4 \4\ adj.
1. one more than three; denoting a quantity consisting of
four items or units; -- representing the number four as an
Arabic numeral.

Syn: four, iv
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
adj 1: being one more than three [syn: four, 4, iv]
n 1: the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one [syn:
four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion,
quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet,
foursome, Little Joe]
podobné slovodefinícia
- bez zastávky, nepretržitý, nonstop
- rádioaktívny uhlík
1024 bajtov
1024 bajtov
- kilobyte
6 june 1944
6 June 1944
- D-day
1024 bajtov
1024 bajtov
- kilobyte
6 june 1944
6 June 1944
- D-day
.45 caliber
.45 caliber, adj:
.45 calibre
.45 calibre, adj:
10-4 = ten-four
10-4 = ten-four,dobře jose10-4 = ten-four,v pořádku jose
14th,čtrnáctý num: Zdeněk Brož
24/7,24 hours a day, 7 days a week [zkr.] 24/7,dnem i nocí [zkr.] jose24/7,neustále [zkr.] jose
24th,dvacátý čtvrtý Zdeněk Brož
4th,čtvrtý num: Zdeněk Brož
ak47 = kalashnikov
AK47 = Kalashnikov,Kalašnikov (útočná zbraň sovětské výroby) n:
[voj.] jose
B4,Before [zkr.]
B4N,Bye for Now [zkr.]
BMC4ISR,Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance [zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
C4,Command, Control, Communication, and Computers [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk
Brož a automatický překlad
carbon 14
carbon 14, n:
carbon-14 dating
carbon-14 dating, n:
D4,Degrade, Disrupt, Deny, Destroy [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
ddr = deutsche demokratische republik (1949-1990)
DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik (1949-1990),NDR = Nemecká
demokratická republika n: [hist.] jose
element 104
element 104,prvek 104 n: syntetizovaný radioaktivní transuranický prvek,
v přírodě neexistující sheeryjay
for 24 hours
for 24 hours, adv:
group of 24
Group of 24,
P4A,Programmable Powdered Preform Process for Aerospace [zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
TTL4N,That's The Lot For Now [zkr.]
14. písmeno hebrejské abecedy
14. písmeno hebrejské abecedy,nunn: jose
24 hodin
24 hodin,around the clock Zdeněk Brož
24 hours a day
24 hours a day, 7 days a week,24/7[zkr.]
4/5 galonu
4/5 galonu,Jeroboam Zdeněk Brož
antonín dvořák (1841-1904)
Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904),Dvorakn: [jmén.] český skladatel Petr Prášek
battle mangement c4i surveillance and reconnaissance
Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance,BMC4ISR[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
bedřich smetana (1824-1884)
Bedřich Smetana (1824-1884),Smetanan: [jmén.] český skladatel Petr
druh tance ve 40. letech
druh tance ve 40. letech,jitterbug Zdeněk Brož
francisco pizarro (1478-1541)
Francisco Pizarro (1478-1541),Pizarron: [jmén.] španělský conquistador,
dobyl inckou říši Petr Prášek
george smith patton (1885-1945)
George Smith Patton (1885-1945),Pattonn: [jmén.] americký generál Petr
ivan petrovič pavlov (1849-1936)
Ivan Petrovič Pavlov (1849-1936),Pavlovn: [jmén.] ruský fyziolog Petr
prvek 104
prvek 104,element 104n: syntetizovaný radioaktivní transuranický prvek,
v přírodě neexistující sheeryjay
vilfredo pareto (1848-1923)
Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923),Pareton: [jmén.] italský sociolog a
ekonom Petr Prášek
14 \14\ adj.
1. denoting a quantity consisting of one more than thirteen
and one less than fifteen; -- representing the number
fourteen as Arabic numerals

Syn: fourteen, xiv
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
14th \14th\ adj.
1. coming next after the thirteenth in a series

Syn: fourteenth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
24 \24\ adj.
1. one more than twenty-three; denoting a quantity consisting
of twenty-four items or units; -- representing the number
twenty-four as Arabic numerals

Syn: twenty-four, xxiv
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
247 \24/7\ adj. & adv. (tw[e^]n"t[=e]f[^o]r-s[e^]v"en) [From 24
hours per day, 7 days per week.]
Without interruption; non-stop; continuous; as, the computer
manufacturer provides 24/7 technical help.

Syn: twenty-four-seven, 7/24
24th \24th\ adj.
1. coming next after the twenty-third in a series

Syn: twenty-fourth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
40 \40\ adj.
1. one more than thirty-nine; four times ten; denoting a
quantity consisting of fourty items or units; --
representing the number fourty as an Arabic numeral.

Syn: forty, xl, twoscore
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
40th \40th\ adj.
1. coming next after the thirty-ninth in position

Syn: fortieth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
4-hitter \4-hitter\ n.
1. a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team 4 hits.

Syn: four-hitter
[WordNet 1.5]
4th \4th\ adj.
1. coming next after the third in position

Syn: fourth, quaternary
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
4to \4to\ n.
1. the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet
of paper twice to form four leaves.

Syn: quarto
[WordNet 1.5]
724 \7/24\ adj. & adv.
Same as 24/7.
Cacodyl \Cac"o*dyl\, n. [Gr. ??????? ill-smelling (kako`s bad +
????? to smell) + -yl.] (Chem.)
Alkarsin; a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid,
As2(CH3)4, spontaneously inflammable and possessing an
intensely disagreeable odor. It is the type of a series of
compounds analogous to the nitrogen compounds called
hydrazines. [Written also cacodyle, and kakodyl.]
[1913 Webster]
Isomorphism \I`so*mor"phism\, n. [Cf. F. isomorphisme.]
1. (Crystallog.) A similarity of crystalline form between
substances of similar composition, as between the
sulphates of barium (BaSO4) and strontium (SrSO4). It
is sometimes extended to include similarity of form
between substances of unlike composition, which is more
properly called hom[oe]omorphism.

2. (Math.) A one-to-one mapping of one set onto another set
which preserves the relations between the elements of the
domains of the sets.
inosine \in"o*sine\ ([i^]n"[-o]*s[i^]n), n. (Chem.)
A ribonucleoside (C10H12N4O5) found in meat and meat
extracts, differing from adenosine in having a hydroxyl
rather than an amine attached to the purine ring. It may be
prepared from adenosine by the enzyme adenosine deaminase, or
by chemical deamination, as with nitrous acid. It
participates in some cellular functions, but is not one of
the normal nucleoside components of RNA.
azidothymidine \azidothymidine\ n.
1. 1 an antiviral drug, (C10H13N5O4) used in the treatment
of AIDS. It has the generic name of zidovudine.

Note: an analog of thymidine, it inhibits the replication of
the viral chromosome.

Syn: AZT, zidovudine[generic], 3'-azido 3'-deoxythymidine,
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
eucalyptol \eu`ca*lyp*tol\, n. [eucalyptus + L. oleum oil.]
A volatile, terpenelike oil (C10H18O), which is the main
constituent of the oil of eucalyptus. It has cockroach
repellent activity and is used as a flavoring aid in
pharmaceuticals. Chemically it is
1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo-[2,2,2]-octane. --MI11

Syn: cineole, cajeputol. [1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: In the 1913 Webster eucalytpol was defined as an oil
"consisting largely of cymene". Cymene
(isopropyltoluene, C10H14) differs from that of the
substance currently called eucalyptol, in having an
unsaturated ring and no oxygen. Para-cymene does occur
in eucalyptus oil as well as some other essential oils.
Nicotine \Nic"o*tine\ (? or ?), n. [F. nicotine. See
Nicotian.] (Chem.)
An alkaloid which is the active principle of tobacco
(C10H14N2). It occurs in tobacco plants ({Nicotiana
tabacum} and Nicotiana rusticum) to the extent of 2 to 8%,
in combination with malic acid or citric acid. It is a
colorless, transparent, oily liquid, having an acrid odor,
and an acrid burning taste. It is intensely poisonous. The
apparently addictive effects of tobacco smoking have been
ascribed largely to the effect of nicotine, and the
controlled administration of nicotine on various forms has
been used as a technique for assisting efforts to stop the
smoking habit. --Ure.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Isonicotine \I`so*nic"o*tine\, n. [Iso- + nicotine.] (Chem.)
A crystalline, nitrogenous base, C10H14N2, isomeric with
[1913 Webster]
Camphoric \Cam*phor"ic\, a. [Cf. F. camphorique.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or derived from, camphor.
[1913 Webster]

Camphoric acid, a white crystallizable substance,
C10H16O4, obtained from the oxidation of camphor.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Other acids of camphor are campholic acid, C10H18O2,
and camphoronic acid, C9H12O5, white crystallizable
[1913 Webster]
Furoin \Fu"ro*in\, n. [See Furfurol.] (Chem.)
A colorless, crystalline substance, C10H8O4, from furfurol.
[1913 Webster]
Hendecane \Hen"de*cane\, n. [Gr. "e`ndeka eleven.] (Chem.)
A hydrocarbon, C11H24, of the paraffin series; -- so called
because it has eleven atoms of carbon in each molecule.
Called also endecane, undecane.
[1913 Webster]Undecane \Un"de*cane\, n. [L. undecim eleven.] (Chem.)
A liquid hydrocarbon, C11H24, of the methane series, found
in petroleum; -- so called from its containing eleven carbon
atoms in the molecule.
[1913 Webster]Endecane \En"de*cane\, n. [Gr. ? eleven.] (Chem.)
One of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series,
C11H24, found as a constituent of petroleum. [Written also
[1913 Webster]
vitamin B1 \vitamin B1\ n.
a B vitamin (C12H17N4OS)Cl that prevents beriberi and
maintains appetite and growth. Same as thiamine.

Syn: thiamin, aneurin, antiberiberi factor.
[WordNet 1.5]
Euchroic \Eu*chro"ic\, a. [Gr. ? well-colored; e'y^ well + ?
color.] (Chem.)
Having a fine color.
[1913 Webster]

Euchroic acid (Chem.), an organic, imide acid, obtained as
a colorless crystalline substance, C12H4N2O8 by heating
an ammonium salt of mellitic acid. By reduction it is
changed to a dark blue substance (euchrone), -- hence its
[1913 Webster]
Naphthalic \Naph*tha"lic\, a. (Chem.)
(a) Pertaining to, derived from, or related to, naphthalene;
-- formerly used to denote any one of a series of acids
derived from naphthalene, and called naphthalene acids,
now specifically referring to 1,8-naphthalenedicaboxylic
acid, C12H8O4.
(b) Formerly, designating an acid probably identical with
phthalic acid.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Phenanthrene \Phe*nan"threne\, n. [Phenyl + antracene.] (Chem.)
A complex hydrocarbon, C14H10, found in coal tar, and
obtained as a white crystalline substance with a bluish
[1913 Webster]Tolane \To*lane"\, n. [From Toluene.] (Chem.)
A hydrocarbon, C14H10, related both to the acetylene and
the aromatic series, and produced artificially as a white
crystalline substance; -- called also diphenyl acetylene.
[1913 Webster]
Tannic \Tan"nic\, a.
Of or pertaining to tan; derived from, or resembling, tan;
as, tannic acid.
[1913 Webster]

Tannic acid. (Chem.)
(a) An acid obtained from nutgalls as a yellow amorphous
substance, C14H10O9, having an astringent taste, and
forming with ferric salts a bluish-black compound, which
is the basis of common ink. Called also tannin, and
gallotannic acid.
(b) By extension, any one of a series of astringent
substances resembling tannin proper, widely diffused
through the vegetable kingdom, as in oak bark, willow,
catechu, tea, coffee, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Stilbene \Stil"bene\, n. [See Stilbite.] (Chem.)
A hydrocarbon, C14H12, produced artificially in large, fine
crystals; -- called also diphenyl ethylene, toluylene,
[1913 Webster]
Benzoin \Ben*zoin"\ (b[e^]n*zoin"), n. [Cf. F. benjoin, Sp.
benjui, Pg. beijoin; all fr. Ar. lub[=a]n-j[=a]w[imac]
incense form Sumatra (named Java in Arabic), the first
syllable being lost. Cf. Benjamin.]

Note: [Called also benjamin.]
1. A resinous substance, dry and brittle, obtained from the
Styrax benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java, etc., having a
fragrant odor, and slightly aromatic taste. It is used in
the preparation of benzoic acid, in medicine, and as a
[1913 Webster]

2. A white crystalline substance, C14H12O2, obtained from
benzoic aldehyde and some other sources.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The spicebush (Lindera benzoin).
[1913 Webster]

Flowers of benzoin, benzoic acid. See under Benzoic.
[1913 Webster]
Ditolyl \Di*tol"yl\, n. [Pref. di- + tolyl.] (Chem.)
A white, crystalline, aromatic hydrocarbon, C14H14,
consisting of two radicals or residues of toluene.
[1913 Webster]
Curcumin \Cur"cu*min\ (-m?n), n. (Chem.)
The coloring principle of turmeric, or curcuma root,
extracted as an orange yellow crystalline substance,
C14H14O4, with a green fluorescence.
[1913 Webster]

Note: It possesses acid properties and with alkalies forms
brownish salts. This change in color from yellow to
brown is the characteristic reaction of tumeric paper.
See Turmeric paper, under Turmeric.
[1913 Webster]
Indican \In"di*can\, n. [See Indigo.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Chem.) A glucoside (C14H17NO6) obtained from woad
(indigo plant, Isatis Tinctoria) and other plants (see
indigo), as a yellow or light brown sirup. When purified
it is obtained as spear-shaped crystals. It has a nauseous
bitter taste. By the action of acids, enzymes, etc., it
breaks down into sugar and indigo. It is the source of
natural indigo. Chemically it is the 3-glucoside of
indole, H-indol-3-yl-[beta]-D-glucopyranoside.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. (Physiol. Chem.) An indigo-forming substance, found in
urine, and other animal fluids, and convertible into red
and blue indigo (urrhodin and uroglaucin). Chemically, it
is indoxyl sulphate of potash, C8H6NSO4K, and is derived
from the indol formed in the alimentary canal. Called also
[1913 Webster]
aspartame \aspartame\ n.
1. an artificial sweetener containing an aspartic acid
peptide, (C14H18N2O5); it is 160 times sweeter than
sucrose (cane sugar) and is used as a calorie-free
sweetener. Chemically it is
N-L-[alpha]-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester. It is
sold also under the trade name Equal.
[WordNet 1.5]
irone \i"rone\, irones \i"rones\, n.
A fragrant liquid substance, a mixture of several isomers of
the formula C14H22O, forming the essence of the violet
fragrance, commonly isolated from orris oil or from the
rhizomes of Iris. The main ingredient in violets is
[alpha]-irone, which occurs as both cis and trans
stereoisomers. Called also 6-methylionone.
Stovain \Sto"va*in\, n. Also Stovine \Sto"vine\ . [Stove (a
translation of the name of the discoverer, Fourneau + -in,
-ine.] (Pharm.)
A substance, C14H22O2NCl, the hydrochloride of an amino
compound containing benzol, used, in solution with
strychnine, as a local anaesthetic, esp. by injection into
the sheath of the spinal cord, producing anaesthesia below
the point of introduction. Called also {amylocaine
hydrochloride}. Chemically it is the hydrochloride of the
benzoyl ester of 1-(dimethylaminomethyl)-1-methyl propanol.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Lichenic \Li*chen"ic\ (l[-i]*k[e^]n"[i^]k), a.
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, lichens.
[1913 Webster]

Lichenic acid.
(a) An organic acid, C14H24O3, obtained from Iceland moss.
(b) An old name of fumaric acid.
[1913 Webster]

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