- Irán
- IR, IRN, Iran
Iran,Írán n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Iran \I`ran"\ ([=e]`r[aum]n"), n. [Mod. Persian Ir[=a]n. Cf.
The native name of Persia, the name adopted by the modern
nation of Iran.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
n 1: a theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western
Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was
known as Persia until 1935; rich in oil [syn: Iran,
Islamic Republic of Iran, Persia]
podobné slovodefinícia
- spravodlivý a úprimný
- iránsky
- Iranian
antiperspirant,antiperspirant n: Zdeněk Brožantiperspirant,prostředek proti pocení Pavel Cvrčekantiperspirant,protipotivý adj: Zdeněk Brož
aspirant,kandidát n: Zdeněk Brožaspirant,snaživý adj: Zdeněk Brožaspirant,uchazeč n: Zdeněk Brož
girandola, n:
girandole, n:
Irani,íránský adj: Stanislav Horáček
Iranian,Íránec Zdeněk BrožIranian,Íránka n: Zdeněk Brož
Miranda,Miranda n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
omnirange, n:
pirana, n:
piranha,piraňa n: Zdeněk Brož
spirant, n:
Tirana,hlavní město Albánie Zdeněk BrožTirana,Tirana n: [jmén.] [zem.] hlavní město Albánie Milan Svoboda
antiperspirant,antiperspirantn: Zdeněk Brož
aspirant,wannaben: Zdeněk Brož
delirantní,deliriousadj: Zdeněk Brož
Miranda,Mirandan: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Tirana,Tiranan: [jmén.] [zem.] hlavní město Albánie Milan Svoboda
šestiranný revolver
šestiranný revolver,six-shooter Zdeněk Brož
Admirance \Ad*mir"ance\, n. [Cf. OF. admirance.]
Admiration. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]
Aspirant \As*pir"ant\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. aspirant, p. pr. of
aspirer. See Aspire.]
[1913 Webster]Aspirant \As*pir"ant\, n. [Cf. F. aspirant.]
One who aspires; one who eagerly seeks some high position or
object of attainment.
[1913 Webster]

In consequence of the resignations . . . the way to
greatness was left clear to a new set of aspirants.
[1913 Webster]
Cheiranthus Cheiri
Gillyflower \Gil"ly*flow`er\, n. [OE. gilofre, gilofer, clove,
OF. girofre, girofle, F. girofle: cf. F. girofl['e]e
gillyflower, fr. girofle, Gr. ? clove tree; ? nut + ? leaf,
akin to E. foliage. Cf. Caryophyllus, July-flower.]
[Written also gilliflower.] (Bot.)
1. A name given by old writers to the clove pink ({Dianthus
Caryophyllus}) but now to the common stock ({Matthiola
incana}), a cruciferous plant with showy and fragrant
blossoms, usually purplish, but often pink or white.
[1913 Webster]

2. A kind of apple, of a roundish conical shape, purplish red
color, and having a large core.

Clove gillyflower, the clove pink.

Marsh gillyflower, the ragged robin ({Lychnis

Queen's gillyflower, or Winter gillyflower, damewort.

Sea gillyflower, the thrift (Armeria vulgaris).

Wall gillyflower, the wallflower (Cheiranthus Cheiri).

Water gillyflower, the water violet.
[1913 Webster]Wallflower \Wall"flow`er\, n.
1. (Bot.) A perennial, cruciferous plant ({Cheiranthus
Cheiri}), with sweet-scented flowers varying in color from
yellow to orange and deep red. In Europe it very common on
old walls.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name is sometimes extended to other species of
Cheiranthus and of the related genus Erysimum,
especially the American Western wallflower ({Erysimum
asperum}), a biennial herb with orange-yellow flowers.
[1913 Webster]

2. A lady at a ball, who, either from choice, or because not
asked to dance, remains a spectator. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) In Australia, the desert poison bush ({Gastrolobium
grandiflorum}); -- called also native wallflower.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Conspirant \Con*spir"ant\, a. [L. conspirans, p. pr. of
conspirare: cf. F. conspirant.]
Engaging in a plot to commit a crime; conspiring. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Dail Eirann
Dail \Dail\ n.
the lower house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland;
-- also called the Dail Eirann. From its members is
selected the Taoiseach, or prime minister.

Syn: Dail Eireann.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Delirancy \De*lir"an*cy\, n.
Delirium. [Obs.] --Gauden.
[1913 Webster]
Delirant \De*lir"ant\, a. [L. delirans, - antis, p. pr. of
delirare. See Delirium.]
Delirious. [Obs.] --Owen.
[1913 Webster]
Erysimum cheiranthoides
Mustard \Mus"tard\, n. [OF. moustarde, F. moutarde, fr. L.
mustum must, -- mustard was prepared for use by being mixed
with must. See Must, n.]
1. (Bot.) The name of several cruciferous plants of the genus
Brassica (formerly Sinapis), as white mustard
(Brassica alba), black mustard (Brassica Nigra),
wild mustard or charlock (Brassica Sinapistrum).
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are also many herbs of the same family which are
called mustard, and have more or less of the flavor of
the true mustard; as, bowyer's mustard ({Lepidium
ruderale}); hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale);
Mithridate mustard (Thlaspi arvense); tower mustard
(Arabis perfoliata); treacle mustard ({Erysimum
[1913 Webster]

2. A powder or a paste made from the seeds of black or white
mustard, used as a condiment and a rubefacient. Taken
internally it is stimulant and diuretic, and in large
doses is emetic.
[1913 Webster]

Mustard oil (Chem.), a substance obtained from mustard, as
a transparent, volatile and intensely pungent oil. The
name is also extended to a number of analogous compounds
produced either naturally or artificially.
[1913 Webster]Treacle \Trea"cle\ (tr[=e]"k'l), n. [OE. triacle a sovereign
remedy, theriac, OF. triacle, F. th['e]riaque (cf. Pr.
triacla, tiriaca, Sp. & It. triaca, teriaca), L. theriaca an
antidote against the bite of poisonous animals, Gr. ?, fr. ?
of wild or venomous beasts, fr. qhri`on a beast, a wild
beast, dim. of qh`r a beast. Cf. Theriac.]
1. (Old Med.) A remedy against poison. See Theriac, 1.
[1913 Webster]

We kill the viper, and make treacle of him. --Jer.
[1913 Webster]

2. A sovereign remedy; a cure. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Christ which is to every harm treacle. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

3. Molasses; sometimes, specifically, the molasses which
drains from the sugar-refining molds, and which is also
called sugarhouse molasses.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the United States molasses is the common name; in
England, treacle.
[1913 Webster]

4. A saccharine fluid, consisting of the inspissated juices
or decoctions of certain vegetables, as the sap of the
birch, sycamore, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

Treacle mustard (Bot.), a name given to several species of
the cruciferous genus Erysimum, especially the {Erysimum
cheiranthoides}, which was formerly used as an ingredient
in Venice treacle, or theriac.

Treacle water, a compound cordial prepared in different
ways from a variety of ingredients, as hartshorn, roots of
various plants, flowers, juices of plants, wines, etc.,
distilled or digested with Venice treacle. It was formerly
regarded as a medicine of great virtue. --Nares.

Venice treacle. (Old Med.) Same as Theriac, 1.
[1913 Webster]
Erysinum cheiranthoides
Wormseed \Worm"seed`\, n. (Bot.)
Any one of several plants, as Artemisia santonica, and
Chenopodium anthelminticum, whose seeds have the property
of expelling worms from the stomach and intestines.
[1913 Webster]

Wormseed mustard, a slender, cruciferous plant ({Erysinum
cheiranthoides}) having small lanceolate leaves.
[1913 Webster]
Expirant \Ex*pir"ant\, n.
One who expires or is expiring.
[1913 Webster]
fair-and-square \fair-and-square\ adj.
fair and honest; just. Opposite of unfair. [Colloq.]

Syn: honest.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
girandola \gir"an*do`la\, girandole
\gir"an*dole\(j[i^]r"an*d[=o]l; 277), n. [F. See Gyrate.]
1. An ornate ornamental branched candlestick, often with a
mirror at the back. [WordNet sense 1]
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. A flower stand, fountain, or the like, of branching form.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Pyrotechny) A kind of revolving firework.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Fort.) A series of chambers in defensive mines. --Farrow.
girandola \gir"an*do`la\, girandole
\gir"an*dole\(j[i^]r"an*d[=o]l; 277), n. [F. See Gyrate.]
1. An ornate ornamental branched candlestick, often with a
mirror at the back. [WordNet sense 1]
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. A flower stand, fountain, or the like, of branching form.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Pyrotechny) A kind of revolving firework.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Fort.) A series of chambers in defensive mines. --Farrow.
Inquirance \In*quir"ance\, n.
Inquiry. [Obs.] --Latimer.
[1913 Webster]
Iran \I`ran"\ ([=e]`r[aum]n"), n. [Mod. Persian Ir[=a]n. Cf.
The native name of Persia, the name adopted by the modern
nation of Iran.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Irani \Irani\ n.
a native or inhabitant of Iran.

Syn: Iranian, Persian.
[WordNet 1.5]
Iranian \I*ra"ni*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to Iran. -- n. A native of Iran; also, the
Iranian or Persian language, a division of the Aryan family
of languages, the modern version of which is called Farsi.
[1913 Webster]
Iranic \I*ran"ic\, a.
[1913 Webster]
Ouvirandra Berneriana
Lattice \Lat"tice\, n. [OE. latis, F. lattis lathwork, fr. latte
lath. See Latten, 1st Lath.]
1. Any work of wood, metal, plastic, or other solid material,
made by crossing a series of parallel laths, or thin
strips, with another series at a diagonal angle, and
forming a network with openings between the strips; as,
the lattice of a window; -- called also latticework.
[1913 Webster]

The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and
cried through the lattice. --Judg. v. 28.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Her.) The representation of a piece of latticework used
as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallography) The arrangement of atoms or molecules in
a crystal, represented as a repeating arrangement of
points in space, each point representing the location of
an atom or molecule; called also crystal lattice and
space lattice.

Lattice bridge, a bridge supported by lattice girders, or
latticework trusses.

Lattice girder (Arch.), a girder of which the wed consists
of diagonal pieces crossing each other in the manner of

Lattice plant (Bot.), an aquatic plant of Madagascar
(Ouvirandra fenestralis), whose leaves have interstices
between their ribs and cross veins, so as to resemble
latticework. A second species is Ouvirandra Berneriana.
The genus is merged in Aponogeton by recent authors.
[1913 Webster]
Ouvirandra fenestralis
Lattice \Lat"tice\, n. [OE. latis, F. lattis lathwork, fr. latte
lath. See Latten, 1st Lath.]
1. Any work of wood, metal, plastic, or other solid material,
made by crossing a series of parallel laths, or thin
strips, with another series at a diagonal angle, and
forming a network with openings between the strips; as,
the lattice of a window; -- called also latticework.
[1913 Webster]

The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and
cried through the lattice. --Judg. v. 28.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Her.) The representation of a piece of latticework used
as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallography) The arrangement of atoms or molecules in
a crystal, represented as a repeating arrangement of
points in space, each point representing the location of
an atom or molecule; called also crystal lattice and
space lattice.

Lattice bridge, a bridge supported by lattice girders, or
latticework trusses.

Lattice girder (Arch.), a girder of which the wed consists
of diagonal pieces crossing each other in the manner of

Lattice plant (Bot.), an aquatic plant of Madagascar
(Ouvirandra fenestralis), whose leaves have interstices
between their ribs and cross veins, so as to resemble
latticework. A second species is Ouvirandra Berneriana.
The genus is merged in Aponogeton by recent authors.
[1913 Webster]
Piranga erythromelas
Tanager \Tan"a*ger\, n. [NL. tanagra, probably fr. Brazilian
tangara.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of bright-colored singing birds
belonging to Tanagra, Piranga, and allied genera. The
scarlet tanager (Piranga erythromelas) and the summer
redbird (Piranga rubra) are common species of the United
[1913 Webster]
Piranga rubra
Redbird \Red"bird`\ (-b?rd`), n. (Zool.)
(a) The cardinal bird.
(b) The summer redbird (Piranga rubra).
(c) The scarlet tanager. See Tanager.
[1913 Webster]Summer \Sum"mer\, n. [OE. sumer, somer, AS. sumor, sumer; akin
to OFries. sumur, D. zomer, OS. sumar, G. sommer, OHG. &
Icel. sumar, Dan. sommer, Sw. sommar, W. haf, Zend hama, Skr.
sam[=a] year. [root]292.]
The season of the year in which the sun shines most directly
upon any region; the warmest period of the year.
[1913 Webster]

Note: North of the equator summer is popularly taken to
include the months of June, July, and August.
Astronomically it may be considered, in the northern
hemisphere, to begin with the summer solstice, about
June 21st, and to end with the autumnal equinox, about
September 22d.
[1913 Webster]

Indian summer, in North America, a period of warm weather
late in autumn, usually characterized by a clear sky, and
by a hazy or smoky appearance of the atmosphere,
especially near the horizon. The name is derived probably
from the custom of the Indians of using this time in
preparation for winter by laying in stores of food.

Saint Martin's summer. See under Saint.

Summer bird (Zool.), the wryneck. [Prov. Eng.]

Summer colt, the undulating state of the air near the
surface of the ground when heated. [Eng.]

Summer complaint (Med.), a popular term for any diarrheal
disorder occurring in summer, especially when produced by
heat and indigestion.

Summer coot (Zool.), the American gallinule. [Local, U.S.]

Summer cypress (Bot.), an annual plant (Kochia Scoparia)
of the Goosefoot family. It has narrow, ciliate, crowded
leaves, and is sometimes seen in gardens.

Summer duck. (Zool.)
(a) The wood duck.
(b) The garganey, or summer teal. See Illust. of Wood duck,
under Wood.

Summer fallow, land uncropped and plowed, etc., during the
summer, in order to pulverize the soil and kill the weeds.

Summer rash (Med.), prickly heat. See under Prickly.

Summer sheldrake (Zool.), the hooded merganser. [Local,

Summer snipe. (Zool.)
(a) The dunlin.
(b) The common European sandpiper.
(c) The green sandpiper.

Summer tanager (Zool.), a singing bird (Piranga rubra)
native of the Middle and Southern United States. The male
is deep red, the female is yellowish olive above and
yellow beneath. Called also summer redbird.

Summer teal (Zool.), the blue-winged teal. [Local, U.S.]

Summer wheat, wheat that is sown in the spring, and matures
during the summer following. See Spring wheat.

Summer yellowbird. (Zool.) See Yellowbird.
[1913 Webster]Tanager \Tan"a*ger\, n. [NL. tanagra, probably fr. Brazilian
tangara.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of bright-colored singing birds
belonging to Tanagra, Piranga, and allied genera. The
scarlet tanager (Piranga erythromelas) and the summer
redbird (Piranga rubra) are common species of the United
[1913 Webster]
Spirant \Spi"rant\, n. [L. spirans, -antis, p. pr. of spirare to
breathe. See Spirit.] (Phon.)
A term used differently by different authorities; -- by some
as equivalent to fricative, -- that is, as including all the
continuous consonants, except the nasals m, n, ng; with the
further exception, by others, of the liquids r, l, and the
semivowels w, y; by others limited to f, v, th surd and
sonant, and the sound of German ch, -- thus excluding the
sibilants, as well as the nasals, liquids, and semivowels.
See Guide to Pronunciation, [sect][sect] 197-208.
[1913 Webster]
Spiranthy \Spi*ran"thy\, n. [Gr. ??? a coil + ??? flower.]
The occasional twisted growth of the parts of a flower.
[1913 Webster]
Turko-Iranian \Tur`ko-I*ra"ni*an\, pr. a. (Ethnol.)
Designating, or pert. to, a mixed racial type including the
Afghans, and characterized chiefly by stature above mean,
fair complexion, dark, or sometimes gray, eyes,
brachycephaly, and very long, prominent, and moderately
narrow nose.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Turko-Iranian \Tur`ko-I*ra"ni*an\, pr. n.
A member of any race of the Turko-Iranian type.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Wariangle \War`i*an"gle\, n. [OE. wariangel, weryangle; cf. AS.
wearg outlaw, criminal, OHG, warg, warch, Goth. wargs (in
comp.), G. w["u]rgengel, i. e., destroying angel, destroyer,
killer, and E. worry.] (Zool.)
The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); -- called also
w["u]rger, worrier, and throttler. [Written also
warriangle, weirangle, etc.] [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an astringent substance applied to the skin to reduce
adj 1: desiring or striving for recognition or advancement [syn:
aspirant, aspiring(a), wishful]
n 1: an ambitious and aspiring young person; "a lofty aspirant";
"two executive hopefuls joined the firm"; "the audience was
full of Madonna wannabes" [syn: aspirant, aspirer,
hopeful, wannabe, wannabee]
capital of iran
capital of Iran
n 1: the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern
Iran [syn: Teheran, Tehran, capital of Iran, {Iranian
n 1: Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers
[syn: Cheiranthus, genus Cheiranthus]
cheiranthus allionii
Cheiranthus allionii
n 1: showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated
for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers;
sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus [syn: {Siberian wall
flower}, Erysimum allionii, Cheiranthus allionii]
cheiranthus asperus
Cheiranthus asperus
n 1: biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having
orange-yellow flowers; western North America to Minnesota
and Kansas; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus [syn:
western wall flower, Erysimum asperum, {Cheiranthus
asperus}, Erysimum arkansanum]
cheiranthus cheiri
Cheiranthus cheiri
n 1: perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant
flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange; often
naturalized on old walls or cliffs; sometimes placed in
genus Erysimum [syn: wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri,
Erysimum cheiri]
erysimum cheiranthoides
Erysimum cheiranthoides
n 1: slender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome
as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic [syn: {wormseed
mustard}, Erysimum cheiranthoides]
genus cheiranthus
genus Cheiranthus
n 1: Old World perennial plants grown for their showy flowers
[syn: Cheiranthus, genus Cheiranthus]
genus piranga
genus Piranga
n 1: a genus of Thraupidae [syn: Piranga, genus Piranga]
genus spiranthes
genus Spiranthes
n 1: large cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial
orchids [syn: Spiranthes, genus Spiranthes]
n 1: an ornate candle holder; often with a mirror [syn:
girandole, girandola]
n 1: an ornate candle holder; often with a mirror [syn:
girandole, girandola]
n 1: the branch of the Indo-European family of languages
including the Indic and Iranian language groups [syn:
Indo-Iranian, Indo-Iranian language]
indo-iranian language
Indo-Iranian language
n 1: the branch of the Indo-European family of languages
including the Indic and Iranian language groups [syn:
Indo-Iranian, Indo-Iranian language]
iran-iraq war
Iran-Iraq War
n 1: a dispute over control of the waterway between Iraq and
Iran broke out into open fighting in 1980 and continued
until 1988, when they accepted a UN cease-fire resolution
[syn: Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War]
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Iran; "the majority of Irani are
Persian Shiite Muslims" [syn: Irani, Iranian,
adj 1: of or relating to Iran or its people or language or
culture; "Iranian mountains"; "Iranian security police"
[syn: Iranian, Persian]
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Iran; "the majority of Irani are
Persian Shiite Muslims" [syn: Irani, Iranian,
2: the modern Persian language spoken in Iran [syn: Iranian,
Iranian language]
iranian capital
Iranian capital
n 1: the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern
Iran [syn: Teheran, Tehran, capital of Iran, {Iranian
iranian dinar
Iranian dinar
n 1: 100 dinars equal 1 rial in Iran [syn: Iranian dinar,

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