- telefónny, telefón
telephone,telefonní adj:
Telephone \Tel"e*phone\, n. [Gr. ? far off + ? sound.] (Physics)
An instrument for reproducing sounds, especially articulate
speech, at a distance.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The ordinary telephone consists essentially of a device
by which currents of electricity, produced by sounds
through the agency of certain mechanical devices and
exactly corresponding in duration and intensity to the
vibrations of the air which attend them, are
transmitted to a distant station, and there, acting on
suitable mechanism, reproduce similar sounds by
repeating the vibrations. The necessary variations in
the electrical currents are usually produced by means
of a microphone attached to a thin diaphragm upon which
the voice acts, and are intensified by means of an
induction coil. In the magnetic telephone, or
magneto-telephone, the diaphragm is of soft iron placed
close to the pole of a magnet upon which is wound a
coil of fine wire, and its vibrations produce
corresponding vibrable currents in the wire by
induction. The mechanical, or string, telephone is a
device in which the voice or sound causes vibrations in
a thin diaphragm, which are directly transmitted along
a wire or string connecting it to a similar diaphragm
at the remote station, thus reproducing the sound. It
does not employ electricity.
[1913 Webster]
Telephone \Tel"e*phone\, v. t.
To convey or announce by telephone.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical
signals that can be transmitted over distances and then
converts received signals back into sounds; "I talked to
him on the telephone" [syn: telephone, phone,
telephone set]
2: transmitting speech at a distance [syn: telephone,
v 1: get or try to get into communication (with someone) by
telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two
aspirin and call me in the morning" [syn: call,
telephone, call up, phone, ring]
TELEPHONE, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the
advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance.
podobné slovodefinícia
by telephone
by telephone,telefonicky Zdeněk Brož
cellular telephone
cellular telephone,mobilní telefon Jiří Šmoldascellular telephone,mobilní telefon GSM Jiří Šmoldas
dial telephone
dial telephone, n:
french telephone
French telephone,
portable telephone
portable telephone,mobil Zdeněk Brož
radiotelephone,bezdrátový telefon n: Michal Ambrož
telephone answering-machine
telephone answering-machine,telefonní záznamník
telephone bell
telephone bell, n:
telephone bill
telephone bill, n:
telephone book
telephone book, n:
telephone booth
telephone booth,telefonní budka n: Zdeněk Brož
telephone box
telephone box, n:
telephone call
telephone call, n:
telephone circuit
telephone circuit, n:
telephone company
telephone company, n:
telephone conversation
telephone conversation, n:
telephone cord
telephone cord, n:
telephone dial
telephone dial, n:
telephone directory
telephone directory,telefonní seznam n: luno
telephone exchange
telephone exchange, n:
telephone extension
telephone extension, n:
telephone interview
telephone interview, n:
telephone jack
telephone jack, n:
telephone kiosk
telephone kiosk, n:
telephone line
telephone line, n:
telephone message
telephone message, n:
telephone number
telephone number,telefonní číslo
telephone operator
telephone operator, n:
telephone order
telephone order, n:
telephone plug
telephone plug, n:
telephone pole
telephone pole, n:
telephone receiver
telephone receiver, n:
telephone service
telephone service, n:
telephone set
telephone set, n:
telephone system
telephone system, n:
telephone tag
telephone tag,
telephone unit
telephone unit, n:
telephone wire
telephone wire, n:
telephoned,telefonoval v: Zdeněk Brož
telephones,telefony n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
wireless telephone
wireless telephone, n:
telephone call
Telephone Call,TC[zkr.]
Radiotelephone \Ra`di*o*tel"e*phone\
(r[=a]`d[i^]*[o^]*t[e^]l"[-e]*f[=o]n), n.
A wireless telephone, in which the signal is conveyed by
radio waves. -- Ra`di*o*te*leph"o*ny, n.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Telephone \Tel"e*phone\, n. [Gr. ? far off + ? sound.] (Physics)
An instrument for reproducing sounds, especially articulate
speech, at a distance.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The ordinary telephone consists essentially of a device
by which currents of electricity, produced by sounds
through the agency of certain mechanical devices and
exactly corresponding in duration and intensity to the
vibrations of the air which attend them, are
transmitted to a distant station, and there, acting on
suitable mechanism, reproduce similar sounds by
repeating the vibrations. The necessary variations in
the electrical currents are usually produced by means
of a microphone attached to a thin diaphragm upon which
the voice acts, and are intensified by means of an
induction coil. In the magnetic telephone, or
magneto-telephone, the diaphragm is of soft iron placed
close to the pole of a magnet upon which is wound a
coil of fine wire, and its vibrations produce
corresponding vibrable currents in the wire by
induction. The mechanical, or string, telephone is a
device in which the voice or sound causes vibrations in
a thin diaphragm, which are directly transmitted along
a wire or string connecting it to a similar diaphragm
at the remote station, thus reproducing the sound. It
does not employ electricity.
[1913 Webster]Telephone \Tel"e*phone\, v. t.
To convey or announce by telephone.
[1913 Webster]
Telephone exchange
Telephone exchange \Tel`e*phone ex*change"\
A central office in which the wires of telephones from local
subscribers may be connected by switches to other local
telephones or to long-distance lines, to permit transmission
of conversation or data.

Note: In the late 1990's the traditional copper wires
connecting local telephones to the telephone exchange
have begun to be replaced with optical fiber
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]exchange \ex*change"\ ([e^]ks*ch[=a]nj"), n. [OE. eschange,
eschaunge, OF. eschange, fr. eschangier, F. ['e]changer, to
exchange; pref. ex- out + F. changer. See Change, and cf.
1. The act of giving or taking one thing in return for
another which is regarded as an equivalent; as, an
exchange of cattle for grain.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of substituting one thing in the place of another;
as, an exchange of grief for joy, or of a scepter for a
sword, and the like; also, the act of giving and receiving
reciprocally; as, an exchange of civilities or views.
[1913 Webster]

3. The thing given or received in return; esp., a publication
exchanged for another. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Com.) The process of setting accounts or debts between
parties residing at a distance from each other, without
the intervention of money, by exchanging orders or drafts,
called bills of exchange. These may be drawn in one
country and payable in another, in which case they are
called foreign bills; or they may be drawn and made
payable in the same country, in which case they are called
inland bills. The term bill of exchange is often
abbreviated into exchange; as, to buy or sell exchange.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A in London is creditor to B in New York, and C in
London owes D in New York a like sum. A in London draws
a bill of exchange on B in New York; C in London
purchases the bill, by which A receives his debt due
from B in New York. C transmits the bill to D in New
York, who receives the amount from B.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Law) A mutual grant of equal interests, the one in
consideration of the other. Estates exchanged must be
equal in quantity, as fee simple for fee simple.
[1913 Webster]

6. The place where the merchants, brokers, and bankers of a
city meet at certain hours, to transact business; also,
the institution which sets regulations and maintains the
physical facilities of such a place; as, the New York
Stock Exchange; a commodity exchange. In this sense the
word was at one time often contracted to 'change
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Arbitration of exchange. See under Arbitration.

Bill of exchange. See under Bill.

Exchange broker. See under Broker.

Par of exchange, the established value of the coin or
standard of value of one country when expressed in the
coin or standard of another, as the value of the pound
sterling in the currency of France or the United States.
The par of exchange rarely varies, and serves as a measure
for the rise and fall of exchange that is affected by the
demand and supply. Exchange is at par when, for example, a
bill in New York, for the payment of one hundred pounds
sterling in London, can be purchased for the sum. Exchange
is in favor of a place when it can be purchased there at
or above par.

Telephone exchange, a central office in which the wires of
any two telephones or telephone stations may be connected
to permit conversation.

Syn: Barter; dealing; trade; traffic; interchange.
[1913 Webster]
Wireless telephone
Wireless \Wire"less\, a.
Having no wire; specif. (Elec.), designating, or pertaining
to, a method of telegraphy, telephony, or other information
transmisssion, in which the messages, data, etc., are
transmitted through space by electric waves; as, a wireless
message; a wireless network; a wireless keyboard.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Wireless telegraphy or Wireless telegraph (Elec.), any
system of telegraphy employing no connecting wire or wires
between the transmitting and receiving stations.

Note: Although more or less successful researchers were made
on the subject by Joseph Henry, Hertz, Oliver Lodge,
and others, the first commercially successful system
was that of Guglielmo Marconi, patented in March, 1897.
Marconi employed electric waves of high frequency set
up by an induction coil in an oscillator, these waves
being launched into space through a lofty antenna. The
receiving apparatus consisted of another antenna in
circuit with a coherer and small battery for operating
through a relay the ordinary telegraphic receiver. This
apparatus contains the essential features of all the
systems now in use.

Wireless telephone, an apparatus or contrivance for
wireless telephony.

Wireless telephony, telephony without wires, usually
employing electric waves of high frequency emitted from an
oscillator or generator, as in wireless telegraphy. A
telephone transmitter causes fluctuations in these waves,
it being the fluctuations only which affect the receiver.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
cellular telephone
cellular telephone
n 1: a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area
divided into small sections, each with its own short-range
transmitter/receiver [syn: cellular telephone, {cellular
phone}, cellphone, cell, mobile phone]
dial telephone
dial telephone
n 1: a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be
called [syn: dial telephone, dial phone]
french telephone
French telephone
n 1: telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a
single handle [syn: handset, French telephone]
n 1: telephony that uses transmission by radio rather than by
wire [syn: radiotelephone, radiotelephony, {wireless
2: a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than
along cables [syn: radiotelephone, radiophone, {wireless
telephone bell
telephone bell
n 1: electric bell that rings to signal a call
telephone bill
telephone bill
n 1: statement of charges for telephone service [syn: {phone
bill}, telephone bill]
telephone book
telephone book
n 1: a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone
subscribers and their telephone numbers [syn: phonebook,
phone book, telephone book, telephone directory]
telephone booth
telephone booth
n 1: booth for using a telephone [syn: telephone booth, {phone
booth}, call box, telephone box, telephone kiosk]
telephone box
telephone box
n 1: booth for using a telephone [syn: telephone booth, {phone
booth}, call box, telephone box, telephone kiosk]
telephone call
telephone call
n 1: a telephone connection; "she reported several anonymous
calls"; "he placed a phone call to London"; "he heard the
phone ringing but didn't want to take the call" [syn:
call, phone call, telephone call]
telephone circuit
telephone circuit
n 1: a telephone connection [syn: telephone line, {phone
line}, telephone circuit, subscriber line, line]
telephone company
telephone company
n 1: a public utility that provides telephone service [syn:
telephone company, telephone service, phone company,
phone service, telco]
telephone conversation
telephone conversation
n 1: a conversation over the telephone
telephone cord
telephone cord
n 1: the telephone wire that connects to the handset [syn:
telephone cord, phone cord]
telephone dial
telephone dial
n 1: a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for
each number called [syn: dial, telephone dial]
telephone directory
telephone directory
n 1: a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone
subscribers and their telephone numbers [syn: phonebook,
phone book, telephone book, telephone directory]
telephone exchange
telephone exchange
n 1: a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility
where lines from telephones can be connected together to
permit communication [syn: central, telephone exchange,
telephone extension
telephone extension
n 1: an additional telephone set that is connected to the same
telephone line [syn: extension, telephone extension,
extension phone]
telephone interview
telephone interview
n 1: an interview conducted over the telephone
telephone jack
telephone jack
n 1: a jack for plugging in a telephone [syn: telephone jack,
phone jack]
telephone kiosk
telephone kiosk
n 1: booth for using a telephone [syn: telephone booth, {phone
booth}, call box, telephone box, telephone kiosk]
telephone line
telephone line
n 1: the wire that carries telegraph and telephone signals [syn:
telephone wire, telephone line, telegraph wire,
telegraph line]
2: a telephone connection [syn: telephone line, phone line,
telephone circuit, subscriber line, line]
telephone message
telephone message
n 1: a message transmitted by telephone [syn: phone message,
telephone message]
telephone number
telephone number
n 1: the number is used in calling a particular telephone; "he
has an unlisted number" [syn: phone number, {telephone
number}, number]
telephone operator
telephone operator
n 1: someone who helps callers get the person they are calling
[syn: telephone operator, telephonist, {switchboard
telephone order
telephone order
n 1: receiving orders via telephone
telephone plug
telephone plug
n 1: a plug for connecting a telephone [syn: telephone plug,
phone plug]
telephone pole
telephone pole
n 1: tall pole supporting telephone wires [syn: {telephone
pole}, telegraph pole, telegraph post]
telephone receiver
telephone receiver
n 1: earphone that converts electrical signals into sounds [syn:
telephone receiver, receiver]
telephone service
telephone service
n 1: a public utility that provides telephone service [syn:
telephone company, telephone service, phone company,
phone service, telco]
telephone set
telephone set
n 1: electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical
signals that can be transmitted over distances and then
converts received signals back into sounds; "I talked to
him on the telephone" [syn: telephone, phone,
telephone set]

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