- rozšírený, vzdialený
extended,prodloužený adj: Zdeněk Brož
extended,rozlehlý adj: Zdeněk Brož
extended,rozsáhlý adj: Zdeněk Brož
extended,rozšířený adj: Zdeněk Brož
Extend \Ex*tend"\ ([e^]ks*t[e^]nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Extended; p. pr. & vb. n. Extending.] [L. extendere,
extentum, extensum; ex out + tendere to stretch. See
1. To stretch out; to prolong in space; to carry forward or
continue in length; as, to extend a line in surveying; to
extend a cord across the street.
[1913 Webster]

Few extend their thoughts toward universal
knowledge. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

2. To enlarge, as a surface or volume; to expand; to spread;
to amplify; as, to extend metal plates by hammering or
rolling them.
[1913 Webster]

3. To enlarge; to widen; to carry out further; as, to extend
the capacities, the sphere of usefulness, or commerce; to
extend power or influence; to continue, as time; to
lengthen; to prolong; as, to extend the time of payment or
a season of trial.
[1913 Webster]

4. To hold out or reach forth, as the arm or hand.
[1913 Webster]

His helpless hand extend. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

5. To bestow; to offer; to impart; to apply; as, to extend
sympathy to the suffering.
[1913 Webster]

6. To increase in quantity by weakening or adulterating
additions; as, to extend liquors. --G. P. Burnham.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eng. Law) To value, as lands taken by a writ of extent in
satisfaction of a debt; to assign by writ of extent.
[1913 Webster]

Extended letter (Typog.), a letter, or style of type,
having a broader face than is usual for a letter or type
of the same height.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This is extended type.

Syn: To increase; enlarge; expand; widen; diffuse. See
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a
drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy
visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter
struggle"; "protracted negotiations" [syn: drawn-out,
extended, lengthy, prolonged, protracted]
2: fully extended or stretched forth; "an extended telescope";
"his extended legs reached almost across the small room";
"refused to accept the extended hand" [ant: unextended]
3: drawn out or made longer spatially; "Picasso's elongated Don
Quixote"; "lengthened skirts are fashionable this year"; "the
extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes"; "a
prolonged black line across the page" [syn: elongated,
extended, lengthened, prolonged]
4: beyond the literal or primary sense; "`hot off the press'
shows an extended sense of `hot'"
5: large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an
extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended
farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they
suffered extensive damage" [syn: extensive, extended]
podobné slovodefinícia
- rozšírený, vzdialený
extended area
extended area
- vzdialená oblasť
drawing on loans extended
drawing on loans extended,
extended,prodloužený adj: Zdeněk Brožextended,rozlehlý adj: Zdeněk Brožextended,rozsáhlý adj: Zdeněk Brožextended,rozšířený adj: Zdeněk Brož
extended arrangement
Extended Arrangement,
extended burden sharing
extended burden sharing,
extended care facility
extended care facility, n:
extended facility
Extended Facility,
extended family
extended family,rozšířená rodina n: Zdeněk Brož
extended fund facility
Extended Fund Facility,
extended order
extended order, n:
extended source
extended source,rozšířený zdroj [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
extended time scale
extended time scale, n:
unextended,nenatažený adj: Zdeněk Brož
airborne laser extended atmospheric characterization experiment
Airborne Laser Extended Atmospheric Characterization Experiment,ABLE
ACE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
extended edition
eXtended Edition,XE[zkr.] BinkleyTerm XE or short BT-XE, program for
receiving and sending mail and files within FidoNet mamm
extended integrated data base
eXtended Integrated Data Base,XIDB[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
extended life tire
Extended Life Tire,EXLITE[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
extended range interceptor
Extended Range Interceptor,ERINT[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
extended three letter acronym
Extended Three Letter Acronym,ETLA[zkr.]
Coextend \Co`ex*tend\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coextended; p. pr.
& vb. n. Coextending.]
To extend through the same space or time with another; to
extend to the same degree.
[1913 Webster]

According to which the least body may be coextended
with the greatest. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

Has your English language one single word that is
coextended through all these significations? --Bentley.
[1913 Webster]
Extended letter
Extend \Ex*tend"\ ([e^]ks*t[e^]nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Extended; p. pr. & vb. n. Extending.] [L. extendere,
extentum, extensum; ex out + tendere to stretch. See
1. To stretch out; to prolong in space; to carry forward or
continue in length; as, to extend a line in surveying; to
extend a cord across the street.
[1913 Webster]

Few extend their thoughts toward universal
knowledge. --Locke.
[1913 Webster]

2. To enlarge, as a surface or volume; to expand; to spread;
to amplify; as, to extend metal plates by hammering or
rolling them.
[1913 Webster]

3. To enlarge; to widen; to carry out further; as, to extend
the capacities, the sphere of usefulness, or commerce; to
extend power or influence; to continue, as time; to
lengthen; to prolong; as, to extend the time of payment or
a season of trial.
[1913 Webster]

4. To hold out or reach forth, as the arm or hand.
[1913 Webster]

His helpless hand extend. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

5. To bestow; to offer; to impart; to apply; as, to extend
sympathy to the suffering.
[1913 Webster]

6. To increase in quantity by weakening or adulterating
additions; as, to extend liquors. --G. P. Burnham.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Eng. Law) To value, as lands taken by a writ of extent in
satisfaction of a debt; to assign by writ of extent.
[1913 Webster]

Extended letter (Typog.), a letter, or style of type,
having a broader face than is usual for a letter or type
of the same height.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This is extended type.

Syn: To increase; enlarge; expand; widen; diffuse. See
[1913 Webster]
Extendedly \Ex*tend"ed*ly\, adv.
In an extended manner.
[1913 Webster]
Inextended \In`ex*tend"ed\, a.
Not extended.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a
drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy
visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter
struggle"; "protracted negotiations" [syn: drawn-out,
extended, lengthy, prolonged, protracted]
2: fully extended or stretched forth; "an extended telescope";
"his extended legs reached almost across the small room";
"refused to accept the extended hand" [ant: unextended]
3: drawn out or made longer spatially; "Picasso's elongated Don
Quixote"; "lengthened skirts are fashionable this year"; "the
extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes"; "a
prolonged black line across the page" [syn: elongated,
extended, lengthened, prolonged]
4: beyond the literal or primary sense; "`hot off the press'
shows an extended sense of `hot'"
5: large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an
extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended
farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they
suffered extensive damage" [syn: extensive, extended]
extended care facility
extended care facility
n 1: a medical institution that provides prolonged care (as in
cases of prolonged illness or rehabilitation from acute
extended family
extended family
n 1: a family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood
extended order
extended order
n 1: a military formation for skirmishing; as widely separated
as the tactical situation permits
extended time scale
extended time scale
n 1: (simulation) the time scale used in data processing when
the time-scale factor is greater than one [syn: {extended
time scale}, slow time scale]
adj 1: not extended or stretched out; "an unextended arm" [ant:
burst extended data out dram
Burst Extended Data Out DRAM
Burst EDO

(Burst EDO, BEDO) A variant on EDO DRAM in which
read or write cycles are batched in bursts of four. The
bursts wrap around on a four byte boundary which means that
only the two least significant bits of the CAS address are
modified internally to produce each address of the burst
sequence. Consequently, burst EDO bus speeds will range from
40MHz to 66MHz, well above the 33MHz bus speeds that can be
accomplished using Fast Page Mode or EDO DRAM.

Burst EDO was introduced sometime before May 1995.

cobol-1961 extended
COBOL-1961 Extended

A short-lived separation of COBOL specifications.

[Sammet 1969, p. 339].

extended affix grammar
Extended Affix Grammar

(EAG) A formalism for describing both the
context free syntax and the context sensitive syntax of

EAGs belong to the family of two-level grammars. They are
very closely related to two-level van Wijngaarden grammars.

EAG can be used as a specification formalism, specifying in
relations rather than functions, or as a {relational
programming language} like PROLOG.


extended algol
Extended ALGOL

An extension of ALGOL 60, used to write the
ESPOL compiler on the Burroughs B5500, Burroughs B6500,
and Burroughs B6700.

["Burroughs B6700 Extended ALGOL Language Information Manual",
No. 5000128 (Jul 1971)].

[Sammet 1969, p. 196].

extended architecture
Extended Architecture

(XA) A CD-ROM drive specification required by
Green Book CD-ROM and White Book CD-ROM formats. Drives
labelled "XA ready" may require a firmware upgrade.

extended backus-naur form
Extended Backus-Naur Form
Extended BNF

Any variation on the basic Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
meta-syntax notation with (some of) the following additional
constructs: square brackets "[..]" surrounding optional
items, suffix "*" for Kleene closure (a sequence of zero or
more of an item), suffix "+" for one or more of an item,
curly brackets enclosing a list of alternatives, and
super/subscripts indicating between n and m occurrences.

All these constructs can be expressed in plain BNF using extra
productions and have been added for readability and

extended binary coded decimal interchange code
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

/eb's*-dik/, /eb'see`dik/, /eb'k*-dik/,
/ee`bik'dik`/, /*-bik'dik`/ (EBCDIC) A proprietary 8-bit
character set used on IBM dinosaurs, the AS/400, and

EBCDIC is an extension to 8 bits of BCDIC (Binary Coded
Decimal Interchange Code), an earlier 6-bit character set used
on IBM computers. EBCDIC was [first?] used on the successful
System/360, anounced on 1964-04-07, and survived for many
years despite the almost universal adoption of ASCII
elsewhere. Was this concern for backward compatibility or,
as many believe, a marketing strategy to lock in IBM

IBM created 57 national EBCDIC character sets and an
International Reference Version (IRV) based on ISO 646 (and
hence ASCII compatible). Documentation on these was not
easily accessible making international exchange of data even
between IBM mainframes a tricky task.

US EBCDIC uses more or less the same characters as ASCII,
but different code points. It has non-contiguous letter
sequences, some ASCII characters do not exist in EBCDIC
(e.g. square brackets), and EBCDIC has some (cent sign,
not sign) not in ASCII. As a consequence, the translation
between ASCII and EBCDIC was never officially completely
defined. Users defined one translation which resulted in a
so-called de-facto EBCDIC containing all the characters of
ASCII, that all ASCII-related programs use.

Some printers, telex machines, and even electronic cash
registers can speak EBCDIC, but only so they can converse with
IBM mainframes.

For an in-depth discussion of character code sets, and full
translation tables, see {Guidelines on 8-bit character codes

{A history of character codes

extended bnf
Extended Backus-Naur Form
Extended BNF

Any variation on the basic Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
meta-syntax notation with (some of) the following additional
constructs: square brackets "[..]" surrounding optional
items, suffix "*" for Kleene closure (a sequence of zero or
more of an item), suffix "+" for one or more of an item,
curly brackets enclosing a list of alternatives, and
super/subscripts indicating between n and m occurrences.

All these constructs can be expressed in plain BNF using extra
productions and have been added for readability and

extended c++
Extended C++

EC++ extended by G. Masotti
with preconditions, postconditions
and class invariants, parameterised classes, {exception
handling} and garbage collection. EC++ translates
Extended C++ into C++.

extended capabilities port
Extended Capabilities Port

(ECP) A parallel printer interface for IBM PC
compatibles, supported by several, mainly US, manufacturers.

Not to be confused with the more common {Enhanced Capabilities

extended concurrent prolog
Extended Concurrent Prolog

(ECP) Concurrent Prolog with OR parallelism,
set abstraction and meta-inference features.

["AND-OR Queuing in Extended Concurrent Prolog", J. Tanaka et
al, Proc Logic Prog Conf '85, LNCS 193, Springer 1985].

extended data out dynamic random access memory
Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
EDO memory
Extended Data Out Random Access Memory

(EDO DRAM, EDO RAM) A type of DRAM designed to
access nearby memory locations faster than FPM DRAM.

Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO-DRAM) allows the data outputs to
be kept active after the CAS\ signal goes inactive, using an
additional signal OE\ to control the data outputs. This can
be used in pipelined systems for overlapping accesses where
the next cycle is started before the data from the last cycle
is removed from the bus.

EDO DRAM is primarily used with Intel's Pentium processors
since with slower processors there is no significant
performance gain. To make use of the advanced features of EDO
an appropriate chipset, such as Triton, must be used. In
early 1995, EDO DRAM was available for computers from
Micron, Gateway 2000, and Intel Corporation; since then
other manufactures followed suit.

Note that in comparison to Burst EDO EDO is sometimes
referred to as "Standard EDO".

extended data out random access memory
Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory
EDO memory
Extended Data Out Random Access Memory

(EDO DRAM, EDO RAM) A type of DRAM designed to
access nearby memory locations faster than FPM DRAM.

Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO-DRAM) allows the data outputs to
be kept active after the CAS\ signal goes inactive, using an
additional signal OE\ to control the data outputs. This can
be used in pipelined systems for overlapping accesses where
the next cycle is started before the data from the last cycle
is removed from the bus.

EDO DRAM is primarily used with Intel's Pentium processors
since with slower processors there is no significant
performance gain. To make use of the advanced features of EDO
an appropriate chipset, such as Triton, must be used. In
early 1995, EDO DRAM was available for computers from
Micron, Gateway 2000, and Intel Corporation; since then
other manufactures followed suit.

Note that in comparison to Burst EDO EDO is sometimes
referred to as "Standard EDO".

extended fortran language
Extended Fortran Language

(EFL) A Fortran preprocessor to provide {structured
programming} constructs much like C. EFL is a descendant of
RATFOR. It is written in C.

["An Informal Description of EFL", S.I. Feldman].
extended graphics array
eXtended Graphics Array

(XGA) An IBM display standard introduced in

XGA supports a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with a
palette of 256 colours, or 640 x 480 with high colour (16
bits per pixel).

XGA-2 added 1024 x 768 support for high colour and higher
refresh rates, improved performance, and supports 1360 x 1024
in 16 colours.

XGA is probably not the same as 8514-A.

See also VESA's EVGA released at a similar time.

extended industry-standard architecture
Extended Industry-Standard Architecture

(EISA) /eesa/ A bus standard for
IBM compatibles that extends the ISA bus architecture to
32 bits and allows more than one CPU to share the bus. The
bus mastering support is also enhanced to provide access to
4 GB of memory. Unlike MCA, EISA can accept older {XT bus
architecture} and ISA boards.

EISA was announced in late 1988 by compatible vendors as a
counter to IBM's MCA in its PS/2 series. Although
somewhat inferior to the MCA it became much more popular due
to the proprietary nature of MCA.

[Main sponsors? Open standard?]

extended memory
extended memory

Memory above the first megabyte of address space
in an IBM PC with an 80286 or later processor.

Extended memory is not directly available in real mode, only
through EMS, UMB, XMS, or HMA; only applications
executing in protected mode can use extended memory
directly. In this case, the extended memory is provided by a
supervising protected-mode operating system such as
Microsoft Windows. The processor makes this memory
available through a system of global descriptor tables and
local descriptor tables. The memory is "protected" in the
sense that memory assigned a local descriptor cannot be
accessed by another program without causing a hardware trap.
This prevents programs running in protected mode from
interfering with each other's memory.

A protected-mode operating system such as Windows can also
run real-mode programs and provide expanded memory to
them. DOS Protected Mode Interface is Microsoft's
prescribed method for an MS-DOS program to access extended
memory under a multitasking environment.

Having extended memory does not necessarily mean that you have
more than one megabyte of memory since the reserved memory
area may be partially empty. In fact, if your 386 or higher
uses extended memory as expanded memory then that part is not
in excess of 1Mb.

See also conventional memory.

extended memory manager
extended memory manager

(XMM) The memory manager software
implementing Extended Memory Specification, such as HIMEM
or QEMM386. XMM's can usually also act as A20 handlers.

extended memory specification
Extended Memory Specification

(XMS) The specification describing the use of {IBM
PC} extended memory in real mode for storing data (but not
executable code). Memory is made available by {extended
memory manager} (XMM) software. The XMM functions are
accessible through interrupt 2FH.

extended ml
Extended ML

A language by Don Sannella of the University of Edinburgh
combining algebraic specification and {functional

["Program Specification and Development in Standard ML",
D. Sannella et al, 12th POPL, ACM 1985].

extended pascal
Extended Pascal

A superset of ANSI and ISO Pascal with many enhancements,
including modules, separate compilation, type schemata,
variable-length strings, direct-access files, complex numbers,
initial values, constant expressions. ANSI/IEEE770X3.160-1989
and ISO 10206.

extended self-containing prolog
Extended Self-containing Prolog

(ESP) An object-oriented extension of KL0 by
Chikayama. ESP has backtracking-based control,
unification-based parameter passing and object-oriented
calling. An object in ESP is an axiom set. A class
definition consists of nature definitions (inheritance),
slot definitions (class variables) and clause definitions.
ESP has multiple inheritance similar to Flavors. It has
been implemented for ICOT's PSI Sequential Inference

See also CESP.

E-mail: .

["Unique Features of ESP", T. Chikayama, Proc Intl Conf 5th
Gen Comp Sys, ICOT 1984].

extended system configuration data
Extended System Configuration Data

(ESCD) An area of memory, not exceeding 32
kilobytes in size, used by MS-DOS(?) as NVRAM for {PNP
BIOS} and PNP OS. It must be writeable at run time.

Intel's ICU also uses ESCD to store information for PNP
ISA cards and legacy ISA cards.

extended systems modelling language
Extended Systems Modelling Language

(ESML) A real-time software engineering
methodology based on RTSA.

extended tcl
Extended Tcl

(TclX) Tcl extended by Mark Diekhans
and Karl Lehenbauer from 1989 on with
statements to provide high-level access Unix system

TclX Home (

E-mail: .

extended tiny
Extended Tiny

A research/educational tool for experimenting with array
data dependence tests and reordering transformations. It
works with a language tiny, which does not have procedures,
goto's, pointers, or other features that complicate
dependence testing.

Michael Wolfe's original tiny has been extended
substantially by William Pugh et al. at the
University of Maryland.

Version 3.0 (Dec 12th, 1992) includes a programming
environment, dependence tester, tests translator
(Fortran->tiny), documentation, and technical reports. It
should run on any Unix system.


E-mail: Omega test research group .

extended video graphics array
Extended Video Graphics Array

(EVGA) A display standard introduced by
VESA in 1991.

It offers a maximum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
(non-interlaced) and a 70 Hz refresh rate.

EVGA should not be confused with the older EGA (Enhanced
Graphics Array) or XGA (eXtended Graphics Array).

[Same as "eXtended Video Graphics Array" (XVGA)?]

eXtended Video Graphics Array

(XVGA) A display standard with a resolution of
1024 by 768 pixels of 256 colours. IBM call this mode

[Same as "Extended Video Graphics Array" (EVGA)?]

lisp extended algebraic facility
LISP Extended Algebraic Facility


["An Algebraic Extension to LISP", P.H. Knowlton, Proc FJCC 35

microsoft extended
Microsoft Extended

(MSX) A Range of computers created in an attempt by
the industry to create a standard for home computers, similar
to VHS did with home video.

The basic MSX machine contained a Z80 CPU working at

MSX machines were produced by such giants as Sony, Yamaha,
Panasonic, Toshiba, Daewoo, and Philips.

The MSX standard was designed by a company called ASCII in
cooperation with Microsoft who provided a firmware version
of its BASIC for the machine. Because this BASIC version
was an extended version of MicroSoft Basic, it was called
"MicroSoft eXtended BASIC"; Hence "MSX".

Microsoft also produced MSX-DOS - a stripped-down version of

Extensions to the MSX included MSX2, MSX2+ and TurboR.


restructured extended executor
Restructured EXtended eXecutor
System Product Interpreter

(REXX, or "System Product Interpreter", originally
known as "REX") A scripting language for IBM VM and MVS
systems, developed by M. Cowlishaw at IBM ca. 1979,
replacing EXEC2.

Versions: PC-Rexx for MS-DOS, AREXX for the Amiga, the
OS/2 implementation from IBM, WINREXX (Rexx for Windows,
from Quercus systems) and Personal Rexx (Rexx for MS-DOS,
from Quercus systems).

See also Regina, freerexx, imc.

REXXWARE is an implementation of REXX for {Novell

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.rexx.

["The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to Programming",
M.F. Cowlishaw, 1985].

variational graphics extended
Variational Graphics eXtended

(VGX) Software developed by SDRC for use in 3D
CAD solid modelling.

virtual storage extended
Virtual Storage Extended

(VSE, formerly DOS/VSE) is a
multitasking, IBM 370-architected operating system
similar to Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS).

VSE run jobs in partitions rather than address spaces, and
uses POWER for input/output rather than JES, but is
largely similar to MVS. Subsequent VSE/ESA releases gave
VSE the XA-370 channel architecture, 31-bit virtual and real
storage support, and data spaces. VSE is the IBM operating
system on one-third of installed IBM 4381s and a significant
proportion of IBM 9370s as well. It offers {transaction
processing} and batch processing capabilities well beyond
Virtual Machine's current capabilities, and has a close
affinity with MVS.


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