recurs,opakovaně se vyskytuje v: Zdeněk Brož
recurs,vrací adj: Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
- predchodca
- rekurzívny
precursor,předchůdce n: Zdeněk Brožprecursor,předzvěst n: web
precursor of chlorinated hydrocarbons
precursor of chlorinated hydrocarbons,prekurzor chlorovaných
uhlovodíků [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
precursors,předchůdci n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
recursion,rekurze n: Zdeněk Brož
recursive,rekurzivní adj: [it.] IvČa
recursive definition
recursive definition, n:
recursive routine
recursive routine, n:
recursively,rekurzívně adv: Zdeněk Brož
Precurse \Pre*curse"\, n. [L. praecursus.]
A forerunning. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Precursive \Pre*cur"sive\, a.
Preceding; introductory; precursory. "A deep precursive
sound." --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]
Precursor \Pre*cur"sor\, n. [L. praecursor, fr. praecurrere to
run before; prae before + currere to run. See Course.]
One who, or that which, precedes an event, and indicates its
approach; a forerunner; a harbinger.
[1913 Webster]

Evil thoughts are the invisible, airy precursors of all
the storms and tempests of the soul. --Buckminster.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Predecessor; forerunner; harbinger; messenger; omen;
[1913 Webster]
Precursorship \Pre*cur"sor*ship\, n.
The position or condition of a precursor. --Ruskin.
[1913 Webster]
Precursory \Pre*cur"so*ry\, a. [L. praecursorius.]
Preceding as a precursor or harbinger; indicating something
to follow; as, precursory symptoms of a fever.
[1913 Webster]Precursory \Pre*cur"so*ry\, n.
An introduction. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Recursant \Re*cur"sant\ (r?*k?r"sant), a. [L. recursans, -antis,
p. pr. of recursare to run back, v. freq. of recurrere. See
Recure.] (Her.)
Displayed with the back toward the spectator; -- said
especially of an eagle.
[1913 Webster]
Recursion \Re*cur"sion\ (-sh?n), n. [L. recursio. See Recur.]
The act of recurring; return. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
algorithmic \algorithmic\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to an algorithm. recursive
[1913 Webster]

2. definitively solvable by a finite number of steps; -- said
of mathematical or logical problems. Contrasted with
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a substance from which another substance is formed
(especially by a metabolic reaction)
2: a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
[syn: precursor, forerunner]
3: something that precedes and indicates the approach of
something or someone [syn: harbinger, forerunner,
predecessor, herald, precursor]
adj 1: warning of future misfortune [syn: precursory,
n 1: (mathematics) an expression such that each term is
generated by repeating a particular mathematical operation
adj 1: of or relating to a recursion
recursive definition
recursive definition
n 1: (mathematics) a definition of a function from which values
of the function can be calculated in a finite number of
recursive routine
recursive routine
n 1: a routine that can call itself
general recursion theorem
General Recursion Theorem

Cantor's theorem, originally stated for
ordinals, which extends inductive proof to recursive
construction. The proof is by pasting together "attempts"
(partial solutions).

[Better explanation?]

kent recursive calculator
Kent Recursive Calculator

(KRC) A lazy functional language
developed by David Turner in 1981, based on SASL,
with pattern matching and ZF expressions.

["Functional Programming and its Applications",
David A. Turner, Cambridge U Press 1982].

See also continental drift.

mutual recursion
mutually recursive
mutual recursion

When a function (or procedure)
calls itself. Such a function is called "recursive". If the
call is via one or more other functions then this group of
functions are called "mutually recursive".

If a function will always call itself, however it is called,
then it will never terminate. Usually however, it first
performs some test on its arguments to check for a "base case"
- a condition under which it can return a value without
calling itself.

The canonical example of a recursive function is

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

Functional programming languages rely heavily on recursion,
using it where a procedural language would use iteration.

See also recursion, recursive definition, tail recursion.

[Jargon File]

mutually recursive
mutually recursive
mutual recursion

When a function (or procedure)
calls itself. Such a function is called "recursive". If the
call is via one or more other functions then this group of
functions are called "mutually recursive".

If a function will always call itself, however it is called,
then it will never terminate. Usually however, it first
performs some test on its arguments to check for a "base case"
- a condition under which it can return a value without
calling itself.

The canonical example of a recursive function is

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

Functional programming languages rely heavily on recursion,
using it where a procedural language would use iteration.

See also recursion, recursive definition, tail recursion.

[Jargon File]

mutually recursive
mutual recursion

When a function (or procedure)
calls itself. Such a function is called "recursive". If the
call is via one or more other functions then this group of
functions are called "mutually recursive".

If a function will always call itself, however it is called,
then it will never terminate. Usually however, it first
performs some test on its arguments to check for a "base case"
- a condition under which it can return a value without
calling itself.

The canonical example of a recursive function is

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

Functional programming languages rely heavily on recursion,
using it where a procedural language would use iteration.

See also recursion, recursive definition, tail recursion.

[Jargon File]

mutually recursive
mutual recursion

When a function (or procedure)
calls itself. Such a function is called "recursive". If the
call is via one or more other functions then this group of
functions are called "mutually recursive".

If a function will always call itself, however it is called,
then it will never terminate. Usually however, it first
performs some test on its arguments to check for a "base case"
- a condition under which it can return a value without
calling itself.

The canonical example of a recursive function is

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

Functional programming languages rely heavily on recursion,
using it where a procedural language would use iteration.

See also recursion, recursive definition, tail recursion.

[Jargon File]

recursion theory
recursion theory

The study of problems that, in principle, cannot be
solved by either computers or humans.

[Proper definition?]

mutually recursive
mutual recursion

When a function (or procedure)
calls itself. Such a function is called "recursive". If the
call is via one or more other functions then this group of
functions are called "mutually recursive".

If a function will always call itself, however it is called,
then it will never terminate. Usually however, it first
performs some test on its arguments to check for a "base case"
- a condition under which it can return a value without
calling itself.

The canonical example of a recursive function is

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

Functional programming languages rely heavily on recursion,
using it where a procedural language would use iteration.

See also recursion, recursive definition, tail recursion.

[Jargon File]

recursive acronym
recursive acronym

A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition is to
choose acronyms and abbreviations that refer humorously to
themselves or to other acronyms or abbreviations. The classic
examples were two MIT editors called EINE ("EINE Is Not
Emacs") and ZWEI ("ZWEI Was EINE Initially"). More
recently, there is a Scheme compiler called LIAR (Liar
Imitates Apply Recursively), and GNU stands for "GNU's Not
Unix!" - and a company with the name CYGNUS, which expands
to "Cygnus, Your GNU Support".

See also mung.

[Jargon File]

recursive definition
recursive definition

See recursive definition.
recursive descent parser
recursive descent parser

A "top-down" parser built from a set of
mutually-recursive procedures or a non-recursive equivalent
where each such procedure usually implements one of the
productions of the grammar. Thus the structure of the
resulting program closely mirrors that of the grammar it

["Recursive Programming Techniques", W.H. Burge, 1975, ISBN

recursive functional algorithmic language
Recursive Functional Algorithmic Language

(REFAL) A language developed by V.F. Turchin (later
at CUNY?) in Moscow in about 1972.

See also supercompilation.

[V.F. Turchin, "An algorithm of generalisation in the
supercompiler", Workshop on partial evaluation and mixed
computations, Oct 1987, Denmark, Eds. D. Bjorner, A.P. Ershov,
N.D. Jones].

[V. Turchin, "Supercompiler System Based on the Language
Refal", V. Turchin, SIGPLAN Notices 14(2):46-54 (Feb 1979)].

recursive macro actuated generator
Recursive Macro Actuated Generator

(RMAG) Robert A. Magnuson, NIH ca 1970.

A stand-alone macroprocessor for IBM 360/370 under VS or
OS. Many built-in features and a library of several hundred
macros. Several large systems were written in RMAG to
generate source code for languages such as IBM JCL, IBM
assembly language, COBOL.

There was also a system (SLANG: Structured LANGuage compiler)
which would generate 370 assembly language from a
pseudo-structured-programming language, based on Michael
Kessler's structure programming macros developed at IBM.

["Project RMAG--RMAG22 User's Guide", R.A. Magnuson,
NIH-DCRT-DMB-SSS-UG103, NIH, DHEW, Bethesda, MD 20205 (1977)].

recursive type
recursive type

A data type which contains itself. The commonest example is
the list type, in Haskell:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

which says a list of a's is either an empty list or a {cons
cell} containing an 'a' (the "head" of the list) and another
list (the "tail").

Recursion is not allowed in Miranda or Haskell {synonym
types}, so the following Haskell types are illegal:

type Bad = (Int, Bad)
type Evil = Bool -> Evil

whereas the seeminly equivalent algebraic data types are

data Good = Pair Int Good
data Fine = Fun (Bool->Fine)
structural recursion
structural recursion

The process of transforming an expression by expressing its
structure as a syntax tree and applying a certain
transformation rule to each kind of node, starting from the
top. Rules for non-leaf nodes will normally return a result
which depends on applying the rules recursively to its
sub-nodes. Examples include syntax analysis, {code
generation}, abstract interpretation and {program

tail recursion
tail recursion

When the last thing a function (or procedure)
does is to call itself. Such a function is called tail
recursive. A function may make several recursive calls but
a call is only tail-recursive if the caller returns
immediately after it. E.g.

f n = if n < 2 then 1 else f (f (n-2) + 1)

In this example both calls to f are recursive but only the
outer one is tail recursive.

Tail recursion is a useful property because it enables {tail
recursion optimisation}.

If you aren't sick of them already, see recursion and {tail

[Jargon File]

tail recursion modulo cons
tail recursion modulo cons

A generalisation of tail recursion
introduced by D.H.D. Warren. It applies when the last thing a
function does is to apply a constructor functions (e.g. cons)
to an application of a non-primitive function. This is
transformed into a tail call to the function which is also
passed a pointer to where its result should be written. E.g.

f [] = []
f (x:xs) = 1 : f xs

is transformed into (pseudo C/Haskell):

f [] = []
f l = f' l allocate_cons

f' [] p = { *p = nil;
return *p
f' (x:xs) p = { cell = allocate_cons;
*p = cell;
cell.head = 1;
return f' xs &cell.tail

where allocate_cons returns the address of a new cons cell, *p
is the location pointed to by p and &c is the address of c.

[D.H.D. Warren, DAI Research Report 141, University of
Edinburgh 1980].

tail recursion optimisation
tail recursion optimisation

(TRO) Discarding the calling environment ({call
stack} frame) when the last thing a function or procedure
does is to call itself. This is important when a procedure
calls itself recursively many times since, without tail
recursion optimisation, the environments of earlier
invocations would fill up the memory only to be discarded when
(if) the last call terminated.

Tail recursion optimisation is a special case of {last call
optimisation} but it allows the further optimisation that some
arguments may be passed in situ, possibly in registers. It
allows recursive functions to be compiled into iterative

See also conversion to iteration, {tail recursion modulo


See recursion. See also tail recursion.
recursive acronym
recursive acronym

A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition is to choose acronyms/
abbreviations that refer humorously to themselves or to other acronyms/
abbreviations. The original of the breed may have been TINT (“TINT Is Not
TECO”). The classic examples were two MIT editors called EINE (“EINE Is Not
EMACS”) and ZWEI (“ZWEI Was EINE Initially”). More recently, there is a
Scheme compiler called LIAR (Liar Imitates Apply Recursively), and GNU
(q.v., sense 1) stands for “GNU's Not Unix!” — and a company with the name
Cygnus, which expands to “Cygnus, Your GNU Support” (though Cygnus people
say this is a backronym). The GNU recursive acronym may have been
patterned on XINU, “XINU Is Not Unix” — a particularly nice example because
it is a mirror image, a backronym, and a recursive acronym. See also {mung
tail recursion
tail recursion

If you aren't sick of it already, see tail recursion.

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