exponential,exponenciální [mat.] Hynek Hanke
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or involving exponents; "exponential growth"
n 1: a function in which an independent variable appears as an
exponent [syn: exponential, exponential function]

1. A function which raises some given constant
(the "base") to the power of its argument. I.e.

f x = b^x

If no base is specified, e, the base of {natural
logarthims}, is assumed.

2. exponential-time algorithm.

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exponential decay, n:
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Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential calculus
Calculus \Cal"cu*lus\, n.; pl. Calculi. [L, calculus. See
Calculate, and Calcule.]
1. (Med.) Any solid concretion, formed in any part of the
body, but most frequent in the organs that act as
reservoirs, and in the passages connected with them; as,
biliary calculi; urinary calculi, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) A method of computation; any process of reasoning
by the use of symbols; any branch of mathematics that may
involve calculation.
[1913 Webster]

Barycentric calculus, a method of treating geometry by
defining a point as the center of gravity of certain other
points to which co["e]fficients or weights are ascribed.

Calculus of functions, that branch of mathematics which
treats of the forms of functions that shall satisfy given

Calculus of operations, that branch of mathematical logic
that treats of all operations that satisfy given

Calculus of probabilities, the science that treats of the
computation of the probabilities of events, or the
application of numbers to chance.

Calculus of variations, a branch of mathematics in which
the laws of dependence which bind the variable quantities
together are themselves subject to change.

Differential calculus, a method of investigating
mathematical questions by using the ratio of certain
indefinitely small quantities called differentials. The
problems are primarily of this form: to find how the
change in some variable quantity alters at each instant
the value of a quantity dependent upon it.

Exponential calculus, that part of algebra which treats of

Imaginary calculus, a method of investigating the relations
of real or imaginary quantities by the use of the
imaginary symbols and quantities of algebra.

Integral calculus, a method which in the reverse of the
differential, the primary object of which is to learn from
the known ratio of the indefinitely small changes of two
or more magnitudes, the relation of the magnitudes
themselves, or, in other words, from having the
differential of an algebraic expression to find the
expression itself.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential curve
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential decay
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential equation
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential growth
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential quantity
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
Exponential series
Exponential \Ex`po*nen"tial\, a. [Cf. F. exponentiel.]
1. Pertaining to exponents; involving variable exponents; as,
an exponential expression; exponential calculus; an
exponential function.
[1913 Webster]

2. changing over time in an exponential manner, i. e.
increasing or decreasing by a fixed ratio for each unit of
time; as, exponential growth; exponential decay.


Exponential growth is characteristic of bacteria and other
living populations in circumstances where the conditions
of growth are favorable, and all required nutrients are
plentiful. For example, the bacterium Escherichia coli
in rich media may double in number every 20 minutes until
one of the nutrients becomes exhausted or waste products
begin to inhibit growth. Many fascinating thought
experiments are proposed on the theme of exponential
growth. One may calculate, for example how long it would
take the progeny of one Escherichia coli to equal the
mass of the known universe if it multiplied unimpeded at
such a rate. The answer, assuming the equivalent of
10^80 hydrogen atoms in the universe, is less than three
days. Exponential increases in a quantity can be
surprising, and this principle is often used by banks to
make investment at a certain rate of interest seem to be
very profitable over time.

Exponential decay is exhibited by decay of radioactive
materials and some chemical reactions (first order
reactions), in which one-half of the initial quantity of
radioactive element (or chemical substance) is lost for
each lapse of a characteristic time called the

Exponential curve, a curve whose nature is defined by means
of an exponential equation.

Exponential equation, an equation which contains an
exponential quantity, or in which the unknown quantity
enters as an exponent.

Exponential quantity (Math.), a quantity whose exponent is
unknown or variable, as a^x.

Exponential series, a series derived from the development
of exponential equations or quantities.
[1913 Webster]
exponential curve
exponential curve
n 1: a graph of an exponential function
exponential decay
exponential decay
n 1: a decrease that follows an exponential function [syn:
exponential decay, exponential return]
exponential equation
exponential equation
n 1: an equation involving exponential functions of a variable
exponential expression
exponential expression
n 1: a mathematical expression consisting of a constant
(especially e) raised to some power
exponential function
exponential function
n 1: a function in which an independent variable appears as an
exponent [syn: exponential, exponential function]
exponential return
exponential return
n 1: a decrease that follows an exponential function [syn:
exponential decay, exponential return]
exponential series
exponential series
n 1: a series derived from the expansion of an exponential
adv 1: in an exponential manner; "inflation is growing
binary exponential backoff
binary exponential backoff

An algorithm for dealing with contention in the use of a
network. To transmit a packet the host sets a local
parameter, L to 1 and transmits in one of the next L slots.
If a collision occurs, it doubles L and repeats.

The set or property of problems which can be
solved by an exponential-time algorithm but for which no
polynomial-time algorithm is known.

exponential-time algorithm
exponential-time algorithm

An algorithm (or Turing Machine) that is
guaranteed to terminate within a number of steps which is a
exponential function of the size of the problem.

For example, if you have to check every number of n digits to
find a solution, the complexity is O(10^n), and if you add
an extra digit, you must check ten times as many numbers.

Even if such an algorithm is practical for some given value of
n, it is likely to become impractical for larger values. This
is in contrast to a polynomial-time algorithm which grows
more slowly.

See also computational complexity, polynomial-time,


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