80 \80\ adj.
1. one more than seventy-nine and one less than eighty-one;
denoting a quantity consisting of eighty items or units;
-- representing the number eighty as Arabic numerals

Syn: eighty, lxxx, fourscore
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
adj 1: being ten more than seventy [syn: eighty, 80, lxxx,
n 1: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and eight
[syn: eighty, 80, LXXX, fourscore]
podobné slovodefinícia
otočenie o 180 stupňov
otočenie o 180 stupňov
- U-turn
otocenie o 180 stupnov
otocenie o 180 stupnov
- U-turn
do a 180
do a 180,
otočení o 180 stupňů
otočení o 180 stupňů,U-turn Martin Ligač
80th \80th\ adj.
1. coming next after the seventy-ninth in a series

Syn: eightieth
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
n 1: the decade from 1780 to 1789
adj 1: being ten more than one hundred seventy [syn: {one
hundred eighty}, 180, clxxx]
adj 1: the ordinal number of one hundred eighty in counting
order [syn: hundred-and-eightieth, 180th]
n 1: the decade from 1880 to 1889 [syn: eighties, 1880s]
n 1: the decade from 1980 to 1989 [syn: eighties, 1980s]
adj 1: the ordinal number of eighty in counting order [syn:
eightieth, 80th]
880 yards
880 yards
n 1: a unit of length equal to half of 1 mile [syn: half mile,
880 yards]
atomic number 80
atomic number 80
n 1: a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic
element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary
temperatures [syn: mercury, quicksilver, hydrargyrum,
Hg, atomic number 80]

An 8-bit microprocessor manufactured as CDP1802
by HARRIS Semiconductor. It has been around for ten years
at least and is ideally suited for embedded applications.
Some of its features are: 8-bit parallel organisation with
bidirectional data bus and multiplexed address bus; static
design -- no minimum clock rate; bit-programmable output
port; four input pins which are directly tested by branch
instructions; flexible programmable I/O mode; single-phase
clock, with on-chip oscillator; 16 x 16 register matrix to
implement multiple program counters, pointers, or

Binary Synchronous Transmission

(Bisynch) An IBM link protocol, developed in
the 1960 and popular in the 1970s and 1980s.

Binary Synchronous Transmission has been largely replaced in
IBM environments with SDLC. Bisync was developed for
batch communications between a System 360 computer and the
IBM 2780 and 3780 Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminals. It
supports RJE and on-line terminals in the CICS/VSE
environment. It operates with EBCDIC or ASCII {character
sets}. It requires that every message be acknowledged (ACK)
or negatively acknowledged (NACK) so it has high
transmission overhead. It is typically character oriented and
half-duplex, although some of the bisync protocol flavours
or dialects support binary transmission and full-duplex

Binary Synchronous Transmission

(Bisynch) An IBM link protocol, developed in
the 1960 and popular in the 1970s and 1980s.

Binary Synchronous Transmission has been largely replaced in
IBM environments with SDLC. Bisync was developed for
batch communications between a System 360 computer and the
IBM 2780 and 3780 Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminals. It
supports RJE and on-line terminals in the CICS/VSE
environment. It operates with EBCDIC or ASCII {character
sets}. It requires that every message be acknowledged (ACK)
or negatively acknowledged (NACK) so it has high
transmission overhead. It is typically character oriented and
half-duplex, although some of the bisync protocol flavours
or dialects support binary transmission and full-duplex

Motorola 6800

A microprocessor released shortly after the
Intel 8080, in about 1975. It had 78 instructions,
including the undocumented HCF (Halt and Catch Fire) bus
test instruction. The 6800 evolved into the Motorola 6801
and 6803.

The 6502 was based on the design of the 6800 but had one
less data register and one more index register.

Motorola 68000

(MC68000) The first member of Motorola, Inc.'s
family of 16- and 32-bit microprocessors. The successor to
the Motorola 6809 and followed by the Motorola 68010.

The 68000 has 32-bit registers but only a 16-bit ALU and
external data bus. It has 24-bit addressing and a {linear
address space}, with none of the evil segment registers of
Intel's contemporary processors that make programming them
unpleasant. That means that a single directly accessed
array or structure can be larger than 64KB in size.
Addresses are computed as 32 bit, but the top 8 bits are cut
to fit the address bus into a 64-pin package (address and data
share a bus in the 40 pin packages of the 8086 and {Zilog

The 68000 has sixteen 32-bit registers, split into data and
address registers. One address register is reserved for the
Stack Pointer. Any register, of either type, can be used
for any function except direct addressing. Only address
registers can be used as the source of an address, but data
registers can provide the offset from an address.

Like the Zilog Z8000, the 68000 features a supervisor and
user mode, each with its own Stack Pointer. The {Zilog
Z8000} and 68000 are similar in capabilities, but the 68000 is
32 bits internally, making it faster and eliminating forced

Like many other CPUs of its generation, it can fetch the next
instruction during execution (2 stage pipeline).

The 68000 was used in many workstations, notably early
Sun-2 machines, and personal computers, notably {Apple
Computer}'s first Macintoshes and the Amiga. It was also
used in most of Sega's early arcade machines, and in the
Genesis/Megadrive consoles.

Variants of the 68000 include the 68HC000 (a low-power HCMOS
implementation) and the 68008 (an eight-bit data bus version
used in the Sinclair QL).

["The 68000: Principles and Programming", Leo Scanlon, 1981].

Motorola 68020

A microprocessor from Motorola. It was the
successor to the Motorola 68010 and was followed by the
Motorola 68030. The 68020 has 32-bit internal and external
data and address buses and a 256-byte instruction buffer,
arranged as 64 direct-mapped 4-byte entries[?].

The 68020 added many improvements to the 68010 including a
32-bit ALU and external data bus and address bus, and
new instrucitons and addressing modes. The 68020 (and
68030) had a proper three-stage pipeline.

The new instructions included some minor improvements and
extensions to the supervisor state, some support for
high-level languages which didn't get used much (and was
removed from future 680x0 processors[?]), bigger (32 x 32-bit)
multiply and divide instructions, and bit field manipulations.

The new adderessing modes added another level of indirection
to many of the pre-existing modes, and added quite a bit of
flexibility to various indexing modes and operations.

The instruction buffer (an instruction cache) was 256
bytes, arranged as 64 direct-mapped 4-byte entries. Although
small, it made a significant difference in the performance of
many applications.

The 68881 and the faster 68882 FPU chips could be used with
the 68020.

The 68020 was used in many models of the Apple Macintosh II
series of personal computers and Sun 3 workstations.

Motorola 68030

A 32-bit microprocessor in Motorola's
Motorola 68000 family, with on-chip split instruction and
data cache of 256 bytes each. The 68030 has an on-chip
MMU (except in the 680EC30 version).

The 68881 and the faster 68882 FPU chips could be used with
the 68030.

The 68030 was the successor to the Motorola 68020, and was
followed by the Motorola 68040.

The 68030 is used in many models of the Apple Macintosh II
series of personal computers.

Motorola 68040

(MC68040) A microprocessor from Motorola. It
was the successor to the Motorola 68030 and was followed by
the Motorola 68060.

The 68040 was the first 680x0 family member with an on-chip
FPU. It also had split instruction and data caches of 4
kilobytes(?) each. It was fully pipelined, with six stages.

The 68040 was used in the Apple Macintosh Quadra series of
personal computers.

The MC68LC040 is an MC68040 without a built-in FPU, and the
MC68EC040 is an MC68040 without an MMU or FPU.

Motorola 68050

There was no 68050. The successor to the Motorola 68040 was
the Motorola 68060.

The even numbers (68000, 68020, 68060) were reserved for major
revisions to the 680x0 core. The odd numbers (68010, 68030,
68050) were minor upgrades from the previous chip. For
example, the Motorola 68010 was a Motorola 68000 with some
minor enhancements and modifications to some user/superuser
instruction assignments. The Motorola 68030 was a {Motorola
68020} with an MMU and more minor enhancements. The 68050
would have been a 68040 with some bugs fixed, which didn't
really warrant a new name so it was sold as a 68040.

Motorola 68060

A 32-bit microprocessor from Motorola, the
successor to the Motorola 68040. The 68060 is the highest
performance 680x0 family processor currently (April 1995)
available. It has 2 to 3 times the performance of the

The 68060 is probably the last development from Motorola in
the high performacnce 680x0 series. They don't want to
compete with their own PowerPC chips. The 680x0 series is
intended more for embedded systems, where it is already very
popular. New developments here seem to integrate more
peripheral functions on chip rather than increasing processing

Motorola 6809

(MC6809) An eight-bit microprocessor from {Motorola,

The 6809 was a major advance over both its predecessor, the
Motorola 6800 and the 6502. The 6809 had two 8-bit
accumulators, rather than one in the 6502, and could combine
them into a single 16-bit register. It also featured two {index
registers} and two stack pointers, which allowed for some very
advanced addressing modes. The 6809 was source compatible
with the 6800, even though the 6800 had 78 instructions and the
6809 only had around 59 (including a SEX instruction). Some
instructions were replaced by more general ones which the
assembler would translate and some were replaced by {addressing

The 6809 had one of the first multiplication instructions of the
time, 16-bit arithmetic and a special fast interrupt. But it
was also highly optimised, gaining up to five times the speed of
the 6800 series CPU. Like the 6800, it included the undocumented
HCF (Halt and Catch Fire) bus test instruction.

The Hitachi 6309 was a version with extra registers. The
6809 was used in the UK "Dragon 32" personal computer and
was followed by the Motorola 68000.

Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.sys.m6809.

Lennart Benschop posted a
emulator (originally called "usim") and a cross-assembler to
Usenet newsgroup alt.sources on 1993-11-03. Ray P. Bellis
released a version 0.11.

Benschop emulator (

Motorola 680x0

Shorthand for any member for the Motorola 68000
family of microprocessors from Motorola, Inc. The "x"
stands for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6.

80/20 rule
eighty-twenty rule
80/20 rule

The program-design version of the law of
diminishing returns. The 80/20 rule says that roughly 80% of
the problem can be solved with 20% of the effort that it would
take to solve the whole problem.

For example, parsing e-mail addresses in "From:" lines in
e-mail messages is notoriously difficult if you follow the RFC
2822 specification. However, about 60% of actual "From:"
lines are in the format "From: Their Name ", with a
far more constrained idea of what can be in "user" or "host"
than in RFC 2822. Another 25% just add double-quotes around
"Their Name". Matching just those two patterns would thus
cover 85% of "From:" lines, with a tiny portion of the code
required to fully implement RFC2822.

(Adding support for "From: user@host" and "From: user@host
(Their Name) " brings coverage to almost 100%, leaving only
really baroque things that RFC-2822 permits, like "From:
Pete(A wonderful \) chap)
Intel 80186

A microprocessor developed by Intel circa
1982. The 80186 was an improvement on the Intel 8086 and
Intel 8088. As with the 8086, it had a 16-bit {external
bus} and was also available as the Intel 80188, with an
8-bit external data bus. The initial clock rate of the
80186 and 80188 was 6 MHz. They were not used in many
computers, but one notable exception was the Mindset, a very
advanced computer for the time. They were used as {embedded

One major function of the 80186/80188 series was to reduce the
number of chips required.

"To satisfy this market, we defined a processor with a
significant performance increase over the 8086 that also
included such common peripheral functions as
software-controlled wait state and chip select logic, three
timers, priority interrupt controller, and two channels of DMA
(direct memory access). This processor, the 80186, could
replace up to 22 separate VLSI (very large scale integration)
and TTL (transistor-transistor logic) packages and sell for
less than the cost of the parts it replaced."

-- Paul Wells of Intel Corporation writing in Byte (reference

New instructions were also introduced as follows:

ENTER Make stcak frame for procedure parameters
LEAVE High-level procedure exit
PUSHA Push all general registers
POPA Pop all general registers
BOUND Check array index against bounds
IMUL Signed (integer) multiply
INS Input from port to string
OUTS Output string to port

["The Evolution of the iAPX 286", Bob Greene, Intel
Corporation, PC Tech Journal, December 1984, page 134].

["The 80286 Microprocessor", Paul Wells, Intel Corporation,
Byte, November 1984, p. 231].

Intel 80188

A version of the Intel 80186 with an 8 bit
external data bus (instead of 16 bit). This makes it cheaper
to connect to peripherals.

IEEE 802.1

An IEEE working group concerned with
the IEEE 802 family of networking standards,
specifically bridging and network management.

The spanning tree protocol is standardised as 802.1D.


A radio-based LAN protocol which speaks
OFDM at 5GHz, one of the two wi-fi protocols.


An IEEE wireless local area networks (WLAN)
standard protocol which speaks DSSS at 2.4GHz. 802.11b
is one of the two wi-fi protocols. It operates at 11
megabits per second (Mbps) compared with 802.11g which
operates at 54 Mbps.


An IEEE wireless {local area
network} (WLAN) standard protocol, expected to be approved
in June 2003. 802.11g offers wireless transmission over
relatively short distances at up to 54 megabits per second

802.11g operates in the 2.4 GHz range and is thus compatible
with 802.11b (11 Mbps Wi-Fi).

IEEE 802.2

(Networks) The IEEE standard defining Logical Link Control
(LLC, the upper portion of the data link layer) for {local
area networks}.

IEEE 802.3

The IEEE standard defining the hardware layer
and transport layer of (a varient of) Ethernet. The
maximum segment length is 500m and the maximum total length
is 2.5km. The maximum number of hosts is 1024.

The maximum packet size is 1518 bytes. If the upper layer
protocol submits a PDU less than 64 bytes, 802.3 will pad
the LLC Info field to achieve the minimum 64 bytes.

Although it is not technically correct, the terms "packet"
and frame are used interchangeably. The ISO/IEC 8802-3
ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Standards refer to MAC sub-layer
frames consisting of the Destination Address, Source
Address, Length, LLC Info., and FCS fields. The Preamble
and SFD are (usually) considered a header to the MAC
Frame. This header plus the MAC Frame constitute a "Packet".

Intel 80286

(Or "286", "i286") A microprocessor developed by
Intel. THe 80286 processor has a 16-bit data bus and
incorporates a memory management unit that allowed a limited
amount of multitasking. The 80286 only has a segmented MMU
while the later processors add a paged MMU "behind" the
segmented one.

The 80286 was the processor in the IBM PC AT {personal

Intel 8051

A microcontroller developed by Intel in 1980
for use in embedded products and still (1999) one of the
most popular microcontrollers.

The 8051/8031 cores are used in over 100 devices from 10
independent manufacturers such as Dallas and Philips.

[What is the difference between the 8031/8051/8052?]

See also CAS 8051 Assembler, as31 assembler, 51forth.

{8051 FAQ

{The 8031/51 series microcontroller

{Intel MCS51 series microcontrollers

Intel 80386

(Commonly abbreviated to "386", trademark
"Intel386") The successor to the Intel 80286
microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with
32-bit data and address busses. It can address four
gigabytes (2^32 bytes) of memory; however, 16 megabytes is a
typical maximum in IBM PCs. The 386 allows multiple
application programs to run at the same time (when running
under 386-specific operating systems) using "{protected

The first IBM compatible to use the 386 was the Compaq
386, before IBM used it in high-end models of their PS/2
series. It is also used in HP's RS series and many

It does not require special EMS memory boards to expand
MS-DOS memory limits. With the 386, the EMS standard can be
simulated in normal extended memory, and many DOS add-ons
provide this "Expanded Memory Manager" feature.

See also Intel 80386SX, BSD386.

Intel 8048

The microcontroller used in IBM PC keyboards.
The 8048 was inspired by, and similar to, the Fairchild F8
microprocessor but, being a microcontroller, was designed for
low cost and small size. The 8048 has a modified {Harvard
architecture}, with program ROM on chip and 64 to 256 bytes
of RAM also on chip. I/O is mapped in its own {address

Though the 8048 was eventually replaced by the very popular
but bizarre Intel 8051 and Intel 8052, even in 2000 it is
still very popular due to its low cost, wide availability, and
development tools.

[Was it really __the_first__ microcontroller? Are the ROM and
RAM both on-chip?]

Intel 486
Intel 80486

(Or "i486", "iAPX 80486", and "Intel DX4" but
usually just "486"). A range of Intel CISC
microprocessors which is part of the Intel 80x86 family of

The 486s are very similar to their immediate predecessor, the
Intel 80386DX. The main differences are that the 486 has an
optimised instruction set, has an on-chip unified
instruction and data cache, an optional on-chip
floating-point unit (FPU), and an enhanced {bus interface
unit}. These improvements yield a rough doubling in
performance over an Intel 80386 at the same clock rate.

There are several suffixes and variants including:

Intel 486SX - a 486DX with a faulty FPU that has been
disabled in the factory.

Intel 486DX - 486SX with a working FPU.

486DX-2 - runs at twice the external clock rate.

486SX-2 - runs at twice the external clock rate.

486SL - 486DX with power conservation circuitry.

486SL-NM - 486SX with power conservation circuitry; SL
enhanced suffix, denotes a 486 with special power conservation
circuitry similar to that in the 486SL processors.

487 - 486DX with a slightly different pinout for use in 486SX

OverDrive - 486DX-2 with a slightly different pinout for use
in 486SX systems.

RapidCAD - 486DX in a special package with a companion FPU
dummy package for use in Intel 80386 systems.

Intel DX4, Cyrix Cy486SLC.

External clock rates include 16MHz, 20MHz, 25MHz, 33MHz,
40MHz, although 16Mhz is rare now, and the 20MHz processors
are often clock doubled.

The 486 processor has been licensed or reverse engineered by
other companies such as IBM, AMD, Cyrix, and {Chips &
Technologies}. Some are almost exact duplicates in
specications and performance, some aren't.

The successor to the 486 is the Pentium.

Intel 8051

A microcontroller developed by Intel in 1980
for use in embedded products and still (1999) one of the
most popular microcontrollers.

The 8051/8031 cores are used in over 100 devices from 10
independent manufacturers such as Dallas and Philips.

[What is the difference between the 8031/8051/8052?]

See also CAS 8051 Assembler, as31 assembler, 51forth.

{8051 FAQ

{The 8031/51 series microcontroller

{Intel MCS51 series microcontrollers

Intel 8051

A microcontroller developed by Intel in 1980
for use in embedded products and still (1999) one of the
most popular microcontrollers.

The 8051/8031 cores are used in over 100 devices from 10
independent manufacturers such as Dallas and Philips.

[What is the difference between the 8031/8051/8052?]

See also CAS 8051 Assembler, as31 assembler, 51forth.

{8051 FAQ

{The 8031/51 series microcontroller

{Intel MCS51 series microcontrollers

Intel 8080

The successor to the Intel 8008. The 8080 had a
16-bit address bus and an 8-bit data bus. It had seven
8-bit registers (six which could also be combined as three
16-bit registers), a 16-bit stack pointer to memory which
replaced the 8008's internal stack and a 16-bit {program
counter}. It also had 256 I/O ports (so I/O devices could be
connected without needing to allocate any addressing space as
is required for memory mapped devices) and a signal pin that
allowed the stack to occupy a separate bank of memory.

Shortly after the 8080, the Motorola 6800 was introduced.


Intel 8086

A sixteen bit microprocessor chip used in early
IBM PCs. The Intel 8088 was a version with an eight-bit
external data bus.

The Intel 8086 was based on the design of the Intel 8080 and
Intel 8085 (it was source compatible with the 8080) with a
similar register set, but was expanded to 16 bits. The Bus
Interface Unit fed the instruction stream to the Execution
Unit through a 6 byte prefetch queue, so fetch and execution
were concurrent - a primitive form of pipelining (8086
instructions varied from 1 to 4 bytes).

It featured four 16-bit general registers, which could also
be accessed as eight 8-bit registers, and four 16-bit {index
registers} (including the stack pointer). The data
registers were often used implicitly by instructions,
complicating register allocation for temporary values. It
featured 64K 8-bit I/O (or 32K 16 bit) ports and fixed
vectored interrupts. There were also four {segment
registers} that could be set from index registers.

The segment registers allowed the CPU to access 1 meg of
memory in an odd way. Rather than just supplying missing
bytes, as most segmented processors, the 8086 actually shifted
the segment registers left 4 bits and added it to the address.
As a result, segments overlapped, and it was possible to have
two pointers with the same value point to two different memory
locations, or two pointers with different values pointing to
the same location. Most people consider this a {brain
damaged} design.

Although this was largely acceptable for assembly language,
where control of the segments was complete (it could even be
useful then), in higher level languages it caused constant
confusion (e.g. near/far pointers). Even worse, this made
expanding the address space to more than 1 meg difficult. A
later version, the Intel 80386, expanded the design to 32
bits, and "fixed" the segmentation, but required extra modes
(suppressing the new features) for compatibility, and retains
the awkward architecture. In fact, with the right assembler,
code written for the 8008 can still be run on the most recent
Intel 486.

The Intel 80386 added new op codes in a kludgy fashion
similar to the Zilog Z80 and Zilog Z280. The {Intel
486} added full pipelines, and clock doubling (like the
Zilog Z280).

So why did IBM chose the 8086 series when most of the
alternatives were so much better? Apparently IBM's own
engineers wanted to use the Motorola 68000, and it was used
later in the forgotten IBM Instruments 9000 Laboratory
Computer, but IBM already had rights to manufacture the 8086,
in exchange for giving Intel the rights to its bubble memory
designs. Apparently IBM was using 8086s in the IBM
Displaywriter word processor.

Other factors were the 8-bit Intel 8088 version, which could
use existing Intel 8085-type components, and allowed the
computer to be based on a modified 8085 design. 68000
components were not widely available, though it could use
Motorola 6800 components to an extent.

Intel bubble memory was on the market for a while, but
faded away as better and cheaper memory technologies arrived.

Intel 8088

An Intel 8086 with 16-bit registers and an
8-bit data bus.

The 8088 was the processor used in the original IBM PC.

Intel 80x86
Intel x86

(x86) One of the family of Intel
microprocessors including the Intel 80186, Intel 80286,
Intel 80386, Intel 486, in a more general sense also
Intel 8086, Pentium, Pentium Pro, and Pentium II.

The abbreviation "x86" also includes compatible processors,
e.g. from Cyrix or AMD.

Motorola 88000

A family of RISC microprocessors from Motorola.


altair 8800
Altair 8800

An Intel 8080-based machine made by MITS. The
Altair was the first popular microcomputer kit.

It appeared on the cover of the January 1975 "Popular
Electronics" magazine with an article (probably) by Leslie
Solomon. Leslie Solomon was an editor at Popular Electronics
who had a knack for spotting kits that would interest people
and make them buy the magazine. The Altair 8800 was one such.
The MITS guys took the prototype Altair to New York to show
Solomon, but couldn't get it to work after the flight.
Nonetheless, he liked it, and it appeared on the cover as "The
first minicomputer in a kit."

Solomon's blessing was important enough that some MITS
competitors named their product the "SOL" to gain his favour.
Some wags suggested SOL was actually an abbreviation for the
condition in which kit purchasers would find themselves.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen saw the article on the Altair 8800
in Popular Electronics. They realised that the Altair, which
was programmed via its binary front panel needed a {high level
language}. Legend has it that they called MITS with the claim
that they had a BASIC interpreter for the Altair. When
MITS asked them to demo it in Albuquerque, they wrote one on
the plane. On arrival, they entered the machine code via the
front panel and demonstrated and sold their "product." Thus
was born "Altair BASIC."

The original Altair BASIC ran in less than 4K of RAM because a
"loaded" Altair had 4K memory. Since there was no {operating
system} on the Altair, Altair BASIC included what we now think
of as BIOS. It was distributed on paper tape that could
be read on a Teletype. Later versions supported the 8K
Altair and the 16K diskette-based Altair (demonstrating
that, even in the 1970s, Microsoft was committed to
software bloat). Altair BASIC was ported to the {Motorola
6800} for the Altair 680 machine, and to other 8080-based
microcomputers produced by MITS' competitors.

{ Altair 8800 page

[Forrest M. Mimms, article in "Computers and Electronics",
(formerly "Popular Electronics"), Jan 1985(?)].

[Was there ever an "Altair 9000" microcomputer?]


A microprocessor based on the ARM8 processor
core designed by Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. Planned
features include a 60-100Mhz clock rate; 0.35-0.4 micron
silicon fabrication; an improvement on the ARM7's 1.4
cycle/instruction; a 16 Kbyte cache.

Some estimates were 100 MIPS and 120 Kdhrystones at 70Mhz
(twice the ARM700). Samples of the ARM800 are expected to
be available in late 1995.

It may run on a voltage below 3.3V.

Digital Semiconductor's Hudson fab is 0.35 micron and they have
announced a licensing deal for the ARM architecture (see

cas 8051 assembler
CAS 8051 Assembler

An experimental one-pass assembler for the 8051 with
C-like syntax by Mark Hopkins. Most features of a modern
assembler included except macros (soon to be added).
Requires an ANSI-C compiler. Ported to MS-DOS, Ultrix,
Sun-4. (July 1993).

Version 1.2. Assembler/linker, disassembler, documentation,

{Other software tools and applications


A single-chip implementation of the RCA 1802


Based on CSP.

"CSP/80: A Language for Communicating Processes", M. Jazayeri
et al, Proc Fall COMPCON80, IEEE pp.736-740 (Sept 1980).
dream 6800
DREAM 6800

A computer based on the Motorola 6800

The DREAM 6800 could be programmed in CHIP-8.


The "Advanced WavEffect" music
synthesizer integrated circuit used on the SB AWE32 card.

The EMU8000 is a sub-system offering high quality music
synthesis and an "effect engine" which provides musical
effects like reverb and chorus to MIDI playback. The
EMU8000 supports up to 32 voices, and the effect amount for
each voice can be controlled via MIDI.

hitachi hd64180
Hitachi HD64180

A processor family which adds peripherals and an
MMU to the Zilog Z80.

honeywell-800 business compiler
Fully Automated Compiling Technique
Honeywell-800 Business Compiler

(FACT, "Honeywell-800 Business
Compiler") A pre-COBOL English-like business {data
processing} language for the Honeywell 800, developed
ca. 1959.

[Sammet 1969, p. 327].

ibm 801
IBM 801

The original IBM RISC processor, developed as a research
project. It was named after the building in which it was

[Features? Dates?]

ieee 802
IEEE 802

The IEEE standards for {local area
networks}. The spanning tree algorithm is defined in {IEEE
802.1} (under consideration), Logical Link Control (LLC, the
upper portion of the data link layer) in IEEE 802.2,
Ethernet in IEEE 802.3, Token Bus in IEEE 802.4 and IBM
Token Ring in IEEE 802.5.

The equivalent ISO standard is IS 8802.

ieee 802.1
IEEE 802.1

An IEEE working group concerned with
the IEEE 802 family of networking standards,
specifically bridging and network management.

The spanning tree protocol is standardised as 802.1D.

ieee 802.2
IEEE 802.2

(Networks) The IEEE standard defining Logical Link Control
(LLC, the upper portion of the data link layer) for {local
area networks}.

ieee 802.3
IEEE 802.3

The IEEE standard defining the hardware layer
and transport layer of (a varient of) Ethernet. The
maximum segment length is 500m and the maximum total length
is 2.5km. The maximum number of hosts is 1024.

The maximum packet size is 1518 bytes. If the upper layer
protocol submits a PDU less than 64 bytes, 802.3 will pad
the LLC Info field to achieve the minimum 64 bytes.

Although it is not technically correct, the terms "packet"
and frame are used interchangeably. The ISO/IEC 8802-3
ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Standards refer to MAC sub-layer
frames consisting of the Destination Address, Source
Address, Length, LLC Info., and FCS fields. The Preamble
and SFD are (usually) considered a header to the MAC
Frame. This header plus the MAC Frame constitute a "Packet".

ieee 802.3u
IEEE 802.3u

The IEEE committee working on
standards for Fast Ethernet.

ieee 802.3z
IEEE 802.3z

The IEEE committee working on
standards for Gigabit Ethernet.

ieee 802.4
IEEE 802.4

The IEEE Token Bus standard.

ieee 802.5
IEEE 802.5

The IEEE token ring standard. The most common type of
token ring.

intel 8008
Intel 8008

A microprocessor intended for use as a terminal
controller, and similar to the Intel 4040. The 8008 had a
14-bit PC and addressing and an eight level internal
stack. It was followed by the Intel 8080.


intel 80186
Intel 80186

A microprocessor developed by Intel circa
1982. The 80186 was an improvement on the Intel 8086 and
Intel 8088. As with the 8086, it had a 16-bit {external
bus} and was also available as the Intel 80188, with an
8-bit external data bus. The initial clock rate of the
80186 and 80188 was 6 MHz. They were not used in many
computers, but one notable exception was the Mindset, a very
advanced computer for the time. They were used as {embedded

One major function of the 80186/80188 series was to reduce the
number of chips required.

"To satisfy this market, we defined a processor with a
significant performance increase over the 8086 that also
included such common peripheral functions as
software-controlled wait state and chip select logic, three
timers, priority interrupt controller, and two channels of DMA
(direct memory access). This processor, the 80186, could
replace up to 22 separate VLSI (very large scale integration)
and TTL (transistor-transistor logic) packages and sell for
less than the cost of the parts it replaced."

-- Paul Wells of Intel Corporation writing in Byte (reference

New instructions were also introduced as follows:

ENTER Make stcak frame for procedure parameters
LEAVE High-level procedure exit
PUSHA Push all general registers
POPA Pop all general registers
BOUND Check array index against bounds
IMUL Signed (integer) multiply
INS Input from port to string
OUTS Output string to port

["The Evolution of the iAPX 286", Bob Greene, Intel
Corporation, PC Tech Journal, December 1984, page 134].

["The 80286 Microprocessor", Paul Wells, Intel Corporation,
Byte, November 1984, p. 231].

intel 80188
Intel 80188

A version of the Intel 80186 with an 8 bit
external data bus (instead of 16 bit). This makes it cheaper
to connect to peripherals.

intel 80286
Intel 80286

(Or "286", "i286") A microprocessor developed by
Intel. THe 80286 processor has a 16-bit data bus and
incorporates a memory management unit that allowed a limited
amount of multitasking. The 80286 only has a segmented MMU
while the later processors add a paged MMU "behind" the
segmented one.

The 80286 was the processor in the IBM PC AT {personal

intel 80386
Intel 80386

(Commonly abbreviated to "386", trademark
"Intel386") The successor to the Intel 80286
microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with
32-bit data and address busses. It can address four
gigabytes (2^32 bytes) of memory; however, 16 megabytes is a
typical maximum in IBM PCs. The 386 allows multiple
application programs to run at the same time (when running
under 386-specific operating systems) using "{protected

The first IBM compatible to use the 386 was the Compaq
386, before IBM used it in high-end models of their PS/2
series. It is also used in HP's RS series and many

It does not require special EMS memory boards to expand
MS-DOS memory limits. With the 386, the EMS standard can be
simulated in normal extended memory, and many DOS add-ons
provide this "Expanded Memory Manager" feature.

See also Intel 80386SX, BSD386.

intel 80386dx
Intel 80386DX

A version of the Intel 80386 with a 32-bit {data
bus} and 32-bit address bus, a BGA. The 386DX was clocked
at 16 to 33 MHz by Intel and up to 40 MHz by AMD. It
comes in a BGA package.

intel 80386sx
Intel 80386SX

A lower-speed version of the Intel 80386. It
uses a 16-bit data bus instead of a 32-bit data bus. It has a
24-bit address bus. It is faster than the 286, and more
importantly, like the full-size 386, provides more flexibility
in running existing DOS applications. Intel's version runs at
16 MHz, while AMD's can run at up to 33 MHz. It comes in a
PFP package.

intel 8048
Intel 8048

The microcontroller used in IBM PC keyboards.
The 8048 was inspired by, and similar to, the Fairchild F8
microprocessor but, being a microcontroller, was designed for
low cost and small size. The 8048 has a modified {Harvard
architecture}, with program ROM on chip and 64 to 256 bytes
of RAM also on chip. I/O is mapped in its own {address

Though the 8048 was eventually replaced by the very popular
but bizarre Intel 8051 and Intel 8052, even in 2000 it is
still very popular due to its low cost, wide availability, and
development tools.

[Was it really __the_first__ microcontroller? Are the ROM and
RAM both on-chip?]

intel 80486
Intel 486
Intel 80486

(Or "i486", "iAPX 80486", and "Intel DX4" but
usually just "486"). A range of Intel CISC
microprocessors which is part of the Intel 80x86 family of

The 486s are very similar to their immediate predecessor, the
Intel 80386DX. The main differences are that the 486 has an
optimised instruction set, has an on-chip unified
instruction and data cache, an optional on-chip
floating-point unit (FPU), and an enhanced {bus interface
unit}. These improvements yield a rough doubling in
performance over an Intel 80386 at the same clock rate.

There are several suffixes and variants including:

Intel 486SX - a 486DX with a faulty FPU that has been
disabled in the factory.

Intel 486DX - 486SX with a working FPU.

486DX-2 - runs at twice the external clock rate.

486SX-2 - runs at twice the external clock rate.

486SL - 486DX with power conservation circuitry.

486SL-NM - 486SX with power conservation circuitry; SL
enhanced suffix, denotes a 486 with special power conservation
circuitry similar to that in the 486SL processors.

487 - 486DX with a slightly different pinout for use in 486SX

OverDrive - 486DX-2 with a slightly different pinout for use
in 486SX systems.

RapidCAD - 486DX in a special package with a companion FPU
dummy package for use in Intel 80386 systems.

Intel DX4, Cyrix Cy486SLC.

External clock rates include 16MHz, 20MHz, 25MHz, 33MHz,
40MHz, although 16Mhz is rare now, and the 20MHz processors
are often clock doubled.

The 486 processor has been licensed or reverse engineered by
other companies such as IBM, AMD, Cyrix, and {Chips &
Technologies}. Some are almost exact duplicates in
specications and performance, some aren't.

The successor to the 486 is the Pentium.

intel 8051
Intel 8051

A microcontroller developed by Intel in 1980
for use in embedded products and still (1999) one of the
most popular microcontrollers.

The 8051/8031 cores are used in over 100 devices from 10
independent manufacturers such as Dallas and Philips.

[What is the difference between the 8031/8051/8052?]

See also CAS 8051 Assembler, as31 assembler, 51forth.

{8051 FAQ

{The 8031/51 series microcontroller

{Intel MCS51 series microcontrollers

intel 8080
Intel 8080

The successor to the Intel 8008. The 8080 had a
16-bit address bus and an 8-bit data bus. It had seven
8-bit registers (six which could also be combined as three
16-bit registers), a 16-bit stack pointer to memory which
replaced the 8008's internal stack and a 16-bit {program
counter}. It also had 256 I/O ports (so I/O devices could be
connected without needing to allocate any addressing space as
is required for memory mapped devices) and a signal pin that
allowed the stack to occupy a separate bank of memory.

Shortly after the 8080, the Motorola 6800 was introduced.


intel 8085
Intel 8085

A microprocessor intended to be an improved
Intel 8080, as was the Zilog Z80.

intel 8086
Intel 8086

A sixteen bit microprocessor chip used in early
IBM PCs. The Intel 8088 was a version with an eight-bit
external data bus.

The Intel 8086 was based on the design of the Intel 8080 and
Intel 8085 (it was source compatible with the 8080) with a
similar register set, but was expanded to 16 bits. The Bus
Interface Unit fed the instruction stream to the Execution
Unit through a 6 byte prefetch queue, so fetch and execution
were concurrent - a primitive form of pipelining (8086
instructions varied from 1 to 4 bytes).

It featured four 16-bit general registers, which could also
be accessed as eight 8-bit registers, and four 16-bit {index
registers} (including the stack pointer). The data
registers were often used implicitly by instructions,
complicating register allocation for temporary values. It
featured 64K 8-bit I/O (or 32K 16 bit) ports and fixed
vectored interrupts. There were also four {segment
registers} that could be set from index registers.

The segment registers allowed the CPU to access 1 meg of
memory in an odd way. Rather than just supplying missing
bytes, as most segmented processors, the 8086 actually shifted
the segment registers left 4 bits and added it to the address.
As a result, segments overlapped, and it was possible to have
two pointers with the same value point to two different memory
locations, or two pointers with different values pointing to
the same location. Most people consider this a {brain
damaged} design.

Although this was largely acceptable for assembly language,
where control of the segments was complete (it could even be
useful then), in higher level languages it caused constant
confusion (e.g. near/far pointers). Even worse, this made
expanding the address space to more than 1 meg difficult. A
later version, the Intel 80386, expanded the design to 32
bits, and "fixed" the segmentation, but required extra modes
(suppressing the new features) for compatibility, and retains
the awkward architecture. In fact, with the right assembler,
code written for the 8008 can still be run on the most recent
Intel 486.

The Intel 80386 added new op codes in a kludgy fashion
similar to the Zilog Z80 and Zilog Z280. The {Intel
486} added full pipelines, and clock doubling (like the
Zilog Z280).

So why did IBM chose the 8086 series when most of the
alternatives were so much better? Apparently IBM's own
engineers wanted to use the Motorola 68000, and it was used
later in the forgotten IBM Instruments 9000 Laboratory
Computer, but IBM already had rights to manufacture the 8086,
in exchange for giving Intel the rights to its bubble memory
designs. Apparently IBM was using 8086s in the IBM
Displaywriter word processor.

Other factors were the 8-bit Intel 8088 version, which could
use existing Intel 8085-type components, and allowed the
computer to be based on a modified 8085 design. 68000
components were not widely available, though it could use
Motorola 6800 components to an extent.

Intel bubble memory was on the market for a while, but
faded away as better and cheaper memory technologies arrived.

intel 8088
Intel 8088

An Intel 8086 with 16-bit registers and an
8-bit data bus.

The 8088 was the processor used in the original IBM PC.

intel 80x86
Intel 80x86
Intel x86

(x86) One of the family of Intel
microprocessors including the Intel 80186, Intel 80286,
Intel 80386, Intel 486, in a more general sense also
Intel 8086, Pentium, Pentium Pro, and Pentium II.

The abbreviation "x86" also includes compatible processors,
e.g. from Cyrix or AMD.

iso 8072
transport layer
host-host layer
ISO 8072
ISO 8073
layer 4

(Or "host-host layer") The middle layer in the
OSI seven layer model. The transport layer determines how
to use the network layer to provide a virtual error-free,
point to point connection so that host A can send messages to
host B and they will arrive un-corrupted and in the correct
order. It establishes and dissolves connections between
hosts. It is used by the session layer.

An example transport layer protocol is {Transmission Control
Protocol} (TCP).

OSI documents: ITU Rec. X.214 (ISO 8072), ITU Rec. X.224
(ISO 8073).

iso 8073
transport layer
host-host layer
ISO 8072
ISO 8073
layer 4

(Or "host-host layer") The middle layer in the
OSI seven layer model. The transport layer determines how
to use the network layer to provide a virtual error-free,
point to point connection so that host A can send messages to
host B and they will arrive un-corrupted and in the correct
order. It establishes and dissolves connections between
hosts. It is used by the session layer.

An example transport layer protocol is {Transmission Control
Protocol} (TCP).

OSI documents: ITU Rec. X.214 (ISO 8072), ITU Rec. X.224
(ISO 8073).


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