petabyte,petabajt n: Clock
n 1: a unit of information equal to 1000 terabytes or 10^15
bytes [syn: petabyte, PB]
2: a unit of information equal to 1024 tebibytes or 2^50 bytes
[syn: petabyte, pebibyte, PB, PiB]

(PB) A unit of data equal to one quadrillion bytes
but see binary prefix for other definitions. A petabyte is
10^15 bytes or 1000^5 bytes or 1000 terabytes.

As of 2013-11-05, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine
contains almost two petabytes of data.

A petabyte is the amount of data that would be required to store a
2000 by 1600 pixel image of every one of the 314 million people
living in the USA in 2012.

1000 petabytes are one exabyte.

See prefix.

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