acute,akutní adj: Zdeněk Brož
acute,náhlý adj: Zdeněk Brož
acute,prudký adj:
Acute \A*cute"\, a. [L. acutus, p. p. of acuere to sharpen, fr.
a root ak to be sharp. Cf. Ague, Cute, Edge.]
1. Sharp at the end; ending in a sharp point; pointed; --
opposed to blunt or obtuse; as, an acute angle; an
acute leaf.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having nice discernment; perceiving or using minute
distinctions; penetrating; clever; shrewd; -- opposed to
dull or stupid; as, an acute observer; acute remarks,
or reasoning.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight
impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen;
intense; as, a man of acute eyesight, hearing, or feeling;
acute pain or pleasure.
[1913 Webster]

4. High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; --
opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or accent.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) Attended with symptoms of some degree of severity,
and coming speedily to a crisis; -- opposed to chronic;
as, an acute disease. AS
[1913 Webster]

Acute angle (Geom.), an angle less than a right angle.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Subtile; ingenious; sharp; keen; penetrating; sagacious;
sharp-witted; shrewd; discerning; discriminating. See
[1913 Webster]
Acute \A*cute"\, v. t.
To give an acute sound to; as, he acutes his rising
inflection too much. [R.] --Walker.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe
course; "acute appendicitis"; "the acute phase of the
illness"; "acute patients" [ant: chronic]
2: extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain"; "felt acute
annoyance"; "intense itching and burning" [syn: acute,
3: having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine
distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and
politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning";
"as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating
insight"; "frequent penetrative observations" [syn: acute,
discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike,
penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp]
4: of an angle; less than 90 degrees [ant: obtuse]
5: ending in a sharp point [syn: acuate, acute, sharp,
6: of critical importance and consequence; "an acute (or
critical) lack of research funds"
n 1: a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
[syn: acute accent, acute, ague]
Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator (Airbus, A380)
podobné slovodefinícia
acute accent
acute accent
- dĺžeň
- intenzívne, prudko
acute accent
acute accent,čárka [lingv.] nad pismenem
acute angle
acute angle,ostrý úhel [mat.]
acute exposure
acute exposure,akutní expozice [eko.] Expozice jedné nebo opakovaným
dávkám v průběhu krátkého času (24 h a méně). RNDr. Pavel Piskač
acute pain
acute pain,ostrá bolest
acute pesticide toxicity
acute pesticide toxicity,akutní toxicita pesticidu [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
acute problem
acute problem,naléhavý problém
acute sense of smell
acute sense of smell,dobrý čich [přen.]
acute shortage
acute shortage,akutní nedostatek
acute sound
acute sound,ostrý zvuk
acute toxicity
acute toxicity,akutní toxicita [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
acute triangle
acute triangle,ostroúhlý trojúhelník [mat.]
acutely,prudce adj:
acuteness,akutnost n: Zdeněk Brožacuteness,ostrost n: Zdeněk Brožacuteness,pronikavost n: Zdeněk Brožacuteness,prudkost n: Zdeněk Brožacuteness,vážnost n: Zdeněk Brož
acutest,nejostřejší adj: Zdeněk Brož
more acutely
more acutely,dráždivěji
severe acute respiratory syndrome
severe acute respiratory syndrome, n:
subacute, adj:
subacute bacterial endocarditis
subacute bacterial endocarditis, n:
subacute inclusion body encephalitis
subacute inclusion body encephalitis, n:
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, n:
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, n:
subacute toxicity
subacute toxicity,subakutní toxicita [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Acute \A*cute"\, a. [L. acutus, p. p. of acuere to sharpen, fr.
a root ak to be sharp. Cf. Ague, Cute, Edge.]
1. Sharp at the end; ending in a sharp point; pointed; --
opposed to blunt or obtuse; as, an acute angle; an
acute leaf.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having nice discernment; perceiving or using minute
distinctions; penetrating; clever; shrewd; -- opposed to
dull or stupid; as, an acute observer; acute remarks,
or reasoning.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight
impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen;
intense; as, a man of acute eyesight, hearing, or feeling;
acute pain or pleasure.
[1913 Webster]

4. High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; --
opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or accent.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) Attended with symptoms of some degree of severity,
and coming speedily to a crisis; -- opposed to chronic;
as, an acute disease. AS
[1913 Webster]

Acute angle (Geom.), an angle less than a right angle.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Subtile; ingenious; sharp; keen; penetrating; sagacious;
sharp-witted; shrewd; discerning; discriminating. See
[1913 Webster]Acute \A*cute"\, v. t.
To give an acute sound to; as, he acutes his rising
inflection too much. [R.] --Walker.
[1913 Webster]
Acute angle
Acute \A*cute"\, a. [L. acutus, p. p. of acuere to sharpen, fr.
a root ak to be sharp. Cf. Ague, Cute, Edge.]
1. Sharp at the end; ending in a sharp point; pointed; --
opposed to blunt or obtuse; as, an acute angle; an
acute leaf.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having nice discernment; perceiving or using minute
distinctions; penetrating; clever; shrewd; -- opposed to
dull or stupid; as, an acute observer; acute remarks,
or reasoning.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight
impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen;
intense; as, a man of acute eyesight, hearing, or feeling;
acute pain or pleasure.
[1913 Webster]

4. High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; --
opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or accent.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) Attended with symptoms of some degree of severity,
and coming speedily to a crisis; -- opposed to chronic;
as, an acute disease. AS
[1913 Webster]

Acute angle (Geom.), an angle less than a right angle.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Subtile; ingenious; sharp; keen; penetrating; sagacious;
sharp-witted; shrewd; discerning; discriminating. See
[1913 Webster]Angle \An"gle\ ([a^][ng]"g'l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle,
corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. 'agky`los bent, crooked,
angular, 'a`gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish-hook,
G. angel, and F. anchor.]
1. The inclosed space near the point where two lines meet; a
corner; a nook.
[1913 Webster]

Into the utmost angle of the world. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

To search the tenderest angles of the heart.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geom.)
(a) The figure made by. two lines which meet.
(b) The difference of direction of two lines. In the lines
meet, the point of meeting is the vertex of the angle.
[1913 Webster]

3. A projecting or sharp corner; an angular fragment.
[1913 Webster]

Though but an angle reached him of the stone.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Astrol.) A name given to four of the twelve astrological
"houses." [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

5. [AS. angel.] A fishhook; tackle for catching fish,
consisting of a line, hook, and bait, with or without a
[1913 Webster]

Give me mine angle: we 'll to the river there.
[1913 Webster]

A fisher next his trembling angle bears. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

Acute angle, one less than a right angle, or less than

Adjacent or Contiguous angles, such as have one leg
common to both angles.

Alternate angles. See Alternate.

Angle bar.
(a) (Carp.) An upright bar at the angle where two faces of
a polygonal or bay window meet. --Knight.
(b) (Mach.) Same as Angle iron.

Angle bead (Arch.), a bead worked on or fixed to the angle
of any architectural work, esp. for protecting an angle of
a wall.

Angle brace, Angle tie (Carp.), a brace across an
interior angle of a wooden frame, forming the hypothenuse
and securing the two side pieces together. --Knight.

Angle iron (Mach.), a rolled bar or plate of iron having
one or more angles, used for forming the corners, or
connecting or sustaining the sides of an iron structure to
which it is riveted.

Angle leaf (Arch.), a detail in the form of a leaf, more or
less conventionalized, used to decorate and sometimes to
strengthen an angle.

Angle meter, an instrument for measuring angles, esp. for
ascertaining the dip of strata.

Angle shaft (Arch.), an enriched angle bead, often having a
capital or base, or both.

Curvilineal angle, one formed by two curved lines.

External angles, angles formed by the sides of any
right-lined figure, when the sides are produced or

Facial angle. See under Facial.

Internal angles, those which are within any right-lined

Mixtilineal angle, one formed by a right line with a curved

Oblique angle, one acute or obtuse, in opposition to a
right angle.

Obtuse angle, one greater than a right angle, or more than

Optic angle. See under Optic.

Rectilineal or Right-lined angle, one formed by two right

Right angle, one formed by a right line falling on another
perpendicularly, or an angle of 90[deg] (measured by a
quarter circle).

Solid angle, the figure formed by the meeting of three or
more plane angles at one point.

Spherical angle, one made by the meeting of two arcs of
great circles, which mutually cut one another on the
surface of a globe or sphere.

Visual angle, the angle formed by two rays of light, or two
straight lines drawn from the extreme points of an object
to the center of the eye.

For Angles of commutation, draught, incidence,
reflection, refraction, position, repose, fraction,
see Commutation, Draught, Incidence, Reflection,
Refraction, etc.
[1913 Webster]
acute anterior poliomyelitis
Infantile paralysis \In"fan*tile pa*ral"y*sis\ (Med.)
An acute viral disease, affecting almost exclusively infants
and young adults, characterized by inflammation of the
anterior horns of the gray substance of the spinal cord. It
is attended with febrile symptoms, motor paralysis, and
muscular atrophy, often producing permanent deformities.
Called also acute anterior poliomyelitis, poliomyelitis
and polio. It is caused by any one of three polioviruses,
and by the end of the twentieth century had been almost
completely eradicated in developed countries by a widespread
campaign of immunization.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Acute-angled \A*cute"-an`gled\ (-[a^][ng]"g'ld), a.
Having acute angles; as, an acute-angled triangle, a triangle
with every one of its angles less than a right angle.
[1913 Webster]
Acutely \A*cute"ly\, adv.
In an acute manner; sharply; keenly; with nice
[1913 Webster]
Acuteness \A*cute"ness\, n.
1. The quality of being acute or pointed; sharpness; as, the
acuteness of an angle. AS
[1913 Webster]

2. The faculty of nice discernment or perception; acumen;
keenness; sharpness; sensitiveness; -- applied to the
senses, or the understanding. By acuteness of feeling, we
perceive small objects or slight impressions: by acuteness
of intellect, we discern fine distinctions.
[1913 Webster]

Perhaps, also, he felt his professional acuteness
interested in bringing it to a successful close.
--Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

3. Shrillness; high pitch; -- said of sounds.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Med.) Violence of a disease, which brings it speedily to
a crisis. AS
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Penetration; sagacity; keenness; ingenuity; shrewdness;
subtlety; sharp-wittedness.
[1913 Webster]
Peracute \Per`a*cute"\, a. [L. peracutus. See Per-, and
Very sharp; very violent; as, a peracute fever. [R.]
[1913 Webster]
Subacute \Sub`a*cute"\, a.
Moderalely acute.
[1913 Webster]
acute accent
acute accent
n 1: a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
[syn: acute accent, acute, ague]
acute angle
acute angle
n 1: an angle less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees
acute anterior poliomyelitis
acute anterior poliomyelitis
n 1: an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve
cells of the brain stem and spinal cord [syn:
poliomyelitis, polio, infantile paralysis, {acute
anterior poliomyelitis}]
acute brain disorder
acute brain disorder
n 1: any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an
otherwise normal person that is due to reversible
(temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head
injuries or drugs or infection) [syn: {acute brain
disorder}, acute organic brain syndrome]
acute gastritis
acute gastritis
n 1: gastritis caused by ingesting an irritant (as too much
acute glaucoma
acute glaucoma
n 1: glaucoma in which the iris blocks the outflow of aqueous
humor; "closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of
high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual
damage in a couple of days" [syn: acute glaucoma,
closed-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma]
acute glossitis
acute glossitis
n 1: glossitis resulting from injury or infection and
characterized by swelling and pain
acute hemorrhagic encephalitis
acute hemorrhagic encephalitis
n 1: encephalitis that resembles apoplexy due to blood
acute inclusion body encephalitis
acute inclusion body encephalitis
n 1: common form of acute encephalitis caused by herpes simplex
1; usually affects the temporal and frontal lobes [syn:
herpes simplex encephalitis, herpes encephalitis,
acute inclusion body encephalitis]
acute kidney failure
acute kidney failure
n 1: renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with
acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract [syn:
acute renal failure, acute kidney failure]
acute leukemia
acute leukemia
n 1: rapidly progressing leukemia
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
n 1: acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature
lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen,
and blood; most common in children [syn: {acute lymphocytic
leukemia}, acute lymphoblastic leukemia]
acute lymphocytic leukemia
acute lymphocytic leukemia
n 1: acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature
lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen,
and blood; most common in children [syn: {acute lymphocytic
leukemia}, acute lymphoblastic leukemia]
acute myelocytic leukemia
acute myelocytic leukemia
n 1: acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular
leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults
[syn: acute myelocytic leukemia, {acute myeloid
acute myeloid leukemia
acute myeloid leukemia
n 1: acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular
leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults
[syn: acute myelocytic leukemia, {acute myeloid
acute organic brain syndrome
acute organic brain syndrome
n 1: any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an
otherwise normal person that is due to reversible
(temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head
injuries or drugs or infection) [syn: {acute brain
disorder}, acute organic brain syndrome]
acute pyelonephritis
acute pyelonephritis
n 1: pyelonephritis resulting from the spread of a bladder
acute renal failure
acute renal failure
n 1: renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with
acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract [syn:
acute renal failure, acute kidney failure]
acute schizophrenic episode
acute schizophrenic episode
n 1: schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration
(a few weeks or months) [syn: {acute schizophrenic
episode}, reactive schizophrenia]
acute triangle
acute triangle
n 1: a triangle whose interior angles are all acute [syn: {acute
triangle}, acute-angled triangle]
acute-angled triangle
acute-angled triangle
n 1: a triangle whose interior angles are all acute [syn: {acute
triangle}, acute-angled triangle]
adv 1: in an acute manner; "she pitied her sister acutely";
"acutely aware"
2: having a rapid onset; "an acutely debilitating virus" [ant:
3: changing suddenly in direction and degree; "the road twists
sharply after the light"; "turn sharp left here"; "the visor
was acutely peaked"; "her shoes had acutely pointed toes"
[syn: sharply, sharp, acutely]
4: in a shrewd manner; "he invested his fortune astutely"; "he
was acutely insightful" [syn: astutely, shrewdly,
sagaciously, sapiently, acutely]
n 1: a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed; "dogs have
a remarkable acuteness of smell"
2: a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great
acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind" [syn:
acuteness, acuity, sharpness, keenness]
3: the quality of having a sharp edge or point [ant:
severe acute respiratory syndrome
severe acute respiratory syndrome
n 1: a respiratory disease of unknown etiology that apparently
originated in mainland China in 2003; characterized by
fever and coughing or difficulty breathing or hypoxia; can
be fatal [syn: severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS]
adj 1: less than acute; relating to a disease present in a
person with no symptoms of it
subacute bacterial endocarditis
subacute bacterial endocarditis
n 1: a chronic bacterial infection of the endocardium and heart
valves; symptoms develop slowly
subacute inclusion body encephalitis
subacute inclusion body encephalitis
n 1: a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the
measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young
adults; death usually occurs within three years;
characterized by primary measles infection before the age
of two years [syn: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
SSPE, inclusion body encephalitis, {subacute inclusion
body encephalitis}, sclerosing leukoencephalitis,
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, Bosin's disease,
Dawson's encephalitis, Van Bogaert encephalitis]
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis
n 1: a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the
measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young
adults; death usually occurs within three years;
characterized by primary measles infection before the age
of two years [syn: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
SSPE, inclusion body encephalitis, {subacute inclusion
body encephalitis}, sclerosing leukoencephalitis,
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, Bosin's disease,
Dawson's encephalitis, Van Bogaert encephalitis]
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
n 1: a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the
measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young
adults; death usually occurs within three years;
characterized by primary measles infection before the age
of two years [syn: subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
SSPE, inclusion body encephalitis, {subacute inclusion
body encephalitis}, sclerosing leukoencephalitis,
subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, Bosin's disease,
Dawson's encephalitis, Van Bogaert encephalitis]

"É" - a capital "E" with an acute accent. Character
code 201, 0xC9. Entity reference: É.


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