, L. mortarium
mortar, a large basin or trough in which mortar is made, a
mortar (in sense 1, above). See 1st Mortar.] (Arch.)
A building material made by mixing lime, cement, or plaster
of Paris, with sand, water, and sometimes other materials; --
used in masonry for joining stones, bricks, etc., also for
plastering, and in other ways.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed, a shallow box or receptacle in which mortar is
[1913 Webster]
Mortar bed
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. mortier, F. mortier, L. mortarium
mortar, a large basin or trough in which mortar is made, a
mortar (in sense 1, above). See 1st Mortar.] (Arch.)
A building material made by mixing lime, cement, or plaster
of Paris, with sand, water, and sometimes other materials; --
used in masonry for joining stones, bricks, etc., also for
plastering, and in other ways.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed, a shallow box or receptacle in which mortar is
[1913 Webster]
mortar board
mortarboard \mortarboard\, mortar board \mortar board\n.
1. A small square board with a handle beneath, for holding
mortar; a hawk; used by masons to hold or carry mortar.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. An academic cap topped by broad, projecting, stiff and
flat square top, with a tassel attached to the top and
hanging down. It was once worn by students in some
colleges, but is now worn usually only at graduation
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]Trencher \Trench"er\, n. [OE. trencheoir, F. tranchoir, fr.
trancher to cut, carve. See Trench, v. t.]
1. One who trenches; esp., one who cuts or digs ditches.
[1913 Webster]

2. A large wooden plate or platter, as for table use.
[1913 Webster]

3. The table; hence, the pleasures of the table; food.
[1913 Webster]

It could be no ordinary declension of nature that
could bring some men, after an ingenuous education,
to place their "summum bonum" upon their trenchers.
[1913 Webster]

Trencher cap, the cap worn by studens at Oxford and
Cambridge Universities, having a stiff, flat, square
appendage at top. A similar cap used in the United States
is called Oxford cap, mortar board, etc.

Trencher fly, a person who haunts the tables of others; a
parasite. [R.] --L'Estrange.

Trencher friend, one who frequents the tables of others; a

Trencher mate, a table companion; a parasite; a trencher
fly. --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar boat
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar piece
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Mortar vessel
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Bomb \Bomb\, n. [F. bombe bombshell, fr. L. bombus a humming or
buzzing noise, Gr. ?.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A great noise; a hollow sound. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

A pillar of iron . . . which if you had struck,
would make . . . a great bomb in the chamber
beneath. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) A shell; esp. a spherical shell, like those fired
from mortars. See Shell.
[1913 Webster]

3. A bomb ketch.
[1913 Webster]

Bomb chest (Mil.), a chest filled with bombs, or only with
gunpowder, placed under ground, to cause destruction by
its explosion.

Bomb ketch, Bomb vessel (Naut.), a small ketch or vessel,
very strongly built, on which mortars are mounted to be
used in naval bombardments; -- called also {mortar

Bomb lance, a lance or harpoon with an explosive head, used
in whale fishing.

Volcanic bomb, a mass of lava of a spherical or pear shape.
"I noticed volcanic bombs." --Darwin.
[1913 Webster]
mortar vessel
Mortar \Mor"tar\, n. [OE. morter, AS. mort[=e]re, L. mortarium:
cf. F. mortier mortar. Cf. sense 2 (below), also 2d Mortar,
Martel, Morter.]
1. A strong vessel, commonly in form of an inverted bell, in
which substances are pounded or rubbed with a pestle.
[1913 Webster]

2. [F. mortier, fr. L. mortarium mortar (for trituarating).]
(Mil.) A short piece of ordnance, used for throwing bombs,
carcasses, shells, etc., at high angles of elevation, as
45[deg], and even higher; -- so named from its resemblance
in shape to the utensil above described.
[1913 Webster]

Mortar bed (Mil.), a framework of wood and iron, suitably
hollowed out to receive the breech and trunnions of a

Mortar boat or Mortar vessel (Naut.), a boat strongly
built and adapted to carrying a mortar or mortars for
bombarding; a bomb ketch.

Mortar piece, a mortar. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Bomb \Bomb\, n. [F. bombe bombshell, fr. L. bombus a humming or
buzzing noise, Gr. ?.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A great noise; a hollow sound. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

A pillar of iron . . . which if you had struck,
would make . . . a great bomb in the chamber
beneath. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) A shell; esp. a spherical shell, like those fired
from mortars. See Shell.
[1913 Webster]

3. A bomb ketch.
[1913 Webster]

Bomb chest (Mil.), a chest filled with bombs, or only with
gunpowder, placed under ground, to cause destruction by
its explosion.

Bomb ketch, Bomb vessel (Naut.), a small ketch or vessel,
very strongly built, on which mortars are mounted to be
used in naval bombardments; -- called also {mortar

Bomb lance, a lance or harpoon with an explosive head, used
in whale fishing.

Volcanic bomb, a mass of lava of a spherical or pear shape.
"I noticed volcanic bombs." --Darwin.
[1913 Webster]
mortarboard \mortarboard\, mortar board \mortar board\n.
1. A small square board with a handle beneath, for holding
mortar; a hawk; used by masons to hold or carry mortar.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. An academic cap topped by broad, projecting, stiff and
flat square top, with a tassel attached to the top and
hanging down. It was once worn by students in some
colleges, but is now worn usually only at graduation
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Stone \Stone\, n. [OE. ston, stan, AS. st[=a]n; akin to OS. &
OFries. st[=e]n, D. steen, G. stein, Icel. steinn, Sw. sten,
Dan. steen, Goth. stains, Russ. stiena a wall, Gr. ?, ?, a
pebble. [root]167. Cf. Steen.]
1. Concreted earthy or mineral matter; also, any particular
mass of such matter; as, a house built of stone; the boy
threw a stone; pebbles are rounded stones. "Dumb as a
stone." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

They had brick for stone, and slime . . . for
mortar. --Gen. xi. 3.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In popular language, very large masses of stone are
called rocks; small masses are called stones; and the
finer kinds, gravel, or sand, or grains of sand. Stone
is much and widely used in the construction of
buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers,
abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. A precious stone; a gem. "Many a rich stone." --Chaucer.
"Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Something made of stone. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) The glass of a mirror; a mirror. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Lend me a looking-glass;
If that her breath will mist or stain the stone,
Why, then she lives. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
(b) A monument to the dead; a gravestone. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

Should some relenting eye
Glance on the where our cold relics lie. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Med.) A calculous concretion, especially one in the
kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
[1913 Webster]

5. One of the testes; a testicle. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Bot.) The hard endocarp of drupes; as, the stone of a
cherry or peach. See Illust. of Endocarp.
[1913 Webster]

7. A weight which legally is fourteen pounds, but in practice
varies with the article weighed. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The stone of butchers' meat or fish is reckoned at 8
lbs.; of cheese, 16 lbs.; of hemp, 32 lbs.; of glass, 5
[1913 Webster]

8. Fig.: Symbol of hardness and insensibility; torpidness;
insensibility; as, a heart of stone.
[1913 Webster]

I have not yet forgot myself to stone. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Print.) A stand or table with a smooth, flat top of
stone, commonly marble, on which to arrange the pages of a
book, newspaper, etc., before printing; -- called also
imposing stone.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Stone is used adjectively or in composition with other
words to denote made of stone, containing a stone or
stones, employed on stone, or, more generally, of or
pertaining to stone or stones; as, stone fruit, or
stone-fruit; stone-hammer, or stone hammer; stone
falcon, or stone-falcon. Compounded with some
adjectives it denotes a degree of the quality expressed
by the adjective equal to that possessed by a stone;
as, stone-dead, stone-blind, stone-cold, stone-still,
[1913 Webster]

Atlantic stone, ivory. [Obs.] "Citron tables, or Atlantic
stone." --Milton.

Bowing stone. Same as Cromlech. --Encyc. Brit.

Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as
after the explosion of a meteor.

Philosopher's stone. See under Philosopher.

Rocking stone. See Rocking-stone.

Stone age, a supposed prehistoric age of the world when
stone and bone were habitually used as the materials for
weapons and tools; -- called also flint age. The {bronze
age} succeeded to this.

Stone bass (Zool.), any one of several species of marine
food fishes of the genus Serranus and allied genera, as
Serranus Couchii, and Polyprion cernium of Europe; --
called also sea perch.

Stone biter (Zool.), the wolf fish.

Stone boiling, a method of boiling water or milk by
dropping hot stones into it, -- in use among savages.

Stone borer (Zool.), any animal that bores stones;
especially, one of certain bivalve mollusks which burrow
in limestone. See Lithodomus, and Saxicava.

Stone bramble (Bot.), a European trailing species of
bramble (Rubus saxatilis).

Stone-break. [Cf. G. steinbrech.] (Bot.) Any plant of the
genus Saxifraga; saxifrage.

Stone bruise, a sore spot on the bottom of the foot, from a
bruise by a stone.

Stone canal. (Zool.) Same as Sand canal, under Sand.

Stone cat (Zool.), any one of several species of small
fresh-water North American catfishes of the genus
Noturus. They have sharp pectoral spines with which they
inflict painful wounds.

Stone coal, hard coal; mineral coal; anthracite coal.

Stone coral (Zool.), any hard calcareous coral.

Stone crab. (Zool.)
(a) A large crab (Menippe mercenaria) found on the
southern coast of the United States and much used as
(b) A European spider crab (Lithodes maia).

Stone crawfish (Zool.), a European crawfish ({Astacus
torrentium}), by many writers considered only a variety of
the common species (Astacus fluviatilis).

Stone curlew. (Zool.)
(a) A large plover found in Europe ({Edicnemus
crepitans}). It frequents stony places. Called also
thick-kneed plover or bustard, and thick-knee.
(b) The whimbrel. [Prov. Eng.]
(c) The willet. [Local, U.S.]

Stone crush. Same as Stone bruise, above.

Stone eater. (Zool.) Same as Stone borer, above.

Stone falcon (Zool.), the merlin.

Stone fern (Bot.), a European fern (Asplenium Ceterach)
which grows on rocks and walls.

Stone fly (Zool.), any one of many species of
pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Perla and allied
genera; a perlid. They are often used by anglers for bait.
The larvae are aquatic.

Stone fruit (Bot.), any fruit with a stony endocarp; a
drupe, as a peach, plum, or cherry.

Stone grig (Zool.), the mud lamprey, or pride.

Stone hammer, a hammer formed with a face at one end, and a
thick, blunt edge, parallel with the handle, at the other,
-- used for breaking stone.

Stone hawk (Zool.), the merlin; -- so called from its habit
of sitting on bare stones.

Stone jar, a jar made of stoneware.

Stone lily (Paleon.), a fossil crinoid.

Stone lugger. (Zool.) See Stone roller, below.

Stone marten (Zool.), a European marten (Mustela foina)
allied to the pine marten, but having a white throat; --
called also beech marten.

Stone mason, a mason who works or builds in stone.

Stone-mortar (Mil.), a kind of large mortar formerly used
in sieges for throwing a mass of small stones short

Stone oil, rock oil, petroleum.

Stone parsley (Bot.), an umbelliferous plant ({Seseli
Labanotis}). See under Parsley.

Stone pine. (Bot.) A nut pine. See the Note under Pine,
and Pi[~n]on.

Stone pit, a quarry where stones are dug.

Stone pitch, hard, inspissated pitch.

Stone plover. (Zool.)
(a) The European stone curlew.
(b) Any one of several species of Asiatic plovers of the
genus Esacus; as, the large stone plover ({Esacus
(c) The gray or black-bellied plover. [Prov. Eng.]
(d) The ringed plover.
(e) The bar-tailed godwit. [Prov. Eng.] Also applied to
other species of limicoline birds.

Stone roller. (Zool.)
(a) An American fresh-water fish (Catostomus nigricans)
of the Sucker family. Its color is yellowish olive,
often with dark blotches. Called also stone lugger,
stone toter, hog sucker, hog mullet.
(b) A common American cyprinoid fish ({Campostoma
anomalum}); -- called also stone lugger.

Stone's cast, or Stone's throw, the distance to which a
stone may be thrown by the hand; as, they live a stone's
throw from each other.

Stone snipe (Zool.), the greater yellowlegs, or tattler.
[Local, U.S.]

Stone toter. (Zool.)
(a) See Stone roller
(a), above.
(b) A cyprinoid fish (Exoglossum maxillingua) found in
the rivers from Virginia to New York. It has a
three-lobed lower lip; -- called also cutlips.

To leave no stone unturned, to do everything that can be
done; to use all practicable means to effect an object.
[1913 Webster]
Unmortared \Unmortared\
See mortared.
bricks and mortar
bricks and mortar
n 1: building material consisting of bricks laid with mortar
between them
countermortar fire
countermortar fire
n 1: mortar fire intended to destroy or neutralize enemy weapons
mortar fire
mortar fire
n 1: artillery fire delivered by a mortar
n 1: a square board with a handle underneath; used by masons to
hold or carry mortar [syn: mortarboard, hawk]
2: an academic cap with a flat square with a tassel on top
trench mortar
trench mortar
n 1: a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that
fires shells at high elevations for a short range [syn:
mortar, howitzer, trench mortar]

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