- operácia
operations,operace n: Zdeněk Brož
operations \operations\ n. (Finance)
financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the
execution of trades and keeping customer records.

Syn: trading operations.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with
the execution of trades and keeping customer records [syn:
operations, trading operations]
podobné slovodefinícia
adjustments by non-cash operations
adjustments by non-cash operations,úpravy o nepeněžní
operace [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
chemical operations
chemical operations, n:
debt-reduction operations
debt-reduction operations,
exchange regime and market operations division
Exchange Regime and Market Operations Division,
field of operations
field of operations, n:
financial planning and operations division
Financial Planning and Operations Division,
microoperations,mikrooperace n: Zdeněk Brož
million floating point operations per second
million floating point operations per second, n:
monetary operations division
Monetary Operations Division,
official financing operations division
Official Financing Operations Division,
open market operations
open market operations,operace na otevřeném trhu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskačopen market operations,operace na volném trhu Mgr. Dita Gálová
operations account
operations account,
operations division
Operations Division,
operations division for general resources
Operations Division for General Resources,
operations division for sdrs and administered accounts
Operations Division for SDRs and Administered Accounts,
operations research
operations research, n:
possible adjustments by other non-cash operations
possible adjustments by other non-cash operations,případné úpravy o
ostatní nepěněžní operace [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár
prgf operations division
PRGF Operations Division,
profit/loss from financial operations
profit/loss from financial operations,finanční výsledek
hospodaření [ekon.] výkaz zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár
riot control operations
riot control operations, n:
special operations division
Special Operations Division,
stand-by operations division
Stand-By Operations Division,
technology operations division
Technology Operations Division,
theater of operations
theater of operations, n:
theatre of operations
theatre of operations, n:
trading operations
trading operations, n:
trillion floating point operations per second
trillion floating point operations per second, n:
trust for special esaf operations for the heavily indebted poor countries and interim esaf subsidy operations
Trust for Special ESAF Operations for the Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries and Interim ESAF Subsidy Operations,
air force special operations command
Air Force Special Operations Command,AFSOC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
military operations other than war
Military Operations Other Than War,MOOTW[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
operations and maintenance
Operations and Maintenance,O&M[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
special operations command
Special Operations Command,SOC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
special operations forces
Special Operations Forces,SOF[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
A deep line of operations
Deep \Deep\ (d[=e]p), a. [Compar. Deeper (d[=e]p"[~e]r);
superl. Deepest (d[=e]p"[e^]st).] [OE. dep, deop, AS.
de['o]p; akin to D. diep, G. tief, Icel. dj[=u]pr, Sw. diup,
Dan. dyb, Goth. diups; fr. the root of E. dip, dive. See
Dip, Dive.]
1. Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular
dimension (measured from the surface downward, and
distinguished from high, which is measured upward); far to
the bottom; having a certain depth; as, a deep sea.
[1913 Webster]

The water where the brook is deep. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Extending far back from the front or outer part; of great
horizontal dimension (measured backward from the front or
nearer part, mouth, etc.); as, a deep cave or recess or
wound; a gallery ten seats deep; a company of soldiers six
files deep.
[1913 Webster]

Shadowing squadrons deep. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Safely in harbor
Is the king's ship in the deep nook. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Low in situation; lying far below the general surface; as,
a deep valley.
[1913 Webster]

4. Hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; -- opposed to
shallow or superficial; intricate; mysterious; not
obvious; obscure; as, a deep subject or plot.
[1913 Webster]

Speculations high or deep. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

A question deep almost as the mystery of life. --De
[1913 Webster]

O Lord, . . . thy thoughts are very deep. --Ps.
xcii. 5.
[1913 Webster]

5. Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial;
thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning.
[1913 Webster]

Deep clerks she dumbs. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. Profound; thorough; complete; unmixed; intense; heavy;
heartfelt; as, deep distress; deep melancholy; deep
horror. "Deep despair." --Milton. "Deep silence."
--Milton. "Deep sleep." --Gen. ii. 21. "Deeper darkness."
--Hoole. "Their deep poverty." --2 Cor. viii. 2.
[1913 Webster]

An attitude of deep respect. --Motley.
[1913 Webster]

7. Strongly colored; dark; intense; not light or thin; as,
deep blue or crimson.
[1913 Webster]

8. Of low tone; full-toned; not high or sharp; grave; heavy.
"The deep thunder." --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

The bass of heaven's deep organ. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

9. Muddy; boggy; sandy; -- said of roads. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

The ways in that vale were very deep. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

A deep line of operations (Military), a long line.

Deep mourning (Costume), mourning complete and strongly
marked, the garments being not only all black, but also
composed of lusterless materials and of such fashion as is
identified with mourning garments.
[1913 Webster]
Calculus of operations
Operation \Op`er*a"tion\, n. [L. operatio: cf. F. op['e]ration.]
1. The act or process of operating; agency; the exertion of
power, physical, mechanical, or moral.
[1913 Webster]

The pain and sickness caused by manna are the
effects of its operation on the stomach. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

Speculative painting, without the assistance of
manual operation, can never attain to perfection.
[1913 Webster]

2. The method of working; mode of action.
[1913 Webster]

3. That which is operated or accomplished; an effect brought
about in accordance with a definite plan; as, military or
naval operations.
[1913 Webster]

4. Effect produced; influence. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

The bards . . . had great operation on the vulgar.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Math.) Something to be done; some transformation to be
made upon quantities or mathematical objects, the
transformation being indicated either by rules or symbols.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Surg.) Any methodical action of the hand, or of the hand
with instruments, on the human body, to produce a curative
or remedial effect, as in amputation, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Calculus of operations. See under Calculus.
[1913 Webster]Calculus \Cal"cu*lus\, n.; pl. Calculi. [L, calculus. See
Calculate, and Calcule.]
1. (Med.) Any solid concretion, formed in any part of the
body, but most frequent in the organs that act as
reservoirs, and in the passages connected with them; as,
biliary calculi; urinary calculi, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) A method of computation; any process of reasoning
by the use of symbols; any branch of mathematics that may
involve calculation.
[1913 Webster]

Barycentric calculus, a method of treating geometry by
defining a point as the center of gravity of certain other
points to which co["e]fficients or weights are ascribed.

Calculus of functions, that branch of mathematics which
treats of the forms of functions that shall satisfy given

Calculus of operations, that branch of mathematical logic
that treats of all operations that satisfy given

Calculus of probabilities, the science that treats of the
computation of the probabilities of events, or the
application of numbers to chance.

Calculus of variations, a branch of mathematics in which
the laws of dependence which bind the variable quantities
together are themselves subject to change.

Differential calculus, a method of investigating
mathematical questions by using the ratio of certain
indefinitely small quantities called differentials. The
problems are primarily of this form: to find how the
change in some variable quantity alters at each instant
the value of a quantity dependent upon it.

Exponential calculus, that part of algebra which treats of

Imaginary calculus, a method of investigating the relations
of real or imaginary quantities by the use of the
imaginary symbols and quantities of algebra.

Integral calculus, a method which in the reverse of the
differential, the primary object of which is to learn from
the known ratio of the indefinitely small changes of two
or more magnitudes, the relation of the magnitudes
themselves, or, in other words, from having the
differential of an algebraic expression to find the
expression itself.
[1913 Webster]
Front of operations
Front \Front\ (fr[u^]nt), n. [F. frant forehead, L. frons,
frontis; perh. akin to E. brow.]
1. The forehead or brow, the part of the face above the eyes;
sometimes, also, the whole face.
[1913 Webster]

Bless'd with his father's front, his mother's
tongue. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

Grim-visaged war hath smoothed his wrinkled front.
[1913 Webster]

His front yet threatens, and his frowns command.
[1913 Webster]

2. The forehead, countenance, or personal presence, as
expressive of character or temper, and especially, of
boldness of disposition, sometimes of impudence; seeming;
as, a bold front; a hardened front; hence, an attitude and
demeanor intended to represent one's feelings, even if not
actually felt; as, to put on a good front.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

With smiling fronts encountering. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The inhabitants showed a bold front. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

3. The part or surface of anything which seems to look out,
or to be directed forward; the fore or forward part; the
foremost rank; the van; -- the opposite to back or rear;
as, the front of a house; the front of an army.
[1913 Webster]

Had he his hurts before?
Ay, on the front. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A position directly before the face of a person, or before
the foremost part of a thing; as, in front of un person,
of the troops, or of a house.
[1913 Webster]

5. The most conspicuous part.
[1913 Webster]

The very head and front of my offending. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. That which covers the foremost part of the head: a front
piece of false hair worn by women.
[1913 Webster]

Like any plain Miss Smith's, who wears s front.
[1913 Webster]

7. The beginning. "Summer's front." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Fort.) All the works along one side of the polygon
inclosing the site which is fortified.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

9. (Phon.) The middle of the upper part of the tongue, -- the
part of the tongue which is more or less raised toward the
palate in the pronunciation of certain sounds, as the
vowel i in machine, e in bed, and consonant y in you. See
Guide to Pronunciation, [sect]10.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

10. The call boy whose turn it is to answer the call, which
is often the word "front," used as an exclamation. [Hotel
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Bastioned front (Mil.), a curtain connerting two half

Front door, the door in the front wall of a building,
usually the principal entrance.

Front of fortification, the works constructed upon any one
side of a polygon. --Farrow.

Front of operations, all that part of the field of
operations in front of the successive positions occupied
by the army as it moves forward. --Farrow.

To come to the front, to attain prominence or leadership.
[1913 Webster]
Line of operations
Line \Line\, n. [OE. line, AS. l[imac]ne cable, hawser, prob.
from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax,
thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by
F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See Linen.]
1. A linen thread or string; a slender, strong cord; also, a
cord of any thickness; a rope; a hawser; as, a fishing
line; a line for snaring birds; a clothesline; a towline.
[1913 Webster]

Who so layeth lines for to latch fowls. --Piers
[1913 Webster]

2. A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver;
any long mark; as, a chalk line.
[1913 Webster]

3. The course followed by anything in motion; hence, a road
or route; as, the arrow descended in a curved line; the
place is remote from lines of travel.
[1913 Webster]

4. Direction; as, the line of sight or vision.
[1913 Webster]

5. A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed; esp., a
row of words extending across a page or column.
[1913 Webster]

6. A short letter; a note; as, a line from a friend.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Poet.) A verse, or the words which form a certain number
of feet, according to the measure.
[1913 Webster]

In the preceding line Ulysses speaks of Nausicaa.
[1913 Webster]

8. Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy; method
of argument; department of industry, trade, or
intellectual activity.
[1913 Webster]

He is uncommonly powerful in his own line, but it is
not the line of a first-rate man. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Math.) That which has length, but not breadth or
[1913 Webster]

10. The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory;
boundary; contour; outline.
[1913 Webster]

Eden stretched her line
From Auran eastward to the royal towers
Of great Seleucia. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

11. A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence,
characteristic mark.
[1913 Webster]

Though on his brow were graven lines austere.
[1913 Webster]

He tipples palmistry, and dines
On all her fortune-telling lines. --Cleveland.
[1913 Webster]

12. Lineament; feature; figure. "The lines of my boy's face."
[1913 Webster]

13. A straight row; a continued series or rank; as, a line of
houses, or of soldiers; a line of barriers.
[1913 Webster]

Unite thy forces and attack their lines. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

14. A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a
given person; a family or race; as, the ascending or
descending line; the line of descent; the male line; a
line of kings.
[1913 Webster]

Of his lineage am I, and his offspring
By very line, as of the stock real. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

15. A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an
established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.;
as, a line of stages; an express line.
[1913 Webster]

16. (Geog.)
(a) A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented
on a map.
(b) The equator; -- usually called the line, or
equinoctial line; as, to cross the line.
[1913 Webster]

17. A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked
with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring; a
[1913 Webster]

18. (Script.)
(a) A measuring line or cord.
[1913 Webster]

He marketh it out with a line. --Is. xliv.
(b) That which was measured by a line, as a field or any
piece of land set apart; hence, allotted place of
[1913 Webster]

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant
places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. --Ps.
xvi. 6.
(c) Instruction; doctrine.
[1913 Webster]

Their line is gone out through all the earth.
--Ps. xix. 4.
[1913 Webster]

19. (Mach.) The proper relative position or adjustment of
parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference
to smooth working; as, the engine is in line or out of
[1913 Webster]

20. The track and roadbed of a railway; railroad.
[1913 Webster]

21. (Mil.)
(a) A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether
side by side or some distance apart; -- opposed to
(b) The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished
from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry,
artillery, etc.
[1913 Webster]

22. (Fort.)
(a) A trench or rampart.
(b) pl. Dispositions made to cover extended positions,
and presenting a front in but one direction to an
[1913 Webster]

23. pl. (Shipbuilding) Form of a vessel as shown by the
outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections.
[1913 Webster]

24. (Mus.) One of the straight horizontal and parallel
prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are
[1913 Webster]

25. (Stock Exchange) A number of shares taken by a jobber.
[1913 Webster]

26. (Trade) A series of various qualities and values of the
same general class of articles; as, a full line of
hosiery; a line of merinos, etc. --McElrath.
[1913 Webster]

27. The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another,
or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one
management and name.
[1913 Webster]

28. pl. The reins with which a horse is guided by his driver.
[U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

29. A measure of length; one twelfth of an inch.
[1913 Webster]

Hard lines, hard lot. --C. Kingsley. [See Def. 18.]

Line breeding (Stockbreeding), breeding by a certain family
line of descent, especially in the selection of the dam or

Line conch (Zool.), a spiral marine shell ({Fasciolaria
distans}), of Florida and the West Indies. It is marked by
narrow, dark, revolving lines.

Line engraving.
(a) Engraving in which the effects are produced by lines
of different width and closeness, cut with the burin
upon copper or similar material; also, a plate so
(b) A picture produced by printing from such an

Line of battle.
(a) (Mil. Tactics) The position of troops drawn up in
their usual order without any determined maneuver.
(b) (Naval) The line or arrangement formed by vessels of
war in an engagement.

Line of battle ship. See Ship of the line, below.

Line of beauty (Fine Arts),an abstract line supposed to be
beautiful in itself and absolutely; -- differently
represented by different authors, often as a kind of
elongated S (like the one drawn by Hogarth).

Line of centers. (Mach.)
(a) A line joining two centers, or fulcra, as of wheels
or levers.
(b) A line which determines a dead center. See {Dead
center}, under Dead.

Line of dip (Geol.), a line in the plane of a stratum, or
part of a stratum, perpendicular to its intersection with
a horizontal plane; the line of greatest inclination of a
stratum to the horizon.

Line of fire (Mil.), the direction of fire.

Line of force (Physics), any line in a space in which
forces are acting, so drawn that at every point of the
line its tangent is the direction of the resultant of all
the forces. It cuts at right angles every equipotential
surface which it meets. Specifically (Magnetism), a line
in proximity to a magnet so drawn that any point in it is
tangential with the direction of a short compass needle
held at that point. --Faraday.

Line of life (Palmistry), a line on the inside of the hand,
curving about the base of the thumb, supposed to indicate,
by its form or position, the length of a person's life.

Line of lines. See Gunter's line.

Line of march. (Mil.)
(a) Arrangement of troops for marching.
(b) Course or direction taken by an army or body of
troops in marching.

Line of operations, that portion of a theater of war which
an army passes over in attaining its object. --H. W.

Line of sight (Firearms), the line which passes through the
front and rear sight, at any elevation, when they are
sighted at an object.

Line tub (Naut.), a tub in which the line carried by a
whaleboat is coiled.

Mason and Dixon's line, Mason-Dixon line, the boundary
line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, as run before the
Revolution (1764-1767) by two English astronomers named
Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. In an extended sense,
the line between the free and the slave States; as, below
the Mason-Dixon line, i.e. in the South.

On the line,
(a) on a level with the eye of the spectator; -- said of
a picture, as hung in an exhibition of pictures.
(b) at risk (dependent upon success) in a contest or
enterprise; as, the survival of the company is on the
line in this project.

Right line, a straight line; the shortest line that can be
drawn between two points.

Ship of the line, formerly, a ship of war large enough to
have a place in the line of battle; a vessel superior to a
frigate; usually, a seventy-four, or three-decker; --
called also line of battle ship or battleship.

To cross the line, to cross the equator, as a vessel at

To give a person line, to allow him more or less liberty
until it is convenient to stop or check him, like a hooked
fish that swims away with the line.

Water line (Shipbuilding), the outline of a horizontal
section of a vessel, as when floating in the water.
[1913 Webster]
base of operations
base of operations
n 1: installation from which a military force initiates
operations; "the attack wiped out our forward bases" [syn:
base, base of operations]
chemical operations
chemical operations
n 1: warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or
incapacitate the enemy [syn: chemical warfare, {chemical
field of operations
field of operations
n 1: a region in which active military operations are in
progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he
served in the Vietnam theater for three years" [syn:
field, field of operations, theater, {theater of
operations}, theatre, theatre of operations]
million floating point operations per second
million floating point operations per second
n 1: (computer science) a unit for measuring the speed of a
computer system [syn: megaflop, MFLOP, {million
floating point operations per second}]
operations research
operations research
n 1: research designed to determine most efficient way to do
theater of operations
theater of operations
n 1: a region in which active military operations are in
progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he
served in the Vietnam theater for three years" [syn:
field, field of operations, theater, {theater of
operations}, theatre, theatre of operations]
theatre of operations
theatre of operations
n 1: a region in which active military operations are in
progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he
served in the Vietnam theater for three years" [syn:
field, field of operations, theater, {theater of
operations}, theatre, theatre of operations]
trading operations
trading operations
n 1: financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with
the execution of trades and keeping customer records [syn:
operations, trading operations]
trillion floating point operations per second
trillion floating point operations per second
n 1: (computer science) a unit for measuring the speed of a
computer system [syn: teraflop, {trillion floating point
operations per second}]
network operations center
Network Operations Center

(NOC) A location from which the operation of a network or
internet is monitored. Additionally, this center usually
serves as a clearinghouse for connectivity problems and
efforts to resolve those problems.

See also Network Information Center.

operations support technician
operations support technician

A person who analyses and supports computer operations
by controlling production applications, monitoring system
resources and response time and providing first-line support
for operational problems.

remote operations service element
Remote Operations Service Element
ISO 9072

(ROSE) A sub-layer of protocol layer six
(presentation layer) in the OSI seven layer model which
provides SASE for remote operations.

Documents: ITU Rec. X.229 (ISO 9072-2), ITU Rec. X.219
(ISO 9072-1).


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