- zadosťučinenie, satisfakcia, uspokojenie
satisfaction,satisfakce Zdeněk Brož
satisfaction,uspokojení n: Zdeněk Brož
satisfaction,zadostiučinění Nijel
Satisfaction \Sat`is*fac"tion\, n. [OE. satisfaccioun, F.
satisfaction, fr. L. satisfactio, fr. satisfacere to satisfy.
See Satisfy.]
1. The act of satisfying, or the state of being satisfied;
gratification of desire; contentment in possession and
enjoyment; repose of mind resulting from compliance with
its desires or demands.
[1913 Webster]

The mind having a power to suspend the execution and
satisfaction of any of its desires. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

2. Settlement of a claim, due, or demand; payment;
indemnification; adequate compensation.
[1913 Webster]

We shall make full satisfaction. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. That which satisfies or gratifies; atonement.
[1913 Webster]

Die he, or justice must; unless for him
Some other, able, and as willing, pay
The rigid satisfaction, death for death. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Contentment; content; gratification; pleasure;
recompense; compensation; amends; remuneration;
indemnification; atonement.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire,
need, or expectation; "the chef tasted the sauce with great
satisfaction" [ant: dissatisfaction]
2: state of being gratified or satisfied; "dull repetitious work
gives no gratification"; "to my immense gratification he
arrived on time" [syn: gratification, satisfaction]
3: compensation for a wrong; "we were unable to get satisfaction
from the local store" [syn: atonement, expiation,
4: (law) the payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation;
"the full and final satisfaction of the claim"
5: act of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite; "the
satisfaction of their demand for better services"
SATISFACTION, construction by courts of equity. Satisfaction is defined to
be the donation of a thing, with the intention, express or implied, that
such donation is to be an extinguishment of some existing right or claim in
the donee.
2. Where a person indebted bequeaths to his creditor a legacy, equal
to, or exceeding the amount of the debt, which is not noticed in the will,
courts of equity, in the absence of any intimation of a contrary intention,
have adopted the rule that the testator shall be presumed to have meant the
legacy as a satisfaction. of the debt.
3. When a testator, being indebted, bequeaths to his creditor a legacy,
simpliciter, and of the same nature as the debt, and not coming within the
exceptions stated in the next paragraph, it has been held a satisfaction of
the debt, when the legacy is equal to, or exceeds the amount of the debt.
Pre. Ch. 240; 3 P. Wms. 353.
4. The following are exceptions to the rule: 1. Where the legacy is of,
less amount than the debt, it shall not be deemed a part payment or
satisfaction. 1 Ves. pen. 263.
5.-2. Where, though the debt and legacy are of equal amount, there is a
difference in the times of payment, so that the legacy may not be equally
beneficial to the legatee as the debt. Prec. Ch. 236; 2 Atk. 300; 2 Ves.
sen. 63 5; 3 Atk. 96; 1 Bro. C. C. 129; 1 Bro. C. C. 195; 1 McClel. & Y.
Rep. Exch. 41; 1 Swans. R. 219.
6.-3. When the legacy and the debt are of a different nature, either
with reference, to the subjects themselves, or with respect to the interests
given. 2 P. Wms. 614; 1 Ves. jr. 298; 2 Ves. jr. 463.
7.-4. When the provision by the will is expressed to be given for a
particular purpose, such purpose will prevent the testamentary gift being
construed a satisfaction of the debt, because it is given diverse intuitu. 2
Ves. sen. 635.
8.-5. When the debt of the testator is contracted subsequently to the,
making of the will; for, in that case, the legacy will not be deemed a
satisfaction. 2 Salk. 508.
9.-6. When the legacy is uncertain or contingent. 2 Atk. 300; 2 P. Wms.
10.-7. Where the debt itself is contingent, as where it arises from a
running account between the testator and legatee; 1 P. Wms. 296; or it is a
negotiable bill of exchange. 3 Ves. jr. 561.
11.-8. Where there is an express direction in the will for the payment
of debts end legacies, the court will infer from the circumstance, that the
testator intended that both the debt owing from him to the legatee and the
legacy, should, be paid. 1 P. Wms. 408; 2 Roper, Leg. 54.
See, generally, Tr. of Eq. 333; Yelv. 11, n.; 1 Swans. R. 221; 18 Eng.
Com. Law Rep. 201; 4 Ves. jr. 301; 7 Ves. jr. 507; 1 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 204,
308, 311, 342, 348, 329; 8 Com. Dig. Appen. tit. Satisfaction, p. 917; Rob.
on Frauds, 46, n. 15; 2 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 22, 46, 205; 1 Vern. 346; Roper,
Leg. c. 17; 1 Roper on Hush. and Wife, 501 to 511; 2 Id. 53 to 63; Math. on
Pres. c. 6, p. 107; 1 Desaus. R. 814; 2 Munf. Rep. 413; Stallm. on El. and

SATISFACTION, practice. An entry made on the record, by which a party in
whose favor a judgment was rendered, declares that he has been satisfied and
2. In Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and, Vermont,
provision is made by statute, requiring the mortgagee to discharge a
mortgage upon the record, by entering satisfaction in the margin. The
refusal or neglect to enter satisfaction after payment and demand, renders
the mortgagee liable to an action, after the time given him by the
respective statutes for doing the same has elapsed, and subjects him to the
payment of damages, and, in some cases, treble costs. In Indiana and New
York, the register or recorder of deeds may himself discharge the mortgage
upon the record on the exhibition of a certificate of payment and
satisfaction signed by the mortgagee or his representatives, and attached to
the mortgage, which shall be recorded. Ind. St. 1836, 64; 1 N. Y. Rev. St.

podobné slovodefinícia
dissatisfaction,nespokojenost n: Zdeněk Brož
self-satisfaction,sebeuspokojení n: Zdeněk Brož
Dissatisfaction \Dis*sat`is*fac"tion\, n.
The state of being dissatisfied, unsatisfied, or
discontented; uneasiness proceeding from the want of
gratification, or from disappointed wishes and expectations.
[1913 Webster]

The ambitious man has little happiness, but is subject
to much uneasiness and dissatisfaction. --Addison.

Syn: Discontent; discontentment; displeasure; disapprobation;
distaste; dislike.
[1913 Webster]
Insatisfaction \In*sat`is*fac"tion\, n.
1. Insufficiency; emptiness. [Obs.] --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

2. Dissatisfaction. [Obs.] --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
Satisfaction \Sat`is*fac"tion\, n. [OE. satisfaccioun, F.
satisfaction, fr. L. satisfactio, fr. satisfacere to satisfy.
See Satisfy.]
1. The act of satisfying, or the state of being satisfied;
gratification of desire; contentment in possession and
enjoyment; repose of mind resulting from compliance with
its desires or demands.
[1913 Webster]

The mind having a power to suspend the execution and
satisfaction of any of its desires. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

2. Settlement of a claim, due, or demand; payment;
indemnification; adequate compensation.
[1913 Webster]

We shall make full satisfaction. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. That which satisfies or gratifies; atonement.
[1913 Webster]

Die he, or justice must; unless for him
Some other, able, and as willing, pay
The rigid satisfaction, death for death. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Contentment; content; gratification; pleasure;
recompense; compensation; amends; remuneration;
indemnification; atonement.
[1913 Webster]
Self-satisfaction \Self`-sat`is*fac"tion\, n.
The quality or state of being self-satisfied.
[1913 Webster]
Unsatisfaction \Un*sat`is*fac"tion\, n.
Dissatisfaction. [Obs.] --Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]
accord and satisfaction
accord and satisfaction
n 1: the settlement of a debt by paying less than the amount
demanded in exchange for extinguishing the debt
n 1: the feeling of being displeased and discontent; "he was
never slow to express his dissatisfaction with the service
he received" [ant: satisfaction]
n 1: the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself;
"his complacency was absolutely disgusting" [syn:
complacency, complacence, self-complacency, {self-
constraint satisfaction
constraint satisfaction

The process of assigning values to variables while
meeting certain requirements or "constraints". For example, in
graph colouring, a node is a variable, the colour assigned to it
is its value and a link between two nodes represents the
constraint that those two nodes must not be assigned the same
colour. In scheduling, constraints apply to such variables as
the starting and ending times for tasks.

The Simplex method is one well known technique for solving
numerical constraints.

The search difficulty of constraint satisfaction problems can be
determined on average from knowledge of easily computed structural
properties of the problems. In fact, hard instances of
NP-complete problems are concentrated near an abrupt transition
between under- and over-constrained problems. This transition is
analogous to phase transitions in physical systems and offers a
way to estimate the likely difficulty of a constraint problem
before attempting to solve it with search.

{Phase transitions in search
(} (Tad

SATISFACTION, construction by courts of equity. Satisfaction is defined to
be the donation of a thing, with the intention, express or implied, that
such donation is to be an extinguishment of some existing right or claim in
the donee.
2. Where a person indebted bequeaths to his creditor a legacy, equal
to, or exceeding the amount of the debt, which is not noticed in the will,
courts of equity, in the absence of any intimation of a contrary intention,
have adopted the rule that the testator shall be presumed to have meant the
legacy as a satisfaction. of the debt.
3. When a testator, being indebted, bequeaths to his creditor a legacy,
simpliciter, and of the same nature as the debt, and not coming within the
exceptions stated in the next paragraph, it has been held a satisfaction of
the debt, when the legacy is equal to, or exceeds the amount of the debt.
Pre. Ch. 240; 3 P. Wms. 353.
4. The following are exceptions to the rule: 1. Where the legacy is of,
less amount than the debt, it shall not be deemed a part payment or
satisfaction. 1 Ves. pen. 263.
5.-2. Where, though the debt and legacy are of equal amount, there is a
difference in the times of payment, so that the legacy may not be equally
beneficial to the legatee as the debt. Prec. Ch. 236; 2 Atk. 300; 2 Ves.
sen. 63 5; 3 Atk. 96; 1 Bro. C. C. 129; 1 Bro. C. C. 195; 1 McClel. & Y.
Rep. Exch. 41; 1 Swans. R. 219.
6.-3. When the legacy and the debt are of a different nature, either
with reference, to the subjects themselves, or with respect to the interests
given. 2 P. Wms. 614; 1 Ves. jr. 298; 2 Ves. jr. 463.
7.-4. When the provision by the will is expressed to be given for a
particular purpose, such purpose will prevent the testamentary gift being
construed a satisfaction of the debt, because it is given diverse intuitu. 2
Ves. sen. 635.
8.-5. When the debt of the testator is contracted subsequently to the,
making of the will; for, in that case, the legacy will not be deemed a
satisfaction. 2 Salk. 508.
9.-6. When the legacy is uncertain or contingent. 2 Atk. 300; 2 P. Wms.
10.-7. Where the debt itself is contingent, as where it arises from a
running account between the testator and legatee; 1 P. Wms. 296; or it is a
negotiable bill of exchange. 3 Ves. jr. 561.
11.-8. Where there is an express direction in the will for the payment
of debts end legacies, the court will infer from the circumstance, that the
testator intended that both the debt owing from him to the legatee and the
legacy, should, be paid. 1 P. Wms. 408; 2 Roper, Leg. 54.
See, generally, Tr. of Eq. 333; Yelv. 11, n.; 1 Swans. R. 221; 18 Eng.
Com. Law Rep. 201; 4 Ves. jr. 301; 7 Ves. jr. 507; 1 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 204,
308, 311, 342, 348, 329; 8 Com. Dig. Appen. tit. Satisfaction, p. 917; Rob.
on Frauds, 46, n. 15; 2 Suppl. to Ves. jr. 22, 46, 205; 1 Vern. 346; Roper,
Leg. c. 17; 1 Roper on Hush. and Wife, 501 to 511; 2 Id. 53 to 63; Math. on
Pres. c. 6, p. 107; 1 Desaus. R. 814; 2 Munf. Rep. 413; Stallm. on El. and

SATISFACTION, practice. An entry made on the record, by which a party in
whose favor a judgment was rendered, declares that he has been satisfied and
2. In Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and, Vermont,
provision is made by statute, requiring the mortgagee to discharge a
mortgage upon the record, by entering satisfaction in the margin. The
refusal or neglect to enter satisfaction after payment and demand, renders
the mortgagee liable to an action, after the time given him by the
respective statutes for doing the same has elapsed, and subjects him to the
payment of damages, and, in some cases, treble costs. In Indiana and New
York, the register or recorder of deeds may himself discharge the mortgage
upon the record on the exhibition of a certificate of payment and
satisfaction signed by the mortgagee or his representatives, and attached to
the mortgage, which shall be recorded. Ind. St. 1836, 64; 1 N. Y. Rev. St.

SATISFACTION PIECE, Eng. practice. An instrument of writing in which it is
declared that, satisfaction is acknowledged between the plaintiff and
defendant. It is signed by the attorney, and on its production and the
warrant of attorney to the clerk of the judgments, satisfactio is entered on
payment, of certain fees. Lee's Dict. of Pr. tit. Satisfaction.

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