- speak/spoke/spoken
spoken,hovorový adj: Zdeněk Brož
spoken,mluvený adj: Zdeněk Brož
spoken,speak/spoke/spoken v: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Spoken \Spo"ken\ (sp[=o]"k'n), a. [p. p. of Speak.]
1. Uttered in speech; delivered by word of mouth; oral; as, a
spoken narrative; the spoken word.
[1913 Webster]

2. Characterized by a certain manner or style in speaking; --
often in composition; as, a pleasant-spoken man.
[1913 Webster]

Methinks you 're better spoken. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Speak \Speak\, v. i. [imp. Spoke(SpakeArchaic); p. p.
Spoken(Spoke, Obs. or Colloq.); p. pr. & vb. n.
Speaking.] [OE. speken, AS. specan, sprecan; akin to
OF.ries. spreka, D. spreken, OS. spreken, G. sprechen, OHG.
sprehhan, and perhaps to Skr. sph[=u]rj to crackle, to
thunder. Cf. Spark of fire, Speech.]
1. To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to
express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so
obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
[1913 Webster]

Till at the last spake in this manner. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. --1 Sam. iii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
[1913 Webster]

That fluid substance in a few minutes begins to set,
as the tradesmen speak. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

An honest man, is able to speak for himself, when a
knave is not. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

During the century and a half which followed the
Conquest, there is, to speak strictly, no English
history. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

3. To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a
public assembly formally.
[1913 Webster]

Many of the nobility made themselves popular by
speaking in Parliament against those things which
were most grateful to his majesty. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

4. To discourse; to make mention; to tell.
[1913 Webster]

Lycan speaks of a part of Caesar's army that came to
him from the Leman Lake. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

5. To give sound; to sound.
[1913 Webster]

Make all our trumpets speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by
utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
[1913 Webster]

Thine eye begins to speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

To speak of, to take account of, to make mention of.
--Robynson (More's Utopia).

To speak out, to speak loudly and distinctly; also, to
speak unreservedly.

To speak well for, to commend; to be favorable to.

To speak with, to converse with. "Would you speak with me?"
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To say; tell; talk; converse; discourse; articulate;
pronounce; utter.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by
speech; sometimes used in combination; "a spoken
message"; "the spoken language"; "a soft-spoken person";
"sharp-spoken" [ant: written]
podobné slovodefinícia
- úprimný, otvorený, úprimný
- úprimne
- speak, spoke, spoke, spoken
- speak, spoke, spoke, spoken
foul-spoken, adj:
free-spoken, adj:
outspoken,otevřený adj: Petr Prášekoutspoken,upřímný adj: Petr Prášek
outspokenly,upřímně adv: Zdeněk Brož
outspokenness,upřímnost n: Zdeněk Brož
plain-spoken,srozumitelně sdělený Zdeněk Brož
plainspoken,srozumitelně sdělený adj: Zdeněk Brož
rough-spoken, adj:
smooth-spoken, adj:
soft-spoken,mluvící jemným hlasem Jaroslav Šedivý
spoken communication
spoken communication, n:
spoken language
spoken language, n:
spoken word
spoken word, n:
unspoken,nevyslovený adj: Zdeněk Brož
unspoken accusation
unspoken accusation, n:
upon the words offhandedly spoken
upon the words offhandedly spoken,
well-spoken,mluvící zdvořile Zdeněk Brož
speak/spoke/spoken,speakv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladspeak/spoke/spoken,spokev: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladspeak/spoke/spoken,spokenv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
affianced bespoken betrothed engaged pledged promisedpredicate
attached \attached\ adj.
1. fastened together. a picnic table with attached benches
[WordNet 1.5]

2. being joined in close association; -- of people or

Syn: affiliated, connected
[WordNet 1.5]

3. fastened onto another object; -- of objects smaller than
the main object.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. (Architecture) connected by a common wall or passageway;
-- used of buildings. detached
[WordNet 1.5]

5. (Biology) permanently attached to a substrate; not free to
move about. an attached oyster vagile

Syn: sessile
[WordNet 1.5]

6. associated in an exclusive sexual relationship; --
opposite of unattached.

Note: Narrower terms include: {affianced, bespoken,
betrothed, engaged, pledged, promised(predicate)};
married. Also See: loving.

Syn: committed.
[WordNet 1.5]
committed \committed\ adj.
1. Bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular
cause, action, or attitude. Opposite of uncommitted.

Note: [Narrower terms: bound up, involved, wrapped up;
dedicated, devoted; pledged, sworn]
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Associated in an exclusive sexual relationship; also
called attached. Opposite of unattached.

Note: [Narrower terms: affianced, bespoken, betrothed,
engaged, pledged, promised(predicate); married]
[Also See: loving.]

Syn: attached.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Consigned involuntarily to custody, as in a prison or
mental institution.
[WordNet 1.5]Bespeak \Be*speak"\, v. t. [imp. Bespoke, Bespake (Archaic);
p. p. Bespoke, Bespoken; p. pr. & vb. n. Bespeaking.]
[OE. bispeken, AS. besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be-
+ sprecan to speak. See Speak.]
1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage
against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a
[1913 Webster]

Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice
was to bespeak his favor. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.
[1913 Webster]

[They] bespoke dangers . . . in order to scare the
allies. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or
[1913 Webster]

When the abbot of St. Martin was born, he had so
little the figure of a man that it bespoke him
rather a monster. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

4. To speak to; to address. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]

He thus the queen bespoke. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]bespoken \be*spok"en\ adj.
1. same as made-to-order; -- of clothing.

Syn: bespoke, custom, made-to-order, tailored, tailor-made.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. bound by an agreement to become married to someone.

Syn: affianced, betrothed, engaged, pledged,
[WordNet 1.5]
committed \committed\ adj.
1. Bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular
cause, action, or attitude. Opposite of uncommitted.

Note: [Narrower terms: bound up, involved, wrapped up;
dedicated, devoted; pledged, sworn]
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Associated in an exclusive sexual relationship; also
called attached. Opposite of unattached.

Note: [Narrower terms: affianced, bespoken, betrothed,
engaged, pledged, promised(predicate); married]
[Also See: loving.]

Syn: attached.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Consigned involuntarily to custody, as in a prison or
mental institution.
[WordNet 1.5]Bespeak \Be*speak"\, v. t. [imp. Bespoke, Bespake (Archaic);
p. p. Bespoke, Bespoken; p. pr. & vb. n. Bespeaking.]
[OE. bispeken, AS. besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be-
+ sprecan to speak. See Speak.]
1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage
against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a
[1913 Webster]

Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice
was to bespeak his favor. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.
[1913 Webster]

[They] bespoke dangers . . . in order to scare the
allies. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or
[1913 Webster]

When the abbot of St. Martin was born, he had so
little the figure of a man that it bespoke him
rather a monster. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

4. To speak to; to address. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]

He thus the queen bespoke. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]bespoken \be*spok"en\ adj.
1. same as made-to-order; -- of clothing.

Syn: bespoke, custom, made-to-order, tailored, tailor-made.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. bound by an agreement to become married to someone.

Syn: affianced, betrothed, engaged, pledged,
[WordNet 1.5]
committed \committed\ adj.
1. Bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular
cause, action, or attitude. Opposite of uncommitted.

Note: [Narrower terms: bound up, involved, wrapped up;
dedicated, devoted; pledged, sworn]
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Associated in an exclusive sexual relationship; also
called attached. Opposite of unattached.

Note: [Narrower terms: affianced, bespoken, betrothed,
engaged, pledged, promised(predicate); married]
[Also See: loving.]

Syn: attached.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Consigned involuntarily to custody, as in a prison or
mental institution.
[WordNet 1.5]Bespeak \Be*speak"\, v. t. [imp. Bespoke, Bespake (Archaic);
p. p. Bespoke, Bespoken; p. pr. & vb. n. Bespeaking.]
[OE. bispeken, AS. besprecan, to speak to, accuse; pref. be-
+ sprecan to speak. See Speak.]
1. To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage
against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a
[1913 Webster]

Concluding, naturally, that to gratify his avarice
was to bespeak his favor. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.
[1913 Webster]

[They] bespoke dangers . . . in order to scare the
allies. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

3. To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or
[1913 Webster]

When the abbot of St. Martin was born, he had so
little the figure of a man that it bespoke him
rather a monster. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

4. To speak to; to address. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]

He thus the queen bespoke. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]bespoken \be*spok"en\ adj.
1. same as made-to-order; -- of clothing.

Syn: bespoke, custom, made-to-order, tailored, tailor-made.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. bound by an agreement to become married to someone.

Syn: affianced, betrothed, engaged, pledged,
[WordNet 1.5]
Fair-spoken \Fair"-spo`ken\, a.
Using fair speech, or uttered with fairness; bland; civil;
courteous; plausible. "A marvelous fair-spoken man."
[1913 Webster]
Foul-spoken \Foul"-spo`ken\, a.
Using profane, scurrilous, slanderous, or obscene language;
same as foul-mouthed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Free-spoken \Free"-spo`ken\, a.
Accustomed to speak without reserve; willing to speak out
without subtlety. --Bacon.

Syn: bluff, blunt, candid, frank, outspoken, plainspoken,
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] -- Free"-spo`ken*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Free-spoken \Free"-spo`ken\, a.
Accustomed to speak without reserve; willing to speak out
without subtlety. --Bacon.

Syn: bluff, blunt, candid, frank, outspoken, plainspoken,
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] -- Free"-spo`ken*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Outspoken \Out*spo"ken\, a.
Speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, candidly, or boldly; as,
an outspoken man; an outspoken rebuke. -- Out*spo"ken*ness,
[1913 Webster]
Outspoken \Out*spo"ken\, a.
Speaking, or spoken, freely, openly, candidly, or boldly; as,
an outspoken man; an outspoken rebuke. -- Out*spo"ken*ness,
[1913 Webster]
Plain-spoken \Plain"-spo`ken\, a.
Speaking with plain, unreserved sincerity; also, spoken
sincerely; as, plain-spoken words. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Pretty-spoken \Pret"ty-spo`ken\, a.
Spoken or speaking prettily. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Short-spoken \Short"-spo`ken\, a.
Speaking in a quick or short manner; hence, gruff; curt.
[1913 Webster]
Smooth-spoken \Smooth"-spo`ken\, a.
Speaking smoothly; plausible; flattering; smooth-tongued.
[1913 Webster]
Soft-spoken \Soft"-spo`ken\, a.
Speaking softly; having a mild or gentle voice; hence, mild;
[1913 Webster]
Spoken \Spo"ken\ (sp[=o]"k'n), a. [p. p. of Speak.]
1. Uttered in speech; delivered by word of mouth; oral; as, a
spoken narrative; the spoken word.
[1913 Webster]

2. Characterized by a certain manner or style in speaking; --
often in composition; as, a pleasant-spoken man.
[1913 Webster]

Methinks you 're better spoken. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Speak \Speak\, v. i. [imp. Spoke(SpakeArchaic); p. p.
Spoken(Spoke, Obs. or Colloq.); p. pr. & vb. n.
Speaking.] [OE. speken, AS. specan, sprecan; akin to
OF.ries. spreka, D. spreken, OS. spreken, G. sprechen, OHG.
sprehhan, and perhaps to Skr. sph[=u]rj to crackle, to
thunder. Cf. Spark of fire, Speech.]
1. To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to
express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so
obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
[1913 Webster]

Till at the last spake in this manner. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth. --1 Sam. iii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
[1913 Webster]

That fluid substance in a few minutes begins to set,
as the tradesmen speak. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

An honest man, is able to speak for himself, when a
knave is not. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

During the century and a half which followed the
Conquest, there is, to speak strictly, no English
history. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

3. To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a
public assembly formally.
[1913 Webster]

Many of the nobility made themselves popular by
speaking in Parliament against those things which
were most grateful to his majesty. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

4. To discourse; to make mention; to tell.
[1913 Webster]

Lycan speaks of a part of Caesar's army that came to
him from the Leman Lake. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

5. To give sound; to sound.
[1913 Webster]

Make all our trumpets speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by
utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
[1913 Webster]

Thine eye begins to speak. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

To speak of, to take account of, to make mention of.
--Robynson (More's Utopia).

To speak out, to speak loudly and distinctly; also, to
speak unreservedly.

To speak well for, to commend; to be favorable to.

To speak with, to converse with. "Would you speak with me?"
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To say; tell; talk; converse; discourse; articulate;
pronounce; utter.
[1913 Webster]
Straight-spoken \Straight"-spo`ken\, a.
Speaking with directness; plain-spoken. [Colloq. U.S.]
[1913 Webster]
Unbespoken \Unbespoken\
See bespoken.
Unspoken \Unspoken\
See spoken.
Well-spoken \Well"-spo`ken\, a. [Well + speak.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Speaking well; speaking with fitness or grace; speaking
kindly. "A knight well-spoken." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Spoken with propriety; as, well-spoken words.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: (of clothing) custom-made [syn: bespoke, bespoken,
made-to-order, tailored, tailor-made]
2: pledged to be married; "the engaged couple" [syn: bespoken,
adj 1: using foul or obscene language; "noisy foul-mouthed women
all shouting at once" [syn: foul-mouthed, {foul-
adj 1: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without
subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight
shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my
candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright
approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and
you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be
outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the
point"; "a point-blank accusation" [syn: blunt,
candid, forthright, frank, free-spoken,
outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, {straight-
adj 1: given to expressing yourself freely or insistently;
"outspoken in their opposition to segregation"; "a vocal
assembly" [syn: outspoken, vocal]
2: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without
subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting";
"a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid
opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to
the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as
well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being
rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank
accusation" [syn: blunt, candid, forthright, frank,
free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank,
adv 1: in an outspoken manner; "he was outspokenly critical of
the Government's new social policy"
n 1: the trait of being blunt and outspoken [syn: frankness,
adj 1: using simple and direct language; "a plainspoken country
2: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without
subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting";
"a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid
opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to
the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as
well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being
rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank
accusation" [syn: blunt, candid, forthright, frank,
free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank,
adj 1: rude or uncouth in speech
adj 1: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively; "able
to dazzle with his facile tongue"; "silver speech" [syn:
eloquent, facile, fluent, silver, {silver-
tongued}, smooth-spoken]
adj 1: having a speaking manner that is not loud or harsh; "she
was always soft-spoken"
spoken communication
spoken communication
n 1: (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was
garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the
spoken language of the streets" [syn: speech, {speech
communication}, spoken communication, spoken language,
language, voice communication, oral communication]
spoken language
spoken language
n 1: (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was
garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the
spoken language of the streets" [syn: speech, {speech
communication}, spoken communication, spoken language,
language, voice communication, oral communication]
spoken word
spoken word
n 1: a word that is spoken aloud [syn: vocable, spoken word]
adj 1: expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent
curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the
words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief";
"choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe
[syn: mute, tongueless, unspoken, wordless]
2: not made explicit; "the unexpressed terms of the agreement";
"things left unsaid"; "some kind of unspoken agreement"; "his
action is clear but his reason remains unstated" [syn:
unexpressed, unsaid, unstated, unuttered,
unverbalized, unverbalised, unvoiced, unspoken]
unspoken accusation
unspoken accusation
n 1: an accusation that is understood without needing to be
spoken [syn: unspoken accusation, veiled accusation]
adj 1: speaking or spoken fittingly or pleasingly; "a well-
spoken gentleman"; "a few well-spoken words on civic

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