Crataegus \Cra*t[ae]"gus\ (kr?-t?"g?s), n. [NL., fr. Gr.
krataigo`s.] (Bot.)
A genus of small, hardy trees, including the hawthorn, much
used for ornamental purposes.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn apple
[syn: Crataegus, genus Crataegus]
podobné slovodefinícia
Crataegus aestivalis
mayhaw \mayhaw\ n.
The hawthorn tree (Crataegus aestivalis) of the Southern U.
S. bearing a juicy acid scarlet fruit often used in jellies
or preserves.

Syn: summer haw, Crataegus aestivalis.
[WordNet 1.5]
Crataegus Azarolus
Medlar \Med"lar\, n. [OE. medler medlar tree, OF. meslier, F.
n['e]flier, L. mespilum, mespilus, Gr. ?, ?. Cf.
A tree of the genus Mespilus (Mespilus Germanica); also,
the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small
apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh
is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun
to decay.
[1913 Webster]

Japan medlar (Bot.), the loquat. See Loquat.

Neapolitan medlar (Bot.), a kind of thorn tree ({Crataegus
Azarolus}); also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster]Azarole \Az"a*role\, n. [F. azerole, the name of the fruit, fr.
Ar. az-zo'r?r: cf. It. azzeruolo, Sp. acerolo.] (Bot.)
The Neapolitan medlar (Crat[ae]gus azarolus), a shrub of
southern Europe; also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster] Azedarach
Crataegus azarolus
Medlar \Med"lar\, n. [OE. medler medlar tree, OF. meslier, F.
n['e]flier, L. mespilum, mespilus, Gr. ?, ?. Cf.
A tree of the genus Mespilus (Mespilus Germanica); also,
the fruit of the tree. The fruit is something like a small
apple, but has a bony endocarp. When first gathered the flesh
is hard and austere, and it is not eaten until it has begun
to decay.
[1913 Webster]

Japan medlar (Bot.), the loquat. See Loquat.

Neapolitan medlar (Bot.), a kind of thorn tree ({Crataegus
Azarolus}); also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster]Azarole \Az"a*role\, n. [F. azerole, the name of the fruit, fr.
Ar. az-zo'r?r: cf. It. azzeruolo, Sp. acerolo.] (Bot.)
The Neapolitan medlar (Crat[ae]gus azarolus), a shrub of
southern Europe; also, its fruit.
[1913 Webster] Azedarach
Crataegus cordata
Hawthorn \Haw"thorn`\ (h[add]"th[^o]rn`), n. [AS.
haga[thorn]orn, h[ae]g[thorn]orn. See Haw a hedge, and
Thorn.] (Bot.)
A thorny shrub or tree (the Crat[ae]gus oxyacantha), having
deeply lobed, shining leaves, small, roselike, fragrant
flowers, and a fruit called haw. It is much used in Europe
for hedges, and for standards in gardens. The American
hawthorn is Crat[ae]gus cordata, which has the leaves but
little lobed.
[1913 Webster]

Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade
To shepherds? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Crataegus Crus-galli
Cockspur \Cock"spur\, n. (Bot.)
A variety of Crat[ae]gus, or hawthorn ({Crat[ae]gus
Crus-galli}), having long, straight thorns; -- called also
Cockspur thorn.
[1913 Webster]
Crataegus oxyacantha
Hawthorn \Haw"thorn`\ (h[add]"th[^o]rn`), n. [AS.
haga[thorn]orn, h[ae]g[thorn]orn. See Haw a hedge, and
Thorn.] (Bot.)
A thorny shrub or tree (the Crat[ae]gus oxyacantha), having
deeply lobed, shining leaves, small, roselike, fragrant
flowers, and a fruit called haw. It is much used in Europe
for hedges, and for standards in gardens. The American
hawthorn is Crat[ae]gus cordata, which has the leaves but
little lobed.
[1913 Webster]

Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade
To shepherds? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Crataegus Pyracantha
Pyracanth \Pyr"a*canth\, n. [Gr. ? fire + ? a thorn, prickly
plant.] (Bot.)
The evergreen thorn (Crat[ae]gus Pyracantha), a shrub
native of Europe.
[1913 Webster]
Crataegus tomentosa
Blackthorn \Black"thorn`\, n. (Bot.)
(a) A spreading thorny shrub or small tree ({Prunus
spinosa}), with blackish bark, and bearing little
black plums, which are called sloes; the sloe.
(b) A species of Crat[ae]gus or hawthorn ({Crat[ae]gus
tomentosa}). Both are used for hedges.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn apple
[syn: Crataegus, genus Crataegus]
crataegus aestivalis
Crataegus aestivalis
n 1: hawthorn of southern United States bearing a juicy, acidic,
scarlet fruit that is often used in jellies or preserves
[syn: mayhaw, summer haw, Crataegus aestivalis]
crataegus apiifolia
Crataegus apiifolia
n 1: southern United States hawthorn with pinnately lobed leaves
[syn: parsley haw, parsley-leaved thorn, {Crataegus
apiifolia}, Crataegus marshallii]
crataegus biltmoreana
Crataegus biltmoreana
n 1: common shrub or small tree of the eastern United States
having few thorns and white flowers in corymbs followed by
bright orange-red berries [syn: scarlet haw, {Crataegus
crataegus calpodendron
Crataegus calpodendron
n 1: erect and almost thornless American hawthorn with somewhat
pear-shaped berries [syn: blackthorn, pear haw, {pear
hawthorn}, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa]
crataegus coccinea
Crataegus coccinea
n 1: American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-
red flowers [syn: red haw, Crataegus pedicellata,
Crataegus coccinea]
crataegus coccinea mollis
Crataegus coccinea mollis
n 1: American red-fruited hawthorn with stems and leaves densely
covered with short woolly hairs [syn: red haw, {downy
haw}, Crataegus mollis, Crataegus coccinea mollis]
crataegus crus-galli
Crataegus crus-galli
n 1: eastern United States hawthorn with long straight thorns
[syn: cockspur thorn, cockspur hawthorn, {Crataegus
crataegus laevigata
Crataegus laevigata
n 1: thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters
of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries;
established as an escape in eastern North America [syn:
whitethorn, English hawthorn, may, {Crataegus
laevigata}, Crataegus oxycantha]
crataegus marshallii
Crataegus marshallii
n 1: southern United States hawthorn with pinnately lobed leaves
[syn: parsley haw, parsley-leaved thorn, {Crataegus
apiifolia}, Crataegus marshallii]
crataegus mollis
Crataegus mollis
n 1: American red-fruited hawthorn with stems and leaves densely
covered with short woolly hairs [syn: red haw, {downy
haw}, Crataegus mollis, Crataegus coccinea mollis]
crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
n 1: European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red
fruits; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown
as impenetrable hedges; established as an escape in eastern
North America [syn: English hawthorn, {Crataegus
crataegus oxyacantha
Crataegus oxyacantha
n 1: evergreen hawthorn of southeastern Europe [syn: {evergreen
thorn}, Crataegus oxyacantha]
crataegus oxycantha
Crataegus oxycantha
n 1: thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters
of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries;
established as an escape in eastern North America [syn:
whitethorn, English hawthorn, may, {Crataegus
laevigata}, Crataegus oxycantha]
crataegus pedicellata
Crataegus pedicellata
n 1: American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-
red flowers [syn: red haw, Crataegus pedicellata,
Crataegus coccinea]
crataegus tomentosa
Crataegus tomentosa
n 1: erect and almost thornless American hawthorn with somewhat
pear-shaped berries [syn: blackthorn, pear haw, {pear
hawthorn}, Crataegus calpodendron, Crataegus tomentosa]
genus crataegus
genus Crataegus
n 1: thorny shrubs and small trees: hawthorn; thorn; thorn apple
[syn: Crataegus, genus Crataegus]

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