- pracujúci, pracovný
working,činnost n: Zdeněk Brož
working,fungování Mgr. Dita Gálová
working,chod Mgr. Dita Gálová
working,pracování n: Zdeněk Brož
working,pracovní adj: Zdeněk Brož
working,pracující adj: Pavel Machek; Giza
working,provozní Zdeněk Brož
working,v provozu Zdeněk Brož
Work \Work\ (w[^u]rk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Worked (w[^u]rkt),
or Wrought (r[add]t); p. pr. & vb. n. Working.] [AS.
wyrcean (imp. worthe, wrohte, p. p. geworht, gewroht); akin
to OFries. werka, wirka, OS. wirkian, D. werken, G. wirken,
Icel. verka, yrkja, orka, Goth. wa['u]rkjan. [root]145. See
Work, n.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To exert one's self for a purpose; to put forth effort for
the attainment of an object; to labor; to be engaged in
the performance of a task, a duty, or the like.
[1913 Webster]

O thou good Kent, how shall I live and work,
To match thy goodness? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw
be given you. --Ex. v. 18.
[1913 Webster]

Whether we work or play, or sleep or wake,
Our life doth pass. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, in a general sense, to operate; to act; to perform;
as, a machine works well.
[1913 Webster]

We bend to that the working of the heart. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, figuratively, to be effective; to have effect or
influence; to conduce.
[1913 Webster]

We know that all things work together for good to
them that love God. --Rom. viii.
[1913 Webster]

This so wrought upon the child, that afterwards he
desired to be taught. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

She marveled how she could ever have been wrought
upon to marry him. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

4. To carry on business; to be engaged or employed
customarily; to perform the part of a laborer; to labor;
to toil.
[1913 Webster]

They that work in fine flax . . . shall be
confounded. --Isa. xix. 9.
[1913 Webster]

5. To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a
state; to be tossed or agitated; to move heavily; to
strain; to labor; as, a ship works in a heavy sea.
[1913 Webster]

Confused with working sands and rolling waves.
[1913 Webster]

6. To make one's way slowly and with difficulty; to move or
penetrate laboriously; to proceed with effort; -- with a
following preposition, as down, out, into, up, through,
and the like; as, scheme works out by degrees; to work
into the earth.
[1913 Webster]

Till body up to spirit work, in bounds
Proportioned to each kind. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

7. To ferment, as a liquid.
[1913 Webster]

The working of beer when the barm is put in.
[1913 Webster]

8. To act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a
[1913 Webster]

Purges . . . work best, that is, cause the blood so
to do, . . . in warm weather or in a warm room.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

To work at, to be engaged in or upon; to be employed in.

To work to windward (Naut.), to sail or ply against the
wind; to tack to windward. --Mar. Dict.
[1913 Webster]
Working \Work"ing\,
a & n. from Work.
[1913 Webster]

The word must cousin be to the working. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Working beam. See Beam, n. 10.

Working class, the class of people who are engaged in
manual labor, or are dependent upon it for support;
laborers; operatives; -- chiefly used in the plural.

Working day. See under Day, n.

Working drawing, a drawing, as of the whole or part of a
structure, machine, etc., made to a scale, and intended to
be followed by the workmen. Working drawings are either
general or detail drawings.

Working house, a house where work is performed; a

Working point (Mach.), that part of a machine at which the
effect required; the point where the useful work is done.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: actively engaged in paid work; "the working population";
"the ratio of working men to unemployed"; "a working
mother"; "robots can be on the job day and night" [syn:
working(a), on the job(p)]
2: adequate for practical use; especially sufficient in strength
or numbers to accomplish something; "the party has a working
majority in the House"; "a working knowledge of Spanish"
3: adopted as a temporary basis for further work; "a working
draft"; "a working hypothesis"
4: (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing; "in
running (or working) order"; "a functional set of brakes"
[syn: running(a), operative, functional, working(a)]
5: serving to permit or facilitate further work or activity;
"discussed the working draft of a peace treaty"; "they need
working agreements with their neighbor states on interstate
n 1: a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked [syn:
working, workings]
podobné slovodefinícia
working life
working life
- životnosť
working on own
working on own
- pracovať samostatne
- pracovná trieda
- robotník
- baňa
- robotníčka
change in non-cash items of working capital
change in non-cash items of working capital,změny stavu nepeněžních
složek pracovního kapitálu [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár
hard-working,pracovitý adj: Zdeněk Brožhard-working,těžce pracující adj: Zdeněk Brož
hardworking,pilný adj: Zdeněk Brožhardworking,pracovitý adj: Zdeněk Brožhardworking,těžce pracující adj: Zdeněk Brož
imf terminology working group
IMF Terminology Working Group,
in working order
in working order, adj:
international compilers working group on external debt statistics
International Compilers Working Group on External Debt Statistics,
metalworking,kovodělnictví n: Zdeněk Brož
metalworking vise
metalworking vise, n:
method of working
method of working,pracovní metoda Mgr. Dita Gálovámethod of working,způsob práce Mgr. Dita Gálová
networking,síťování n:
non-working,nefunkční adj: Pino
not working
not working,nefunkční adj: Pino
overworking, n:
reworking,předělání n: Zdeněk Brožreworking,přepracování n: Zdeněk Brož
teleworking,zaměstnání na dálku Jaroslav Šedivý
wonderworking, adj:
woodworking,dřevoobráběcí adj: Zdeněk Brožwoodworking,zpracování dřeva Zdeněk Brož
woodworking plane
woodworking plane, n:
woodworking vise
woodworking vise, n:
working age population
working age population,
working agreement
working agreement, n:
working balances
working balances,
working capital
working capital,provozní kapitál n: [ekon.] PetrV
working class
working class,proletariát n: PetrV
working day
working day,pracovní den
working dog
working dog, n:
working girl
working girl, n:
working group
working group,pracovní kolektiv Zdeněk Brožworking group,pracovní skupina Zdeněk Brož
working hours
working hours,pracovní doba
working hypothesis
working hypothesis,
working life
working life,životnost n: Zdeněk Brož
working man
working man, n:
working memory
working memory, n:
working out
working out,vypracování n: Zdeněk Brož
working paper
working paper,
working papers
working papers,pracovní povolení [amer.] pro nezletilé PetrV
working party
working party,pracovní skupina Zdeněk Brožworking party,pracovní tým Zdeněk Brož
working party on the measurement of international capital flows
Working Party on the Measurement of International Capital Flows,
working party on the statistical discrepancy in world current account balances
Working Party on the Statistical Discrepancy in World Current Account
working person
working person, n:
working population
working population,
working principle
working principle, n:
working rule
working rule, n:
working-class, adj:
working-out,vypracování n: Zdeněk Brož
workingman,dělník n: PetrV
workings,důl n: Zdeněk Brožworkings,lom n: Zdeněk Brož
workingwoman,dělnice n: Zdeněk Brožworkingwoman,pracovnice n: PetrV
Aworking \A*work"ing\, adv. [Pref. a- + working.]
At work; in action. [Archaic or Colloq.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster] Awreak
hardworking \hard"work`ing\ adj.
1. habitually working diligently and for long hours.

Syn: industrious, tireless, untiring.
[WordNet 1.5]
interworking \in`ter*work"ing\, n.
The act of working in together; interweaving. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
networking \net"work*ing\, n.
Interchanging information or services, among a group; -- of
persons or organizations.
Overwork \O`ver*work"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Overworkedor
Overwrought; p. pr. & vb. n. Overworking.]
1. To work beyond the strength; to cause to labor too much or
too long; to tire excessively; as, to overwork a horse.
[1913 Webster]

2. To fill too full of work; to crowd with labor.
[1913 Webster]

My days with toil are overwrought. --Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]

3. To decorate all over.
[1913 Webster]
propertyless wage-earning working-class blue-collar
low-class \low-class\ adj.
1. Occupying the lowest socioeconomic position in a society.
Contrasted with middle-class and upper-class.
[Narrower terms: {propertyless, wage-earning,
working-class, blue-collar}] Also See: lowborn,
proletarian, propertyless.

Syn: lower-class (vs. upper-class).
[WordNet 1.5]

2. characteristic of the lower classes. [Narrower terms:
non-U, vulgar] PJC]
Underwork \Un`der*work"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Underworkedor
Underwrought; p. pr. & vb. n. Underworking.]
1. To injure by working secretly; to destroy or overthrow by
clandestine measure; to undermine.
[1913 Webster]

But thou from loving England art so far,
That thou hast underwrought his lawful king. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To expend too little work upon; as, to underwork a
painting. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. To do like work at a less price than; as, one mason may
underwork another.
[1913 Webster]
Unworking \Unworking\
See working.
Wonder-working \Won"der-work`ing\, a.
Doing wonders or surprising things.
[1913 Webster]
Work \Work\ (w[^u]rk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Worked (w[^u]rkt),
or Wrought (r[add]t); p. pr. & vb. n. Working.] [AS.
wyrcean (imp. worthe, wrohte, p. p. geworht, gewroht); akin
to OFries. werka, wirka, OS. wirkian, D. werken, G. wirken,
Icel. verka, yrkja, orka, Goth. wa['u]rkjan. [root]145. See
Work, n.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To exert one's self for a purpose; to put forth effort for
the attainment of an object; to labor; to be engaged in
the performance of a task, a duty, or the like.
[1913 Webster]

O thou good Kent, how shall I live and work,
To match thy goodness? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw
be given you. --Ex. v. 18.
[1913 Webster]

Whether we work or play, or sleep or wake,
Our life doth pass. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, in a general sense, to operate; to act; to perform;
as, a machine works well.
[1913 Webster]

We bend to that the working of the heart. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, figuratively, to be effective; to have effect or
influence; to conduce.
[1913 Webster]

We know that all things work together for good to
them that love God. --Rom. viii.
[1913 Webster]

This so wrought upon the child, that afterwards he
desired to be taught. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

She marveled how she could ever have been wrought
upon to marry him. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

4. To carry on business; to be engaged or employed
customarily; to perform the part of a laborer; to labor;
to toil.
[1913 Webster]

They that work in fine flax . . . shall be
confounded. --Isa. xix. 9.
[1913 Webster]

5. To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a
state; to be tossed or agitated; to move heavily; to
strain; to labor; as, a ship works in a heavy sea.
[1913 Webster]

Confused with working sands and rolling waves.
[1913 Webster]

6. To make one's way slowly and with difficulty; to move or
penetrate laboriously; to proceed with effort; -- with a
following preposition, as down, out, into, up, through,
and the like; as, scheme works out by degrees; to work
into the earth.
[1913 Webster]

Till body up to spirit work, in bounds
Proportioned to each kind. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

7. To ferment, as a liquid.
[1913 Webster]

The working of beer when the barm is put in.
[1913 Webster]

8. To act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a
[1913 Webster]

Purges . . . work best, that is, cause the blood so
to do, . . . in warm weather or in a warm room.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]

To work at, to be engaged in or upon; to be employed in.

To work to windward (Naut.), to sail or ply against the
wind; to tack to windward. --Mar. Dict.
[1913 Webster]Working \Work"ing\,
a & n. from Work.
[1913 Webster]

The word must cousin be to the working. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Working beam. See Beam, n. 10.

Working class, the class of people who are engaged in
manual labor, or are dependent upon it for support;
laborers; operatives; -- chiefly used in the plural.

Working day. See under Day, n.

Working drawing, a drawing, as of the whole or part of a
structure, machine, etc., made to a scale, and intended to
be followed by the workmen. Working drawings are either
general or detail drawings.

Working house, a house where work is performed; a

Working point (Mach.), that part of a machine at which the
effect required; the point where the useful work is done.
[1913 Webster]
Working beam
Working \Work"ing\,
a & n. from Work.
[1913 Webster]

The word must cousin be to the working. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Working beam. See Beam, n. 10.

Working class, the class of people who are engaged in
manual labor, or are dependent upon it for support;
laborers; operatives; -- chiefly used in the plural.

Working day. See under Day, n.

Working drawing, a drawing, as of the whole or part of a
structure, machine, etc., made to a scale, and intended to
be followed by the workmen. Working drawings are either
general or detail drawings.

Working house, a house where work is performed; a

Working point (Mach.), that part of a machine at which the
effect required; the point where the useful work is done.
[1913 Webster]Beam \Beam\ (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be['a]m beam, post, tree, ray of
light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG.
boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr.
fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff,
rod, spoke of a wheel, beam or ray, and G. strahl arrow,
spoke of a wheel, ray or beam, flash of lightning. [root]97.
See Be; cf. Boom a spar.]
1. Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to
its thickness, and prepared for use.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building or
[1913 Webster]

The beams of a vessel are strong pieces of timber
stretching across from side to side to support the
decks. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]

3. The width of a vessel; as, one vessel is said to have more
beam than another.
[1913 Webster]

4. The bar of a balance, from the ends of which the scales
are suspended.
[1913 Webster]

The doubtful beam long nods from side to side.
[1913 Webster]

5. The principal stem or horn of a stag or other deer, which
bears the antlers, or branches.
[1913 Webster]

6. The pole of a carriage. [Poetic] --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

7. A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which
weavers wind the warp before weaving; also, the cylinder
on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven; one being
called the fore beam, the other the back beam.
[1913 Webster]

8. The straight part or shank of an anchor.
[1913 Webster]

9. The main part of a plow, to which the handles and colter
are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen
or horses that draw it.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Steam Engine) A heavy iron lever having an oscillating
motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected
with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and
the other with the crank of the wheel shaft; -- called
also working beam or walking beam.
[1913 Webster]

11. A ray or collection of parallel rays emitted from the sun
or other luminous body; as, a beam of light, or of heat.
[1913 Webster]

How far that little candle throws his beams!
[1913 Webster]

12. (Fig.): A ray; a gleam; as, a beam of comfort.
[1913 Webster]

Mercy with her genial beam. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

13. One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk; -- called
also beam feather.
[1913 Webster]

Abaft the beam (Naut.), in an arc of the horizon between a
line that crosses the ship at right angles, or in the
direction of her beams, and that point of the compass
toward which her stern is directed.

Beam center (Mach.), the fulcrum or pin on which the
working beam of an engine vibrates.

Beam compass, an instrument consisting of a rod or beam,
having sliding sockets that carry steel or pencil points;
-- used for drawing or describing large circles.

Beam engine, a steam engine having a working beam to
transmit power, in distinction from one which has its
piston rod attached directly to the crank of the wheel

Before the beam (Naut.), in an arc of the horizon included
between a line that crosses the ship at right angles and
that point of the compass toward which the ship steers.

On the beam, in a line with the beams, or at right angles
with the keel.

On the weather beam, on the side of a ship which faces the

To be on her beam ends, to incline, as a vessel, so much on
one side that her beams approach a vertical position.
[1913 Webster]
working beam
Working \Work"ing\,
a & n. from Work.
[1913 Webster]

The word must cousin be to the working. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Working beam. See Beam, n. 10.

Working class, the class of people who are engaged in
manual labor, or are dependent upon it for support;
laborers; operatives; -- chiefly used in the plural.

Working day. See under Day, n.

Working drawing, a drawing, as of the whole or part of a
structure, machine, etc., made to a scale, and intended to
be followed by the workmen. Working drawings are either
general or detail drawings.

Working house, a house where work is performed; a

Working point (Mach.), that part of a machine at which the
effect required; the point where the useful work is done.
[1913 Webster]Beam \Beam\ (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be['a]m beam, post, tree, ray of
light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG.
boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr.
fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff,
rod, spoke of a wheel, beam or ray, and G. strahl arrow,
spoke of a wheel, ray or beam, flash of lightning. [root]97.
See Be; cf. Boom a spar.]
1. Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to
its thickness, and prepared for use.
[1913 Webster]

2. One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building or
[1913 Webster]

The beams of a vessel are strong pieces of timber
stretching across from side to side to support the
decks. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]

3. The width of a vessel; as, one vessel is said to have more
beam than another.
[1913 Webster]

4. The bar of a balance, from the ends of which the scales
are suspended.
[1913 Webster]

The doubtful beam long nods from side to side.
[1913 Webster]

5. The principal stem or horn of a stag or other deer, which
bears the antlers, or branches.
[1913 Webster]

6. The pole of a carriage. [Poetic] --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

7. A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which
weavers wind the warp before weaving; also, the cylinder
on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven; one being
called the fore beam, the other the back beam.
[1913 Webster]

8. The straight part or shank of an anchor.
[1913 Webster]

9. The main part of a plow, to which the handles and colter
are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen
or horses that draw it.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Steam Engine) A heavy iron lever having an oscillating
motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected
with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and
the other with the crank of the wheel shaft; -- called
also working beam or walking beam.
[1913 Webster]

11. A ray or collection of parallel rays emitted from the sun
or other luminous body; as, a beam of light, or of heat.
[1913 Webster]

How far that little candle throws his beams!
[1913 Webster]

12. (Fig.): A ray; a gleam; as, a beam of comfort.
[1913 Webster]

Mercy with her genial beam. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

13. One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk; -- called
also beam feather.
[1913 Webster]

Abaft the beam (Naut.), in an arc of the horizon between a
line that crosses the ship at right angles, or in the
direction of her beams, and that point of the compass
toward which her stern is directed.

Beam center (Mach.), the fulcrum or pin on which the
working beam of an engine vibrates.

Beam compass, an instrument consisting of a rod or beam,
having sliding sockets that carry steel or pencil points;
-- used for drawing or describing large circles.

Beam engine, a steam engine having a working beam to
transmit power, in distinction from one which has its
piston rod attached directly to the crank of the wheel

Before the beam (Naut.), in an arc of the horizon included
between a line that crosses the ship at right angles and
that point of the compass toward which the ship steers.

On the beam, in a line with the beams, or at right angles
with the keel.

On the weather beam, on the side of a ship which faces the

To be on her beam ends, to incline, as a vessel, so much on
one side that her beams approach a vertical position.
[1913 Webster]
Working class
Working \Work"ing\,
a & n. from Work.
[1913 Webster]

The word must cousin be to the working. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Working beam. See Beam, n. 10.

Working class, the class of people who are engaged in
manual labor, or are dependent upon it for support;
laborers; operatives; -- chiefly used in the plural.

Working day. See under Day, n.

Working drawing, a drawing, as of the whole or part of a
structure, machine, etc., made to a scale, and intended to
be followed by the workmen. Working drawings are either
general or detail drawings.

Working house, a house where work is performed; a

Working point (Mach.), that part of a machine at which the
effect required; the point where the useful work is done.
[1913 Webster]

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