70 \70\ adj.
1. one more than sixty-nine; denoting a quantity consisting
of seventy items or units; -- representing the number
sevent as an Arabic numeral.

Syn: seventy, lxx
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
adj 1: being ten more than sixty [syn: seventy, 70, lxx]
n 1: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and seven
[syn: seventy, 70, LXX]
podobné slovodefinícia
70th \70th\ adj.
1. coming next after the sixty-ninth in a series

Syn: seventieth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
adj 1: being ten more than one hundred sixty [syn: {one hundred
seventy}, 170, clxx]
adj 1: the ordinal number of one hundred seventy in counting
order [syn: hundred-and-seventieth, 170th]
n 1: the decade from 1770 to 1779
n 1: the decade from 1870 to 1879
n 1: the decade from 1970 to 1979 [syn: seventies, 1970s]
adj 1: the ordinal number of seventy in counting order [syn:
seventieth, 70th]
atomic number 70
atomic number 70
n 1: a soft silvery metallic element; a rare earth of the
lanthanide series; it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and
xenotime [syn: ytterbium, Yb, atomic number 70]
IBM 3270

A class of terminals made by IBM known as
"Display Devices", normally used to talk to IBM
mainframes. The 3270 attempts to minimise the number of
I/O interrupts required by accepting large blocks of data,
known as datastreams, in which both text and control (or
formatting functions) are interspersed allowing an entire
screen to be "painted" as a single output operation. The
concept of "formatting" in these devices allows the screen to
be divided into clusters of contiguous character cells for
which numerous attributes (color, highlighting, {character
set}, protection from modification) can be set. Further,
using a technique known as 'Read Modified' the changes from
any number of formatted fields that have been modified can be
read as a single input without transferring any other data,
another technique to enhance the terminal throughput of the

The 3270 had twelve, and later twenty-four, special Programmed
Function Keys, or PF keys. When one of these keys was
pressed, it would cause the device to generate an I/O
interrupt and present a special code identifying which key
was pressed. Application program functions such as
termination, page-up, page-down or help could be invoked by a
single key-push, thereby reducing the load on very busy

A version of the IBM PC called the "3270 PC" was released in
October 1983. It included 3270 terminal emulation.

tn3270 is modified version of Telnet which acts as a 3270
terminal emulator and can be used to connect to an IBM
computer over a network.

See also broken arrow.

commodore 1570
Commodore 1570

Commodore Business Machines's allegedly "advanced"
disk drive for use with the C128. It is basically a 1541
with the capability to use "burst loading" (like the
Commodore 1571), and lots of new bugs.

The Commodore 1571 was a double-sided version of the 1570.

ibm 3270
IBM 3270

A class of terminals made by IBM known as
"Display Devices", normally used to talk to IBM
mainframes. The 3270 attempts to minimise the number of
I/O interrupts required by accepting large blocks of data,
known as datastreams, in which both text and control (or
formatting functions) are interspersed allowing an entire
screen to be "painted" as a single output operation. The
concept of "formatting" in these devices allows the screen to
be divided into clusters of contiguous character cells for
which numerous attributes (color, highlighting, {character
set}, protection from modification) can be set. Further,
using a technique known as 'Read Modified' the changes from
any number of formatted fields that have been modified can be
read as a single input without transferring any other data,
another technique to enhance the terminal throughput of the

The 3270 had twelve, and later twenty-four, special Programmed
Function Keys, or PF keys. When one of these keys was
pressed, it would cause the device to generate an I/O
interrupt and present a special code identifying which key
was pressed. Application program functions such as
termination, page-up, page-down or help could be invoked by a
single key-push, thereby reducing the load on very busy

A version of the IBM PC called the "3270 PC" was released in
October 1983. It included 3270 terminal emulation.

tn3270 is modified version of Telnet which acts as a 3270
terminal emulator and can be used to connect to an IBM
computer over a network.

See also broken arrow.

ibm 370
IBM 370

(S/370) An IBM mainframe computer
introduced in 1970 as a successor to the IBM 360.
Enhancements included the ability to support virtual memory
and improved main storage. Two models were available
initially: 165 and 155, with cycle times of 80 and 115

{Press Release


ibm 370esa
IBM zSeries

(Enterprise System Architecture) An IBM
mainframe computer introduced in 1988. Successor to the
IBM 370XA had enhanced access registers that allowed access
to other forms of virtual memory. This enhancement allowed
more data storage in main and virtual memory, reducing I/O
operating and improving speed and efficiency. The IBM 370ESA
was rebranded as the IBM390, and later as the zSeries.

ibm 370xa

An IBM mainframe computer introduced in
1983. Successor to the System/370, this machine had an
enhanced address space.

ibm 700 series
IBM 700 series

A family of computers made by IBM, including the
IBM 701, IBM 702, IBM 704, IBM 705 and IBM 709.

ibm 701
IBM 701
Defense Calculator

("Defense Calculator") The first of the {IBM 700
series} of computers.

The IBM 701 was annouced internally on 1952-04-29 as "the most
advanced, most flexible high-speed computer in the world".
Known as the Defense Calculator while in development at {IBM
Poughkeepsie Laboratory}, it went public on 1953-04-07 as the
"IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machines" (plural because
it consisted of eleven connected units).

The 701 was the first IBM large-scale electronic computer
manufactured in quantity and their first commercial
scientific computer. It was the first IBM machine in which
programs were stored in an internal, addressable, electronic
memory. It was developed and produced in less than two years
from "first pencil on paper" to installation. It was key to
IBM's transition from punched card machines to electronic

It consisted of four magnetic tape drives, a magnetic drum
memory unit, a cathode-ray tube storage unit, an L-shaped
arithmetic and control unit with an operator's panel, a
punched card {reader, a printer, a card punch and three
power units. It performed more than 16,000 additions or
subtractions per second, read 12,500 digits a second from
tape, print 180 letters or numbers a second and output 400
digits a second from punched-cards.

The IBM 701 ran the following languages and systems: BACAIC,
SHACO, SO 2, Speedcoding, SPEEDEX.

{IBM History

ibm 704
IBM 704

A large, scientific computer made by IBM and used
by the largest commercial, government and educational

The IBM 704 had 36-bit memory words, 15-bit addresses and
instructions with one address. A few index register
instructions had the infamous 15-bit decrement field in
addition to the 15-bit address.

The 704, and IBM 709 which had the same basic architecture,
represented a substantial step forward from the IBM 650's
magnetic drum storage as they provided random access at
electronic speed to core storage, typically 32k words of 36
bits each.

[Or did the 704 actually come *before* the 650?]

A typical 700 series installation would be in a specially
built room of perhaps 1000 to 2000 square feet, with cables
running under a raised floor and substantial air conditioning.
There might be up to eight magnetic tape transports, each
about 3 x 3 x 6 feet, on one or two "channels." The 1/2 inch
tape had seven tracks and moved at 150 inches per second,
giving a read/write speed of 15,000 six bit characters (plus
parity) per second.

In the centre would be the operator's console consisting of
cabinets and tables for storage of tapes and boxes of cards;
and a card reader, a card punch, and a line printer,
each perhaps 4 x 4 x 5 feet in dimension. Small jobs could
be entered via punched cards at the console, but as a rule
the user jobs were transferred from cards to magnetic tape
by off-line equipment and only control information was
entered at the console (see SPOOL). Before each job, the
operating system was loaded from a read-only system tape
(because the system in core could have been corrupted by the
previous user), and then the user's program, in the form of
card images on the input tape, would be run. Program output
would be written to another tape (typically on another
channel) for printing off-line.

Well run installations would transfer the user's cards to
tape, run the job, and print the output tape with a turnaround
time of one to four hours.

The processing unit typically occupied a position symmetric
but opposite the operator's console. Physically the largest
of the units, it included a glass enclosure a few feet in
dimension in which could be seen the "core" about one foot on
each side. The 36-bit word could hold two 18-bit addresses
called the "Contents of the Address Register" (CAR) and the
"Contents of the Decrement Register" (CDR).

On the opposite side of the floor from the tape drives and
operator's console would be a desk and bookshelves for the
ever-present (24 hours a day) "field engineer" dressed in, you
guessed it, a grey flannel suit and tie. The maintenance of
the many thousands of vacuum tubes, each with limited
lifetime, and the cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment of
mechanical equipment, was augmented by a constant flow of
bug reports, change orders to both hardware and software,
and hand-holding for worried users.

The 704 was oriented toward scientific work and included
floating point hardware and the first Fortran
implementation. Its hardware was the basis for the
requirement in some programming languages that loops must be
executed at least once.

The IBM 705 was the business counterpart of the 704. The
705 was a decimal machine with a circular register which could
hold several variables (numbers, values) at the same time.

Very few 700 series computers remained in service by 1965, but
the IBM 7090, using transistors but similar in logical
structure, remained an important machine until the production
of the earliest integrated circuits.

[Was the 704 scientific, business or general purpose?
Difference between 704 and 709?]

ibm 7040
IBM 7040

A scaled down version of the IBM 7090.

ibm 705
IBM 705

A business-oriented counterpart of the IBM 704.
The 705 was a decimal machine with a circular register which
could hold several values at the same time.

Languages incuded ACOM, Autocode, ELI, PRINT, {PRINT

ibm 709
IBM 709

A computer made by IBM oriented toward
scientific work. The 709 had the same basic architecture as
the IBM 704 but with many I/O and performance refinements
over the 704.

The IBM 709 (like the 704) had 36-bit memory words, 15-bit
addresses and instructions with one address. A few {index
register} instructions had the infamous 15-bit decrement field
in addition to the 15-bit address.

The IBM 7090 was a transistorised version of the 709.

[Difference between 704 and 709?]

ibm 7090
IBM 7090

A transistorised version of the IBM 709 which was
a very popular high end computer in the early 1960s. The 7090
had 32Kbytes of 36-bit core memory and a hardware {floating
point unit}. Fortran was its most popular language, but it
supported many others. It was later upgraded to the {IBM
7094}, and a scaled down version, the IBM 7040 was also

IBM 7090s controlled the Mercury and Gemini space flights, the
Balistic Missile Early Warning System (until well into the
1980s), and the CTSS time sharing system at MIT.

The 7090 was not good at unit record I/O, so in small
configurations an IBM 1401 was used for SPOOL I/O and in
large configurations (such as a 7090/94) a 7040/44 would be
directly coupled and dedicated to handling printers and {card
readers}. (See the film Dr Strangelove).

ibm 7094
IBM 7094

A faster version of the IBM 7090 with more {index


A Lisp dialect descended from MLISP and MLISP2. Also
known as PLISP and VEL. Useful for parsing. Only the
pattern-matching system was published and fully implemented.
According to Alan Kay, LISP70 had an influence on
Smalltalk-72. "The LISP70 Pattern Matching System, Larry
Tesler et al, IJCAI 73.
Socket 370

(PGA370) A physical and
electrical specification for a motherboard processor
socket. Socket 370 uses a square SPGA ZIF socket with 370
pins, arranged 37x37 (sometimes described as 19x19).

Intel originally designed Socket 370 for PPGA Celeron
processors. Newer Socket 370 motherboards additionally
support FC-PGA Celeron and Pentium III processors.

The difference between the two versions is electrical;
some pins are used differently and voltage requirements have
been changed from Intel's VRM 8.2 to VRM 8.4. In
addition, Celeron processors require a 66 MHz front side bus
(FSB), and Pentium III processors require a 100/133 MHz FSB.

Some older Socket 370 motherboards support VRM 8.4 and
variable bus speeds, so adapters are available that convert
the socket pinout to allow FC-PGA processors to work.

VIA's Cyrix III processor was designed to work with
Socket 370 motherboards.

{Intel Celeron Processor in PPGA form factor - Integration

{Pentium III Processors - Design Guidelines

philips scc68070
Philips SCC68070

A microprocessor which is object code
compatible with the Motorola 68000. It is not a performance
improvement over the 68060; it's performance rather resembles
that of the 68000.

rfc 1700
RFC 1700

The original RFC defining "Assigned
Numbers" such as standard "well-known" TCP and UDP port
numbers, now superseded by RFC 3232.


rfc 1701
RFC 1701

The RFC defining {Generic Routing

See also RFC 1702.


rfc 1702
RFC 1702

The RFC defining {Generic Routing
Encapsulation} over IP.


rfc 1707
RFC 1707

The RFC defining CATNIP.


socket 370
Socket 370

(PGA370) A physical and
electrical specification for a motherboard processor
socket. Socket 370 uses a square SPGA ZIF socket with 370
pins, arranged 37x37 (sometimes described as 19x19).

Intel originally designed Socket 370 for PPGA Celeron
processors. Newer Socket 370 motherboards additionally
support FC-PGA Celeron and Pentium III processors.

The difference between the two versions is electrical;
some pins are used differently and voltage requirements have
been changed from Intel's VRM 8.2 to VRM 8.4. In
addition, Celeron processors require a 66 MHz front side bus
(FSB), and Pentium III processors require a 100/133 MHz FSB.

Some older Socket 370 motherboards support VRM 8.4 and
variable bus speeds, so adapters are available that convert
the socket pinout to allow FC-PGA processors to work.

VIA's Cyrix III processor was designed to work with
Socket 370 motherboards.

{Intel Celeron Processor in PPGA form factor - Integration

{Pentium III Processors - Design Guidelines

IBM 370

(S/370) An IBM mainframe computer
introduced in 1970 as a successor to the IBM 360.
Enhancements included the ability to support virtual memory
and improved main storage. Two models were available
initially: 165 and 155, with cycle times of 80 and 115

{Press Release



A program, similar to telnet, used to connect to remote
IBM mainframe hosts, many of which do not understand
telnet. The program emulates a 3270-type terminal.

For many tn3270 versions, the "clear screen" function is
activated by typing Control-Z. When logged on to an IBM host
and "HOLDING" or "MORE..." appears at the lower right corner
of the screen, the "clear screen" function must be entered to
display the next screen. tn3270 emulations usually include
function key definitions.

Operating System /700 (OS, Honeywell), "OS/700"
System /370 (IBM), "S/370"

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