- čistiť, prečistiť, zjemniť, zušľachťovať, rafinovať
refine,čistit fjey
refine,pročistit Zdeněk Brož
refine,rafinovat v: Zdeněk Brož
refine,zjemnit v: Zdeněk Brož
refine,zušlechťovat v: Zdeněk Brož
Refine \Re*fine"\ (r?*f?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refined
(-find"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refining.] [Pref. re- + fine to
make fine: cf. F. raffiner.]
1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from
impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from
extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine
gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.
[1913 Webster]

I will bring the third part through the fire, and
will refine them as silver is refined. --Zech. xiii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant,
low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish;
as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the
taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Love refines
The thoughts, and heart enlarges. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To purify; clarify; polish; ennoble.
[1913 Webster]
Refine \Re*fine"\, v. i.
1. To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter.
[1913 Webster]

So the pure, limpid stream, when foul with stains,
Works itself clear, and, as it runs, refines.
[1913 Webster]

2. To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence.
[1913 Webster]

Chaucer refined on Boccace, and mended his stories.
[1913 Webster]

But let a lord once own the happy lines,
How the wit brightens! How the style refines!
[1913 Webster]

3. To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language. "He
makes another paragraph about our refining in
controversy." --Atterbury.
[1913 Webster]
v 1: improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's
style of writing" [syn: polish, refine, fine-tune,
2: make more complex, intricate, or richer; "refine a design or
pattern" [syn: complicate, refine, rarify, elaborate]
3: treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition; "refine
paper stock"; "refine pig iron"; "refine oil"
4: reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from
extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities; "refine sugar"
[syn: refine, rectify]
5: attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by
polishing or purifying; "many valuable nutrients are refined
out of the foods in our modern diet"
6: make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of;
"refine a method of analysis"; "refine the constant in the

1. "Research on Knowledge-Based Software Environments at
Kestrel Institute", D.R. Smith et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng,
SE-11(11) (1985). E-mail: .

2. Cordell Green et al, Stanford U. Uses logic to specify and
evolve programs. [same as 1?] Reasoning Systems, Inc.
E-mail: .
podobné slovodefinícia
oil refinery
oil refinery, n:
over-refine, v:
overrefine, v:
overrefined,přejemnělý adj: Zdeněk Brož
overrefinement, n:
petroleum refinery
petroleum refinery,ropná rafinérie Clock
refined,kultivovaný adj: Zdeněk Brožrefined,rafinovaný adj: Zdeněk Brožrefined,vytříbený adj: Zdeněk Brožrefined,zbavený nečistot Zdeněk Brož
refined sugar
refined sugar, n:
refinement,jemné rozlišování pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,pročišťování pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,prohnanost pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,rafinace pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,zjemnění pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,zkujňování pcernoch@imc.cas.czrefinement,zušlechťování
refinements,zušelechtění pl. Zdeněk Brož
refiner,rafinér n: Zdeněk Brožrefiner,zušlechťovač n: Zdeněk Brož
refineries,rafinérie n: Zdeněk Brož
refinery,rafinérie n: [chem.] IvČa
sugar refinery
sugar refinery, n:
unrefined,nerafinovaný adj: Zdeněk Brožunrefined,nevytříbený adj: Zdeněk Brožunrefined,surový adj: Zdeněk Brož
Overrefine \O`ver*re*fine"\, v. t.
To refine too much.
[1913 Webster]
Overrefinement \O"ver*re*fine"ment\, n.
Excessive refinement.
[1913 Webster]
Prefine \Pre*fine"\, v. t. [L. praefinire; prae before + finire
to limit, determine: cf. F. pr['e]finer.]
To limit beforehand. [Obs.] --Knolles.
[1913 Webster]
Refine \Re*fine"\ (r?*f?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refined
(-find"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refining.] [Pref. re- + fine to
make fine: cf. F. raffiner.]
1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from
impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from
extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine
gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.
[1913 Webster]

I will bring the third part through the fire, and
will refine them as silver is refined. --Zech. xiii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant,
low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish;
as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the
taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Love refines
The thoughts, and heart enlarges. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To purify; clarify; polish; ennoble.
[1913 Webster]Refine \Re*fine"\, v. i.
1. To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter.
[1913 Webster]

So the pure, limpid stream, when foul with stains,
Works itself clear, and, as it runs, refines.
[1913 Webster]

2. To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence.
[1913 Webster]

Chaucer refined on Boccace, and mended his stories.
[1913 Webster]

But let a lord once own the happy lines,
How the wit brightens! How the style refines!
[1913 Webster]

3. To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language. "He
makes another paragraph about our refining in
controversy." --Atterbury.
[1913 Webster]
Refine \Re*fine"\ (r?*f?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Refined
(-find"); p. pr. & vb. n. Refining.] [Pref. re- + fine to
make fine: cf. F. raffiner.]
1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from
impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from
extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine
gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.
[1913 Webster]

I will bring the third part through the fire, and
will refine them as silver is refined. --Zech. xiii.
[1913 Webster]

2. To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant,
low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish;
as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the
taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Love refines
The thoughts, and heart enlarges. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: To purify; clarify; polish; ennoble.
[1913 Webster]Refined \Re*fined"\ (-f?nd"), a.
Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured;
delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined
[1913 Webster]

Refined wits who honored poesy with their pens.
[1913 Webster] -- Re*fin"ed*ly (r?*f?n"?d*l?), adv. --
Re*fin"ed*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refined \Re*fined"\ (-f?nd"), a.
Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured;
delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined
[1913 Webster]

Refined wits who honored poesy with their pens.
[1913 Webster] -- Re*fin"ed*ly (r?*f?n"?d*l?), adv. --
Re*fin"ed*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refined \Re*fined"\ (-f?nd"), a.
Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured;
delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined
[1913 Webster]

Refined wits who honored poesy with their pens.
[1913 Webster] -- Re*fin"ed*ly (r?*f?n"?d*l?), adv. --
Re*fin"ed*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Refinement \Re*fine"ment\ (r?*f?n"ment), n. [Cf. F.
1. The act of refining, or the state of being refined; as,
the refinement or metals; refinement of ideas.
[1913 Webster]

The more bodies are of kin to spirit in subtilty and
refinement, the more diffusive are they. --Norris.
[1913 Webster]

From the civil war to this time, I doubt whether the
corruptions in our language have not equaled its
refinements. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

2. That which is refined, elaborated, or polished to excess;
an affected subtilty; as, refinements of logic. "The
refinements of irregular cunning." --Rogers.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Purification; polish; politeness; gentility; elegance;
cultivation; civilization.
[1913 Webster]
Refiner \Re*fin"er\ (-f?n"?r), n.
One who, or that which, refines.
[1913 Webster]
Refinery \Re*fin"er*y\ (-?), n.; pl. Refineries (-?z). [Cf. F.
1. The building and apparatus for refining or purifying, esp.
metals and sugar.
[1913 Webster]

2. A furnace in which cast iron is refined by the action of a
blast on the molten metal.
[1913 Webster]
Refinery \Re*fin"er*y\ (-?), n.; pl. Refineries (-?z). [Cf. F.
1. The building and apparatus for refining or purifying, esp.
metals and sugar.
[1913 Webster]

2. A furnace in which cast iron is refined by the action of a
blast on the molten metal.
[1913 Webster]
Unrefined \Unrefined\
See refined.
oil refinery
oil refinery
n 1: a refinery for petroleum [syn: oil refinery, {petroleum
v 1: refine too much or with excess of subtlety; "He is
overrefining this matter" [syn: overrefine, {over-
v 1: refine too much or with excess of subtlety; "He is
overrefining this matter" [syn: overrefine, {over-
adj 1: excessively delicate or refined [syn: overrefined,
n 1: the act of distorting something so it seems to mean
something it was not intended to mean [syn: distortion,
overrefinement, straining, torture, twisting]
petroleum refinery
petroleum refinery
n 1: a refinery for petroleum [syn: oil refinery, {petroleum
adj 1: (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and
genteel; "she was delicate and refined and unused to
hardship"; "refined people with refined taste" [ant:
2: freed from impurities by processing; "refined sugar";
"refined oil"; "to gild refined gold"- Shakespeare [syn:
refined, processed] [ant: crude, unprocessed,
3: showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that
comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner";
"maintained an urbane tone in his letters" [syn: polished,
refined, svelte, urbane]
4: suggesting taste, ease, and wealth [syn: elegant,
graceful, refined]
5: free from what is tawdry or unbecoming; "a neat style"; "a
neat set of rules"; "she hated to have her neat plans upset"
[syn: neat, refined, tasteful]
refined sugar
refined sugar
n 1: a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and
preservative [syn: sugar, refined sugar]
n 1: a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless
or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish";
"I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost
an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is
almost art"--Joseph Conrad [syn: polish, refinement,
culture, cultivation, finish]
2: the result of improving something; "he described a refinement
of this technique" [syn: refinement, elaboration]
3: the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or
sugar etc.) [syn: refining, refinement, purification]
4: a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude;
"without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the
humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning" [syn: nuance,
nicety, shade, subtlety, refinement]
5: the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste;
"a man of intellectual refinement"; "he is remembered for his
generosity and civilization" [syn: refinement,
civilization, civilisation]
n 1: one whose work is to refine a specific thing; "he was a
sugar refiner"
n 1: an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance
sugar refinery
sugar refinery
n 1: a refinery for sugar
adj 1: not refined or processed; "unrefined ore"; "crude oil"
[syn: unrefined, unprocessed, crude] [ant:
processed, refined]
2: (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth;
"how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?"
[ant: refined]

A preprocessor for C and languages with similar syntax by
Lutz Prechelt . C-Refine allows symbolic
naming of code fragments so as to redistribute complexity and
provide running commentary.

Version 3.0 is available from comp.sources.reviewed archives.
It is highly portable and has been ported to Unix, MS-DOS,
Atari, Amiga.


refined c
Refined C

(RC) An extension of C to directly specify data access rights
so that flow analysis, and hence automatic parallelisation, is
more effective. Research implementations only. "Refining A
Conventional Language For Race-Free Specification Of Parallel
Algorithms," H.G. Dietz et al, Proc 1984 Intl Conf Parallel
Proc, pp.380-382.
refined fortran
Refined Fortran

(RF) Similar to Refined C. Research implementations only.
"Refined Fortran: Another Sequential Language for Parallel
Programming," H.G. Dietz et al, Proc 1986 Intl Conf Parallel
Proc, pp.184-191.
stepwise refinement
top-down design
stepwise refinement

(Or "stepwise refinement"). The software design
technique which aims to describe functionality at a very high
level, then partition it repeatedly into more detailed levels
one level at a time until the detail is sufficient to allow
coding. This approach to software design probably originated
at IBM, and grew out of structured programming practices.


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