partridge,koroptev n: [zoo.] Zdeněk Brož
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Ruffed \Ruffed\, a.
Furnished with a ruff.
[1913 Webster]

Ruffed grouse (Zool.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa
umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern
United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black
feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the
loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season.
Called also tippet grouse, partridge, {birch
partridge}, pheasant, drummer, and white-flesher.

ruffed lemur (Zool.), a species of lemur (lemur varius)
having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the head. Its
color is varied with black and white. Called also {ruffed
[1913 Webster]
n 1: flesh of either quail or grouse
2: heavy-bodied small-winged South American game bird resembling
a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds [syn:
tinamou, partridge]
3: small Old World gallinaceous game birds
4: a popular North American game bird; named for its call [syn:
bobwhite, bobwhite quail, partridge]
5: valued as a game bird in eastern United States and Canada
[syn: ruffed grouse, partridge, Bonasa umbellus]
podobné slovodefinícia
gray partridge
gray partridge, n:
mountain partridge
mountain partridge, n:
partridge pea
partridge pea, n:
partridgeberry, n:
red-legged partridge
red-legged partridge, n:
rock partridge
rock partridge, n:
Bamboo partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
birch partridge
Ruffed \Ruffed\, a.
Furnished with a ruff.
[1913 Webster]

Ruffed grouse (Zool.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa
umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern
United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black
feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the
loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season.
Called also tippet grouse, partridge, {birch
partridge}, pheasant, drummer, and white-flesher.

ruffed lemur (Zool.), a species of lemur (lemur varius)
having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the head. Its
color is varied with black and white. Called also {ruffed
[1913 Webster]Birch \Birch\ (b[~e]rch), n.; pl. Birches (-[e^]z). [OE.
birche, birk, AS. birce, beorc; akin to Icel. bj["o]rk, Sw.
bj["o]rk, Dan. birk, D. berk, OHG. piricha, MHG. birche,
birke, G. birke, Russ. bereza, Pol. brzoza, Serv. breza, Skr.
bh[=u]rja. [root]254. Cf. 1st Birk.]
1. A tree of several species, constituting the genus
Betula; as, the white or common birch (Betula alba)
(also called silver birch and lady birch); the dwarf birch
(Betula glandulosa); the paper or canoe birch ({Betula
papyracea}); the yellow birch (Betula lutea); the black
or cherry birch (Betula lenta).
[1913 Webster]

2. The wood or timber of the birch.
[1913 Webster]

3. A birch twig or birch twigs, used for flogging.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The twigs of the common European birch (B. alba), being
tough and slender, were formerly much used for rods in
schools. They were also made into brooms.
[1913 Webster]

The threatening twigs of birch. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A birch-bark canoe.
[1913 Webster]

Birch of Jamaica, a species (Bursera gummifera) of
turpentine tree.

Birch partridge. (Zool.) See Ruffed grouse.

Birch wine, wine made of the spring sap of the birch.

Oil of birch.
(a) An oil obtained from the bark of the common European
birch (Betula alba), and used in the preparation of
genuine (and sometimes of the imitation) Russia
leather, to which it gives its peculiar odor.
(b) An oil prepared from the black birch (Betula lenta),
said to be identical with the oil of wintergreen, for
which it is largely sold.
[1913 Webster]
Birch partridge
Ruffed \Ruffed\, a.
Furnished with a ruff.
[1913 Webster]

Ruffed grouse (Zool.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa
umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern
United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black
feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the
loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season.
Called also tippet grouse, partridge, {birch
partridge}, pheasant, drummer, and white-flesher.

ruffed lemur (Zool.), a species of lemur (lemur varius)
having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the head. Its
color is varied with black and white. Called also {ruffed
[1913 Webster]Birch \Birch\ (b[~e]rch), n.; pl. Birches (-[e^]z). [OE.
birche, birk, AS. birce, beorc; akin to Icel. bj["o]rk, Sw.
bj["o]rk, Dan. birk, D. berk, OHG. piricha, MHG. birche,
birke, G. birke, Russ. bereza, Pol. brzoza, Serv. breza, Skr.
bh[=u]rja. [root]254. Cf. 1st Birk.]
1. A tree of several species, constituting the genus
Betula; as, the white or common birch (Betula alba)
(also called silver birch and lady birch); the dwarf birch
(Betula glandulosa); the paper or canoe birch ({Betula
papyracea}); the yellow birch (Betula lutea); the black
or cherry birch (Betula lenta).
[1913 Webster]

2. The wood or timber of the birch.
[1913 Webster]

3. A birch twig or birch twigs, used for flogging.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The twigs of the common European birch (B. alba), being
tough and slender, were formerly much used for rods in
schools. They were also made into brooms.
[1913 Webster]

The threatening twigs of birch. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A birch-bark canoe.
[1913 Webster]

Birch of Jamaica, a species (Bursera gummifera) of
turpentine tree.

Birch partridge. (Zool.) See Ruffed grouse.

Birch wine, wine made of the spring sap of the birch.

Oil of birch.
(a) An oil obtained from the bark of the common European
birch (Betula alba), and used in the preparation of
genuine (and sometimes of the imitation) Russia
leather, to which it gives its peculiar odor.
(b) An oil prepared from the black birch (Betula lenta),
said to be identical with the oil of wintergreen, for
which it is largely sold.
[1913 Webster]
Hill partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Hill \Hill\, n. [OE. hil, hul, AS. hyll; akin to OD. hille, hil,
L. collis, and prob. to E. haulm, holm, and column. Cf. 2d
1. A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising
above the common level of the surrounding land; an
eminence less than a mountain.
[1913 Webster]

Every mountain and hill shall be made low. --Is. xl.
[1913 Webster]

2. The earth raised about the roots of a plant or cluster of
plants. [U. S.] See Hill, v. t.
[1913 Webster]

3. A single cluster or group of plants growing close
together, and having the earth heaped up about them; as, a
hill of corn or potatoes. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

Hill ant (Zool.), a common ant (Formica rufa), of Europe
and America, which makes mounds or ant-hills over its

Hill myna (Zool.), one of several species of birds of
India, of the genus Gracula, and allied to the
starlings. They are easily taught to speak many words.
[Written also hill mynah.] See Myna.

Hill partridge (Zool.), a partridge of the genus
Aborophila, of which numerous species in habit Southern
Asia and the East Indies.

Hill tit (Zool.), one of numerous species of small Asiatic
singing birds of the family Leiotrichid[ae]. Many are
beautifully colored.
[1913 Webster]
Night partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
oil of partridgeberry
Wintergreen \Win"ter*green`\, n. (Bot.)
A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the
species of Pyrola which in America are called
English wintergreen, and shin leaf (see Shin leaf,
under Shin.) In America, the name wintergreen is
given to Gaultheria procumbens, a low evergreen
aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of
a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed
by red berries; -- called also checkerberry, and
sometimes, though improperly, partridge berry.
[1913 Webster]

Chickweed wintergreen, a low perennial primulaceous herb
(Trientalis Americana); -- also called star flower.

Flowering wintergreen, a low plant (Polygala paucifolia)
with leaves somewhat like those of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria), and bearing a few showy, rose-purple

oil of wintergreen, An aromatic oil, consisting almost
entirely of methyl salicylate (CH3CO.O.C6H4.OH),
obtained by distillation of an extract of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria procumbens); it can also be obtained from
some other plants. It is used as a flavoring agent for
tooth powders and pastes, sometimes combined with menthol
or eucalyptus. It is called also oil of teaberry, {oil
of partridgeberry}, and oil of gaultheria.

Spotted wintergreen, a low evergreen plant ({Chimaphila
maculata}) with ovate, white-spotted leaves.
[1913 Webster + PJC]
Painted partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Ruffed \Ruffed\, a.
Furnished with a ruff.
[1913 Webster]

Ruffed grouse (Zool.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa
umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern
United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black
feathers on each side of the neck, and is noted for the
loud drumming sound he makes during the breeding season.
Called also tippet grouse, partridge, {birch
partridge}, pheasant, drummer, and white-flesher.

ruffed lemur (Zool.), a species of lemur (lemur varius)
having a conspicuous ruff on the sides of the head. Its
color is varied with black and white. Called also {ruffed
[1913 Webster]
Partridge berry
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Wintergreen \Win"ter*green`\, n. (Bot.)
A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the
species of Pyrola which in America are called
English wintergreen, and shin leaf (see Shin leaf,
under Shin.) In America, the name wintergreen is
given to Gaultheria procumbens, a low evergreen
aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of
a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed
by red berries; -- called also checkerberry, and
sometimes, though improperly, partridge berry.
[1913 Webster]

Chickweed wintergreen, a low perennial primulaceous herb
(Trientalis Americana); -- also called star flower.

Flowering wintergreen, a low plant (Polygala paucifolia)
with leaves somewhat like those of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria), and bearing a few showy, rose-purple

oil of wintergreen, An aromatic oil, consisting almost
entirely of methyl salicylate (CH3CO.O.C6H4.OH),
obtained by distillation of an extract of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria procumbens); it can also be obtained from
some other plants. It is used as a flavoring agent for
tooth powders and pastes, sometimes combined with menthol
or eucalyptus. It is called also oil of teaberry, {oil
of partridgeberry}, and oil of gaultheria.

Spotted wintergreen, a low evergreen plant ({Chimaphila
maculata}) with ovate, white-spotted leaves.
[1913 Webster + PJC]
partridge berry
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Wintergreen \Win"ter*green`\, n. (Bot.)
A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the
species of Pyrola which in America are called
English wintergreen, and shin leaf (see Shin leaf,
under Shin.) In America, the name wintergreen is
given to Gaultheria procumbens, a low evergreen
aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of
a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed
by red berries; -- called also checkerberry, and
sometimes, though improperly, partridge berry.
[1913 Webster]

Chickweed wintergreen, a low perennial primulaceous herb
(Trientalis Americana); -- also called star flower.

Flowering wintergreen, a low plant (Polygala paucifolia)
with leaves somewhat like those of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria), and bearing a few showy, rose-purple

oil of wintergreen, An aromatic oil, consisting almost
entirely of methyl salicylate (CH3CO.O.C6H4.OH),
obtained by distillation of an extract of the wintergreen
(Gaultheria procumbens); it can also be obtained from
some other plants. It is used as a flavoring agent for
tooth powders and pastes, sometimes combined with menthol
or eucalyptus. It is called also oil of teaberry, {oil
of partridgeberry}, and oil of gaultheria.

Spotted wintergreen, a low evergreen plant ({Chimaphila
maculata}) with ovate, white-spotted leaves.
[1913 Webster + PJC]
Partridge dove
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Partridge pea
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Partridge shell
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Partridge wood
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Plumed partridge
Plume \Plume\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plumed; p. pr. & vb. n.
Pluming.] [Cf. F. plumer to pluck, to strip, L. plumare to
cover with feathers.]
1. To pick and adjust the plumes or feathers of; to dress or
[1913 Webster]

Pluming her wings among the breezy bowers. --W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To strip of feathers; to pluck; to strip; to pillage;
also, to peel. [Obs.] --Bacon. Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. To adorn with feathers or plumes. "Farewell the plumed
troop." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. To pride; to vaunt; to boast; -- used reflexively; as, he
plumes himself on his skill. --South.
[1913 Webster]

Plumed adder (Zool.), an African viper (Vipera cornuta,
syn. Clotho cornuta), having a plumelike structure over
each eye. It is venomous, and is related to the African
puff adder. Called also horned viper and hornsman.

Plumed partridge (Zool.), the California mountain quail
(Oreortyx pictus). See Mountain quail, under
[1913 Webster]
Sand partridge
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]
sea partridge
Gilthead \Gilt"head`\, n. (Zool.)
A marine fish. The name is applied to two species:
(a) The Pagrus auratus (syn. Chrysophrys auratus), a
valuable food fish common in the Mediterranean (so named
from its golden-colored head); -- called also giltpoll.
(b) The Crenilabrus melops, of the British coasts; --
called also golden maid, conner, sea partridge.
[1913 Webster]Sea partridge \Sea" par"tridge\ (Zool.)
The gilthead (Crenilabrus melops), a fish of the British
[1913 Webster]Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Sea partridge
Gilthead \Gilt"head`\, n. (Zool.)
A marine fish. The name is applied to two species:
(a) The Pagrus auratus (syn. Chrysophrys auratus), a
valuable food fish common in the Mediterranean (so named
from its golden-colored head); -- called also giltpoll.
(b) The Crenilabrus melops, of the British coasts; --
called also golden maid, conner, sea partridge.
[1913 Webster]Sea partridge \Sea" par"tridge\ (Zool.)
The gilthead (Crenilabrus melops), a fish of the British
[1913 Webster]Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
seesee partridge
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]
Snow partridge
Snow \Snow\, n. [OE. snow, snaw, AS. sn[=a]w; akin to D. sneeuw,
OS. & OHG. sn[=e]o, G. schnee, Icel. sn[ae]r, snj[=o]r,
snaj[=a]r, Sw. sn["o], Dan. snee, Goth. snaiws, Lith.
sn["e]gas, Russ. snieg', Ir. & Gael. sneachd, W. nyf, L. nix,
nivis, Gr. acc. ni`fa, also AS. sn[imac]wan to snow, G.
schneien, OHG. sn[imac]wan, Lith. snigti, L. ningit it snows,
Gr. ni`fei, Zend snizh to snow; cf. Skr. snih to be wet or
sticky. [root]172.]
1. Watery particles congealed into white or transparent
crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth,
exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect
[1913 Webster]

Note: Snow is often used to form compounds, most of which are
of obvious meaning; as, snow-capped, snow-clad,
snow-cold, snow-crowned, snow-crust, snow-fed,
snow-haired, snowlike, snow-mantled, snow-nodding,
snow-wrought, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color
(argent) in heraldry; something which falls in, or as in,
[1913 Webster]

The field of snow with eagle of black therein.
[1913 Webster]

Red snow. See under Red.
[1913 Webster]

Snow bunting. (Zool.) See Snowbird, 1.

Snow cock (Zool.), the snow pheasant.

Snow flea (Zool.), a small black leaping poduran
(Achorutes nivicola) often found in winter on the snow
in vast numbers.

Snow flood, a flood from melted snow.

Snow flower (Bot.), the fringe tree.

Snow fly, or Snow insect (Zool.), any one of several
species of neuropterous insects of the genus Boreus. The
male has rudimentary wings; the female is wingless. These
insects sometimes appear creeping and leaping on the snow
in great numbers.

Snow gnat (Zool.), any wingless dipterous insect of the
genus Chionea found running on snow in winter.

Snow goose (Zool.), any one of several species of arctic
geese of the genus Chen. The common snow goose ({Chen
hyperborea}), common in the Western United States in
winter, is white, with the tips of the wings black and
legs and bill red. Called also white brant, wavey, and
Texas goose. The blue, or blue-winged, snow goose ({Chen
coerulescens}) is varied with grayish brown and bluish
gray, with the wing quills black and the head and upper
part of the neck white. Called also white head,
white-headed goose, and bald brant.

Snow leopard (Zool.), the ounce.

Snow line, lowest limit of perpetual snow. In the Alps this
is at an altitude of 9,000 feet, in the Andes, at the
equator, 16,000 feet.

Snow mouse (Zool.), a European vole (Arvicola nivalis)
which inhabits the Alps and other high mountains.

Snow pheasant (Zool.), any one of several species of large,
handsome gallinaceous birds of the genus Tetraogallus,
native of the lofty mountains of Asia. The Himalayn snow
pheasant (Tetraogallus Himalayensis) in the best-known
species. Called also snow cock, and snow chukor.

Snow partridge. (Zool.) See under Partridge.

Snow pigeon (Zool.), a pigeon (Columba leuconota) native
of the Himalaya mountains. Its back, neck, and rump are
white, the top of the head and the ear coverts are black.

Snow plant (Bot.), a fleshy parasitic herb ({Sarcodes
sanguinea}) growing in the coniferous forests of
California. It is all of a bright red color, and is fabled
to grow from the snow, through which it sometimes shoots
[1913 Webster]Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]
Spruce partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Spruce \Spruce\ (spr[udd]s), n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia,
Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of
Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce
beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, Spruce, a.]
1. (Bot.) Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, as the
Norway spruce (Picea excelsa), and the white and black
spruces of America (Picea alba and Picea nigra),
besides several others in the far Northwest. See Picea.
[1913 Webster]

2. The wood or timber of the spruce tree.
[1913 Webster]

3. Prussia leather; pruce. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Spruce, a sort of leather corruptly so called for
Prussia leather. --E. Phillips.
[1913 Webster]

Douglas spruce (Bot.), a valuable timber tree ({Pseudotsuga
Douglasii}) of Northwestern America.

Essence of spruce, a thick, dark-colored, bitterish, and
acidulous liquid made by evaporating a decoction of the
young branches of spruce.

Hemlock spruce (Bot.), a graceful coniferous tree ({Tsuga
Canadensis}) of North America. Its timber is valuable, and
the bark is largely used in tanning leather.

Spruce beer. [G. sprossenbier; sprosse sprout, shoot (akin
to E. sprout, n.) + bier beer. The word was changed into
spruce beer because the beer came from Prussia (OE.
Spruce), or because it was made from the sprouts of the
spruce. See Sprout, n., Beer, and cf. Spruce, n.] A
kind of beer which is tinctured or flavored with spruce,
either by means of the extract or by decoction.

Spruce grouse. (Zool.) Same as Spruce partridge, below.

Spruce leather. See Spruce, n., 3.

Spruce partridge (Zool.), a handsome American grouse
(Dendragapus Canadensis) found in Canada and the
Northern United States; -- called also Canada grouse.
[1913 Webster]
Swamp partridge
Swamp \Swamp\, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D.
zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv["o]ppr, Dan. &
Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo`s porous, spongy.]
Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but
not usually covered with it; marshy ground away from the
[1913 Webster]

Gray swamps and pools, waste places of the hern.
[1913 Webster]

A swamp differs from a bog and a marsh in producing
trees and shrubs, while the latter produce only
herbage, plants, and mosses. --Farming
Encyc. (E.
[1913 Webster]

Swamp blackbird. (Zool.) See Redwing
(b) .

Swamp cabbage (Bot.), skunk cabbage.

Swamp deer (Zool.), an Asiatic deer (Rucervus Duvaucelli)
of India.

Swamp hen. (Zool.)
(a) An Australian azure-breasted bird (Porphyrio bellus);
-- called also goollema.
(b) An Australian water crake, or rail (Porzana Tabuensis);
-- called also little swamp hen.
(c) The European purple gallinule.

Swamp honeysuckle (Bot.), an American shrub ({Azalea
viscosa} syn. Rhododendron viscosa or {Rhododendron
viscosum}) growing in swampy places, with fragrant flowers
of a white color, or white tinged with rose; -- called
also swamp pink and white swamp honeysuckle.

Swamp hook, a hook and chain used by lumbermen in handling
logs. Cf. Cant hook.

Swamp itch. (Med.) See Prairie itch, under Prairie.

Swamp laurel (Bot.), a shrub (Kalmia glauca) having small
leaves with the lower surface glaucous.

Swamp maple (Bot.), red maple. See Maple.

Swamp oak (Bot.), a name given to several kinds of oak
which grow in swampy places, as swamp Spanish oak
(Quercus palustris), swamp white oak ({Quercus
bicolor}), swamp post oak (Quercus lyrata).

Swamp ore (Min.), bog ore; limonite.

Swamp partridge (Zool.), any one of several Australian game
birds of the genera Synoicus and Excalfatoria, allied
to the European partridges.

Swamp robin (Zool.), the chewink.

Swamp sassafras (Bot.), a small North American tree of the
genus Magnolia (Magnolia glauca) with aromatic leaves
and fragrant creamy-white blossoms; -- called also {sweet

Swamp sparrow (Zool.), a common North American sparrow
(Melospiza Georgiana, or Melospiza palustris), closely
resembling the song sparrow. It lives in low, swampy

Swamp willow. (Bot.) See Pussy willow, under Pussy.
[1913 Webster]
Water partridge
Water partridge \Wa"ter par"tridge\ (Zool.)
The ruddy duck. [Local, U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
White partridge
White \White\ (hw[imac]t), a. [Compar. Whiter
(hw[imac]t"[~e]r); superl. Whitest.] [OE. whit, AS.
hw[imac]t; akin to OFries. and OS. hw[imac]t, D. wit, G.
weiss, OHG. w[imac]z, hw[imac]z, Icel. hv[imac]tr, Sw. hvit,
Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith. szveisti, to make bright,
Russ. sviet' light, Skr. [,c]v[=e]ta white, [,c]vit to be
bright. [root]42. Cf. Wheat, Whitsunday.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum
combined; not tinted with any of the proper colors or
their mixtures; having the color of pure snow; snowy; --
the opposite of black or dark; as, white paper; a
white skin. "Pearls white." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

White as the whitest lily on a stream. --Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]

2. Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of
blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear.
[1913 Webster]

Or whispering with white lips, "The foe!
They come! they come!" --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or
from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure.
[1913 Webster]

White as thy fame, and as thy honor clear. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

No whiter page than Addison's remains. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

4. Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary.
[1913 Webster]

Your high engendered battles 'gainst a head
So old and white as this. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the
like; fortunate; happy; favorable.
[1913 Webster]

On the whole, however, the dominie reckoned this as
one of the white days of his life. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

6. Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling.
[1913 Webster]

Come forth, my white spouse. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

I am his white boy, and will not be gullet. --Ford.
[1913 Webster]

Note: White is used in many self-explaining compounds, as
white-backed, white-bearded, white-footed.
[1913 Webster]

White alder. (Bot.) See Sweet pepper bush, under

White ant (Zool.), any one of numerous species of social
pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Termes. These
insects are very abundant in tropical countries, and form
large and complex communities consisting of numerous
asexual workers of one or more kinds, of large-headed
asexual individuals called soldiers, of one or more queens
(or fertile females) often having the body enormously
distended by the eggs, and, at certain seasons of numerous
winged males, together with the larvae and pupae of each
kind in various stages of development. Many of the species
construct large and complicated nests, sometimes in the
form of domelike structures rising several feet above the
ground and connected with extensive subterranean galleries
and chambers. In their social habits they closely resemble
the true ants. They feed upon animal and vegetable
substances of various kinds, including timber, and are
often very destructive to buildings and furniture.

White arsenic (Chem.), arsenious oxide, As2O3, a
substance of a white color, and vitreous adamantine
luster, having an astringent, sweetish taste. It is a
deadly poison.

White bass (Zool.), a fresh-water North American bass
(Roccus chrysops) found in the Great Likes.

White bear (Zool.), the polar bear. See under Polar.

White blood cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte.

White brand (Zool.), the snow goose.

White brass, a white alloy of copper; white copper.

White campion. (Bot.)
(a) A kind of catchfly (Silene stellata) with white
(b) A white-flowered Lychnis (Lychnis vespertina).

White canon (R. C. Ch.), a Premonstratensian.

White caps, the members of a secret organization in various
of the United States, who attempt to drive away or reform
obnoxious persons by lynch-law methods. They appear masked
in white. Their actions resembled those of the Ku Klux
Klan in some ways but they were not formally affiliated
with the Klan, and their victims were often not black.

White cedar (Bot.), an evergreen tree of North America
(Thuja occidentalis), also the related {Cupressus
thyoides}, or Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea, a slender
evergreen conifer which grows in the so-called cedar
swamps of the Northern and Atlantic States. Both are much
valued for their durable timber. In California the name is
given to the Libocedrus decurrens, the timber of which
is also useful, though often subject to dry rot.
--Goodale. The white cedar of Demerara, Guiana, etc., is a
lofty tree (Icica altissima syn. Bursera altissima)
whose fragrant wood is used for canoes and cabinetwork, as
it is not attacked by insect.

White cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte.

White cell-blood (Med.), leucocythaemia.

White clover (Bot.), a species of small perennial clover
bearing white flowers. It furnishes excellent food for
cattle and horses, as well as for the honeybee. See also
under Clover.

White copper, a whitish alloy of copper. See {German
silver}, under German.

White copperas (Min.), a native hydrous sulphate of iron;

White coral (Zool.), an ornamental branched coral
(Amphihelia oculata) native of the Mediterranean.

White corpuscle. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte.

White cricket (Zool.), the tree cricket.

White crop, a crop of grain which loses its green color, or
becomes white, in ripening, as wheat, rye, barley, and
oats, as distinguished from a green crop, or a root crop.

White currant (Bot.), a variety of the common red currant,
having white berries.

White daisy (Bot.), the oxeye daisy. See under Daisy.

White damp, a kind of poisonous gas encountered in coal
mines. --Raymond.

White elephant (Zool.),
(a) a whitish, or albino, variety of the Asiatic elephant.
(b) see white elephant in the vocabulary.

White elm (Bot.), a majestic tree of North America ({Ulmus
Americana}), the timber of which is much used for hubs of
wheels, and for other purposes.

White ensign. See Saint George's ensign, under Saint.

White feather, a mark or symbol of cowardice. See {To show
the white feather}, under Feather, n.

White fir (Bot.), a name given to several coniferous trees
of the Pacific States, as Abies grandis, and {Abies

White flesher (Zool.), the ruffed grouse. See under
Ruffed. [Canada]

White frost. See Hoarfrost.

White game (Zool.), the white ptarmigan.

White garnet (Min.), leucite.

White grass (Bot.), an American grass (Leersia Virginica)
with greenish-white paleae.

White grouse. (Zool.)
(a) The white ptarmigan.
(b) The prairie chicken. [Local, U. S.]

White grub (Zool.), the larva of the June bug and other
allied species. These grubs eat the roots of grasses and
other plants, and often do much damage.

White hake (Zool.), the squirrel hake. See under

White hawk, or White kite (Zool.), the hen harrier.

White heat, the temperature at which bodies become
incandescent, and appear white from the bright light which
they emit.

White hellebore (Bot.), a plant of the genus Veratrum
(Veratrum album) See Hellebore, 2.

White herring, a fresh, or unsmoked, herring, as
distinguished from a red, or cured, herring. [R.] --Shak.

White hoolet (Zool.), the barn owl. [Prov. Eng.]

White horses (Naut.), white-topped waves; whitecaps.

The White House. See under House.

White ibis (Zool.), an American ibis (Guara alba) having
the plumage pure white, except the tips of the wings,
which are black. It inhabits tropical America and the
Southern United States. Called also Spanish curlew.

White iron.
(a) Thin sheets of iron coated with tin; tinned iron.
(b) A hard, silvery-white cast iron containing a large
proportion of combined carbon.

White iron pyrites (Min.), marcasite.

White land, a tough clayey soil, of a whitish hue when dry,
but blackish after rain. [Eng.]

White lark (Zool.), the snow bunting.

White lead.
(a) A carbonate of lead much used in painting, and for
other purposes; ceruse.
(b) (Min.) Native lead carbonate; cerusite.

White leather, buff leather; leather tanned with alum and

White leg (Med.), milk leg. See under Milk.

White lettuce (Bot.), rattlesnake root. See under

White lie. See under Lie.

White light.
(a) (Physics) Light having the different colors in the
same proportion as in the light coming directly from
the sun, without having been decomposed, as by passing
through a prism. See the Note under Color, n., 1.
(b) A kind of firework which gives a brilliant white
illumination for signals, etc.

White lime, a solution or preparation of lime for
whitewashing; whitewash.

White line (Print.), a void space of the breadth of a line,
on a printed page; a blank line.

White meat.
(a) Any light-colored flesh, especially of poultry.
(b) Food made from milk or eggs, as butter, cheese, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Driving their cattle continually with them, and
feeding only upon their milk and white meats.
[1913 Webster]

White merganser (Zool.), the smew.

White metal.
(a) Any one of several white alloys, as pewter, britannia,
(b) (Metal.) A fine grade of copper sulphide obtained at a
certain stage in copper smelting.

White miller. (Zool.)
(a) The common clothes moth.
(b) A common American bombycid moth ({Spilosoma
Virginica}) which is pure white with a few small black
spots; -- called also ermine moth, and {virgin
moth}. See Woolly bear, under Woolly.

White money, silver money.

White mouse (Zool.), the albino variety of the common

White mullet (Zool.), a silvery mullet (Mugil curema)
ranging from the coast of the United States to Brazil; --
called also blue-back mullet, and liza.

White nun (Zool.), the smew; -- so called from the white
crest and the band of black feathers on the back of its
head, which give the appearance of a hood.

White oak. (Bot.) See under Oak.

White owl. (Zool.)
(a) The snowy owl.
(b) The barn owl.

White partridge (Zool.), the white ptarmigan.

White perch. (Zool.)
(a) A North American fresh-water bass (Morone Americana)
valued as a food fish.
(b) The croaker, or fresh-water drum.
(c) Any California surf fish.

White pine. (Bot.) See the Note under Pine.

White poplar (Bot.), a European tree (Populus alba) often
cultivated as a shade tree in America; abele.

White poppy (Bot.), the opium-yielding poppy. See Poppy.

White powder, a kind of gunpowder formerly believed to
exist, and to have the power of exploding without noise.
[1913 Webster]

A pistol charged with white powder. --Beau. & Fl.
[1913 Webster]

White precipitate. (Old Chem.) See under Precipitate.

White rabbit. (Zool.)
(a) The American northern hare in its winter pelage.
(b) An albino rabbit.

White rent,
(a) (Eng. Law) Formerly, rent payable in silver; --
opposed to black rent. See Blackmail, n., 3.
(b) A rent, or duty, of eight pence, payable yearly by
every tinner in Devon and Cornwall to the Duke of
Cornwall, as lord of the soil. [Prov. Eng.]

White rhinoceros. (Zool.)
(a) The one-horned, or Indian, rhinoceros ({Rhinoceros
Indicus}). See Rhinoceros.
(b) The umhofo.

White ribbon, the distinctive badge of certain
organizations for the promotion of temperance or of moral
purity; as, the White-ribbon Army.

White rope (Naut.), untarred hemp rope.

White rot. (Bot.)
(a) Either of several plants, as marsh pennywort and
butterwort, which were thought to produce the disease
called rot in sheep.
(b) A disease of grapes. See White rot, under Rot.

White sage (Bot.), a white, woolly undershrub ({Eurotia
lanata}) of Western North America; -- called also {winter

White salmon (Zool.), the silver salmon.

White salt, salt dried and calcined; decrepitated salt.

White scale (Zool.), a scale insect (Aspidiotus Nerii)
injurious to the orange tree. See Orange scale, under

White shark (Zool.), a species of man-eating shark. See
under Shark.

White softening. (Med.) See Softening of the brain, under

White spruce. (Bot.) See Spruce, n., 1.

White squall (Naut.), a sudden gust of wind, or furious
blow, which comes up without being marked in its approach
otherwise than by whitecaps, or white, broken water, on
the surface of the sea.

White staff, the badge of the lord high treasurer of
England. --Macaulay.

White stork (Zool.), the common European stork.

White sturgeon. (Zool.) See Shovelnose
(d) .

White sucker. (Zool.)
(a) The common sucker.
(b) The common red horse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum).

White swelling (Med.), a chronic swelling of the knee,
produced by a strumous inflammation of the synovial
membranes of the kneejoint and of the cancellar texture of
the end of the bone forming the kneejoint; -- applied also
to a lingering chronic swelling of almost any kind.

White tombac. See Tombac.

White trout (Zool.), the white weakfish, or silver
squeteague (Cynoscion nothus), of the Southern United

White vitriol (Chem.), hydrous sulphate of zinc. See {White
vitriol}, under Vitriol.

White wagtail (Zool.), the common, or pied, wagtail.

White wax, beeswax rendered white by bleaching.

White whale (Zool.), the beluga.

White widgeon (Zool.), the smew.

White wine. any wine of a clear, transparent color,
bordering on white, as Madeira, sherry, Lisbon, etc.; --
distinguished from wines of a deep red color, as port and
Burgundy. "White wine of Lepe." --Chaucer.

White witch, a witch or wizard whose supernatural powers
are supposed to be exercised for good and beneficent
purposes. --Addison. --Cotton Mather.

White wolf. (Zool.)
(a) A light-colored wolf (Canis laniger) native of
Thibet; -- called also chanco, golden wolf, and
Thibetan wolf.
(b) The albino variety of the gray wolf.

White wren (Zool.), the willow warbler; -- so called from
the color of the under parts.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster]
Wood partridge
Partridge \Par"tridge\ (p[aum]r"tr[i^]j), n. [OE. partriche,
pertriche, OF. pertris, perdriz, F. perdrix, L. perdix,
-icis, fr. Gr. pe`rdix.] (Zool.)
1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of
the genus Perdix and several related genera of the
family Perdicid[ae], of the Old World. The partridge is
noted as a game bird.
[1913 Webster]

Full many a fat partrich had he in mew. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European, or gray, partridge ({Perdix
cinerea}) and the red-legged partridge ({Caccabis
rubra}) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known
[1913 Webster]

2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging
to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of
the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge
(Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena
partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezum[ae]); and the California
partridge (Callipepla Californica).
[1913 Webster]

3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Bamboo partridge (Zool.), a spurred partridge of the genus
Bambusicola. Several species are found in China and the
East Indies.

Night partridge (Zool.), the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]

Painted partridge (Zool.), a francolin of South Africa
(Francolinus pictus).

Partridge berry. (Bot.)
(a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant
(Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiace[ae],
having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant
flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs
with the ovaries united, and producing the berries
which remain over winter; also, the plant itself.
(b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen ({Gaultheria
procumbens}); also, the plant itself.

Partridge dove (Zool.) Same as Mountain witch, under

Partridge pea (Bot.), a yellow-flowered leguminous herb
(Cassia Cham[ae]crista), common in sandy fields in the
Eastern United States.

Partridge shell (Zool.), a large marine univalve shell
(Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of
the partridge.

Partridge wood
(a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork. It
is obtained from tropical America, and one source of
it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.
Called also pheasant wood.
(b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and
striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for
walking sticks and umbrella handles.

Sea partridge (Zool.), an Asiatic sand partridge
(Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.

Snow partridge (Zool.), a large spurred partridge ({Lerwa
nivicola}) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia;
called also jermoonal.

Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.

Wood partridge, or Hill partridge (Zool.), any small
Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.
[1913 Webster]Wood partridge \Wood partridge\
(a) Any of several small partridges of Java, Sumatra, Borneo,
and neighboring regions belonging to the genera
Caloperdix, Rollulus, and Melanoperdix.
(b) The Canada grouse. [Local, U. S.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
gray partridge
gray partridge
n 1: common European partridge [syn: Hungarian partridge,
grey partridge, gray partridge, Perdix perdix]
greek partridge
Greek partridge
n 1: of mountainous areas of southern Europe [syn: {Greek
partridge}, rock partridge, Alectoris graeca]
grey partridge
grey partridge
n 1: common European partridge [syn: Hungarian partridge,
grey partridge, gray partridge, Perdix perdix]
hungarian partridge
Hungarian partridge
n 1: common European partridge [syn: Hungarian partridge,
grey partridge, gray partridge, Perdix perdix]
mountain partridge
mountain partridge
n 1: California partridge; slightly larger than the California
quail [syn: mountain quail, mountain partridge,
Oreortyx picta palmeri]
partridge pea
partridge pea
n 1: tropical American plant having leaflets somewhat sensitive
to the touch; sometimes placed in genus Cassia [syn:
partridge pea, sensitive pea, wild sensitive plant,
Chamaecrista fasciculata, Cassia fasciculata]
n 1: creeping woody plant of eastern North America with shiny
evergreen leaves and scarlet berries [syn:
partridgeberry, boxberry, twinberry, {Mitchella
red-legged partridge
red-legged partridge
n 1: common western European partridge with red legs [syn: {red-
legged partridge}, Alectoris ruffa]
rock partridge
rock partridge
n 1: of mountainous areas of southern Europe [syn: {Greek
partridge}, rock partridge, Alectoris graeca]

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