slovo | definícia |
an (mass) | an
- neurčitý člen |
an (mass) | AN
- Holandské Antily |
an (encz) | an,jakýsi Zdeněk Brož |
an (encz) | an,nějaký adj: Zdeněk Brož |
an (encz) | an,neurčitý člen mamm |
An (gcide) | An \An\, conj. [Shortened fr. and, OE. an., and, sometimes and
if, in introducing conditional clauses, like Icel. enda if,
the same word as and. Prob. and was originally pleonastic
before the conditional clause.]
If; -- a word used by old English authors. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Nay, an thou dalliest, then I am thy foe. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]
An if, and if; if.
[1913 Webster] |
An (gcide) | An \An\ ([a^]n). [AS. [=a]n one, the same word as the numeral.
See One, and cf. A.]
This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called
the indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the
singular number only, and signifies one, or any, but somewhat
less emphatically. In such expressions as "twice an hour,"
"once an age," a shilling an ounce (see 2d A, 2), it has a
distributive force, and is equivalent to each, every.
[1913 Webster]
Note: An is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound;
as, an enemy, an hour. It in also often used before h
sounded, when the accent of the word falls on the
second syllable; as, an historian, an hyena, an heroic
deed. Many writers use a before h in such positions.
Anciently an was used before consonants as well as
[1913 Webster] |
an (wn) | AN
n 1: an associate degree in nursing [syn: {Associate in
Nursing}, AN] |
an (foldoc) | an
The country code for the Netherlands Antilles
(Dutch Antilles).
an (vera) | AN
Access Node
an (vera) | AN
Alternating Network
AN (bouvier) | AN, JOUR, ET WASTE. See Year, day, and waste.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
a man of the cloth (mass) | a man of the cloth
- farár |
a thousand (mass) | a thousand
- tisíc |
abandon (mass) | abandon
- bezohľadnosť, svojvoľnosť, divokosť, zanechať, opustiť,
skončiť, vzdať sa, odovzdať |
abandoning (mass) | abandoning
- opustenie, zanechanie |
abecedarian (mass) | abecedarian
- usporiadaný podľa abecedy, začiatočník |
abkhasian (mass) | Abkhasian
- abcházsky jazyk |
accelerando (mass) | accelerando
- zrýchľujúci, zrýchlene, zrýchľovanie |
acceptance (mass) | acceptance
- súhlas, prijatie |
accompanied (mass) | accompanied
- sprevádzaný |
accompaniment (mass) | accompaniment
- sprievod |
accompanist (mass) | accompanist
- sprievod, korepetítor |
accompany (mass) | accompany
- sprevádzať |
accompanying (mass) | accompanying
- spravádzajúci |
accordance (mass) | accordance
- zhoda |
accountancy (mass) | accountancy
- účtovníctvo |
accountant (mass) | accountant
- účtovník |
acquaintance (mass) | acquaintance
- známosť, známy |
acquaintances (mass) | acquaintances
- známi |
advance (mass) | advance
- vopred, pokročiť, postupovať dopredu, zaplatiť vopred, tlačiť
dopredu |
advance payment (mass) | advance payment
- preddavok, záloha |
advanced (mass) | advanced
- pokročilý, rozšírený |
advancement (mass) | advancement
- zlepšenie, pokrok |
advantage (mass) | advantage
- výhoda, prednosť, prospech, využiť, zvýhodniť |
aeroplane (mass) | aeroplane
- lietadlo |
aeroplanes (mass) | aeroplanes
- lietadlá |
afghan (mass) | Afghan
- afgánsky, Afganec, afgánčina |
afghani (mass) | Afghani
- afgánsky |
afghanistan (mass) | Afghanistan
- Afganistan |
afrikaans (mass) | Afrikaans
- Afrikánsky |
afroamerican (mass) | Afro-American
- afroamerický |
afroasian (mass) | Afro-Asian
- afroázijský |
aggrandize (mass) | aggrandize
- zväčšiť, pridať detail |
aggrandizement (mass) | aggrandizement
- vzostup, zväčšenie |
airplane (mass) | airplane
- lietadlo |
airplanes (mass) | airplanes
- lietadlá |
albania (mass) | Albania
- Albánsko |
albanian (mass) | Albanian
- Albánec, albánsky |
albany (mass) | Albany
- Albany |
allegiance (mass) | allegiance
- lojalita, vernosť |
alliance (mass) | alliance
- spoločenstvo, zväzok |
allimportant (mass) | all-important
- všetko dôležité |
allowance (mass) | allowance
- dovolenie, prídavok, príspevok, stravné |
alphanumeric (mass) | alphanumeric
- alfanumerický |
ambulance (mass) | ambulance
- ambulancia |
american (mass) | American
- Americký |
american samoa (mass) | American Samoa
- Americká Samoa |
americanism (mass) | Americanism
- amerikanizmus |
ampersand (mass) | ampersand
- &, znak and |
an (mass) | an
- neurčitý členAN
- Holandské Antily |
analogous (mass) | analogous
- podobný, analogický, zodpovedajúci |
analogously (mass) | analogously
- podobne |
analyze (mass) | analyze
- skúmať, previesť |
anarchy (mass) | anarchy
- zmätok |
anatomy (mass) | anatomy
- anatómia |
ancestry (mass) | ancestry
- pôvod |
ancient (mass) | ancient
- dávnoveký, odveký, pradávny, starobylý, starodávny |
and (mass) | and
- aAND
- Andorra |
and also (mass) | and also
- aj |
andorra (mass) | Andorra
- Andorra |
anew (mass) | anew
- nové |
angel (mass) | angel
- anjel |
anger (mass) | anger
- zlosť |
angle (mass) | angle
- uhol |
angloamerican (mass) | Anglo-American
- angloamerický |
anglofrench (mass) | Anglo-French
- anglofrancúzsky |
angloindian (mass) | Anglo-Indian
- angloindický |
angola (mass) | Angola
- Angola |
angry (mass) | angry
- rozzúrený, nahnevaný |
anguilla (mass) | Anguilla
- Anguilla |
anguish (mass) | anguish
- úzkosť |
animal (mass) | animal
- zvierací |
animals hair (mass) | animal
- zvierací |
animated (mass) | animated
- animovaný |
animation (mass) | animation
- animácia |
animosity (mass) | animosity
- napätie |
animus (mass) | animus
- zámer |
anise (mass) | anise
- anízový |
anneal (mass) | anneal
- chladiť, chladiť |
annex (mass) | annex
- obsadiť, pripojiť |